Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan launches air force

January 26, 2011 (JUBA) – The nearly independent region of South Sudan on Tuesday launched the air forces of its official army Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in the region’s capital Juba.

File image of an armed Mi-17
File image of an armed Mi-17
The air force was launched by the region’s President Salva Kiir in the presence of senior officials of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and foreign diplomats.

President Kiir, who is also the SPLA’s commander-in-chief, addressed the occasion and reaffirmed GoSS’s commitment to protect the region as it prepares to become independent.

The SPLA reportedly purchased its first batch of 10 Mi-17 helicopters from Kazan, a Russian supplier, and ordered unarmed aircraft for transport purposes.

The erstwhile guerrilla army fought nearly two decades of civil war with the north before the 2005’s peace deal that ended the war and allowed the south to vote in a referendum this month on secession from the north.

Southerners voted overwhelmingly for independence.

The establishment of South Sudan air forces was legislated in a defense bill passed by the region’s legislative assembly in June 2008. The bill stated that the SPLA should consist of ground and aerial units.

The oil-producing yet underdeveloped region allocates 40% of its budget to the military.



  • son of abyei
    son of abyei

    South Sudan launches air force
    what an achievement for our great army to be equip for any suprises from any form of threat. SPLA oyieee

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan launches air force
    Dear readers,

    It is a good attempt by Kiir to prematurely launch airforce at that low.

    Launching it with illegal flag and illegal national anthem doesn’t make it look an official thing historically.

    I wish Kiir could have waited until a new flag is designed and a national anthem is in place. Doing it without these official two things makes it a bush attempt rather than for an independent South.

    Nevertheless, we will do it officially and correctly on July 9, when we shall have raised our new flag and sing our own national anthem.

    And I hope we will have launched modern fighter gets instead of those small transport helicopters.

    Good attempt, though!

  • miss JOOK
    miss JOOK

    South Sudan launches air force
    We are the most determined of all people. Nothing we cant do, we suffered, showed up in large numbers to determine our destiny and we are now ready to protect what is righfully ours.


  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    South Sudan launches air force
    Great but please don’t allow the drunken children of our leaders destroy them too soon. I know the son of James Hoth, Gier chuang and Salva Kiir Brother in Law who are academically foolish are among the ones being trained right now in South Africa.

    I don’t want them to come with their small ego of son of so and so and come to destroy our multi million fighter planes. I irony is that no one in the SPLM/A leadership would trust to fly with these undisciplined and spoiled children including me. I helped trained some of these children last year.

    Please don’t be emotional hear this is a fact… This nigga children have already destroyed some of our fighter planes bought in 2008 and I have the prove of the pictures in a location near New Site.

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    South Sudan launches air force
    that,s very interesting and proudness moment to observed the South Sudan helicopter air-force being lifted proudly.
    Republic of South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeee.

  • James Garang
    James Garang

    South Sudan launches air force
    Dear readers
    It is very good for us to know that our Southern Sudan army is equip and now they are able to protect their civilian from enemy. so for me there is nothing bad to launched our air force it is exactly showing the Northern citizen that Southern citizen have what you have so that they will think what is good is it fighting or peaceful talk
    SPLA Oyeeeeeee
    SPLM Oyeeeeeee
    Salva Kiir Oyeeeeeee
    Riek Machar Oyeeeeee
    James Wani Oyeeeeee
    Southern Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan launches air force
    That is really a great news from the great people of the greater Born newly state in Africa,keep it up we need to be more than ready for any eventuality.
    Continue in that spirit and make sure we don’t want anything from China as their goods are just fake.

    Well Done Mayardit.
    Republic of Southern Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    ………….. organized force Oyeeeeeeeee.


  • Peter Elia Kuzee
    Peter Elia Kuzee

    South Sudan launches air force

    Our army are now too powerful,They have very many airdiffend systerm, inclouding digital control systrem,and morethern weapons for morethern man.
    GOSS,bring more weapons.

