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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit

November 28, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government on Sunday issued a strongly worded statement after president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir was forced to cancel his attendance at the 3rd Africa-European Union (EU) summit that starts Monday in the Libyan capital.

Bashir23-2.jpgYesterday, the former South African president Thabo Mbeki who also heads an African Union panel on Sudan told reporters on Saturday that Bashir will leave for Libya in order to participate in the summit.

But the Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa today surprisingly revealed that they have asked Bashir to skip the summit despite inviting him last July.

“We have asked President al-Bashir not to attend the EU-African summit because of the tremendous efforts exerted by Libya to host the summit and not to ruin it because of the Europeans threat not to attend if President al-Bashir showed,” Koussa told the Associated Press (AP) in an interview.

Bashir was indicted in March 2009 for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, and in July 2010 on charges of genocide, linked to atrocities committed by Khartoum’s forces in Darfur. Many officials around the world including ones from the EU have avoided appearing with the Sudanese president after the warrants.

It is not clear if Bashir will participate in the AU Peace and Security Council meeting to be held in Libya next week.

A Spanish official had earlier told AP that the 27 members of the EU had agreed to stand up and walk out if the Sudanese president appeared at the joint summit.

The pragmatic and unusual stance by Libya, a strong backer of Bashir, caused an uproar in Khartoum where the government directed explicit criticism at the EU and subtle one at the host of the summit.

“Three days before the summit taking place a senior Libyan official contacted the Minister of the Presidency [Bakri Hassan Salih] to convey European reservations about the participation of Mr. President at the summit” the Sudanese presidency said in a statement released late Sunday.

“The Minister of the Presidency communicated to the Libyan official the decision of the Government of Sudan to participate in the summit at the presidential level as long as Libya has formally invited him and as long as such participation comes within the framework of Sudan’s membership in the African Union [which is] the core party in this summit and that Sudan is not concerned with any position taken by the EU side”.

“At the same day of the scheduled travel by Mr. President to participate in the summit, the Minister in charge of the Presidency received a call from the senior Libyan official saying that Libya welcomes Mr. President on 30/11/2010 which is after the end of the summit of the Africa-EU summit”.

The Libya Press news agency, an outlet affiliated with a son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, said that civil aviation authorities in Libya were reluctant to grant Bashir’s plane clearance to fly in to the country “for technical reasons” prompting a cancellation by Khartoum.

Earlier today, the Sudanese foreign minister Ali Karti arrived in Tripoli for the ministerial level meeting of the summit. Halfway into the meeting he received instructions to head back home.

“Bashir will not attend” the summit being held in Tripoli on Monday and Tuesday, Karti said.

“We are therefore pulling out and will not be represented at any level,” he told reporters following a meeting of African foreign ministers preparing for the summit.

The minister, who walked out of the closed-door meeting after announcing Khartoum’s decision, added that Bashir’s no-show was “to avoid embarrassment to Libya,” which is hosting the gathering of 80 nations. The Sudanese top diplomat said the decision was taken “under pressure from Europe” and that he had received instructions to pull out of the pre-summit ministerial talks.

African Union commission president Jean Ping said at the close of the talks that the Sudanese minister had been “absolutely limpid and clear”.

“He deplored certain attitudes and notified us that President Bashir will not come” Ping added. EU diplomats told Agence France Presse (AFP) in the weeks leading up to the summit that they had asked for assurances that Bashir would not attend.

But reports on Saturday that he planned to fly to Tripoli caused a diplomatic flurry on both continents.

The Sudanese presidency chided the EU accusing the bloc of hypocrisy for urging Bashir to implement Sudan’s 2005 north-south peace accord while at the same time trying to “undermine” his legitimacy. It also threatened unspecified measures in response “to preserve its rights and sovereignty”.

“Sudan considers the EU position on the president’s participation in this summit as representative of the colonial mentality with which Europe still views Africa. Europe’s stance was “an attack on the African Union and Sudan while also undermining the idea of real dialogue and cooperation between Africa and Europe”.

