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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese president to visit Juba next week

December 30, 2010 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir will pay a visit to the Southern capital of Juba next week for talks with Salva Kiir who is the head of the semi-autonomous region.

A picture taken on January 9, 2009 shows Sudan's President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (3rdR) and First Vice President Salva Kiir (R) arriving at Upper-Nile State capital city, Malakal for celebrations to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the signing of the CPA (AFP)
A picture taken on January 9, 2009 shows Sudan’s President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (3rdR) and First Vice President Salva Kiir (R) arriving at Upper-Nile State capital city, Malakal for celebrations to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the signing of the CPA (AFP)
The minister for regional co-operation in the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) Deng Alor told the London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that Kiir and Bashir will discuss the remaining outstanding items in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

The semi-autonomous south Sudan is due to vote on its future on January 9, the climax of a 2005 peace deal that ended Africa’s longest civil war. The south is widely expected to choose secession.

The National Congress Party (NCP) in the north & Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM) in the South have been discussing without success since July the key sticking points of future citizenship arrangements, the sharing out of natural resources — particularly oil — security and compliance with international accords, notably on water allocation from the Nile.

They have also yet to find common ground on the disputed oil district of Abyei which had supposed to be holding a simultaneous vote on its own future that has been delayed by disagreements over who should be eligible to vote and demarcating the region’s borders.

Alor said that hopes for a unity vote in the referendum are diminishing and that it is best for both sides to seek a peaceful divorce and focus on maintaining brotherly ties in the post-secession Sudan.

The NCP officials including Bashir have said they will recognize the outcome of the referendum even if it points to secession.



  • Man of facts
    Man of facts

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    At this critical period, you will never go back to north.

  • Garang Ngong
    Garang Ngong

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    What visit, we can even tell him bye from there. He has been visiting Juba since, but he did not solve outstanding issues in CPA Document what good news is he coming with? For us southern of today are wiser than before,and again there is no room for visit but there is room for voting.

  • Haak

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    wow! your execellencey president Omar Hassan Elbashir your very welcome to Juba to come and celebrate your last title as the president of the all sudan, mind you that you letf with less than two weeks to be called the president of sudan, you will be call the president of northern sudan very soon your execllency

    let me hope your mision is to wish southern sudanese farewell going and happy merry-chrismass, happy new year and happy world,and Africa new nation.

    personall am of view that, plus, minus, multiply and subtract issue of citinzenship, border demacration,security plus what have you, southern sudan is already a nation but its just matter of formalities, otherise i advise president Kiir not to waste alot of time with bashir when he come because anything that include president Omar on earth never and will never yeast any fruits. so why should you waste much time.

    lastly, i think it should not be prisident bashirt alone to and wish southern sudanse farewell and safe journey to new nation, i think president kiir should also prepare to forget of title of 1st vice president of sudan, i suggest he should also go to khartoum and wish them good dedictationship and endless Sharia law in thier city.

    my last message goes to Hotels owners where president Bashir is going to be accommadated, i take this minute to argued you that, welcome the president with the following types of foods, Matooke, Chapati, Sukuma wiki, Nyaama choma, waal-waal, drinks-tuskers,plistners,guines,bill lagers mention (them) all the staple east african foods and drinks as an indication that southern sudan is gone be part of east africa where is freedom of everything


    Haak Madol Betiem

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    Its become clear that the SPLM is a separatist movement and through out this period was buying time. No matter what the North did they would have said it wasn’t enough. The South was given full autonomy – government, army, finance. They were given 1/3 of seats in parliament and 1/3 of government or public jobs. The constitution was changed to recognize this diversity – All this despite the North population accounting for more than 80% of the total. The North has invested in the South, almost $3 billion.
    The SPLM since signing the CPA – set up their own flag and international representatives, refused to pay any taxes to the central government. They signed agreements with Northern opposition parties despite being part of the government. They smuggled weapons from Kenya and Uganda in breach of the CPA. They allowed other rebel groups to take refuge in the South. They call openly (Now anyway) for separation. WHAT HAS THE SPLM done to make unity attractive? The author states that the wiki leaks articles prove the North is keeping the money in their pockets. 1- Its not even an allegation. 2. What happened to the $ 10 Billion GOSS share of oil revenue ? The CPA states it is the responsibility of the GOSS to provide investment and infrastructure for the South. THEY ASKED FOR IT TO GET THE MONEY DIRECTLY. Where did it go? The SPLM’s fancy mansions in Kenya, Europe, US and Australia. The SPLM’s army and weaponry.

    Southerners have been fueled by SPLM propaganda and hatred. If it is not the current situation in the South Sudan, then the deep wounds of many southerners that the SPLM keeps reopening to get sympathy and support. When you start looking at it in this context – The SPLM wants and has always wanted secession of the South. Only then can you understand the push by Western governments to facilitate this despite The SPLM got a very fair deal from the CPA – no precedent to it elsewhere in the world, were a region/county group/society would have such advantages over the remaining population.

    Chances are that South will degenerate into something like East Timor or worse.US involvement will not fare any better than that of Australia in the affairs of east Timor.
    Bashir will survive as will rest of Sudan. The threat to its integrity is much less acute that that to Ethiopia or the new south Sudan. A consensus on bringing order in South Sudan, by all parties involved as well as by Arab, EU and US would pave the way for a successful completion of the process. South Sudan would need police power, money, medical supplies, and food for at least 2 to 3 years before being able to fend for itself. It is nobody’s interest to drive the nation to a situation that is bedeviling Congo, Chad, Uganda or Somalia. A belief in doctrines rather than in what is desirable and what is feasible might drive the nascent country to a ruinous outcome.

