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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan set to go leaving the North to settle its national identity crisis

By Justin Ambago Ramba, MD

December 26, 2010 — The people of south Sudan following their long struggles for nationhood where they fought deadly wars with the successive Arab and Muslim dominated governments of Khartoum are now only a few days away from casting their votes in the most awaited polls that will see them having their own independent state. But of course the way ahead is not all roses as the dominant northern National Congress Party [NCP] of president Omer al Bashir continues to litter all the negotiation avenues with hurdles. This is a typical Arab way to never openly acknowledge defeat.

Yet little by little we are beginning to hear resigning statements from some senior Islamist figures who used to be known as hard liners. If anything, it shows that the NCP is finally softening up to the huge external pressures by the international community to implement the south Sudan referendum in a timely, free, fair and transparent way.

It wasn’t long ago when the NCP’s Deputy Chairman Nafie Ali Nafie, a senior party member who ostensibly campaigned to maintain the Arab Islamic north’s domination of South Sudan with the existing status quo, admitted openly that the South is bound to secede. Nafie who was addressing a gathering of party supporters told them that all ongoing efforts to retain Sudan’s unity had failed, and the secession of the South is a possibility.

“No matter what we do we will reach this conclusion which will be recognized by the entire world… we must not deceive ourselves or cling to wishful thinking, we must resign to facts and realities,” Nafie said.

It took Nafie ages to openly say what he probably knew years before the two warring sides ever signed the Naivasha peace agreement in 2006. Whatever efforts he and his colleagues in the NCP did to maintain the Sudan as a united country went in vain simply because the type of unity they wanted for the country is the very unity that led to the two civil wars in the south. It was the same unity that made the people in the Nuba Mountains, the Darfur Region, the Blue Nile and the Eastern to take up arms. It was and still is the wrong unity even after the south is long gone.

But al-Bashir who probably due the massive stress of the ICC warrant has recently issued statements that lack any tinge of common sense. Was it not utterly childish when he suggested that the North would be willing to give up its share of oil revenues if the South voted for unity in the referendum? This was a proposal made by the Sudanese president in a meeting with a delegation from the African Peace and Security Council in Khartoum. This funny proposal was immediately dismissed by the South. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, which governs the semiautonomous South, was also quick to reject the offer as too late and went on to stress that unity cannot be “achieved through oil.”

“You cannot offer the people their own oil,”” said Atem Garang, a senior SPLM leader and deputy-chair of the Sudanese National Assembly. CNN.com.

“There can only be unity when there is a democratic transformation in the country … and there is equality and justice,” Garang added.

In yet another weird development the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) went on and announced that its members from the South of the country will keep their citizenship in the North should the January referendum result in a new country.

“Those who stayed with us and fought with us will enjoy the privilege of Sudanese nationality because they believed in the cause of Sudan’s unity and the common fate between the north and the south. The north will be very generous with them,” said Mandoor Al-Mahdi who is the deputy NCP chairman in Khartoum state. This is too late too little though. Al-Mahdi seems to be behind the news that most of those southerners who fought besides them have long realised that they fought on the wrong side and he should have the names of those big shots – politicians and army generals who have since defected to the SPLM and the SPLA.

However Al Mahdi will have to revise his offer because Al-Bashir who appears to have at last resigned to the secession of the south is already preparing to do away with key provisions of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement [CPA that recognises Sudan’s ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity. This is al Bashir’s recent declarations, I quote:

‘If south Sudan secedes, we will change the constitution and at that time there will be no time to speak of diversity of culture and ethnicity,’ President Omar Hassan al-Bashir told supporters at a rally in the eastern city of Gedaref.
‘Sharia and Islam will be the main source for the constitution, Islam the official religion and Arabic the official language,’
he said.