A similar incident occurred last year when France decided to move the France-Africa summit from Egypt to prevent the Sudanese leader from attending. Cairo had insisted on allowing Bashir to take part.

Reuters said that Sudan is likely to be disappointed that Libya, a supposed ally, did not take a stand similar to Egypt’s. Libya was one of the first states to receive Bashir after the warrant for him was issued. It called the ICC a tool of international terrorism.

But Libyan-Sudanese relations have been tense since Tripoli agreed to host Darfur rebel leader Khalil Ibrahim despite Sudan’s request that Tripoli expel him.

Libya itself was ostracized by the West for decades over accusations that it sought weapons of mass destruction and had ties to violent militant groups. Gaddafi later renounced such policies and sanctions were lifted.



  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    Pres. Bashir,

    How do you feel now that your own brothers are rejecting you. This rejection combined with the South Sudan inevitable sucession are completely freaking the hell out of you. You start shivering in agony, your stomach is crumbling, and your mouth watering due to nausea but, the sun has gone down there is no mean to take you to the nearby doctor. Good luck President, your future, plus the future of your followers including your Northern self-proclaim Arabs are in your hands. You have to reap what you had sown, feed your people and yourself with it.

  • Atari _Omoni
    Atari _Omoni

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    Bravo sir,
    that is what i have been waiting for,criminal must be a criminal.Lets go and see the winner.

  • Anya2

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    This is more discribing Mr president and arabs the blood of the innocent people in Southern Sudan and Darfur will hunt him and his NIF government.where is mr gosh he should make plan A,B for the embarrass moment for their govt.

  • sudur Tamu
    sudur Tamu

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    OOOOOOOOOOooooooo am so sorry MR.President.
    Run and run,run and run,run and run,run, run, run, run, and run and, But will you hide? Please surrender, your wasting alot of energy as your world is shrinking.

  • Sammy

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    I think is time the Khartoum tell south how legitimate is its government when the world don’t want to hear its views. It is just a waste of resources and time in having option for unity in referenda. The south should declare its independency.

    Come on separation, we miss and need you so dearly.


    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    Haaaaa, look guys how the big circle is narrowing for Bashir, I am afraid this cirlces reduce to room size. I think if it was for Gadaffi, he would have allowed the criminal Bashir, to get in to Libia and attend this meeting , but Khartoum must know that this meeting concerns the countries that respect the rule of law and Gadafi is hosting it to learn from them. Yes Gadafi is a dictator but he did not kill his people in massess.

  • AbuDeng

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    I find it funny and hypocritical the following excerpt from this mentioned 28 Nov statement of the NCP govt:

    “Sudan considers the EU position on the president’s participation in this summit as representative of the colonial mentality with which Europe still views Africa. Europe’s stance was “an attack on the African Union and Sudan while also undermining the idea of real dialogue and cooperation between Africa and Europe”.


    The NCP are Mass Murderers of millions of Southern Sudanese of African descent and now unknown numbers, thousands or millions of Black-African Darfuri – who is more colonial, Europe or the NCP; who has attacked Black-Africans more than the NCP; who has undermined dialogue, cooperation, development more with Black-Africans in their own land than the NCP?


    NCP, sweep and clean your own house before you tell others to clean theirs…. your crimes and injustices to your own people are unforgivable as well as a sore on humanity’s soul that is why the 27 members of the EU have agreed to stand up and walk out if Pres. Bashir appeared at the joint summit.


    Resolve Abeyi referendum issue, the Southern referendum, do the Nuba & Blue Nile consultations AND make REAL Peace with our Brothers and sisters in Darfur – then let’s talk about Sudan’s leading role in Africa and its opposition against hegemony (domination) – otherwise the NCP will represent only oppression and murder for centuries to come within Sudan itself and internationally.

  • Biliu

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    When the South is long gone, the North will lost all links to Africans because of the atrocities and crimes North committed against Africans in Sudan, Libya, even though an Afri-Arab Country is a strong supporter to African stance and more linked to Africa,
    I salute Libya leadership for their stance; worldly wanted criminals should not give any leniency.