    The SPLM and many Southerners wanted independence from the North for their own feelings of hatred towards Northerners or their own agenda’s. Its down to those 2 reasons only. Hatred or selfishness. There is no other excuse – you wanted this since signing the CPA. So stop this repeated bull about dictatorship, unattractive unity or Sharia. No matter what the North offered to make Unity attractive the SPLA would have continued in this path esp since they (Kiir, Mosad and CIA) killed the late Garang to achieve this.

    All this talk of freedom and euphoria sounds good in Western media. But the truth of the matter is the SPLA/M will rule you like dogs ! Uganda and Kenya will be your masters and the EU and US will bail out of any promises made. Because their aim was to make Sudan weak – not South Sudan strong.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    P.s to Gatwech

    100 years of you ancestors struggle. Are you people rewriting your history like the Israelies. 100 years you were all running around naked in some jungle in Uganda or Congo. There was no struggle !

    Arabs did not come to the Sudan. Sudan is mixed ethnicities including the South. Majority of Northern Sudanese are direct descendants of the Nubian and other civilizations that existed there since time was recorded. Arabic (the Language) and Islam (the religion) came to Sudan like many other African and world countries. Arabs did not migrate by the millions to Sudan – make it clear to some of you illiterate and ignorant people. Arabs did not mass migrate to Sudan. The language and religion did – to the people who were already there – THIS DID NOT INCLUDE YOU.

    So Kush/Cush and all that wonderful praise you give yourselves in your anthem is a joke. Southerners had nothing to do with Kush/Cush or North Sudan. You migrated to Southern Sudan from Uganda or were part of the big kingdom that is now the Congo.

    So there was no struggle ! Frankly there hasnt been one for the last 55 years either. I thought it was Bashir and the NCP that made your lives miserable and failed to make unity attractive or whatever other excuse you come up with. The joke all these Southerners go to the US and EU and claim they were freed slaves ! Yet out of the 7 million population of Khartoum alone Southerners make up 2 million !

  • Freedom Fighta
    Freedom Fighta

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    Mr Omar el Dick Head last trick won’t work. I know he has some plans in his terrorist mind, but my brOthers/ sisters, mums and dads … Etc. Stand firm on ur choice of Separation. We must be care ful, no body should even go to the street to welcome him, he must know that we made up our minds. No more Omer’s bullshit.

    God bless 2011 for being a year where history of the whole earth is rewritten, and the berth of a new country South Sudan.
    God bless SPLA for continues commitment of implementing peace of 2005, and keeping our people save and secure.
    God bless South Sudan forever,
    In the name of Jesus Christ.

    To all the people in South Sudan, happy new year from Australia.

  • FairPlay

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    To Sam Eto.

    Get over it. Stop all the bitterness and historical lies which cannot be backed by any objective serious analysis. This should not be the place to do it. I am not Sudanese but, your comments reek of a very bitter person. If the people of the South want autonomy to chart their destiny then, be happy for them. The two countries will still have a relationship due to being together for 54 years.

  • Mangol-kot

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    Bashir’s visit to Juba is unproductive and we should not based our hopes on their meeting. Let us just base our hopes on the upcoming new nation which is few days away from now. Basir is hopeless and deadly for he has reduced our number on our own soil.

  • original sudanese
    original sudanese

    Sudanese president to visit Juba next week
    First of all this is called Sudan Tribune not Australia Tribune, second these are internal affairs between Sudanese (South, North, East, West) so stop you hidden agenda and stop sticking your nose in our internal affairs. We can agree or disagree among ourselves all day as Sudanese and that’s okay. We are smart enough to figure things out we don’t need a white man like you to teach us what to say, how to think or what religion to believe. For some reason you think we don’t know better? I know you are going to see I am free to post comments anywhere I know that, no body is controlling anything. I am just saying have respect and curtsy to us Africans.

    The following is my response to your comments about my post from previous post. I know this has nothing to do with this topic but I felt to post here aging so you can read it

    “As I expected, it looks like you have hidden agenda. I keep telling you this is not a debate about religion. There are places for that and I am very sure when you go to these places with your false accusations about the best profit that was sent by God, you will find some intelligent Muslims who will bring you down to your knees with their knowledge and solid proofs and you will realize that you were ignorant about Islam.

    I guess even profit Mohamed peace be upon him did not get away from your white supremacy mentality. I guess since profit Mohamed did not have blue eyes as the Europeans made profit Jesus peace be upon him, even though they know he was from the Middle East, but they made that false image of him with blue eyes to make people think he was white and white folks are superior to others.

    I advise you to go to the closest mosque, because there are many in your county and you will find very peaceful people with great knowledge who I am very sure will welcome you with open arms and give you better education abut Islam and maybe one day you will see the light and repent or at least have some decency to respect the profits of God with no exception.
    I am not going to go as low as you did by insulting profit Mohamed peace be upon him or any other profit. I respect all the profits of God with no exception, from Adam all the way to Moses, Jesus and the seal of the profits Mohamed peace be upon all of them. I admire all of them and have great deal of respect to all of them. God will take care of you for what you said about profit Mohamed peace be upon him. You will find out if not in this life, then in the hereafter. God is so merciful and the door for repentance is open for all, so think about as it is not too late. I can keep on and on and on this topic, but like I said this forum is not the place for that

    Now let us go back to the main topic in hand. I wish if you will be brave enough and admit the wrong doing your white folks did to our incident people in Africa not log time a go. Stop going around the main topic and be brave.

    For the sake of other folks in this forum, please no more talk about religion here. Go to Church to do that”

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