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Sudan Tribune

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Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal

November 28, 2010 (ABYEI) – Locals and officials from Northern Bahr el Ghazal on Sunday reported that 2,500 civilians have fled areas at the north –south borders fearing aerial attack on the area by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Garang Kuot Kuot, the secretary General of the state government, in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Sunday from the capital town of Aweil town, said that many people living along the border area in the state have deserted their homes fearing renewed aerial attacks.

“The previous bombardments which seriously violated the [Comprehensive Peace Agreement] CPA and referendum law, led to the displacement of 2,500 people in the area. This displacement at a time of voter registration has prompted the state high executive committee for referendum to relocate registration center formerly located at Kiir Adem to Malek Miir,” said Kuot.

Voter registration for a referendum in South Sudan to decide whether the oil producing region secedes from the north has recently been extended to end on December 8. The vote is part of a 2005 peace deal between the dominant parties of the north and south, ending decades of civil war.

Kuol Athuai Hal, commissioner of the area in a separate telephone interview with Sudan Tribune from Gokmachar, the administrative headquarters of Aweil North County, also confirmed occurrence of the displacement, saying recent attacks have encouraged people to leave.

“People are moving toward middle and low land areas now. Everything is being moved. Children and elderly people are being sent out. They are leaving their original homes because they fear other attacks,” Athuai said.

Asked on the number of the people leaving on a daily basis, he said he does not have exact figures but believes the figures might have gone beyond 3,000.

He also said he would consult with the local authorities including staff of south Sudan relief and rehabilitation commission working in the area to confirm based on the numbers they registered.

Colonel Deng Thiep Akok, former member of south Sudan legislative Assembly in Juba also said that they have received reports from relatives and authorities in the area on similar displacements.

“The information I have from communications and daily contacts with relatives and local authorities indicate that a lot of people started moving out of their homes at the extreme north of the area. This started on Thursday after the area was attacked again,” said Akok.

Last week’s air strike by SAF underlines tensions between the central government and former southern rebel group which signed the CPA in 2005 ending two decades of civil war.


  • Shadrack Nuer Machut
    Shadrack Nuer Machut

    Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal
    Hello Southerners!

    Let’s peacefully receive our fellow brethrens who are along the north-south border in case of emergency. The NCP will never stop aerial bombardment unless Southern Sudan is fully separated so that we also retaliate.

    NCP is interested in delaying and blocking referendum goahead.
    I would like to let those IDPs in Northern Bahr el Ghazal be settled by the community and the state government.


    Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal
    I must say that NCP has even no plan for the North of Sudan if South Sudan seceded. They are panicked to know that the people of South Sudan discarded the North Sudan out of their minds.
    The only option left for Khartoum is to play wars threats that may frighten the people in the South to retreat from seperation, however they have forgotten that people in South do not want to go to war, but if imposed on them, then there is no option but to fight,. Then we will see who will be the lossers.

  • Boldit

    Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal
    According to my understanding the Sudanese government in Khartoum have already plan to fight South Sudan because of referendum. Unfortunately they will not distract our freedom, what our government need too is planning. How can we protect civilians in all state of South Sudan, we don’t wanted what happen in Northern bahr el Ghazal to happen to other states. Government of South Sudan should deploys soldiers in all states to prevent fearing of civilians in their home. The deplacement of civilians in their home they more there will be in security in the regon and the more there will be No registration in the deplacement state. We need to be serious in this time, we left with nearly one month to confirm our New Nation South Sudan.

    Boldit in Australia.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal
    Surely,our people are suffered while we are in the time of peace but our God who promised us the African land Sudan will deliver us from the hand of our enemy because those who used to do evil will learn to do good.The evils deed by the SAF under the control of the NCP will soon face the feedback of mistreating the natives of this land.The land Sudan belong to the Sudanese people,no Sudanese could called themselves that they from Yemen,Oman or Turkies.Even Biblically,the letter of Paul to the people of Rome 6:23 says for the wage of since is death but the gift of God is eternal life in christ Jesus.we will all believed their and soon Jesus christ will vises Mohamed the false prophet.thank you so much


    Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal
    I think that taking Omar Beshir to court by the ICC is the only solution even if there are some ministers in the SPLM who resisted of taking Omar Beshir to court. There are some people who said last time that if Omar Beshir is taken to court, then it will deteriorate the CPA. Now, what happen? I think everybody in the Southern Sudan including Salva Kiir Miyardit had seen the consequence.

    I’m so sorry to hear that 2500 flee away from their area because of attacks happened in the Northern Bhar-el-ghazel. This can be counted on Salva Kiir Miyardit’s mismanagement conduct. I will never stop accusing Salva Kiir Miyardit unless he give this leadership to somebody else who can stand firm with the Southerners. This time is not a time for our Southern civilians to be terrorized again by the Northern Sudan Government. It is a time for our Southerners to relax.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Over 2,500 civilians flee aerial attacks in Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal
    Dear SPLA/SPLM

    From the look of things, I strongly suggest that the border areas starting from Aweil North, Abyei North, areas positioned extremely north of Renk and other known border areas must be evacuated of vulnerable civilians until complete referendum result in favor of seccession are finalized. Areas bording North Sudan must be flooded with SPLA forces. Let us adopt this practice as a mechanism of securing the prcious lives of our civil population.

    I believe the government in the North had already done this to the Messiria population bordering Aweil and Abyei. The entire burning down of Abien Deng Kuol town should serve as an example.I begg our government to take this suggestion seriously.

    Young Nation is a Student of International Relations at The University Of Queensland, Australia

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