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Sudan Tribune

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Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president

November 30, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – A number of civil society groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) urged the government to adhere to its obligations ahead of an expected visit by Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir on Wednesday morning.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (Reuters)
Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (Reuters)
Today the pro-government Al-Rayaam newspaper quoting unnamed sources said that Bashir will join the country’s Golden Jubilee Independence Day celebrations during his quick visit. He will return to Khartoum for a meeting of his party later that evening. The Sudanese leader is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and genocide allegedly committed in Darfur region in the west of the country.

CAR is a state party to the ICC and is therefore theoretically obligated to arrest Bashir once he sets foot in its territory. Furthermore, the Hague tribunal is currently adjudicating a case related to crimes committed in CAR by Jean-Pierre Bemba described as a Congolese warlord.

There has yet to be an official confirmation to the visit by Khartoum on state media. If Bashir makes the trip, this would be the third to a country that is a member of ICC after Kenya and Chad.

“As a state party, Central African Republic has the obligation to help the ICC in the execution of the arrest warrants against Al-Bashir,” recalled Lucille Mazangue, a lawyer at the Association of Female Magistrates of CAR.

“For Al-Bashir to be allowed to enter Central African Republic without being arrested would be an affront to victims of Darfur and would put into question CAR’s commitment to justice” Mazangue added.

Other groups reminded Bangui government that Bemba was arrested through the help of another nation.

“The victims here could never have seen Jean-Pierre Bemba answering for the crimes he is accused of without Belgium’s cooperation with the ICC,” said Sebastien Mboutou of the Central African Coalition for the ICC.

“Central African Republic should either bar Al-Bashir from entering its territory, or do what Belgium did with Bemba and stop him.”

The African Union (AU) has instructed all its members through two resolutions not to cooperate with ICC in executing the warrant though not all countries have agreed to the directive.

This week, the Sudanese president was forced to stay away from the 3rd Africa-EU summit held in Tripoli after pleas by Libyan officials who feared a mass walkout by EU states from the summit if he shows up.



  • Chanson

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    This is a good move by a society groups of Central African Republic by urged the government to adhere to it obligations.Bashir is international criminal.I hope government will consider the voices of the civil society groups inorder to stop that crook not to visit CAR.HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Mr.president things have gone upside down.
    Just stay in your kitchen because I think you get no powers to reach awing of the world.

    By Chanson and I can be reach thruogh the railway just in any case!!!

  • Lo-Margarita

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    “When the days are dark, friends are few” Bashir should get this message straight, his days are now numbered as even countries like Libya ask him to stay away. CAR should follow Libya’s stance and come January 2011, Bashir will be left alone in his world with hid NCP cronies.

  • Omoni Atari
    Omoni Atari

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    The rat is always playing with calabash and forgot that the cat is behind the wall.This man need really help from someone.people told him think twice ,but he dont,general saddam hussien was like that,and finally what happened to him? hanged like hornbill on coconut trees.

  • Flora Tong
    Flora Tong

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    In this photo attached in this article, Bashir is unconsciously campaigning for our SEPERATION … the sign of one hand!

  • Garang

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    the step taken by the Bangi government is a good initiative and i have appreciated that,because president Bashir took power when he was only a military bregadier with shallow brain and empty minded with no education background.that is why is motto is to kill and no good governance.

    Kerubino Garang

  • marko malou
    marko malou

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    Bashir is a dead body,We are waiting for his feneral,Still be blame under grave,for bringing shamed to Sudan as a whole.

  • Moluddit Demalou
    Moluddit Demalou

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    Mr. Bashier or Biskir
    Are blind or stupid
    I am very happy indeed with the citizens of CAR for rejecting BISKIR He is distructive and desaster causer to your country if you are not careful.
    He is going to arm Ugandan rebels and Amboro to distablize your country like what he had done in Darfur.
    Do you need that situation dear neighbours
    Bashir is a flying fly that you usually fall into food with dirts to cause diarrhoea.
    Do you need such a diarrhoea guys.
    If he attempt try to arrest him he is a terrorist that committed attrasties and genocide to the people of darfuras well as Southern Sudan

  • Tambura

    Rights groups call on Central African Republic to block entry of Sudanese president
    If CAR arrest and turn him over to ICC as a member the country will get credit for doing that.

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