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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace

By Ngor Arol Garang

January 13, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — With south Sudan’s referendum on independence ending on Saturday, some of the southern Sudanese living in Khartoum say they do not see plausible reasons to break up the country, and describe voting for the unity of Sudan as symbol of peace and national integrity.

A member of the voting staff collects the fingerprint of a southern Sudanese voter at a polling station in Khartoum's Hajj Yousef locality on 14 January 2011 (Photo: Reuters)
A member of the voting staff collects the fingerprint of a southern Sudanese voter at a polling station in Khartoum’s Hajj Yousef locality on 14 January 2011 (Photo: Reuters)

The seven day voting processes commenced on Sunday 9 and is expected to end on Saturday 15 January. The huge turnout in southern Sudan has been contrasted with a low turnout in the north.
Very few southerners registered in northern Sudan to participate at the historical vote, only 116857 people registered in the whole north to vote in the referendum,

According to the figures published by the South Sudan Referendum Commission, there are 36736 people who registered in the three towns of Khartoum state, Omdurman 14667, Khartoum 11617 and Khartoum North 10452. In Haj Yousef voting center the turnout reached 67 percent (553 voters among 712 registered). This percentage is seen one of the highest in the capital.

Officials attribute the low number of southerners voting in Khartoum and other areas of the north to the fact that many have returned to the south ahead of the poll. Also, SPLM officials called on Southerners in the north to not register fearing vote rigging.

The government of south Sudan started massive repatriation of the internally displaced persons still in the north and who fled their homelands during the two-decade civil war using barges on the White Nile as well overcrowded buses.

The journey is not without security risks. Up to 10 southerners traveling in a convoy were killed in an attack while crossing Sudan’s contested north-south border. Analysts believe that clashes on the border could pull the country back to war.

For most returnees, however the trip has been safe and joyous. Many southerners, who lived in the north, say they face severe discrimination. The UN says that over 55,000 have returned in the last few months. Others are also planning to return over fears over their citizenship rights, should the south secede.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune at Jaburona on Thursday, Achol Ayii Dut, who knows has an Islamic name “Zenab”, described Khartoum as lovely place to live.

“I have never had any problem since I came here. It is one of the happiest places I have lived”, she said.

“In Khartoum there are jobs. People are able to get jobs and work. There are schools and hospitals. There are also transports. People move easily. When one needs to visit relative or a friend, you take a bus and go without having to walk long distances like in the south. So why would one vote separation.

“If it is because of development, the politicians should discuss with central government to extend development to the south but not division. Division is not good. Unity is the symbol of peace and so I voted for unity,” she explained.

Achol said the north has schools, transport facilities, good hospital and jobs, which cannot be found in the south.

“I have seen many people packing their luggage several times to go to the south but ends up returning in desperate situation because these things are not in the south. The south has no functioning schools and hospitals everything there is improvised,” says Achol.

Sultan Mawien Koc from Warrap State also said little has improved in the south to accept separation. “I am not saying there are no differences. There are differences but these can be resolved. Separation is not the solution. Sudan is our home and we must not allow it to be divided because unity is our strength,” said Sultan Koc.

Reverend Gabriel Roric, a former bishop of Episcopal Church of Sudan for Rumbek, turned politician, after breaking away to form his own Reformed Episcopal Church of Sudan, said he does not see reason for separation.

“The history of Sudan is clear. The name Sudan means black. Sudan is the home of black people. So why are we running away from our home. To whom are we leaving this beautiful country?”

Roric, who spoke to Sudan Tribune on a flight from Juba to Khartoum from Juba on Thursday morning, said those calling for separation were these same people who supported unity of Sudan under what he termed as project called “new Sudan”.

New Sudan, was a term coined by John Garang, the late leader of the SPLM, the former rebel movement who have governed the south since a 2005 peace deal, to describe his vision for a united, federal, democratic and pluralistic Sudan.

“The call for separation is a confused call. This has never existed and it is not the choice of every ordinary south Sudanese people. It is the choice of individuals who, in the first, launched New Sudan project to get the central power. They are confusing citizens and their future. Sudan cannot be divided because of individual problems,” explained Roric.

Reacting to the statements of unity, Samuel Kur, a member of the Unity Democratic Party, one of the southern political parties in Juba, described Bishop Roric as confused and selfish.

“Let him talk. Roric is new to most south Sudanese people. He has never done anything to his people. He is ever confused and selfish person. Forgot about him, South Sudan is gone,” said Kur who sounded angered by the remark.

Kur said nothing on earth would stop secession of south Sudan from the come what may.

