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Sudan Tribune

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Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

January 22, 2011 (BENTIU) – The governor of Unity state Taban Deng Gai said Friday that the state must work to find a peace deal with rebels in the state.

While briefing Unity state’s council of ministers, Deng said, “we need to reach a peaceful coexistent with rebels faction forces like Gatluak Gai.”

The rebel forces in Unity rebelled after disputed general elections last year. The governor urged state authorities to demobilize the citizens and hand over weapons for a better sustainable security for stability in Unity state.

Governor Deng welcomed the peaceful free, fair and transparency conduct of referendum in the state and the other nine states of South Sudan.

Deng said, “this time there is need for unity of southerners Sudanese, we don’t want to have a mess up and peace will be the only chance for us to change this un developed country in to economics young nation”.

The state referendum taskforce chairperson for Unity state, deputy governor William Dawut Riak, said that turnout has reached 99.4 percent.

Riak said Unity state had the highest number of registered voters for South Sudan’s referendum, which is expected to see the south separate from the north. Unity also had the highest turnout out of the south’s ten states.

Unity state’s council of ministers resumed on Friday, to address political, security and economic issues. The council was briefed on the security of Unity State, Warrap state, North Bhar El Ghazal and the internal displaced people in Abyei.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    Mr. Reporter,

    You must be wrong, the turnout for the rich Liech State (Unity State) is 99.99, but not 99.4 as you reported. I urge you to correct your number before you’re froved wrong.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    Dear Kim Deng,

    Berode kuondoor be lo goor nyanyam!

  • Joseph

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    Dear all
    Nuers are well known criminals over the world; they realize things at the end
    1-They need leadership by force
    2-They loots themselves & their neighbors by force
    3-They want their sons & daughters to enter universities by force
    4-They need to be number one in everything by force even if they are defeated. Wake up peoples and join the intellectuals clubs
    . The statistic of unity state is second to the last, at the level of ten states of southern Sudan. Oil you are proud of is not in Nuer land it’s in dinka territory. Don’t disturbs and lie on people’s who do not known your boundaries with Dinka .I personally respected only current chief of staff and few who have a visions in Nuer community. The rest with railway lines on their heads and sign of chicken fox on faces will be ignore Hahahahahahhaa,

  • Liberator

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    The territory you’re referring where the oil is found is located in which state?

  • Requiem

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    Kim Deng:

    Don’t YOU dare ever question our bravery! There are none who can put into question this bravery! Especially not you… a mercenary – a hired gun – and an impulsive and capricious little cockroach!

    Far greater men than you heard the call, volunteered, sacrificed, fought and died… and for more than a decade (since 1991) have shouldered a tremendous burden, culminating in a much needed respite – a respite that is the manifestation of their blood sacrifice! And on the one (1) year anniversary of this evanescent peace… they graciously permitted the return of wretched weasels, snakes and dogs who now fancy themselves warriors!

    When speaking on the circumstances of his death… you once called Kerubino a coward. Reaffirming (if affirmation were needed) that your use of the word is all too liberal – bereft of substance.

    You have NEVER been a member of the SPLA and most likely have NEVER contributed an iota to South Sudan.

    And so the questions that must be invariably asked of a wretched feign like you, are:

    What have YOU done? What have YOU achieved!? What acts of bravery and valor have you personally undertaken, you insignificant toad of a man!? And what pray tell legitimates and gives YOU the audacity to exult yourself high and above men far greater than YOU!? – Men of blood, honor and commitment?!

    My Dinka brothers:

    These people have been in the armed services of Khartoum for decades and they laughably call us slaves.

    Let them speak, let them slander to their traitorous hearts content… but relish in the fact that this is your victory, you made this possible; in 1991, when the SPLA was pushed to the borders after having lost territory to the joint assault of boastful slaves and their masters in Khartoum… you held on and recaptured the vast majority of the South and negotiated this peace from a position of relative strength.

    While others have provided mere streams of blood sacrifice… you have provided oceans of blood – eclipsing the contributions of others, many, many times; we provided more soldiers to the movement than all the Southern tribes, combined.

    Let us now congratulate them for doing this in times of serenity and peace, however, do not forget that you came out in multitudes when it mattered most… in the battlefields; against bombers, the devastating barrage of artillery and against the various slaves/militias in Unity State who for decades have placatingly followed orders from their masters in Khartoum.

    The entire Dinka ethnic-nation is ever so thankful to Dinka Padang of Abiemnom and the Dinka of Panaruu; you are the only people in Unity State who have NEVER been the armed slaves of Khartoum… you have demonstrated outstanding bravery, valor and commitment – and for that we thank you!

    Abiemnom oyee
    Panaruu oyee
    Aweil Oyee
    Bahr el gazel oyee
    Monyjang oyee

  • Peter Elia Kuzee
    Peter Elia Kuzee

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels

    BE CAREFUL GOVERNOR, rebels are dangerous than snakes.



    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    This is what I don’t like. Mr Taban Deng Gai rebelled and now he wanted to call for peace with Nuer rebels who are dwelling in the Unity State after he becomes a governor. What a shame is this to Nuer Community? One thing that I’m happy about is that no one from Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom who have ever rebelled from the SPLM/SPLA.

    Let those of Nuer enjoy the blood of Dinka which they have shed to liberate those wicked-hearts community who just spend their living on killing others. If SPLM/SPLA investigate or trial those who have committed murder in the Movement, then Mr Taban Deng Gai can not denied that he have never kill any southerner. Nuer community will be shame forever and ever. By the way, let Nuer people enjoy the sweat of Dinka. Eat it and don’t rebell again. Now, it is true in eyes of every people living in Southern Sudan that when Dinka people fight Arabs, they didn’t fight for their own necessities, but they fight to sustain or maintain the dignity of all communities. Shame on Nuer people. I know that Unity State is my State, but I can still condemn it because of the selfish people so call Nuer who just care about their own “STOMACH” and survive on others people properties.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Liberator

    Unity state governor calls for peace with rebels
    I meant to say Nuer didn’t asked for a white-man to write about them rather white-man came to them …

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