For the people of South Sudan, Bashir’s ‘Talibanic’ statements came as no surprise at all. They know him for what he stands for …………the ugly face of religious bigotry. The group of the northern riparian elites that brought him to power and continue to defend his regime are but people with identity crisis and to the best they are just arabized Africans. By taking refuge in Arabism and political Islam to replace for their lost identity these confused people intend to dehumanised and enslave the indigenous black Africans – denying them equal roles in the country.

For those ‘special southerners’, who would have benefited from Mandoor’s offer, it would be too much a price to pay if they are to compromise their ethnicities and languages in return for so-called ‘Citizenship in the North’ and the ‘Sharia generosity’. Maybe not the southerners we all know. However it is everybody’s knowledge that southern unionists continue to enjoy better and special treatments from the north for spying on their fellow southerners. But in the event of secession anyone who continues to engage in such acts will definitely be committing a punishable act of treason through espionage against the new state.

These opportunists who survived by the continuous betrayal of their own fellow kinsmen must take this as a food for thought before they gamble any further with their future and the future of their off springs to come. In fact one wonders as to what use to the northern ‘Taliban state’ these so-called southern unionist will be when the South finally secedes.

On the other hand one can further argue that the CPA signed between the NCP and the SPLM/A in Naivasha, Kenya in 2005 wasn’t confined to the North-South relationship as such. This internationally recognised agreement included the two other areas of the north which are largely inhabited by non-Arab black African people of southern Kordofan [Nuba mountains] and Blue Nile states with recognisable portions of non Muslims [Christians and followers of African religions]. As such the irresponsible ‘Talibanic type’ declarations uttered by president al Bashir will obviously be taken into consideration by those non- Arab revolutionaries of Darfur who are currently negotiating a peaceful settlement in Doha.

Some may argue that Al Bashir’s comments reflect his anger at the strong likelihood that the south will vote overwhelmingly in favour of independence from the mainly Arab and Muslim north. But for him to deny the realities of the cultural and ethnic diversities within the political north will not go well with the indigenous black African people of the western province of Darfur, the Nuba mountains, the southern Blue Nile Ingasana Hills] and the Beja of the East who maintain their rights to be what they are .

As South Sudan is expected to overwhelmingly vote in favour of an independent state, we can see that the indifferent regime in Khartoum has failed to learn any lessons from this inevitable event. And when the other non-Arab African populations in the north react by choosing the same path as the South in a way to avoid any further marginalisation as suggested by al Bashir’s ‘Talibanic’ rhetoric , then the north will only have itself to blame.

The author is the Secretary General – United South Sudan Party [USSP]. He can be reached at: [email protected].


  • Machingela gai
    Machingela gai

    South Sudan set to go leaving the North to settle its national identity crisis
    I like The title of your article. We must leave North with their unsettled national identity crisis no matter we will face. We have been carrying their burdan for so long.
    We are tired of being victims of their own crisis all the time.
    We will give them a chance to test their own wrong-doing without us on the side. And we will do that by anyway possible through votes or bullets realise. Good article!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Sudan set to go leaving the North to settle its national identity crisis
    Who told you that we have a crises.We donnot care about “identity”.It is a fake ideology invented by the white man to hide his arrogancy , racism and supremacy!We are all human being sons of Adam and Eve.

    You have being carrying our burden for fifty years, is another funny thing!

    Justin was taught by the Jalabba and Mandocoros until he became a doctor and was send to have his postgraduate degree in medicine’which he failed to do” by the Jalabba government , on “equal opportuunity policy” without writing this misleading slogan; as where it is written in every hospital Dr. Justin did not got a job and living in a council house and getting weekly handout from the British taxpayers and still regurgitating his hatred to the Jalabba who educated him!

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    South Sudan set to go leaving the North to settle its national identity crisis

    Northern sudan will be like somali mark my word and you will see it. mohammed do you know the term you are using mondokuri, it means nomad easy goer person with out land language of tribe in Juba used the time arab came in to sudan, but you are lucky that you will hand free land in the north, one day will be annexed again by their owners the Truly African.

