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Sudan Tribune

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Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote

December 10, 2010 (JUBA) – The Vice President of the semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan, Riek Machar Teny, has told the people of Southern Sudan to begin counting the days before a referendum on the region’s independence.

Machar addressing a meeting during his visit to Upper Nile and Jonglei states on Dec 9, 2010 (ST)
Machar addressing a meeting during his visit to Upper Nile and Jonglei states on Dec 9, 2010 (ST)

The people of Southern Sudan have concluded registration for the vote on December 8, with more than four million registered. South Sudan is expected to vote to separate from the north in the referendum on January 9, 2011 in accordance with a 2005 peace deal.

During his visit to several counties of Upper Nile and Jonglei states in the last days of registration period, Machar told citizens that the time had come for the people of Southern Sudan to pass their verdict on the future of the region.

The Vice President said that it was the political struggle to achieve self-determination that caused the armed struggle for generations and that it was time to put it to an end through the ballot box.

He said any body that had registered must make sure that they votes on 9 January. A 60% turnout is needed for the vote to be legitimate.

“It is not like in the elections where you voted for somebody else to represent you. In the referendum you will vote for your own future,” he told them.

During his tour and public rallies in the counties close to or bordering the North including Fashoda and Panyikang in Shilluk Kingdom, Maban and Longechuk counties, the Vice President told the citizens of those areas to work towards improving good neighborly relations with northern communities even if the
referendum outcome is to secede.

“Even if the outcome of the referendum would be secession as indicators suggest, don’t be tempted to mistreat northerners living among you. They have the same right to live and do trade in the South. Don’t bring shame to the Government of Southern Sudan, your state government and county authorities in the eyes of international community through irresponsible behavior. If anybody would commit any crime against a northerner or loot his or her property, that person shall be brought to book and face the law,” he warned.

Machar also said the Arab nomads who seasonally migrate to the South with their cattle and families in search of grazing lands and water during dry seasons should continue to do so without any denial, and urged the counties bordering the North to continue giving them access to the South even after separation.

“Even if the South would separate from the North in the next month’s referendum, this will not mean separation of southerners from northerners. The people of the South and of the North would continue to improve on good relations. It is always bad to have unfriendly neighbor,” he warned.

He added in the event of secession Arab nomadic tribes will be continue to seasonally move to the South but they will have to leave their weapons in the North or handed over to the police forces at the border points until they cross back.

While addressing a rally of tens of thousands of people in Malakal town, the state capital, Machar said the current mood among southerners has indicated they will vote for secession. He told the citizens of Malakal that unity of Sudan was not made attractive as provided for in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

“People talked of making unity attractive and yet six years down the road you are still living here in the dust,” he told them as the crowd responded with ululations and hand claps.

The governor of Upper Nile state, Lt. Gen. Simon Kun Puoch also assured that there was no chance for unity of Sudan, predicting that overwhelming majority, if not all, of his state’s citizens will vote for secession.

The Vice President also visited Melut and Baliet Counties in Upper Nile state and Nyirol County in Jonglei state where he took the same message to the people.



  • Land-of-Cush

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote
    Well done Dr. Macher this time mobilization should be the main thing to deal on and make people aware of why we want to vote for separation? Because the unity has not been made attractive.

    Secession is and option!

  • Victory

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote
    Mr vice president:

    That is good of you to encouge our people to vote for seperation,& i do agree with you that unity has not be made attractive by the goverment of Sudan.

  • kaci-banno

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote
    I think Dr. Machar is missing something. If Southern Sudan government is to allow Arab nomad to move freely for grazing in southern Sudan after referendum, Why we want to vote for separation? I don’t know Why, those of Dr. Machar want to learn from Abyei situations? it is nomad who occupied Abyei and claim to be the people of land and it is a good lesson for SPLM not make a wrong exit too.

    By: kaci-Ma-banno

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote
    My congratulation to H.E Vice President Dr Riek Machar for his spread good messages and the various advices to his fellows citizens of Southern Sudan particularlly in Upper Nile and Jongeli States to give their wise final judgement during referendum vote and pursued to encourage the Southerners to protect the rights of Northerners who are living in South as well as the Northerners deem in the same manner to protect the interests of our citizens in North.
    The Northern Government should preserve the principle of human rights and/or human value and give a room to good neighbourhood in the near future.

    Thank to H.E Governor of Upper Nile State Simon Kun Pouch for his clear speech with ful confidence over Self-determination of Southern Sudan as he quoted that his State citizens will votes overwhelming for secession of Southern Sudan.
    may God bless the people of Southern Sudan.
    By Diu j.Kuek

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote
    YES, Dr. Risk Machar, WE HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR. We, Southern Sudanese in and abroad have sharpened our voting knives and we can’t wait for the DAY to COME.

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote

  • Haak

    Machar calls for massive turnout during South Sudan independence vote
    Bravo bravo bravo bravo Machar Teny, you the long wait president of southern Sudanese. the reason why most of southern Sudanese like you is because of that mind that can foreshadow the future, yes! advise you disciple not to mistreat the northern Sudanese because of future relationship even if we get our independent after people like us who never see Khartoum would be very happy if we can see Khartoum on peaceful demand of visa or passport.
    Bravo sir we are behind toy 247

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