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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties

January 1, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir has reiterated his commitment to recognize the results of south Sudan’s vote on independence, pledging to erect strong ties with the semi-autonomous region if it opted for full independence as expected.

Sudan President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir during his address to the nation on the occasion of Sudan’s 55th anniversary of independence at the Presidential Palace in Khartoum, December 31, 2010 (Reuters)
Sudan President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir during his address to the nation on the occasion of Sudan’s 55th anniversary of independence at the Presidential Palace in Khartoum, December 31, 2010 (Reuters)
In less than a week on January 9, citizens of south Sudan are due to go the polls to cast their votes either in favor of remaining united with the north or seceding to create an independent state.

The vote was stipulated in a 2005’s peace deal that ended nearly half a century of intermittent civil war between the south decades between the south, where most ascribe to Christianity or traditional beliefs, and the predominantly Muslim north.

Feeling aggrieved by the years of civil war and perceived neglect by successive governments in the north, southerners are largely expected to vote for full independence.

In the speech he delivered on the occasion of Sudan’s independence on December 31, Al-Bashir once again said he would adhere to the referendum date and honor its results.

“Let the referendum process proceed with God’s good graces as well as our commitment which we now reiterate to the scheduled date and to accept the outcome resulting from the desire and choice of the citizens”.

Al-Bashir pledged that he would “not renege or hesitate on” the commitment to accept the final result.

President Al-Bashir, who is expected to visit south Sudan’s capital Juba on 4 January to assess preparations for the plebiscite, further reaffirmed his government’s commitment to safeguard the rights of southern citizens in the north if the south seceded.

“We are committed to the promise we made to protect south Sudanese citizens in the north, we call on the Government of South Sudan to do likewise by taking the measures to safeguard the situation,” he said.

Al-Bashir maintained that unity is the best option for southerners. But he promised if unity cannot be attained he would seek to foster cooperative and mutually beneficial relations with the south.

“We will call and work for creating relations based on cooperation and promotion of common interests, and to present a role model in maintaining joint security and exchanging interests as well as looking after social relations and ties of blood, kinship and history,” Al-Bashir declared.



  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    Thank you mr. president.
    peace be with you and also with south sudan.

  • original sudanese
    original sudanese

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    There is a white boy / girl who reads our posts and sometimes he posts baseless comments. His nickname is Australian be careful with him he has hidden agenda. He always uses religion to divide between our people. He has no business to interfere with our internal affairs. Don’t pay him attention please. He thinks that we don’t know better since we are Africans, so he keeps sticking his red nose…..

    I am not going to pay attention to him

    I love Sudan
    I love Africa
    I love all my African brothers and sisters

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    Thank president Bashir, the best thing is to work for good relations with South and health the wounds of injustice as well as millions of lost lives of Southern Sudanese over years of civil wars. You should too back off of the false claims that Miseriah Bagara are citizens of Abyei, you very well know that it is not true and it is like the Egyptians claiming Halib to be their land and that does not mean that because you back down from Egypt grabbing of Halib, Southerners will too back down from the the land of their brother Dinka Ngok Kuol Arop. Miseriah are nomads (ruhals) who move around in the South for grazing, they even go for grazing in Twic counties as well as Malual Gernyang counties and under no circumstances could they say they are Twic , Malual or Abyei and by the way none of these naming sound right for the Arab Ruhals or marahlin.

  • Freedom Fighta
    Freedom Fighta

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    Mr el Bashir,

    First let go of our Abeyi, and then if their is any relationships or ties that you are planning to have with us will grow by time, now is just the wrong to to do any of that, we are still remembering our loved once who were killed and murdered by your troops and by you reckless rulership. Maybe after 10-20 yrs by then we might have such ties or relationship.

  • toposaboy

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    A southern Sudanese Muslim Islam man burn the church in Juba capital city of southern Sudan
    At the same time Silve kirr Dinka Calling for southerners to give warm reception to A Muslim Man call the devil Omer Albeshiir
    No No No
    You’re fucking sick individual silver kirr

  • original sudanese
    original sudanese

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    Okay keep on kissing the white boy / girl feet. I would rather stick to my original African brothers and sister, because we are smart enough to figure things out freely without whites influence. If it was not for the original African Sudanese who fought against the white man and kicked them out in 1956, the white man will still be in control and no chance for referendum. White man would have taken the whole Sudan. Good Luck! Don’t kiss too hard you may break your tooth because he may kick you one day while you kissing his / her foot.

  • australian

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    Someone asked me on this website where I got the figure of 270 million from – the number of non-Muslims killed by Muslims since the 7th century.
    Here is a link, which should arouse an interest in further study.
    (Thomas Sowell, by the way, is an African-American conservative writer.)


    The figures of Muslims killed by Muslims (for Islamic reasons such as apostasy or heresy, etc) might be harder to find, but no doubt they are high too.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir

    Your visit on Tuesday to Juba is a historic for the people of Southern Sudan. Live up to your commitment. I consider your visit to cover the following
    1. issues of Northern businessmen residency in the South as well as the Southerners residency and nationality in the North. And safeguarding their interests.

    2. It should also consider economic and trade tie as presence of Northern businessmen in considerable number in the South indicates the pathway towards building that bloc.

    3. Splitting up central share of departmental and ministerial assets, property and wealth.

    4. National debts and loans.

    5. Abyei issue.

    6. Border security including people movement.

    7. Sudan treaties, pacts and protocols with different countries.


  • australian

    Al-Bashir reiterates promise to accept result of South Sudan vote, build strong ties
    Mohammed “Rage Boy” Ali might like to consider an apology from the president of the Sudan to all black Sudanese people, whether Christian, Muslim or animist, for the jihad waged upon them. And Rage Boy might like to humbly consider what he can do to help the situation, rather than talk hypocritically about “love”, an emotion which he obviously holds in less regard than the emotions of hate and glorious Islamic “rage”.
    “Love”? He’s gotta be a sufi…lol…

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