  • mazer

    South Sudan set to go leaving the North to settle its national identity crisis
    ignore them these are proparly white westners mohammed ALI /Original sudanese who hide behind African and Arab names not really sudanese

    they are just white wikipedians spreading false haate in sudanese history

    sudanese history have nothing to do with AMERICA sudanese history dwarfs America by 4000 years

    even if christian nubia ended 1504 with its 4000 year legacy
    america ever existed

    whites where just governnors in sudan employed by ismail nothing more

    until the black mahdist revolution even southern joined 1885 and kkicked thier ass european were taken captives by the mahdist

    whites were slaves in north Africa up tp 3 million white slaves including large number of britons and white American paid tribute Arab bblackmoors and berbers from Algeria enslaved millions of whites until white slavery ended in north Africa 1830 read more about white slaavery in north africa including white britons

    read more







    because of this history britain wanted to distort sudannese history

    watch out for whites southerners for many fake personalities in here

    i think southerners have to ignore them and quit talking about servitute if they talk about servitute they are white racist wikipedians that false write your history

    ignore them Ancien egypt was black and nubia

    read below


    pharoh says


    i left these behind to say im black and related to south sudanese above im proud of my origins in southern sudan and abyssinya and puh





    pharaoh says as other evidence i left these bust to say im black

    rewritting south new history

    About your country

    For example south sudan (new egypt new history)

    Person to south Sudan

    New history

    Rename your new country new Egypt or kushland or cush

    Say you went up the Nile created kerma lasted 800 years go
    In detail about it

    Talk about three thousand-year history of legacy of 3000-year Ancient Egypt
    The land of wonder the most famous civilisation in the world they were black like you the ancient Egyptians stated themselves book of haufer they came from the source of the Nile location south Sudan and Ugandan areas so cause of that plus you share the Nile sources of Ancient Egypt you have a write to talk about ancient Egypt
    Pharaoh bust proof he was black

    Papyrus of Hunefer, the ancient Egyptians stated categorically:

    “We came from the source of the Nile at the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon, in the land of the gods, where the god Hapi dwells.” This location, means River Moh Land that is currently South Sudan (New Egypt) and the land of punt North east Africa and other East African nations was “the land of the gods” to the Egyptians

    So when south sudan becomes independent in 2011 rename that state new Egypt to hurt those people in arab Egypt and the west for their theft on those great dynasty,

    Don’t worry when the Christian southern Sudanese (new Egyptians) when they separate from Islamic north sudan will built new pyramids, new monuments, new arts, brand new music
    The world willonce again say wow another great dynasty

    New Egypt ( south sudan) you are new Egyptians are the true hiers toland of wonders built another one when you declare a beand new era in the nile-valley

    From your ancestors of The Nile valley

    Go detail about the Egyptian merotic 25 dynasty a Sudanese dynasty bc under pikany

    Go detail of queen Candace battle of Rome bc and victory looting austus head bc

    EVIDENCEB WETH YOUR OWN EYES THE GREAT CIVILISATION OUR ancestors lefh behind AcIeh sudan FOR AncIeh meroe

    Go detail of Christian nubia on how they defeated Arabs 640 AD sign a peace treaty and under king mercurus united a powerful strong kingdom 640AD to 1150 and famous rulers during that period like David and George who conquered southern Egypt to say the ancient Egyptians were black and Christian nubia got its inspiration from Philip Jesus disciple and Angel who visited queen can dance official the Ethiopian eunuch or nubian official who converted to Christianity true
    Cool true inspiration for christanity inn sudan nubia goes Angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, saying, “Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is 5 deserts. 27 So he arose and went. And behold, wa man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and xhad come to Jerusalem to worship, 28 was returning. And sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet. 29 Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.” reading the book of Isaiah the prophet. 29 The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” 30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. 31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 32 The eunuch was reading this passage of Scripture: “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 33 In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.” 34 The eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?” 35 Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus. 36 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” 37 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. 39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. 40 Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.
    Say Christian nubia would last up to 1504

