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Sudan Tribune

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Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away

December 1, 2010 (WASHINGTON) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has decided to cancel his planned trip to the Central African Republic (CAR) after the latter came under diplomatic pressure to shun him.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir
Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir
On Tuesday, the pro-government Al-Rayaam newspaper quoting unnamed sources said that Bashir will fly to Bangui in a one-day visit to satisfy an invitation he received from his neighbor to join the country’s Golden Jubilee Independence Day celebrations

Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his alleged role in orchestrating war crimes and genocide in Sudan’s Western region of Darfur.

CAR is a state party to the ICC and is therefore theoretically obligated to arrest Bashir once he sets foot in its territory. Furthermore, the Hague tribunal is currently prosecuting a case related to crimes committed in CAR by Jean-Pierre Bemba described as a Congolese warlord.

cflarge.gifThere was no official explanation for Bashir’s absence from the event in its neighbor. But an aide to CAR President Francois Bozize told Reuters it followed a long conversation late on Tuesday between Bozize and French Cooperation Minister Henri de Raincourt, who was present.

“I think Bashir’s absence is a result of the conversation between the French minister and the head of state,” the aide said. “Not only France finds this invitation very embarrassing but it would cause us big problems if Bashir came.”

The incident follows another one this week when Libyans asked Bashir to stay away from the Africa-EU summit held in Tripoli to avoid a mass walkout by EU members.



  • kitir

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    It’s very dismaying for president Bachir for being hindered second time from external trips within a week the only practical way-out from this ignoble situation is to leave the place more qualified one to lead the country in this very complicated juncture as Sudanese it ridiculous to pay no attention for this silly situation of our beloved splitting country undergoing sudan.

  • mrkss

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    Sohbet yaz?lan dü?ünce yaz?lar?d?r. Sohbetlerde de bir dü?ünce aç?klan?r, bilgi verilir. Sohbet yazar? ele ald??? konuda fazla derinle?mez, ileri sürdü?ü görü?lerini kan?tlama yoluna gitmez, ancak sezdirmeye çal???r, Bu yönüy1e makaleden ayr?l?r. Chat yazar? ki?isel görü?lerini özgürce ifâde edebilme özelli?ini ta??r. Ba?kalar?n?n o konuda ne dü?ündükleri önemli de?ildir. Herkesin sevdi?i bir ?eyden berbat bir ?ey olarak söz edebilir.
    ayr?ca chat sohbet yaparken kar??n?zdaki ki?inin ilgisini çekmek için güzel sözler yazman?z o kisiyi elde etmeye yarayabilir:)
    ??te Internet’te sohbet (chat) olarak özetleyebilece?imiz IRC’nin (Internet Relay Reply

  • john

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    The day is coming soon when criminals are going to be caught and punished

  • Garang

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    Mr Bashir,look at yourself you are no longer a president in this country. you are only there to warm the seat in the palace.we know very well that you are now a living dead because ICC are ready to burn all your dens and alway when dens are burned the lions will have no where to hide only to leave that particular area.

    please the final option for you is to leave our office peacefuly,go and dig your own grave,bury yourself alive or surrender yourself to ICC to bury you.sudan can and will ever exist without “JALIES” you have brought shame to the larger and ever respected nation in Africa.

    Kerubino Garang

  • Tambura

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    The picture which is in this article is not for Mr. Bashir I think it is Ethiopian’s president.We love this web site, but this kind of mistake they sue people for it in US or AU.

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    Mr President is acting like a comedian to make the whole World laugh on him.or otherwise there is plot within the NCP to get the rid of him,because if such a person head of the State doing things without advice from his advisers something going wrong.
    take my word into consideration,

  • Tambura

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    The world of Mr. Bashir is getting small and smaller day by day. In one year there will be no country in the world will welcome him except arabs countries, matter of fact most of arabs leaders are criminals themselves, the only different between them and him is that ICC didn’t link them to their crime. CAR didn’t just convinced Mr. Omar, they told him in one sentence. Mr, Omar we are a member of ICC if you put your feet in our country we will arrest you for your crime full stop. What stood above that they convinced Bashir to stay away is not right words, sound like he was fighting to go after he received unwelcome, than they have to convince him not to go.The Criminal will remain guilty in the eyes of law until his/her proof her/his innocent. Mr. Bashir if I was you i will go to ICC to prove myself in the court of law instead bringing this kind of repetition to your to our country.

  • Tambura

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    Guys let us say the picture is for Bashir but I am sure it is not. Bashir never look up or forwards he alway look down how come this picture is for him? Bashir has no any mark in his face, this picture has two Nimeri mark in face.You don’t believe me ask ICC who knows these criminals face 🙂

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    Many African countries are finally coming to their senses in regard to keeping close relationship with the war criminal. I do not completely understand why African leaders are so blinded by evil and see bad as good. Who did not learn a lesson about Rwanda genocide that who would take Sudan (Darfur) case lightly.

    How much bribery do African leaders get from Al-Bashir to shield him from prosecution? Look at Kenya who is also being investigated unnecessary killing of civilians welcomed the killer. Well, this is quite heard and chilling case. Bashir must understand that his days are not far from over.

    He needs to realize that most African countries are coming to their senses and will distance themselves from him and his government. Look at his close ally Libya; denied his entry to Tripoli. He better step down to be prosecuted as a former Sudan’s president than being a president. I thank the president of CAR for listening to ICC member countries.

    Bashir should not be anybody’s friend. If you make friends with thieves, you will become a thief, and if you make friends with killers, therefore, you will become a killer too. Bashir is a criminal, killer and those who are associate themselves with him are ultimately his type of leader. To hell Bashir.

    Peter Nhiany.


    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    How embrassing for the head of state to be rejected by his neighbours.Umar is not actually a head of state but a head of the Association of dictators. Well done Central African Republic.there is no room for criminals and dictators like Umar.

  • Paul Chadrack
    Paul Chadrack

    Central African Republic convinces Sudanese president to stay away
    this is zero hours, thinking of exit. mr president, criminal and genocidaire every think is now becoming narrow against you think twice, or commit suicide before ICC take hold of you.

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