Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan peace partners should speed up Abyei referendum process – group

By Julius N. Uma

December 2, 2010 (JUBA) — The two parties that were signatory to Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) should expedite the processes leading to the free, fair and transparent conduct of both the South Sudan and Abyei referenda, Pact Sudan; a capacity-building organization said in its latest policy briefing.

Sudan is due to hold its referendum on self-determination, scheduled for January 09, 2011 and another referendum in the oil-producing region of Abyei.

The strongly-worded policy document, addressed to the southerner government and their federal counterparts as well as to the international community, comes within just six weeks to the long-awaited referendum, which is already behind schedule.

The first December briefing, an extract from a more comprehensive paper, entitled, “It’s not too late for peace,” further urges both the south-ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the National Congress Party (NCP) to strive towards removal of all obstacles that are likely to delays the full implementation of the CPA.

Specifically, the organization urged the parties to the peace agreement to ensure that the referendum is free, fair and above all peaceful, regardless of the outcome of unity or secession.

It also appealed to the civil society, citizens, the government, observers and the international community to jointly work together to ensure that adequate security measures are put in place to cater for voters, during both the pre and post-referendum periods.

“While these threats are significant, the potential for peace should not be underestimated. Therefore, the governments of north and south, civil society leaders and the international community should strive to ensure non-violent, free and fair referenda in Southern Sudan and Abyei,” the December 01 policy briefing partly reads.

However, albeit the document cites what it described as the hurdles in the referendum preparations such as delay the delays in the already ongoing voters’ registration exercise, the Abyei border issues and logistical requirements, it still appealed to both parties signatory to the CPA to put their differences aside and ensure that the popular consultation in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states go ahead as planned.

A reputable capacity-building organization with programmatic focus on peace building, natural resources management and safe water provision, Pact Sudan currently operates in the 10 states of Southern Sudan, as well as the three areas of Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states.



  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Sudan peace partners should speed up Abyei referendum process – group
    Clearly speaking, if the international community that encompass IGAD, EU, OAU, United States, and other witness of CPA togather with all peace-loving countries want to save Sudan, they must pressure NCP to abid by the already signed terms and conditions of Abyei otherwise North/South war is unavoidable.

    I have said on various occasion that, the NCP officials are gang of rigid and sophisticated characters. This description is based on various scientific justifications First, the members of Northern Sudan Islamic Front do not simply abid by the universal principles of diplomacy. The bumpy and rough implimentation of Sudan’s CPA is a good example not to mention numerous already violated Sudan’s peace accords. Second, they are Islamic fanatics and fundamentalists who do care for flourishment of peace and respect for human lives despite how they pretend to be religious figures to visit Mecca for pilgrimage. Third, their super mission since they came to power has been to Arabized and Islamized not only Sudan but the whole of Sub-Sahara Africa. The list of NCP devious plans toward Sudan, Africa and the world at large are infinite. The urge the whole world to open their eye very wide when it comes on how to handle NCP.

    Young Nation is a BA student at UQ, Australia

  • 1988

    Sudan peace partners should speed up Abyei referendum process – group
    Why has the GoSs not asked for the original documentation and maps to bring this argument to an end ?. The United kingdome also needs to stop dragging its heels and mediate in the mess it has caused.

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