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    South Sudan launches air force
    ThumbUp for GOSS.

    1. The theory of military deterrence was based on a simple psychological truth, that fear of retaliation makes a would-be aggressor nation hesitate before attacking and is often sufficient to deter it altogether from attacking. Clearly, then to maintain military deterrence, a nation would have to believed to have retaliatory power so great that a potential aggressor nation would have reason to think that it could not defend itself against such retaliation.
    If the statements above are true, which one of the following can be properly inferred?
    (A) A would-be aggressor nation can be deterred from attacking only if it has certain knowledge that it would be destroyed in retaliation by the country it attacks.
    (B) A nation will not attack another nation if it believes that its own retaliatory power surpasses that of the other nation.
    (C) One nation’s failing to attack another establishes that the nation that fails to attack believes that it could not withstand a retaliatory attack from the other nation.
    (D) It is in the interests of a nation that seeks deterrence and has unsurpassed military power to let potential aggressors against it become aware of its power of retaliatory attack.
    (E) Maintaining maximum deterrence from aggression by other nations requires that a nation maintain a retaliatory force greater than that of any other nation.

  • Deng E. Manyuon
    Deng E. Manyuon

    South Sudan launches air force
    Air force is the only power that was lacking in the SPLA. Well done Nhial Deng and James Hoth. The SPLA transformation into more conventional forces will continue under your both supervisions. you are truly nationalists and eloquents.


  • parara na junub
    parara na junub

    South Sudan launches air force
    Congratulation to all South Sudanese people for unifying

    their effort for such great scenic fortification for the NEW

    NATION. Through this spirit, I hope within ten years South

    Sudan is going to be the sanctum country in Africa.

    Long live SPLA, Long live Junub

  • Janafil

    South Sudan launches air force
    All of these aircrafts are to be given to most pilote fighters( Greater Bhar el Gazal)and others dinkas including Dinka Nuer, Let me take this chance to congraculte Dr Salva Kiir and other southern fighters for this great acheivement. This time we are going to have Just one bomb to capital Khartuom as a test.And also instead of puting those aircrafts in Juba I suggest Kiiradeem and Abei border, we can either put these aircrafts in Wau or Aweil.

  • Wal P Muoranyar Biet
    Wal P Muoranyar Biet

    South Sudan launches air force
    To brother Janafil

    How do you tell whether a pilot is Dinka or Nuer in the aircraft while you type on the computer?

    That’s the funniest tribalism I have every seen!

    Wal Muoranyar Biet

  • Wally

    South Sudan launches air force
    Let’s hope South Sudan don’t make the same error as many African countries and use it’s own languages as language of instruction in the education system. A multilingual education system is the way to go as research (unesco and else) proves.

    The multilingual/trilingual model is one that use:

    1 – African languages (own African language/closest familiar local language) as Language of Instructions
    2 – Another local/national language of wider communication as a second language (Dinka, etc)
    3 – International language as a second language (english in South Sudan, french, portuguese, etc, elsewhere in Africa)

    European countries, Korea, Italia, Japan, China, Scandinavian countries, Finland, etc all use their own language in the education system. It’s an important part of their development successes.

  • Gathoth Gai
    Gathoth Gai

    South Sudan launches air force
    Great move Mr,president Kiir,

    Its greate achievement for all Southerners,this is time for our president to act and inpower our soldiers.Nevertheless,there is no time for critizism now because this achievement its not for Dinka,nor Nuer,its just for all Southerners in general.Guys,foreget about triblism lets think of our Country building and unite ourself.

    Thanks you all


    Republic of South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeee…..

    Gathoth Gai

  • Peter Majok Chiengan
    Peter Majok Chiengan

    South Sudan launches air force
    Dear Brother,
    What have you say is right,because these military equipment we must keep them in seperate building just like Ramciel or our (GOSS) must build a military airport for our beloved army in aplace no civilian can go there.

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