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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession

January 18, 2011 (JUBA) – Maiwut county of Upper Nile state has voted 100% for
secession, according to the official result released by the Southern Sudan
Referendum Commission.

Ruei Yoh Yat, the Chairman of the Maiwut county sub-committee of the referendum
commission told Sudan Tribune that results released on Tuesday from all the centres in the county show the vote distribution as, 0% for unity and 100% for secession.

Yoh said during the vote counting, conducted in the presence of observers and party agents, that 57,549 people cast their votes – everyone with a voter registration card.

Maiwut county is located in the extreme eastern part of Upper Nile state
bordering with Ethiopia and has no access roads to the north.



  • padiit gaga
    padiit gaga

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    Thank you Maiwut peopl in upper nile state for what you have done my beloved eastern Jikang clan of naath of naath(Nuer) we know you have no link with north sudan only your land southsudan we approciat your welbeing as we know Bilpam is your village which the SPLA established here camp in. Iam so glad for your remembering your mother land southsudan.

    God bless south sudan (people of south).

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    Thanks to the people of Maiwut,you have fulfilled the historical moment to the people of the Southern Sudan.your names will always be remembered in many generations to come.Sobat oyeeeeee, South Sudan oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    King Tiger from (Wech” KurJak> aka Banglai:your neighbor and brothers in laws.Han chaw Nya Naath,so Nasir E Chieng Tueide gaare.

  • Mango

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    This is very surprising. How can an illiterated community vote 100% for secession. Any way this report is not explicit. The report should have told us the voter turn-up for to enable people guage the assertation of mr Gadwich.

  • Mango

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    This is very surprising. How can an illiterated community vote 100% for secession. Any way this report is not explicit. The report should have told us the voter turn-up to enable people guage the claim put into this discussion by mr Gadwich.

  • Rambang Deng
    Rambang Deng

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    Bol Deng,

    You are not from unity state, but from crazy greedy kid sellers of Bor.
    Your hatred against Nuers whom you provoke in1991 and kick your greedy lazy coward ass really hard will not take you anywhere.
    Bark like dogs, but your days are numbered now and we are coming soon after we done with Jalaba and kick your lazy coward butts.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    How many coward Jaang were taken as captives by Mighty Nuer Warriors since 1800s?

    Persons of the coward Jaang/Slaves decent form probably at least half the population of most [Nuer] sub-tribes. These Jaang/Slaves are either children of captives or immigrants who have been brought up as Nuer, or are themselves captives and immigrants who are residing permanently among Nuer. They are “Jaang-Nath,” “Dinka-Nuer,” and, it is said, “caa Naath,” “they have become Nuer.”

    How many young women and children let alone cattle were taken by Mighty Nuer Warriors after they smashed down Duk Padiet, Kongor, Twic East, Mading Bor and and all the surrounding villages in 1991?

    The discipline of Nuer forces is also demonstrated by a remarkable capacity of continues to press and assault while sustaining very heavy casualties. When, the Eastern Jikany Nuer Warriors (Nasir, Ulang, Longechuk, Maiwut & Gambella) were attacked early in 1912 by a heavy armed Ethiopian force of Gala/Oromo and Amhara, intent of taking slaves, the Nuer Warriors lost over 100 men in the course of overrunning the invaders’ machine gun emplacement.

    The invaders’ mission was not only failed, but also lost over 300 soldiers and 50 missing. The Eastern Jikany Nuer Warriors made a number of concerted attacks on fortified goverment posts. In one instance in which a Nuer raiding party was intercepted by a government patrol, the Nuer Warriors lost 85 men in the initial engagement but nevertheless counterattacked the same night and again the following day before withrawing to home territory.

    Had the Mighty Nuer Warriors wished to occupy the whole greater Upper Nile, from Renk to Mading Bor and from Ruweng/Abiemnon to Buma-Gambella, it seems unlikely the other coward Jurs (Jaang, Bar, Chai, Koma…) could have stopped them.

  • Dil Machar Dil Acuil
    Dil Machar Dil Acuil

    Maiwut County, Upper Nile state has voted 100% for secession
    Kudos to you folks of Maiwut County.You did made a historic statement that will never vanish in the history of our belove Nation-to-be.
    You deserve unwavering respect from me and others who may be nesting the same opinion as I`m.
    And to the fellows who are grabbling of who is the best,it is a premature act.We are all equal before each other.This is not the right time and the right saga to best ourselves.They country is still in its critical moments.Lets all mantain calm and stillness for the betterment of our Country.

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