“Let me tell you this. Let me tell you and it is up to you to judge. South Sudan is gone. The people you have seen voting are all voting separation not unity. If Roric thinks there will be unity, let him forget,” said Kur.

Thomas Tut Koat, speaking in Khartoum city center described Khartoum as a ” living hell”.

“Those who say Khartoum is good are puppets and stooge of the national congress party. Khartoum is a living hell. It is dangerous and is no good. If you are a south Sudanese nobody helps you with a job,” especially when you are a Nuer or Dinka.

“I came to Khartoum when I was young and I never liked it to vote for unity,” said Tut.

He said did not register during registration because he did not want to vote in places under controlled by Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party.

“I did not register because I knew I would still be here during voting processes and I know votes for separation here in Khartoum will be turned into Unity votes. Believe me or not those who have voted here will all be unity votes because everything in Khartoum under the National Congress Party is possible. Separation votes can be made to be unity votes by all means,” he said.



  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    I know Zenab will not read this but the reason we voting for separation includes why North should jobs for people, buses, schools, hospitals and so on and so forth while the South she is claiming not to go to does not have those things she mentioned. But let me tell you Achol/ Zenab, when South or Junub separates from Shamal, you will eventually get those things which you mentioned. North has money from Southern oil but now the oil will go to the rightful owners.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Achol Ayii DUT,
    Shame on you lady,you have been washing dishes and toilets a long the street of khartoum and now you dont want to return to your mother land.
    ”AT khartoum is lovely place on earth”
    Dinka are always part of problem,not part of solution.
    Keep on eating girl until your day come.

  • Bol Bol
    Bol Bol

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Do not rush to judgment folks. The few southerners in North who voted for unity did so out of fear. Their number is very marginal and it will not affect the 60% required for South to separate.

  • Victory

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    My message is to the confused element so-call achol,

    How much money have you received from”Ncp” while you still poor women living in jabrona, second class as well?& useing buses at the same time!plz come back to your home. khartoum is not your home.come to south where you dont have to take bus to transport you instead you will rid your own car.
    Dont be like our brother saban john who praise arabs because of food,south sudan has everything including english schools for your childerns,do not be deceived by arabs, come to south where you dont have live in jabrona(refugees camp)khartoum is Hell…löng live South Sudan.

  • Anyang

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Guys, these’s brainwashed idiots are off to the murky future and I’m sure they will regret soon or later and we must ignores them and let’s not wastes time thinking of what impact their rhetorics are or will have.My gut tell me that, nothing is going to stop us going to the promise land,because I have already weights the inevitability of success vs failures and I’m pretty confident that, we’re going to pull it off successfully despite what they common enemy’s wishes are.
    Otherwise cheer everybody!

  • Sam.Eto

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    There is no hope for you people to have democracy. Just look at how you treat your own people when they express their views. These people are talking and thinking logically. You people are thinking with you hearts .. which are filled with hatred and racism.

    Mr. Tut – if you hate the north so much from the day you came to khartoum. Why stay, why wait till the referendum and separation. Leave NOW.

    Brainwashing is even worse for Southerners who want separation. The SPLM has brainwashed you to believe they are going to make thinks better ! Ha what a joke. They didnt do anything the last five years other then buy villas in EU, Australia and US. They sent their kids to Western Uni’s while 90% are hungry and cant read or write. The SPLM since holding power has not build a single school, hospital or university. IN 5 YEARS !! They bought a lot of tanks and fed the useless SPLA with food and alcohol.

  • Tobiin

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Guys, the lady couldn’t read or write, she have been told to do so simply because she can’t read. stop wasting time we all know what the jalabas are doing, but is too late for them to deceive us.

  • Anyang

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Ruthless Sam Eto,

    You’re too stupid to judge wisely, if you’re not racist then I urges to go back and have full insight of who’s Dinkas are, and what’s their contribution mean to Southern Sudan today.Otherwise mere talk are not good at all.Don’t think like your likes, think like Dinkas and you will ultimately have a bright future.Denying Dinkas their fair share won’t works all.


    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Achol Ayii Dut,

    You are really a 100% prostitute girl whose Arabs fuck for money in Khartoum. I don’t care about what tribe you belong to. This quotation of yours as narrated below “I have never had any problem since I came here. It is one of the happiest places I have lived”. When you said I, it mean only you who like it, but not the whole Southern Sudanese who like what you like. So, if you like Khartoum, then don’t assume that every Southerners living in Khartoum like Khartoum as a place for living.