    Ac 8:26-29

    But tribes like Azande who entered the south 10 century under their leader gbwe gave the south a new hope and the return of Christ in the Nile valley

    Sudan was conquered by mohhamed Ali 1821 looking for gold ivory and solders to join his army and search for the sources of the Nile and make it secure the Egyptian Turks and European allies added north to its empire and south was added 1850s is mail Mohammed successor named European governors in the south like baker and Gordon in 1880s Gordon became general governor of Sudan to keep Sudan to rule of law

    1880s The Sudanese public fed up with foreigners revolted under the Mahdi and united the country into the uprising west; north and south to drive the foreigners away

    Prior to the mahdi revolution 1880s

    In the south the Azanda warriors early 1880s the south rose up in uprising under their leader gbwe who went on to score many victories again foreigners

    Portrait of Prince Bavongara (a son of King Gbudwe who rule in southern sudan lasted 1880 till 1905), holding a pipe and seated in a cane chair in his home compound, with his household tuka or spirit-shrine behind him

    Read more about gbwe who protected the south against Islam and Arab advance in the 1880s



    Read ore about gbwe a great southern hero of 1880s who defended south 1880s western equatorial and protected south against Islam and Arab advance in the southin 1880s black mahdist revolution was suspicious against the Arab Egyptians Turks and their European allies they declared a holy war to rid Sudan of colonizers and infidels they recruited northern Sudanese eastern beja western Sudanese even southern Sudanese like azande and nuba joined that revolution they defeated the Arab Egyptian Turks in many battles and khartoum was surrounded and the garrison was slaughtered and Gordon killed mahdi released gbwe from khartoum prison ad took European governors as captives until they were freed by kitchner especially Oswald who was European in chains in made camp

    Although gbwe was friends to extent wreth the mahdi to get rid of the colonist in 1885 he wasn’t friend of mahdi successor who wanted to extend Islam rule in the south he fought the mahdist successor khalifia

    The Mahdists left him alone until 1898, when – just months before their own regime was destroyed at the battle of Omdurman – they sent an army under Arabi Dafalla to deal with him. Gbudwe soundly defeated this force at the battle of Birikiwe.

    thus he protected the south from Islam advance in 1880s a real icon but the south he would prefer Christianity for the over Islam

    In the following year the Mahdists overran the Sudan, and for some reason they decided to release him. They must soon have come to wish that they hadn’t. Gbudwe then went home and supervised the extermination of all the Arabs who were left in his country. One of Evans-Pritchard’s informants summarises his subsequent relations with his fellow Azande:

    “When he heard it said of a prince that he had many followers he made war against him, and he set one of his sons in his place to reside there and to rule over all who used to be his subjects. Thus Gbudwe prospered and became a great king, for he made war against any prince who opposed him. He only was a great king and continued as such. Gbudwe was a powerful and a daring man, for he overcame all princes, and for him alone they became meek. After he had overcome them all he rested in peace; and he distributed provinces to all his sons, and he left it to them to make war against many peoples.”

    The Mahdists left him alone until 1898, when – just months before their own regime was destroyed at the battle of Omdurman – they sent an army under Arabi Dafalla to deal with him. Gbudwe soundly defeated this force at the battle of Birikiwe. By this time, however, the main threat was not from the Arabs, but from the three European powers whose spheres of interest met in Azandeland – the British, the French, and the Belgian king Leopold’s Congo Free State.

