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Sudan Tribune

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Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek

By Manyang Mayom

December 13, 2010 (JUBA) – The South Sudan’s Vice President, Riek Machar opened a peace conference between three southern states on Monday in Rumbek. Around a thousand people turnout to welcome Machar with traditional dances.

This is second conference between Warrap, Lakes and Unity state since the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, which ended decades of north-south civil war.

Machar told the conference that the government of south Sudan will support in empowering police forces to imposed law correctly.

Since the deal, which gave the south the right to secede in a referendum due to take place in January, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) have governed southern Sudan.

Riek announced that disarmament of civilians, one of the SPLM most controversial polices, would be suspended until after the referendum completed.

He added that the resolutions of the conference would be implemented by regions cabinet by this Friday December 17.

He said that issues such as cattle raids, a problem between the three states should distract from the referendum process. Machar said that southern government had prioritized security ahead of the referendum.

Lakes state governor Chol Tong Mayay, said that a lack of detention centers to detain criminals is key problem facing the state. He asked the regional government to provide support for prisons and law enforcement agencies by providing training and equipment.

“Police need to be equip and to security they community. There is a need of stability of the borders for states to stay in peace”, he said.

Unity state governor, Taban Deng Gai, said that state his state had tried to disarm civilians but Warrap state had failed to do so fail to do so.

Gai accused Warrap state and Madol Payam of Rumbek North County of Lakes state of not doing their best to disarm the areas.

He also recommended that security forces be deployed along Paloc, Panyjiar, Madol and Warrap roads to control raids criminals at inter-state borders.

“Madol, Panyjiar, Paloc need to be given security and to open for people to move from state to state”, Gai said refuting allegation that was any conflict between members of ethnic groups.

“There is no conflict between Nuer and Dinka, the problem of three states is only criminal people who raid to get wealth”, the governor said.

Gai said that the people of South Sudan should campaign for separation from the north in the remaining 27 days left until referendum vote on January 9, 2011.

He concluded by saying that the three governors need to improve their relationship by visiting each another more often.

Deputy, governor of Warrap state, Yual Mareng, noted that the absent of peace in three states could prevent lasting stability I the region.

Mareng, added that southern government is “unable to disarmed civilians people – then UN should have to be given option to carryout disarmament process across [the three] states.”

He appealed for security forces to be deployed to areas insecurity is expected.

The conference being attendant by representative from Unity, lakes and Warrap state aimed to address insecurity, conflict and small arms issues across bordering counties in the three states.

The meeting is expected to review resolution of the Wunlit and Yirol West county of Lakes state peace conference held in 2009 under the chairmanship of Vice President Machar during consultation with traditional chiefs.



  • Young Nation
    Young Nation

    Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek
    Dear GOSS Official,

    This conference came at a crucial and an opportune time as our people head for political determination of their destiny. Yes, the citizens of Lakes, Warrap and Unity States have no beef between themselves.

    The problem facing these three sisterly states is mainly caused and stirred by gangs of criminals from these states whose prime motive is acumulation of wealth in form of animal. Therefore, the only effective policy I see could put a brake to this problem is the provision of massive army or police at the peripheries of these three States. The Goss must do this to break the vicious cycle of crimes in Lakes, Warrap and Unity States.

    Young Nation is a Son of Rumbek who resides in Brisbane, Australia

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek
    Unity of three states,

    I agree that those people who cause instability in the South Sudan states are criminals and hungry one who really want something to eat . Now, we have identified the problem,then what rules will stop these thieves from attacking civilians for wealth?
    SPLM /Goss must amend laws that can stop cattle wrestling one and for all.

  • Thonweng

    Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek
    By thonweng from Lakes state , it is good to have a strong relationship among the three states which was said by machar and i mister Thonweng from lakes state is strongly stand with that word

    Thank u so much mister machar with your three governors of three state

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek
    Dear Readers
    you have to understand before throwing meassinges in air.
    we have been cooperating with all our neigbours since before lake sate born

  • Joseph

    Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek
    Dear readers
    What Governor Taban Deng Gai said is absolutely wrong .let’s come to common sense which state organized first spears attacks against Lakes and warrap states in 1970s. The
    Answer is unity state
    Which state organized arms attacks after north-south conflict erupted in 1983? The
    Answer is unity state
    Which state disorganized SPLA victories over the ruling party in the north?
    The answer is unity state.
    And so many others things, What Taban said is null and void. Let’s forgive each other and look way forward to solve our internal problems in order to conduct referendum peacefully.
    The writer is a witness of north –south & south – south conflicts

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Lakes, Warrap, and Unity states hold peace conference in Rumbek
    More study needs to be conducted in regard to the disarmament of civilian in the South. It is very crucial and it seems like failing at this stage! It is very essential for the GOSS to involve the UN. We need their expertise and skills. Though, the armed civilian in the South spent a lot of either money or cows to buy these unlawful arms, the idea of compensation or reward to those who give up their illegal arms should be explored.

    About inter state gangs and criminals, they should be dealt with within the law. This Conference is step forward to cooperation between 3 governors to ensure border security and freedom of movement, peace and stblility.


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