Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Francis Deng’s statement on referendum

Francis Deng’s statement

H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit

President of Southern Sudan

Juba, Southern Sudan

Dear Mr. President,

I would like, in my personal capacity as a Sudanese, to congratulate you and the people of Southern Sudan on the successful conclusion of the self-determination referendum. It is now widely acknowledged that the process has been conducted positively and credibly, and the result is expected to overwhelmingly favor independence. Through you, I would also like to congratulate the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and the Government of Southern Sudan for successfully leading our people to the objective for which they have struggled and sacrificed since the independence of Sudan.

As you know, I have been a strong supporter of the vision of the SPLM for a new Sudan of full equality for all citizens. However, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was a compromise based on the recognition that the vision of the New Sudan could not be achieved through armed liberation struggle alone. Since unity could not be made attractive for the people of the South under the current system, Southern independence was the predictable and just outcome of the self-determination referendum. In fact, it is difficult to see how Southerners could be expected to vote for unity under the present system in which they would continue to be treated as second-class citizens.

I have no doubt that the vision of New Sudan–of full equality of all racial, ethnic and cultural groups–has inspired many throughout the country and will continue to be pursued in the North through the democratic process. Should that be achieved, perhaps that will create a basis for reconsidering the relationship between the North and the South. As I wrote in my recently published book, Sudan at the Brink, unity and separation are varying degrees of on-going relationships which can be strengthened or weakened depending on the will of the people and their leaders. For now, however, the exercise of self-determination has given the people of the South the freedom to pursue equality, integrity and dignity. For this achievement all Southerners should be exceedingly happy and proud.

The challenge now is for an independent South to realize the ideals of good governance: constructive management of diversity on the basis of full equality for all ethnic groups; promotion of inclusive constitutional democracy; respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms; pursuit of fair distribution of resources, public services, employment opportunities; accountable financial management; and consolidation of peace through equitable socio-economic development.

May God bless you, your government, the people of Southern Sudan and all those who have supported your pursuit of these ideals and objectives.

Fraternally yours,

Francis Mading Deng


  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Francis Deng’s statement on referendum
    Yaaaa Southern Sudan Jallaba Deng!!!!

    You should first buy Abyei back before you talk sense since your father sold it and took the money for you to roam around the world. who cares who you voted for. You were not qualified to vote in the first place.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Francis Deng’s statement on referendum
    Mr Francis Deng,
    That is the nice spirit which is expected from the sons and daughters of the new born nation the republic of South Sudan.
    Please keep it up to recognize what our leaders are doing,because the bilble say we must respect our leaders.
    They are there because God endorse them on power,to govern his people.

    I have nothing to jurge you for what your father did,because the bile says:everyone will be jurge acording to what he/she did,not for what their fathers did Rev 22:12.
    You are true son of the South,because you are among those who have congratulate our president.
    There are those who are confusing us here by only criticizing,creating triblism,insulting our leaders,without comming up with solutions towards our problems.
    May God bless you thanks.

    Rev Kamunde.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Francis Deng’s statement on referendum
    Fact satan,you are a devil full of evil thought in you,and you are cursed with evil and dackness power.
    Don’t attempt to say anything again about my comment or otherwise God will curse you son of devil.

    For your information,I am blessed God cares for me I am well blessed with my family.
    I don’t need money from anyone as you foolishly said.
    I waited for your call,and you didn’t call me please do call me because I know now that you are the bad seeds which is spoiling us here in Southern Sudan.

    I repeat my self to you that,I don’t need money from anyone because God had already blessed me,I don’t have anyone’blood because God protected me from doing so.
    I am a chriatian,and I will die as a christian.

    You who thinks of money,go to hell with your thought.
    I am a young theologian,I don’t hide my name like many of you are doing because you are terrorist to this nation.


    Rev Kamunde.


    Francis Deng’s statement on referendum
    Blames are created sometime to discourage others for their dream. They like to blames with ignorances but they aren’t putting hands on truth for supporting the leadship in the Southern Sudan. you know Deng people want serious awarness about internal trust as Southern, people talk as if they are similar in age or competences.However,I had thousands sound of beasts that disturbing me since four years without understanding anythings.Ihad explaned all word but, they don’t have resolution on word search. Deng!,what will you discribe about them?
    Those are cells bussiness-Means they are brainwashers. i don;t like them becasue they had confused my celled with their wires.They said, they don’t care!

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Francis Deng’s statement on referendum
    Omoni Atari,those are not insult it is true passages quoted form the book of Proverbs in the old testament as indicated.
    However may God also forgive you !!!.

    Rev Kamunde.

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