    After all, I will not spend alot of time since I know you are just “A girl for game”. Go and fuck yourself with Omar Beshir and Taha. Pussy Girl and Bitch.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Ajang Aguer Pageer
    Ajang Aguer Pageer

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Sam Eto,
    It’s funny how you recognize SPLM’s failure to have achieved nothing in the past five years and the ‘fact’ that the SPLA is a useless army fed with alcohol and food.However,the professional SAF that you cherish is known for committing genocide while the ‘pariah’ SPLA that should have been rogue because of being fed on Alcohol has actually maintained concrete security in the south for the past five years while the SAF,headed by a war criminal, has been on a killing spree in those five years.I am afraid you haven’t seen the impending chaos and collapse in the north in the coming few months,yet you are concerned about the failure of the SPLM in the south!I guess commonsense would have forced you to think of ways of getting out of the north alive,if not,you may get a decription that is akin to being a moron.Good with your life and make sure you pray harder for your safety in the north as the angry forces from the periphery will be storming the north soon.

  • Manyieldit

    Southerners in Khartoum describes unity vote as symbol of peace
    Dear Readers Zineb has no idea of what the separation mean as she is not an educated person to analyze why there is no development in the South, and why there are jobs opportunities and other good basic services in Khartoum and not in the South and other marginalized areas.

    First she is a Muslim and she does not know how much the non Muslim Southerners suffered under what is so-called Khartoum.Even if she voted for unity she will not got a privilege of been a peaceful citizen in the north due to her ethic background, Just ignore her statement since she is under the influence of her religion.

    Here I would like all Southerners to pay more attention to the lost bishop Roric, he is one of the people who should not be given a chance of joining South when comes separation and not to be allow to fake the defection which has been the tool used by many traitors of the South who fed on the blood of their fellow brothers and later come back in a name of defection from NCP. this should not be allow in case of Roric Jur. Yes we know Sudan is a land of black and we did not run away we are still in Sudan because South Sudan will remain in its geograpical area and will not move to Kenya nor will it go to aany country but instead will be an independent state within Africa, this is something Mr. Roric has not thought about it.

    Otherwise for Chief Mawien we know what is going on with him, he is just looking for mean of survival for the day and we know he has already voted for Separation has I have concrete evident of his vote.

  • makuei

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    These people are entitled to freedom of their choice, but how I pity them for being traitors planted in Khartoum by the Northern government. They should not call themselves Southerners any more because they say they don’t wanna return here, their motherland.

  • Diro79

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    to my confused brothers in the North, remember that Rome was built by the Romans. those who wish to remain in the north, i will not blame you, but you are just confused and because you have accepted to be a second class citizen. remember this always

  • A.T.M.P

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    people who voted for Unity are still sleeping..they are not wake yet…if u saw the war in sudan for 21 years and see your dead brother in front of you and you can’t do anything about it.second to that is if you want keep to clean toilets while you got master degree with u and you can’t find job. That what will happen in the future of sudan if unity win but if want to use your beautiful master degree in good and have good life in sudan.make sudan into two countries by voting for separation..separation will be good future for new genration of Southern Sudan.if u didn’t voted while u should for will pay for it.there will be time you will blame yourself if separation lose.but if we win you are lucky..Separation go go

  • A.T.M.P

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    I can’t believe black skins can vote for unity. who the fuck is unity? i was born in war but i know what war have done to cousins and nephews and friends..some of us are still sleeping.Come on people there is different between North n South skins too.Black skin is belong to southern sudan n brown skin is belong to North muslim..Do really need to change your religiou by force instead of be free in anything you wanna do..

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    Don’t you see the pattern here!
    Gabriel Rorich (former Bishop of Episcopal).
    He’s ex-fraud bishop,his bishophood was taken away and booed
    out from community in large.He’s uncle Tom of our modern day
    He was a useful tool of islamic brotherhood propaganda to
    show the entire world and particularly Vatican how great how
    tolerant is islam,and every now and then they pointed out we
    have a Bishop as minister in the ministry of externalaffairs
    For islamic circles, Uncle Rorich is a perfect useful zimy
    who direct or indirect serves Alah(God)
    >Achol zainab from Jaborona, I’m pretty sure she has been in
    Omdurman prison at least 3 time in a year just for selling or making Aregi( alcohol).Were she lives,Jaborona means we
    were forced,we were compelled to that’s what jaborona means.
    > Sultan Mawien is irrelevant,because real Sultans never left home.Mawien is just another useful idiot.
    > Let just pray for Zainab to turn from Darkness to light
    and ex-bishop to see the light ,what a pathetic lost soul
    he is.
    >From Khartoum, the hellish city

  • Peter Elia Kuzee
    Peter Elia Kuzee

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace

    To all those who voted for unity,had kiiled thenselves.
    Either you are southerner in khartoum or in south, new nation.

