Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan army goes to ballots, ending bullets after 50 years of struggle

January 13, 2011 (JUBA) – Like the civil population of Southern Sudanese eligible to vote, the region’s army has been busy casting their votes in the last four days of the referendum on the independence of Southern Sudan.

SPLA soldiers (SPLA)
SPLA soldiers (SPLA)
The voting exercise is seen as the official peaceful resolution to the north-south conflict which raged between 18 August 1955, when the first bullet was fired against the policies of the subsequent Khartoum governments, and 9 January 2005, with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which stipulated the entitlement of Southern Sudanese to make this vote.

Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army (SPLA) generals converged at the army general headquarters in Bilpam, a few kilometers away from Southern Sudan’s capital, Juba, and named after the former rebels’ main base, near the Ethiopian border during the war. In accordance with the military command hierarchy, the first to cast his vote was Gen. Paulino Matip Nhial, the army’s Deputy Commander-in-Chief and was followed by the Chief of General Staff, Gen. James Hoth Mai.

After casting his vote at the polling station located inside the general headquarters, Gen. Matip then began to sing songs of peace as officers responded with expressions of confidence. He urged all the registered voters in the army to cast their votes, adding that the ballots, rather than bullets would determine the future of the region.

Tens of thousands of voters in the army are also expected to cast their votes in the one-week long referendum exercise which is widely predicted to split the largest African country into two independent states.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan army goes to ballots, ending bullets after 50 years of struggle
    Dear readers,

    Thanks to the SPLA army command for urging the soldiers throughout the South to turn out and vote.

    Yes, it is time for ballots and reserve the bullets incase another stupid hyena overthrows Bashir during the next six months to July declaration of independence and invades the South. While we celebrate this crucial step in the self-determination implementation in the referendum, it is NOT over yet until it is over on July 9, 2011 when independence is official declared, new flag raised and new national anthem sung.

    We will support Bashir incase of any coup attempt, but God forbids it from happening. We thank Bashir for allowing the referendum to take place freely, fairly, transparently and peacefully and orderly.

    Again, thanks to Gen. Paulino Matip Nhial (deputy commander-in-chief) and Gen. James Hoth Mai (chief of general staff) plus all your officers in the SPLA for leading the army into this historic vote for independence at the historic place called Bilpam (Rocky Hills).

    More than 70% turnout has been achieved while the threshold is only 60%. We will reach 90% by Friday and out of the turnout I believe more than 95% will vote for secession (independence).

    Independent South Sudan oyeee…..

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan army goes to ballots, ending bullets after 50 years of struggle
    Lt. Gen. Lion Paulino Matip,

    This is what you and other separatists have been fighting for since 1975, but Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang imposed his self-claimed “New Sudan,” vision on Southern Sudanese through the support of Mr. Mengistu of Ethiopia.

    Now, it’s up to arabized Nubian gov’t(NIF/NCP) to respect the referendum or else.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    South Sudan army goes to ballots, ending bullets after 50 years of struggle
    you should stop acting like children,these army are not belong to any tribe or state.
    They are southern sudan Army,

  • bright

    South Sudan army goes to ballots, ending bullets after 50 years of struggle
    The solidiers sacrificed their lives for this to happen. They deserve respect indeed.
    As for these commentators who throw their racist rubish on the site, ignore them. They dont represent the ordinary people. They just represent them selves. It is really silly to argue who contributed what at this moment. Every one contributed directly or indirectly. Southern Sudan is enough for every one!

    No to tribalism!!! Yes to unity, strength and prosperity.

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