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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebel leader praises peaceful South Sudan referendum, renews commitment for peace

January 10, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — A Darfur rebel leader congratulated Southern Sudan for conducting peaceful referendum vote on independence and reiterated his determination to achieve peace in Western Sudan.

Men registered to vote line up at a polling station in Rumbek on January 10, 2011 on the second day of a landmark independence referendum (Getty)
Men registered to vote line up at a polling station in Rumbek on January 10, 2011 on the second day of a landmark independence referendum (Getty)

The Southern Sudanese voted massively during the first and second days to determine the future of their region. The long queues in front of polling centres are expected to continue during the seven day process. Huge support for the establishment of an independent state in the semi-autonomous region is expected.

The vote will continue to 15 January and the results are expected to be announced during February.

“We congratulate our brothers in Southern Sudan for voting peaceably. Many remained imperturbable for long hours, to cast their ballots,” said the chairman of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Abdel Wahid Al Nur. “This patience shows their determination and deserves appreciation”.

The rebel leader further praised the efforts exerted by the leadership of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and its chairman Salva Kiir Mayadrit in working towards the running of a successful and peaceful vote.

“We in the SLM recognize in advance the outcome of this credible and internationally monitored vote. Whether it is in favour of unity or secession, it is their right,” he added.

The Darfur region shares a large part of its border with what is expected to be a newly independent Southern Sudan. Khartoum has expressed concerns that rebel groups would be harboured by the government in Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan, and warned this may lead to war.

Al-Nur underscored that peaceful relations with the new state is the main objective of the SLM. He said that “stability and can only protect the interest of the two peoples in the north and south Sudan”.

The rebel leader, who is not part of the peace process, reiterated his determination to seek a peaceful settlement to the eight year conflict in Darfur.

“I’m still conducting my consultations within our movements, but also with leaders from Darfur and the rest of the country,” he said, explaining the delays in a meeting to be held in Paris on the SLM participation in the peace process.

“We hope to finalize this process soon, before holding the Paris meeting,” Al-Nur said, adding that he is still “very keen to hold this consultation”.

He also stressed that his movement would keep struggling to preserve the unity of the north and establish a secular state based on the citizenship rights and democratic principles.

“We should work hard to avoid the reproduction of the causes that led to the southern Sudan’s separation, if not, we will find ourselves facing the same crisis and the country will be dismembered, into three or more entities.”

The rebel leader urged the international community to step up efforts to stop violence in Darfur and to support efforts for a just and lasting peace.

He called upon the international community particularly USA, France, United Kingdom, Germany, neighboring countries and African and Arab leaders to help to bring peace and stability in Darfur.

“We need all these efforts to realize a peace based on security and citizenship across the Sudan. We also appreciate all the efforts done to achieve a true peace in Darfur and we are very cooperative to realize peace in Darfur.”

“The SLM will spare no efforts to achieve peace and we are very serious about reaching a just and comprehensive peace,” the rebel leader repeated from Kenya.

Before leaving the French capital, Al-Nur told Sudan Tribune he would consult with the leading figures in his movement and prepares the ground to Paris meeting.

The Sudanese government withdrew its negotiating delegation from Qatar, but reiterated its commitment to the Doha forum, saying it would resume talks with the rebel groups when they prove their seriousness.

Khartoum also said it was not committed to a call by the US Senator John Kerry to move the peace process from Doha. However, presidential adviser Ghazi Salah Al-Deen, who is tasked with a Darfur file, said his government will begin its plans for peace from inside the country.



  • saban John
    saban John

    Darfur rebel leader praises peaceful South Sudan referendum, renews commitment for peace
    bravo brother alnur. you are a very good man but I would advise you to forgive your brother bashir. southerners are trying to buy your mind. without northerners, there couldnot be south sudan to be realistic.

    arabs are the one who open south sudan to the world, they pour lots of money to develop south sudan but southerners eat aall the money. keep on convincing southerners to vote for unity. unity is the only way in which southerners can be happpy. i know that for sure as being a southerners. arabs can give food, soap and many things. who in this world can give thaT.

  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Darfur rebel leader praises peaceful South Sudan referendum, renews commitment for peace
    Dear Dafurian,

    Thanks for the well wishes even thought it is at the last minute. Don’t worry if you are being chased out of Southern Sudan this is just a tactical move and but our uniting objective is intact until the zero hour. Sudan must be forced to accept multiculturalism otherwise there will be no real peace in Sudan. Continue the struggle!

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