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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit

November 29, 2010 (KHARTOUM) –The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan lambasted the African Union (AU) on Monday for not taking a firmer position regarding the row over the attendance of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir at the 3rd Africa-European Union (EU) summit that is currently underway in the Libyan capital.

The empty chair of Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir is seen during the opening session of the 3rd Africa-EU summit in the Libyan capital Tripoli on November 29, 2010 (AFP)
The empty chair of Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir is seen during the opening session of the 3rd Africa-EU summit in the Libyan capital Tripoli on November 29, 2010 (AFP)
The EU has made it clear to the Libyan government over the last few weeks through diplomatic channels that Bashir’s participation will impact their level of representation at the summit. The event in itself highlights Tripoli’s success in returning to the international arena after decades of sanctions and isolation.

Bashir’s status as an individual wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) over alleged war crimes and genocide in Darfur has restricted his travel and contacts with world officials particularly from the West.

The Libyan foreign minister Moussa Koussa on Sunday told the Associated Press (AP) that they have asked Bashir to cancel his appearance at the summit to avoid ruining efforts by Tripoli to put the meeting together.

A statement issued by the Sudanese presidency yesterday showed Bashir as someone determined to attend despite Libyan pleas to skip the gathering.

“The minister of the Presidency expressed to the Libyan official the decision of the Government of Sudan to participate in the summit at the presidency level as long as Libya has formally invited him and as long as such participation comes within the framework of Sudan’s membership in the African Union; the core party in this summit and that Sudan is not concerned with any position taken by the EU side”.

“At the same day of scheduled travel by Mr. President to participate in the summit, the Minister of the Presidency in charge of receive a call from the senior Libyan official saying that Libya welcomes Mr. President on 30/11/2010 which is after the end of the summit of the Africa-EU summit”.

The Libya Press news agency, an outlet affiliated with a son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, said that civil aviation authorities in Libya were reluctant to grant Bashir’s plane clearance to fly in to the country “for technical reasons” prompting a cancellation by Khartoum.

The media top official at the NCP Fathi Sheila was quoted by party’s newspaper Al-Raed as saying that Bashir’s exclusion was “precooked and detailed”.

Sheila also fired shots at the AU describing it as a “frail” body that implements what the West asks it to do adding that Sudan circumvented an EU plot to bring it to the summit and force it to accept the resolutions. The NCP official stressed that his country is well aware of the EU colonization schemes.

The Pan-African bloc has given its full backing to Bashir and went as far as instructing its members not to cooperate with the ICC in apprehending Bashir even if they are signatories to the treaty which founded the court which obliges them to execute the warrants. So far Kenya and Chad, both ICC members, allowed the Sudanese leader to visit without arresting him.

The non-cooperation resolutions were pushed for primarily by Libya which has described the tribunal as a tool of international terrorism.

Reuters said that Sudan is likely to be disappointed that Libya, a supposed ally, did not take a stand similar to Egypt’s. Libya was one of the first states to receive Bashir after the warrant for him was issued. It called the ICC a tool of international terrorism.

But Libyan-Sudanese relations have been tense since Tripoli agreed to host Darfur rebel leader Khalil Ibrahim despite Sudan’s request that Tripoli expel him.

The Sudanese Vice President Ali Osman Taha addressing a rally in Sennar state on Monday also blasted the EU saying that they will not succeed in breaking Bashir as he is a “symbol to his people and homeland”.

“We will not be broken nor will we surrender, they [EU] will not be able to silence his voice or break his sword, and will remain a symbol of liberation,” Taha said.



  • Anyang

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    Well done job to they EU delegation.Bashier and his authoritarian government deserves it.They should be serverely isolated, unless they fully embraced the way world does business.Since the status quo and the usual rhetoric are the common theme of their government.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    NCP should know that the whole world are washing them,this is the begining of every things,AU have nothing to help the Criminal president Bashir.God bless the oppress.


  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    Sorry for unique embarrassment Mr President things are getting tough and tough for you no blames for AU-EU ,If I were Mr President will handed myself to International Criminal Court(ICC)instead to live in Isolated life big shame on Sudan ,

  • Garang

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    Well done EU,well done Libya government criminal can not be supported.let Bashir perform his criminal duties within sudan but he can not be allow to share idea in the world affairs.


  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    “pride come before failure” will Bashir be comfortable in the near future with this step? isolation of bashir in the summit made him has diarrhea believe me or not, he has it otherwise he would attend the summit with AU-EU in libya.

  • Chanson

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    Mr.Omer the Bashir.Your ruling party have already shown the sign of frustration.that is why the started firing the AU with fire shot by saying AU is frail.If NCP think that they are strong/substantial than AU bodies. then why are you not going ahead and attend the meeting Mr Bashir?

    This rondom poor talking of yours and your members shows that your days are coming to an end Mr. president.keep your mouth out of international affairs .And let the Au do their things because they have smart leaders.
    Enjoy yourself in Khartoum otherwise your life is at risk if you try to jet in for Tripoli.
    Good luky.

  • Nyajang

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    Crimes against humanity exceed territorial grids and shame on you Khartoum for using bitter past of colonialism as a tool to rally support in Africa. It is seriously about time that Africa as a continent isolate individuals whose act of ruthlessness has tainted the image of Africa. Bashir can run but his hiding corners are narrowing and what good would that do for NCP if the president of the country is limited to his own bathroom?

  • santos

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    dear readers,
    i suggest Bashir should see other alternatives other than having his names sung like watch dogs that make noise when hearing any whak whak sound at night.
    what kind of president is he ??? don;t you know it is another way of advertising himself known to the world community?
    those ICC treaties have not fully agreed,what does it shows when he is notified not to attend other than catching him after his arrival,this simple way alert to him.

    i don;t expect Bashiir to escape this last move by ICC,then all countries under treaty of ICC should pull out.

  • Bol Bol
    Bol Bol

    Sudan’s NCP describes the AU as a ‘frail’ organization after Bashir’s exclusion from summit
    African Union has been a failed organization since they threw their unwavering support behind you since your indictment. It’s funny that this criminal didn’t know then when he thought he got solid support of this dictators club behind him.

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