  • Cholmaduk

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    Dear Achol Ayii Dut
    I thought you should understand the reason why the majority of Southern Sudanese choose separation instead of unity. when you were saying everything is accessible here in Khartoum, but what about the South? if they (the Arabs) want Unity, why they make these schools,hospitals and jobs accssible only in Khartoum? If schools,hospitals and jobs are available in Khartoum, but not in the South Sudan,Eastern Sudan, DarFur, Central Sudan, do you think that it is fair for those who doesnot lives in Khartoum or in other areas in Sudan? Also, before you went to Khartoum, did you have good school and hospital that are better than schools and hospitals in Khartoum? let me tell you this, If you got married and get involves into many problems consistently,I believe you would divorce that man. And that what happened in Sudan, South and North invovles into many problems,so there is no need for South Sudan to Stay togather with North.

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    Ladies and gentlemen.
    The issue here is not about schools and hospitals and e.c
    is about freedom .I’m sure Achol and sultan Mawien voted for
    independence.Achol was just an actress and so does sultan,
    a malicious maneuver by the regime to create the impression
    that some southerners voted unity and then do the dirty work
    > Freedom rings from Fashala rivers to Bumba mountain,and
    from Raja forests to Nomeli valleys.
    > It’s all about freedom and liberty,not schools,Hospitals
    > Our DNA doesn’t go along with Shariah, how simple is that!
    > Plus we despise and reject the loathefull zima status,
    > Hal el zima(minority under islamic rule).
    > What would you choose between schools,hospitals,shariah
    > plus zimma status, and freedom?
    > You don’t need to be smart,
    > those two choices are like heaven and hell in comparison.

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    like many southerns in north,I didn’t register in the first
    place out of fear of manipulation of votes.
    > I’m thankfull to those who died so we could be free.
    > And Magnificent salutes to the brave men and women of > our army forces SPLA ,the future Kushian Defense Forces (KDF)

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    Dual citizen ! What a joke
    to begin with ,I’ve never like Sudan nation anthem.
    never respect sudanese flag,never celebrated January 1st.
    I don’t have anything in common with Dola Sudannia.
    ??? ??????? ? ?????? ?????? Ummat el Amjad Wal Madhi el Aarig
    is over , is just grievance and lemantation on the ruin.
    ???? ??? ?????Buka aala athlal.
    The holder of sudanese passport is like a witchcraft,
    it’s a mega-cazuza
    what a shame!

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    > How about this
    > from leading islamic website;it says christians from south
    sudan have supported the unity and reveal the conspiracy
    of splitting the country.And that happended at the polling centre near John Garang’s Memorial site in Juba.
    > Just read yourself and connect the dots,and you’ll discover how the Ummah thinks about us and how they spin the
    facts. Just click the link and read for yourself.
    > From Ummah delusion point of view is not only Achol who
    voted for so called unity or unitie, sorry guys I can’t
    even spell the word right ,because it’s been spoiled.
    > In my vocabulary unity or unitie is disgusting ,sickening
    and garbage in the bin of history.

  • A.T.M.P

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    Some ppl from Southern Sudan are still sleep..For those who voted for Unity while they shouldn’t u will pay for it if unity win bt if we win u r lucky.If separation win then u will realize that u were doing wrong thing..

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    > Here’s another fraudulent scientist,
    Sheikh Yusuf AlGardawi has an audacity to haraminize
    the vote for seperation.
    > When Kossovo declared independence, Sheikh Yusuf said this
    “the west has just done a magnificent job to the Ummah
    even us muslims couldn’t do it”
    > He said that the west has served the Islamic nation by
    helping in the independence of Kosovo.
    > But now Sheikh Yusuf is saying that our independence is
    a crime and haram. just listen to the clip below.

  • J G kuol
    J G kuol

    Southerners in Khartoum describe unity vote as symbol of peace
    >Sudig Al Mahdi said this a couple of weeks ago about
    > independence .”For south it will be wedding party,and for
    north it will be a funeral(matem)”
    > Yesterday Al Mahdi went to Jazzira Ab to fireup his base.
    > And he said “we’re Tunisians ”
    > Al Bashir also went to the leaders of Sufis seeking their
    > support at Masjid Al Arbab in Ailephon town.
    > 2011 is the year that remains to the eternity for us.
    > Sadig predictions were right, is not only the precious
    > north in trouble but the entire Arab nations is in cazuza.
    > Tunisia is descending to unbelievable chaos.
    > Algeria,Jordon, Yeman, and Egypt the future doesn’t look
    > good to them.It means our problems in the near future will be
    > under control and manageable in some ways.

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