Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state

December 2, 2010 (BENTIU) – South Sudan‘s army accused militias backed by northern Sudan of staging an ambush killing 10 of its soldiers and two civilians in a ambush in Unity state according to a Reuters report.

SPLA soldiers redeploy under joint command with Sudan's army south of the Abyei area, in July 2008 (UNMIS) (
SPLA soldiers redeploy under joint command with Sudan’s army south of the Abyei area, in July 2008 (UNMIS) (

As south Sudan’s referendum on January 9, to decide whether the oil producing region will split from the north, approaches accusations and rhetorical posturing is increasing between the two sides.

In recent months both sides have accused the other of amassing troops on the border in contravention of the peace agreement they signed in 2005. Former rebels the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) have controlled the south since the deal.

SPLA spokesperson Philip Aguer told Reuters that the attack occurred 25 kilometers north of Unity state’s capital Bentiu.

He claimed that 12 people had been killed in the ambush including 10 “10 SPLA soldiers and two civilians.”

“They are definitely militia backed from Khartoum,” he said. “It was a very coordinated attack.”

The Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) controlled by Sudan’s Khartoum-based National Congress Party (NCP) has denied the attack took place.

“This is completely untrue — it’s not possible we have anyone in Unity state,” SAF spokesman al-Sawarmi Khaled told Reuters.

The north-south U.N. peacekeeping mission (UNMIS) confirmed the attack to Reuters but could not identify the aggressors.

“We are aware of that an SPLA truck with soldiers and their families was ambushed by an unknown group yesterday … in Unity state,” said UNMIS spokesman Kouider Zerrouk.

On Wednesday Unity state governor General Taban Deng told Sudan Tribune that 6 were killed, 7 seriously wounded and 2 people missing after incident.

Deng said that the four trucks carrying 15 SPLA soldiers were ambushed coming from Mayom County on their way to Bentiu town on Wednesday.

The governor claimed that the Messiriya tribe were responsible for the attack and blamed the government of South Kordofan across the border in the north for allowing the attacks to happen.

The Governor Deng called on Sudan’s president Omar Hassan El-Bashir and first vice president of the republic Salva Kiir Mayardit, who is also the president of government of Southern Sudan, to take steps to apprehend the attackers.

Deng said that the group was well known to the national government to have carried out similar activities before within the South Sudan.

He said that the group had also been responsible for attacks in the contest region of Abyei, which is due to hold a separate vote in January to determine whether it will remain in the north or join a potentially newly independent south.

Unity state’s governor said that the attacks were being used to disrupt the referendum registration, which began on November 15 and is due to finish on December 8.



  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state
    Talk too much and do less,

    Where is George Athor, Galuak Gai or whatever, Chibet Mabil, and rest of Khartoum proxy malitia that have inhabited Upper Nile ever sine the birth of Christ! Calling for Ummar Bashir is not going to help! Send some Troops to kill them! Period.


    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state
    These people who ambushed the SPLA soldiers resulting in the death of 10 SPLA are Nuer people in Unity State. I know that Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom County and Dinka Panaruu Community of Panrieng County in Unity State can not be blamed for this mess except only Nuer.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • william

    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state
    SPLA soldiers killed SPLA soldier killed!!!! By khartuom militias is becoming too much now where are the international communities and IGADS who said they are to monitor CPA? Now who will vote on behave of those two civilians who were killed alongside of ambush? SPLA have to take ultimate care of its fellows southerners as it did it in last more than two decades of liberation.

    I would like to hear something done in response to this unjustify killing by IGADS or else SPLA can responses.

    William Wol

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state
    Dear Southerner,
    Our Southern Army is completed while keeping quite.Why not GOSS to do someting for this practicing issue of attackng daily? God will take their soul to his Kongdom.
    God Almighty help us from our enemy in this critical period!!!!

  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state

    I would like to gave condolence to the soldiers who sacrifice
    themselves.May God rest their soul in peace.
    NCP denial of truth will come true, when reality come.
    Nothing u don,t know ,u will know from where militia come from? Sudan defend force is behind this.

  • Den bungdit
    Den bungdit

    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state
    By the way I don’t understand why our solders are getting finish in the hands of Khartoum regime and at the end you may find IGAD and UN peace keeper saying they are here for peace but not and even I don’t see it, it seem they are supporting Bashir. Why such incident are happing and there is no any action taken against Khartoum.And you Bashir who is dominating Upper Nile where you killed civilian and solders all the time.Your time will come ICC at the gate almost entering into your room.

  • DOOR

    SPLA say that 12 soldiers killed by northern militia in Unity state
    This barbaric killing must stop otherwise there is no point in calling this a peace.

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