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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession

By Ngor Arol Garang

January 23, 2011 (ABYEI) – South Sudanese still in the north Sudan are deeply anxious and expressed concerns and fear for their personal safety and that of their property, should the referendum vote result in Sudan splitting in two.

A Southern Sudanese woman who decided to stay in north Sudan does needlework at the Hadj Hassan district in south Khartoum January 6, 2011 (Reuters)
A Southern Sudanese woman who decided to stay in north Sudan does needlework at the Hadj Hassan district in south Khartoum January 6, 2011 (Reuters)

Many have started packing to return south despite security concerns along the north-south border, especially where South Kordofan border southern Sudan. Many analysts see violence on the border region as a potential trigger that could return the north and south back to civil war.

Discussions to resolve disputes as the south approaches probable independence, between Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), are moving slowly. The status of many southerners who have remained in the northern states and capital Khartoum is one of the major contentious issues the parties are grappling to resolve.

Officials from the Khartoum-based NCP have said publicly that if the south breaks away from the north in referendum, the southerners that remain in the north will be stripped of their citizenship and jobs.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from Khartoum, Sultan Wol Mawien from Northern Bahr el Ghazal said they have started fearing possibilities of becoming victims of the separation between the two regions and that he already packed his luggage to return south.

“It is possible that angry group can turn their anger to innocent south Sudanese if the referendum outcome split the country. We have already had people asking individuals who have had an opportunity to vote during the recent exercise which choice they voted for. This is a clear indication that their lives and properties would be at risk once the results are announced against unity,” explained Sultan Mawien.

The fears are supported by the facts that northerners in Khartoum clashed with southerners in the past, particularly in 2005 after the death of the south’s former leader John Garang in a plane crash, which saw southerners staging a violent protest in the north, suspecting the death could have been a planed assassination by officials in the government. This particular protests sparked ethnic violence that left nearly 50 people killed while several houses were set ablaze and properties damaged.

It is believed that most of the people who participated in the protest were some of south Sudanese who fled their ancestral villages when the over two decades long civil war between the region many western media described as Arab Muslim north and the largely Christian and animist oil producing south that killed 2 million people and uprooted many others to neighboring countries of Uganda, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya to name a few as refugees, was in progress.

Sultan Mawien who said lives in makeshift house outside capital Khartoum in Jabarouna, an Arabic word used by its southern residents to describe their frustrations, which in English means “they forced us”, said had lived in the north for over a decade without improved living conditions and attitude on the side of some northern officials and people.

“I have lived in many different places in the north and the attitudes of the people here and their officials have not changed. Their behaviors remain the same. Nothing has changed. They hate us, referring to South Sudanese. I have lived here for 21 years. I came to the north in 1990 and until now nothing has changed. I live in makeshift. They conscripted my begotten son and was killed fighting on their side against the south,” explained sultan Mawien.

Mawien said his life has been hard over the years. “I have never settled especially after I lost my only son. Garang was my only son from my first wife. He was forcefully recruited into army service while returning to Khartoum from Kosti in 1994”, he said, adding he spent nearly a year looking for him.

He said his son went to see his young brother who is an uncle of his son living in Kosti and was sick. “He was caught and recruited to into armed service while returning to Khartoum from Kosti where he went to see his uncle who was sick there. We spent two months thinking he was still living with his uncle until my brother wife whose husband was sick came to Khartoum with information that the boy left two weeks after his visit. It was then that we started asking everybody until we were told he was caught by the army and recruited into the armed service and taken to areas around Kurmuk where he was killed in 2000,” he explained

The Sultan said his family has been struggling with lives while trying to adopt north’s social system, an uneasy part, facing discrimination, sometimes violence, and having to adjust to Islamic customs. “My wives went to jail several times for brewing alcohol. The daughters were also arrested several times for dressing matters until I had to send [them] home in the south after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,” he said.

Mawien said he is prepared to return home despite security challenges along the borderlines.

“I am ready to return home now. We have ready packed our luggage ready to leave within the coming days. We are only waiting for one of my brother in-laws in Dongola who wants to go with us, he said stressing that he better die while returning home than dying where nobody would be held responsible for his death. It is better die while known than dying in an area where nobody will know what happens to you and with nobody taking responsibility of the death,” he said.

