Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur’s Minnawi distances himself from security arrangements accord

November 22, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The head of Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) faction Minni Arcua Minnawi announced today his rejection of the security arrangements accord signed with Khartoum last month and accusing the government of seeking to disarm his forces in order to kill the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) signed in Abuja four years ago.

Sudanese former rebel leader Minni Minawi (AFP)
Sudanese former rebel leader Minni Minawi (AFP)
Minnawi told the independent Al-Sahafa daily by phone from Juba that the Sudanese government has only implemented 15% of the DPA with no progress on power and wealth sharing, Darfur-Darfur dialogue and security arrangements. He added that all these items had to be implemented simultaneously.

He accused the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) headed by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir of refusing to abide by the terms of the DPA and further stressed that Khartoum is abandoning the peace agreement in favor of its new Darfur strategy.

There was no explanation for why SLM figures signed the security arrangements despite Minnawi’s disapproval.

Minnawi’s announcement drew strong rebuke from Khartoum.

The pro-government Sudanese Media Center (SMC) quoted the commissioner for security arrangements at the executive transitional authority of Darfur Lieutenant General Mohamed Mustafa Al-Dabi as saying that Minnawi has “betrayed” the DPA and is wasting time.

Al-Dabi said that the government is “very serious” about the DPA as evident by his presence in Darfur awaiting Minnawi and his troops to begin implementing the security arrangements.

“If the government wants to blow up the Abuja [Agreement] through the new Darfur strategy or the Doha negotiations as Minni Arcua says then what keeps me in Darfur to enforce the security arrangements?” he asked.

Darfur has been gripped by a civil war since 2003 that has killed 300,000 people and displaced another 2.7 million, according to UN figures. Khartoum says 10,000 people have died in the conflict.

Currently the government is negotiating with the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), an assortment of small dissenting factions cobbled together under Libyan and US auspices and led by Al-Tigani Al-Sissi. The two sides signed a ceasefire agreement last March and are now working on sealing a comprehensive peace accord.

However observers say that LJM has little presence on the ground and peace can only be achieved by bringing in the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) headed by Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) led by Khalil Ibrahim. Both movements remain outside the peace talks in Qatar.



  • Mach Achiek
    Mach Achiek

    Darfur’s Minnawi distances himself from security arrangements accord
    Dear Darfuris,

    Opportunity is in the making, in the event of South independent, you must unite all your ranks and wage a shaken up war to be granted a right for self determination not to become a sovereign state, but to choose either to remain in the North or join the newly independent South.

    This strategy if adopted by the remaining Negroes of the North; then the self claimed black Arabs will be left with a small strip of land that exactly resemble Gaza. In this situation, we can unleash Rwanda94 against them overnight and a pure African state shall emerge.

  • Aleu

    Darfur’s Minnawi distances himself from security arrangements accord
    Minni Arcua Minnawi.

    I think you have right to refuse on that security arrangement if your peace agreement was been voilated by the Khartoum government. People can see this bitter relationship between National Congress Party and the SPLM Party for six years no attraction at all and Khartoum government did not even think about changing their behaviors and their policies but later they says, they need unity with Southern Sudanese people and forgotten the ways they acts in Sudan government will make ioslating them from the rest of regions in Sudan for some time.

    I wish the Darfurian rebels should have been united all together in the first place before rushing in to signing separately and single pieces of peace agreements meanwhile, there is no proof to belief it on those fake documents that, the Sudan government I mean the people in charge will respected the rights of his own people guess what my friend, you will probable end up with what they call it Allah Jubbu in another word God has bring him back and I would assume that, when reaching this stage you will be disarm absolutley because the Sudan government are very good in deceiving their own people and that is the fact.

    Although most of you from Darfurian people will not be listen to me look, I think you guys must have to reunited first and findout ways of dealing with this situation that affect almost all Darfurian who are either inside Khartoum government and the rural areas nor Rebels. The worldwide governments are making a good things for their nation and its people unfortunately, Sudan government only spending more time on trying to tear a part the groups of people and that tell us that, thing will never be good in the Sudan if the Old policies are not been change yet. Failure of all Darfurian to united will be the big mistake and it will allow this continous dying innocently people but accepted Darfurian unity it mean the next generations will live freely in Darfur region. How this sound to you.?

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