  • Nyajang

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    Bravo to EU for putting pressure on Libya!

    Mr. Bashir, it is about time that you take a real look at the harsh reality looming over your regime. Who, in their right minds will take a bullet for a ruthless leader like you? Sudan can do better without you and so is the world. Your time is over– face your own shadow and surrender to hague.

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    The Mad AfricanChild now means business when he want Unity and Peace in Africa!!!!. He has turn to refuse his own brother the entry to his house.. Now what Mr. President? Where are you going to go?
    I have an advice for you Mr. President. I think its better for you to just come out and report the ICC court room so that you can gain the litle dignity. This is because I see at the end of this shrinking circle, you will end up hanged by your own Citizens on the Street just like Sadam Housean…
    in swahili, they say “Siku ya Mwizi ni abunaini” Meaning the thief have only forty days before getting cout. But i think Criminal like you have less than that.
    Your death won’t be even celebrated like the death of our hero! Dr. John. You will never have a memmorial day!!!
    Your death won’t even be equivalent to the 2day dog in the South.
    May Prophet Mohammed Hang you upside down!!!

  • Aleu

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    God has a plan for everythings, there is time for human being who is thought to have power on others people and want to murders innocents people on earth such as Sudan president and also there is time for those criminal who have committed doing so to follow innocents who are dying even further more to hell. When the International Judges announced the indictment of president Omar Hassan Ahmed al Bashir. Omar al Bashir instead of going to say what he knows about the killing which was occurence at his watch unfortunately, he was refusal very arrogantly even he was sucessfully in trying to fruad the Sudanese general election on April,2009.

    The NCP and president himself were assumingly that, if that fake election success for them to gain power again then, the case will be gone automatically, this is what the NCP and the head of State thoughts this way that, it will help Omar al Bashir to show to the world that, Sudanese people are still like him when in reality most majorities of Sudanese people do not wanted Omar al Bashir and all NCP members to be in power because of their mess in the Sudan country.

    Although president al Bashir was been endures by many leaders both in Arab African presidents and the Middle East nations through morally, politically and the religious leaders were amongest strongly people who were denying those innocents Darfurian people saying, Omar al Bashir have done nothing however, he himself al Bashir had a little a bit deny 300,000 but he had actual accepted 900 to 10,000 Darfurian that have been killed by his Janjeweed Militia who were being arms at secret city within Khartoum. President Bashir had gave many speeches very proudly even he was laughing and forgotten that, the law is law and perhaps, for being a head of State will not take the indictment away, because that is about acountability of being a leader and done something wrongfully.

    Finally, even though Sudan president have enjoy his time around visited many countries with embarrassment and indictment announcement for being a person in Africa world to shown arrogant rather than reality as a leader, I can tell that, things are coming to the point where by your real friend will run away from you because your friendship matter will harm enconomic relationship with others who are supporting you. It seem to me that, some of his friend will soon stay away from him and if so then, the Khartoum government must understand this case will not go away until Omar Hassan Ahmed al Bashir has fully accepted the ICC otherwise, his problem will harms many others friend’s business and their friendship with others world nations would be in danger and I think people like Libyan and other will probably give up about supporting Bashir.

  • makuei

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    I can see the beginning of a three-fold disaster for Bashir and his NCP Government:-

    (1) International isolation of a criminal most wanted for crimes against humanity and Genoside in Darfur
    (2) Proof of the illegitimate status of the current NCP Government
    (3) Eminent arrest of the criminal, which now looks a sooner than expected likely event after this Libyan stance.

    Well, Mr. Bashir and NCP, no need for fury. Just grind and swallow shame.

    Raphael Makuei

  • Tambura

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    Criminal will remain criminal until he clear his name in court of the law.
    Whatever criminal do, at end of day he will be arrest and judge for his crime.
    Mr Omar should know that, instead of waisting times many things build up on him he should show up in ICC to clear his name.

  • konacago

    Sudan outraged after Libya asks Bashir to skip Africa-EU summit
    whom implant thorn will never harvest grape.mr orginizer of massive death machine son of albashir time has come to eat your thorns

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