In the last two months of 2010 over 55,000 southerners returned to the south.



  • Ito

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    Dear my brothers and sisters,

    It has now become clear that the Arabs have lots of grudges and have not made a slight change at all. This is the reason why our government some months and years back request for our citizens to moved to the south ahead of this plebiscite; I sometimes blame our people living in the north for being ignorance. They have been warned of the consequences of remaining in the North but they did not listen at all and some have even voted for unity and have confirmed themselves in the recent news where they indicated reasons as to why they will vote for unity.

    Those who think in such a way have indeed not recognized suffering of the people of south sudan let alone those millions who died in war, of diseases and so on. But God has guided us under the leadership of our government to the promise land. Now those who voted for unity fail to achieved their objective and now are being threaten to return to the south. What is this? It is upto you to expand.

    May God bless them and help them to return safely to the land they have sold through votes.

    May God bless south sudan.

  • Agutran

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    Fear of safety! What do they expect to happen? Be treated with kid gloves?

    On the other hand, if they vote for unity, then they have the right just like any other northerner, so the idea of mistreating them will be absolutely senseless.

  • Deng Ateny Lueth
    Deng Ateny Lueth

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    Anyway, are Southern Sudanese residing in the North going to blame Government of South in any way, if their lives deteriorating in the hands merciless Northern Sudanese who did not spared the life of a single southern soildier they captured as PRISONER Of WAR. i don’t think so. one of those remain in the north has never ever thought volunteering his/her or family to come to the south. so let anyone not atempting to brushed south sudan with failures for not repatrating him or her to the south. Back in the day when Ethiopia colapsed, we left behind everything we owned then because we knew safety was our first priority and then materials later. those southern sudan in the north have fed themselves with FEAR OF AKNOWN. they say no proper medical care in the south, no school for my children if i go south, war might breakout again upon my arrival between north-south. tell you what, nothing good come at a priceless endeavour, some of OUR PEOPLE suffered and died during the war, others suffered while waiting for peace in the bushes of the south until PEACE COMES, so what of you. so blame me and the entire South Sudan not.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    He spent 21 years and he fears something bad to happen to him!

    The fact is that most of the pooling centers voted for seperation in the north , yet nothing had happened to southerners and nothing will happen.Questioning which way one will vote is just for quriosity nothing more nothing less!

    During the rampage after the death when Grang died northerners could have taken revenge but they didn’t.So may people wre killed for no obvious reason and the turmoil was started by southerners , northerners merely defended themselves!

    As can everyone see now southerners are coming back and probably some of them are new commers as they feel it is safe for therm than in the south!

  • Man of facts
    Man of facts

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    Dear sourthernese,

    the point is to take arab names like mamhed, bashir and so fort, otherwise you are on different world or fire.

  • Joseph Canada
    Joseph Canada

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    You know what? these cry southerners who have lived in the North, have been blind folded and not opening their eyes or listend. First they don’t care about their lives since the time they moved to the North.. Like how on earth can you live on the mad houses in your own capital city, being called aslave in your own country, shut your freakin ears when told to move to the south and now you are crying?


    deal with your own case and don’t blame South Sudan Government!!! You voted for Unity. stay with Abil Alier and die there!!!.

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    Southerners in the north fear future safety after secession
    All the Southerners who had fled the South because of the war that was being fought in the South should then return back now to the South.They have to urge themselves ASAP.
    People shouldn’t have to sways up their hands disregarding the sesseion between the South and the North,dear brothers and sister Arabs are not pleasing with this upcoming separation.
    back in the day Khartoum government used to export all it’s grains along with all kinds of what Sudanese farmers fields produced and shipped them to the Arabs countries to their Muslim Brothers and made a big joke about us which was mere said LET THE SOUTH SELL THEIR KIDS.however what had forced you to leave your ancestral Town,Village has come to an end,so please make a right choice within the period of three months,GO BACK to the South,believe me they will never treat you like a brother eventhough if you change your idenity ,>look what they have done to Darfur people.

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