    Other Azande princes had already been fighting the whites, with varying success,

    The recon quest of Sudan 1898

    Closed district to separate south and north

    Independence 1956

    Bor mutiny

    War between Anaya south Christian rebels vs the muslim north

    Peace deal president niemerie signs peace del in 1970s with the south

    Prosperous period Sudan history discovery of oil

    Sharia law restated war breaks out

    1984 a great new southern leader john garang sets up south spla army and envisioned a new Sudan
    Were are can live peace regardless of colour religion

    sadiq mahdi overthrown by bashier

    war intesifies under leadership of hassan el turabi

    omer el bashier falls out with el turabi and forms ncp

    After 11 2001 in USA attacks and fall of saddam Iraq 2003 it was in omer bashier interest to sign a peace deal with the south

    Sice his government was under sanctions by USA for spreading terrorism

    peace sign 2005 osma tah omer bashier and john garang new era dawns for the nile-valley

    Comprehensive Peace Agreement (Part11) Sudanby GarangKuot5,

    after passing of garang

    Kirr resumes responsibility of the south and Splm and will lead the south to a new ra of peace ad prosperity whether the south choose separation or unity upcoming 2011 independence

    the legacy of the Nile-valley conhinues
    what does the future holds

    for the nile-valley 2011

    legacy conhinue

    south be friends with USA and extablish great new relations with the uk At least they helped to strive for an independent south sudan 2011 in he modern era when south sudan indeopendant 2011 share oil with the north but retain your Christian

    it was the white that brought servitute to sudan
    lying and changing sudanese history zobeir was just a black darfariun who sold ivory nothing more

    history falsified by the colonist hey tried to flood sudanese pryamids with Aswan rememmber

    gbwe was a famous southerner of the 1880s who fought against arab and islam expansion advance in the south and fought even the whites

    Acient southerners went up the nile built kerma 800 years legacy then they built meroe then Ancient egypt 3000 year legacy pharaoh tuk was black

    queen candance of nubia was black

    christian nubia was black of northern sudan 3000 year history

    mohammed ali just went sudan to colonise sudan looking for ivory gold and source of nile and sudanese soilders to join the egyptian Army

    ali sucessor ismail extended south employed gordon and baker as governors 1870

    the colonist faced resitance by southerners like azande gbwe fought the fake egyptian Arab and turks and european governors colonist

    southerners joined the black mahdist revolution 1885 and kicked the fake egyptian turks european hicks killed gordon killed and garrison of khartoum slaughtered with thousands of arab egyptian and westners killed and white governors taken in chains y the mahdist until kitchner freed them 1898

    gbwe protected south against islam advance in the south 1889s a true hero for the south

    it was the colonist britain that wrote and changed sudanese history after sudan reconquest 1898

    fake egyptian arabs never did anything to the southerners or turks or northern sudanese

    the mahdist revolution was not black it united all black tribes in sudan north west beja and edven south and defeated the colonist arabs/whites

    ismail the arab egyptian kehedeve was anti-servitute all these serfvitute nonsennse camme from britain tht created two groups

    so called arab north vs black christian south

    mission after britain ctreated these differences it wanted war and joined them together 1956

    they want southerners to talk about servitute instead of Ancient egypt and Ancient nubia

    who clearly came from the south by evidence on pharaoh tuk mumies why try flood sudanese pryamids

    but islam was the real ennemey for the south it was
    gbwe that fought against islam expnsion

    sudanese history needs change and revision alot of them was falsified by colonits britain who wanted revenge by many of it citizen tken to white slavery north Africa

    after indepedance 1956

    dont read wikepida it carries alot of western theroes by coloist

    the same people that wrote your history proparly same people that flood your sudanese pryamids or change pharaoh tut bust to white

    peace signed 2005

    egyptia were black

    those in these site

    join our group everyweek on faceoook talk about sudan upcommig 2011 refendum and rewritting sudanese history

    the south should extablish new realtions and boost its relations britain and USA god bless America who helped extablish south suudan 2011 Indepecace vohe

    And share oil with the north and rehain it christian culture

    If you wah to catch us everyweek to talk about sudanese 2011 refrendum everweek on facebook contact us below and how to rewrite sudanese history



    contact us

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