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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome

November 20, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on Saturday expressed its dissatisfaction with the voter registration process for the South Sudan referendum in the North saying there were clear violations that undermines the credibility of the process.

An officer registers the name of a South Sudanese man at a registration centre in Khartoum, November 15, 2010 (Reuters)
An officer registers the name of a South Sudanese man at a registration centre in Khartoum, November 15, 2010 (Reuters)
Mandoor Al-Mahdi, a senior NCP official, told the government sponsored Sudanese Media Center (SMC) that the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM), in control of the South, is exercising intimidation against potential voters in the capital and also those urging Southerners to register.

The official alleged that SPLM members are present at polling stations to persuade Southerners not to register. He added that these incidents were reported to the South Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) to rectify the situation but no action was taken.

The presidential adviser and NCP figure Al-Sheik Beesh told SMC that they will not recognize the outcome of the referendum if the registration process continues in this non-transparent manner.

Voter registration began on Monday for the January 2011 referendum on whether oil-producing southern Sudan should secede from the north. It is widely expected that Southerners will choose independence.

In Khartoum, registration centers were empty as many southerners who live in the Sudanese capital made the trip south to enroll or abstained from registering altogether for fear of intimidation by the ruling party in the North.

The presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie toured the registration centers in Khartoum this week and appeared visibly angry on TV saying that the low turnout was a result of SPLM instructions. He has also reportedly clashed with poll workers after they turned away a prospective voter who did not have the required documentation to register.

However, the SPLM made similar accusations to the NCP that it is seeking to pressure Southerners in the North to vote for unity through “citizens’ committees” by collecting the phone numbers of those who registered.

The SPLM’s Atem Garang said southerners were being told: “You must vote for unity when you come and vote next time.”

“It is intimidation. It is against the law,” Garang told a news conference in Khartoum. He also denied that they had asked Southerners in the North to boycott the registration process.

“The southern Sudanese, we never urged them not to register because we want them to be free. When we talk about a free and fair referendum, it means when you are going to registration you must be free. We did not to talk to them to boycott the registration,” Garang said.

Around five million southerners, living in both north and south Sudan and abroad, are eligible to sign up for the referendum which could result in the African continent’s largest country being split into two.

For the south to secede in a valid referendum, there must be an absolute majority of a minimum of 50 percent for independence plus one vote, and 60 percent of those eligible must also have cast their ballots.



  • Biliu

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome
    This allegation if true, would be in contrary to our objectives, what we need is a full participation of all those are eligible to vote, there’s no reason the SPLM would intimate Southerners or urge them to boycott voter registration….on the other hand, we are aware that voter registration on the North might not be transparent as we hope it to be…personally, I’m afraid that NCP will play on the registration list, as so..it’s good that our people on the North has noticed that and are aware of it…..my people on the North…thank u soooo much for your understanding.

  • Andrew Ater REECH
    Andrew Ater REECH

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome
    the threat and tactics you tried today are outdated sir, those tricks has been used over and over again, however, southerners has now becoming smarter and smarter once you trick them sir. we have been studying all posible solution as we as obstacle to the problem faced by southerners in their relation with northern criminal party (ncp) and the conclusion is “bye bye north”.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome
    There is nothing wrong whether South Sudanese in North Sudan are told by the SPLM or by themselves to refused registration in the States of Northern Sudan. I my self as an example refused registration in the North where am living curently and Iam now registered at home where am going to vote. No trust and transparency here in the North.

    Please Southerners! Don’t accept registration in the North.

  • Martin D Ajhak
    Martin D Ajhak

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome
    No need to accuse SPLM.
    High turnout of Southerners everywhere to register is in the best interest of SLPM & Southerners. I don’t think whether SPLM can intimidate Southerners to boyccot registration. Be mindful that South has other options available at their disposal, whether you (Arab) recognise referendum outcome or not,

    And be warned that provoking Southerners at this stage is not a viable option. Peaceful seccession of Junub will save us long-term trade relation and avoidance of rebuilding two Capitals at the same time.

  • mass

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome
    Menaces and denials are nothing but more habitual actions of NCP. This is not the first time they threaten not to recognize southern Sudan referendum. They have been working day and night-building conspiracies against the free will of southern Sudanese who are destined to create their own destiny. But NCP must understand that this is new era -an era of harmony, unity and understanding for the people of southern Sudan and therefore this great family is united more than ever. As such this great family is stronger, smarter and faster in understanding the philosophy that encompasses and complements its need as one family and subsequently has both minimum and maximum capabilities and effective measures to counter and neutralize any threats level against it.
    God Bless Southern Sudan. For its people need your blessing upon them very much in order for them to have freedom and live in peace and integrity.

  • makuei

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome
    Laughable stuff. NCP is fuming because she has failed in her tactics. Besides, the refusal of the Southerners to register in Khartoum in preference of registering back home in the South is irritating and paining them, hence falsely accusing SPLM of frustrating the registration process, a basis on which NCP elements rest threats that they will not accept the Referendum results.

    Well, I can request NCP and Bashir’s Government to spare themselves the stress by granting the Southerners their independence on a silver platter if they have judged that the Referendum result will be a unanimous vote for a single hand.

    Raphael Makuei

  • Joseph Beckkacbaai
    Joseph Beckkacbaai

    Sudan’s NCP threatens not to recognize the referendum outcome

    Nafi Ali Nafi is wasting his time to talk about Southern Sudanese people.We do not want Arabs to recognize ourcome of our Referedum in January 2011.We have been staying without recognition of Arabs and are still staying in Southern Sudan.

    NCP is making noise in Khartoum and that is the end of NCP in Sudan as whole.After Referendum there will be no National Congress Party which is covering Sudan there will be Northern Congress Party which deal for the North only and not Sudan in general.

    I thanks SPLM for the respond to NCP.I really support the comments made by SPLM.Who is threatening people now is it SPLM or NCP?According to me it is NCP intimidating people and not SPLM.

    Let all notherners keep quite for Southern Sudan Referendum it is for Southeren Sudanese only.I urge you to stop talking about Southerners.

    The man far away from politics

    New Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    SPLM Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Our Referendum Oyeeeeeeeeeeeee

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