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Sudan Tribune

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Akobo counties call for parents to send more girls to school

December 12, 2010 (JUBA) – School children from Greater Akobo counties of Nyirol, Uror and Akobo in Jonglei state have called on parents to allow all girls to attend school.

Southern Sudan's Vice President Riek Machar posing with children celebrating education day in Waat Payam, Nyirol County, Jonglei State. Dec. 6, 2010
Southern Sudan’s Vice President Riek Machar posing with children celebrating education day in Waat Payam, Nyirol County, Jonglei State. Dec. 6, 2010
In a celebration organized in Waat Payam of Nyirol County last week coincideding with the visit of the South Sudan’s Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, the school children expressed their dissatisfaction over the lack of participation of female students in schooling.

The school children performed drama activities depicting the situation and urged the parents to let go their girls to school.

In his remarks during the occasion which attracted a large crowd of citizens in Waat payam, Machar echoed the call in support of girl child education. He said both male and female children should be allowed to go to school and explained to parents that an educated girl is more productive economically than uneducated one.

In the cattle keeping communities such as the Dinka and Nuer ethnic groups, girls are considered a source of wealth through payment of marriage dowries by their respective bridegroom’s parents, and therefore sending them to school is sometimes seen as spoiling their chance of marriage and getting cattle.

Machar told the parents that an educated girl can also bring more wealth to her parents even before marriage because she can get a job that can generate money more than the value of cattle from marriage.

The Vice President also advised that educated mothers have more chance of healthy pregnancy and delivery and can also bring up healthy children than their uneducated counterparts.

He also warned men on the negative effect of violence against women, saying it is harmful mentally and physically. This would affect their family’s productivity for their families as well as that of the nation.



  • Dr Dit
    Dr Dit

    Akobo counties call for parents to send more girls to school
    It is a great request that those school girls left out from schooling should be allowed to join school.
    Our people must have notice that women who are educated bring more wealths to the family than the uneducated one.
    Something must be done to ensure that our women are allowed to do more schooling than domestic choirs.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Akobo counties call for parents to send more girls to school
    Educate your people so that they can not be the victim of cattle wrestling. Great idea!

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Akobo counties call for parents to send more girls to school
    Pushing for eduction for young boys and girls will mean more peace in South Sudan. I applaud the call for the parents to allow their daughters to attend school. letting your daughter get married at young age is not healthy, and not lawful. People of South Sudan must try to make some changes to their social traditional life. This will be a huge pay back in the end.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • simon

    Akobo counties call for parents to send more girls to school
    Greater AKOBO should take this advice gave to them by Vice President DR-Riek Machar asked our father and mother to release their Children to go to school despite the preposition of gender , all Children have equal right, equal opportunity and so on , I know traditionally our girls are considered as source of wealth and that was what led them to be neglected so far , led try as possible to advocate for this issue serious in our communities to send their Children to School

    Simon Ruai


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