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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender

December 1, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The commission organizing the vote on south Sudan independence has asked the United Nations (UN) to reopen the tender to print the referendum’s ballot cards for Sudanese bidders, fueling the already-existing fears of a vote postponement and possible manipulation.

SSRC chairman Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil speaks to the press in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on November 14, 2010 (Getty Images)
SSRC chairman Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil speaks to the press in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on November 14, 2010 (Getty Images)
South Sudan’s referendum on independence is the product of a 2005 peace deal that ended decades of civil war between north and south Sudan. The plebiscite, which is scheduled to take place on January 9, 2011, will result in the secession of south Sudan from the north, according to most observers and analysts.

An official from the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) on Wednesday told Sudan Tribune that the chairperson of Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC), Khalil Ibrahim, had rejected bids made by six international companies to print ballot papers.

The UN official, who asked not to be named, further revealed that Khalil instructed that the tender for the voting slips be reopened for Sudanese companies.

The news was officially confirmed by the SSRC’s acting spokesperson, George Makuer, who told Reuters yesterday that the “commission just requested the bidding be reopened for some time to enable Sudanese printing companies to apply if they think they can compete.”

However, Reuters said that the SSRC official had declined to say whether the move would affect the vote’s date.

Furthermore, Reuters quoted “a senior official” in the SSRC as saying that “it had taken five weeks to print the registration materials and the United Nations said it needed up to three weeks to distribute voting materials to the south.”

Concerns over a delay to the emotive vote were already stoked last week when the SSRC extended the period of voter-registration until 8 December.

Voter-registration for the referendum began domestically and in eight countries abroad on November 15 amid reports of high turnout in the south and low in the north. The commission said that more than 2 million people had registered so far.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) today reported that 26.2% of the 271,062 eligible voters registered in North. It is not clear if the percentage was based on census results conducted in 2008.

The National Elections Commission, which organized April’s disputed elections in Sudan, was steeped in controversy when it allowed ballot papers to be printed at the state’s currency printing press. The opposition claimed the move paved the way for fraud and that ballot papers had no serial number.

April’s elections in Sudan was widely disputed and boycotted by mainstream opposition parties.



  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    The South is wise for cheap political trick

    The fake political tricks by Khalil Ibrahim and NCP are well known to the SPLM, International Community and to the people of Southern Sudan.

    The SPLM must not accept Khalil Ibrahil and NCP’s cheap request of allowing the so-called Sudanese companies to be associated with anything to do with SOuth Sudan referendum.

    Young Nation is a BA Student International Relations at The University of Queensland, Australia

  • mikes

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    I would like to appeal to the south sudan high commission;;this is a tactics to delay a south sudan referndum;; which has been mention by NCP that the are going for plan B”I hope the government of southern would not accepted any kind of such a tactics,By jalaba,The commission is an Arab,so they are doing the same thing which could affected south sudan freedom!!!The obstacle of peace are still working around the clock to fail gloden chance of south sudanese!!!Pleas”leaders watch out”and strike out thoes Arab”ideas”I know that you are working hard for our freedom and it will be achieved within Time limite””A SPLA/SPLM OWeeeee>>>>>>!!!!!!!!

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    SPLM leadership is wise enough can not accept such a ridiculous request by so call Khalil Ibrahim to reopen the tender to print the referendum ,s ballot cards by NCP companies,
    Completely unacceptable which is not match with the conduct of referendum .
    I will repeat to you guys MR Khalil Ibrahim is remain with two options .
    1-To step down as a Chairman of the SSRC that may happen on the mid of December.
    2-If not he will commit suicide as too much pressures from th NCP to damage the Referendum process,while the whole World is watching at him,SPLM be vigilant,
    Diu Jieth Kuek

  • Lo-Margarita

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    This is just another big blunder. Once a tender is closed and the bids are opened, you cannot ask for more bids again! the prices for all the bidders will be known and the other companies to bid will obviously offer a lower priced bid and win! The whole bidding process has to start all over again with all the companies invited to bid again, the specifications will have to change to allow fair competion. The only option is to do an emergency procurement. Where has all the logic gone to???

  • john

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    That is a shocking news to hear that it was happening, but all I know and hear from money pundits there were serious bribery going on under close door by ncp agent bribing the top officials in this task. Now, we all Southerners united, but under no roof. Is that not amazing, while watching everythings going wrong. May God help us not to repeat the same history again twice.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    Folks, George Lukes had it right when he said,” those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it”.It looks like the Southern Sudanese have not learned anything from the ANYA ONE historical mistakes. What we need is not quantity, but quality. If we manage to register two millions people and that number turn up to vote in the Upcoming Self-determination Referendum, then we should be good.

    Folks, if we are not that careful this Referendum vote will be the same as April, 2010 general elections which were marred with frauds and manipulations of votes.
    Indeed, if these Southerners are being bribed to death by the National Congress Party ,then let them not play with the future of Southern Sudanese people. We are not going to accept anything short of being free people in the Upcoming Self-determination Referendum.
    Indeed and please mark my words, If we are not that careful, it is most likely that the National Congress Party is going to steal our right of being free people comes January, 9, 2011.

    Folks, it is critically important that we give out sense-making comments as we are approaching this defining moment in our country’s history. If these thugs failed us. They should not be allowed and I repeat they should not be allowed to see the light of the day.
    Finally, may almighty God creator of heaven and earth bless the long-suffering, abused and long-forgotten people of Southern Sudan who have graciously endured many humiliations, physical indignities, exploitations, and killings inflicted on them by various brual, murderous and fatalistic Islamic regimes that have come and gone in the lunatic sylum capital Khartoum.
    The writer of this comment is John Atem. He is the orphaned son of late freedom fighter who wishes the people of Southern Sudan successful, fraud-free and transparent vote on the right of Self-determination Referendum comes January,9, 2011.
    He has also successfully completed Certificates in Agriculture, Peace Education and Diploma in Criminal Justice.

  • Joseph

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    Dear readers
    NIF regime in Khartoum are not sleeping day and night, now the issue of Abyei has gone back to class zero as if it wasn’t discussed in Naivasha

    Secondly they’re trying very hard day and night to silent top leaders of the SPLM with huge money in order to postpone forthcoming referendum without resistance.

    Finally and last but not at least, South Sudan will be recognizes by the internationals communities like Kosovo in Europe. Believe me .No any country fought for more than fifty years like us
    The writer is freedom fighter of the SPLA .NO return to the war forever and ever

  • James Garang
    James Garang

    Sudan’s SSRC ignites fears of vote delay as it reopens ballot tender
    My Dear Leaders of Southern Sudan particularly Dr Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr Manasseh Riek Machar Teny. You are our trusted leaders and now I am very sad with the statement of Khalil attempting to delay and rig referendum results by.
    1) Printing the ballot cards in Sudan Company.
    2) Extending the date of referendum from nine in January 2011 to unknown date.
    Why I mention your names only among others leaders of Southern Sudan. It is because you are the top leaders. Where there is no anything that can be made outside of your authority in Southern Sudan. Is it these Southerners Sudanese people who are working in Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC), were go alone to that commission without your authority? Why they keeping quite without opposing what Khalil said? And Khalil is pure Arab who looking a way to destroy our independent of Southern Sudan. Are you agreeing with NCP to unite Sudan? So I thought that you know the suffering of your people in all this time. Kindly please do not accept the rigging of NCP for print ballot cards locally and extending the date of referendum to unknown date. Or event they mention another date apart from date nine in January 2011. I am sure you that do not accept that idea because is not logic for me is totally wrong.

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