Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor

January 30, 2011 (JUBA) — David Yauyau, a former civil servant turned rebel after losing parliamentary elections last year, on Sunday accused the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) of attacking and killing civilians in Pibor County, Jonglei State.

Yauyau told Sudan Tribune from his base outside Pibor that SPLA forces are launching attacks on villages and killing innocent civilians in Pablo and other areas in greater Pibor under pretext that they are supporting his rebellion.

“They have now killed 7 in Pablo. They killed 5 people on Wednesday and 2 others on Saturday”, Yauyau said.

He also accused Pibor County commissioner of using the SPLA to kill people he claimed to be civilians. “It is the Pibor County commissioner who is directing the SPLA forces in the area to commit atrocities”, said Yauyau.

“I say so because people are being killed and nobody is asking why it is happening. Why are people killed? What have they done?”

However, the SPLA – former rebels who are now the official southern Sudanese army after a 2005 peace deal – have denied the allegation.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune, SPLA spokesperson Colonel Phillip Aguer Panyang, denied attacks, instead accusing Yauyau’s forces of attacking the SPLA.

“I am not aware of this information. The information I have is that armed elements associated with David Yauyau launched an attack this week. I do not know the exact date but I am told they were the ones who attacked,” said Colonel Aguer.

The senior military officer said three of Yauyau’s supporters had been killed in the clashes, adding that he would be able to provide more details on Monday.



  • Nhomlawda

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    David Yauyau, Athor Deng, Gatluak Gai were given annesty and are failing to utilize that window to put down their arms. What do they need really;
    I think they need to be shown the military might.
    They are taking South Sudan for granted.

  • Anyang

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    That’s true Mr renegade. Stop looting, abducting and killing of innocent people if you want peace and tranquility in your life.

  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Yaaaaa!!!! Yauyau! please shut up before we come and hunt you down. We know your location but did not want to disturb referendum. You were given amnesty without position and you are not happy.

    You and zonal commanders of Athor need to surrender before you miss your opportunity in the new Republic of South Sudan.

  • Facts Check
    Facts Check

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Yaaaaa!!!! Yauyau! please shut up before we come and hunt you down. We know your location but did not want to disturb referendum. You were given amnesty without position and you are not happy.

    You and zonal commanders of Athor need to surrender before you miss your opportunity in the new Republic of South Sudan.

    By the way these guys are marginalizing themselves right now. The know we need to rest and do not have time to be hiding in the bush while independence has come! Let them die in the bush.

    Gorge will come because he misses all the looting of army salary he use to do. GOSS need to auction his big houses in Jabu so I can bid on them.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Yauyau David,
    Please,stop non sense ,you deserve death,President had given all of you pardoned but you did not answer his call as well.

  • Aleu

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    David Yausyau and his groups have no feeling at all to be happy why?.

    You are so a shameful to the eyes of all Southern Sudanese people. Are you making Rebellion in Southern Sudan’s government just, because of losing position for Pibor commissioner.? I think the GOSS must prepare to make a strong law that, will deny people who have repeatedly desperation of leadership in Southern Sudan.

    There is no need for you and for those people that, are still fighting in the Bush in Southern Sudan if people were wise and having a good thinking. Our people must be told that, the public services is belong to anyone and there is no one is entitle of it whether or not you loss the position nor you win it, it is for the time being to serve if elected and not owns by anyone.

    David Yausyau and his mititia groups must know one thing, how long it take for Southern Sudanese people to come to this point that, they are voting for referendum election.? They must know how many lives of people have losts during the civil war in the Sudan.? It was not very easy thing for both sides to have these 2.5 million lives losts in 21st of the SPLA/SPLM civil war with Sudan government and it was also not easy choice for Southerners Sudanese people to have fought for 17 years of the first Movement which they called it Anya Nyaone of Mr, Joseph Lagu and when you combining 17 years with the 21 years for SPLA/SPLM Movement then, you should not bothering yourself to wasting your time instead of enjonying peaceful together as Southerners Sudanese and have a happiness for your young nation to be born possibly by Tomorrow. Please you guys advies such a people to forget about fighting and come to works together as a Southerners Sudanese special, we need people now to focusing on the development of Southern Sudan.

  • Nyachebe

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Dear H.E Changson:

    Yes, you are not a cheaply human that can easily go with any political wind. All these greedy will finish but South Sudan lives forever. This is a life and death equation and has to be equated thoroughly. South Sudan is not a one person, single tribe property therefore; constitutional review needs all the said parties and faith groups contributions. By not properly doing so would mounted into a dark future and wondered why president is thinking thus way. Look among 13 out of 24 appointees are ‘Dinka’, and this is a deliberately political conspiracy.

    Confidential sources points out that even vice-president Dr. Riek has tried his best to advice H.E, president Salva Kiir to reverse the decree and create a room for a faithful coordinate joint work among parties, but not certain if will agree.

    Now, according to H.E Changson Lew, it has appeared quite crystal and clear that H.E John Luke was deceiving the public the other day, in which Gordon Buay’s call is valid to any reasonable citizen.

    H.E John Luke, must be careful this time when dealing with such only known plans by certain cliques with their hidden agenda. President Salva Kiir needs to properly educate his by what it means the term “decree” since this has become a daily prayer for him. To avoid the word decree, President Salva Kiir should have appointed a constitutional review SPLM committee that could only constitute of SPLM members to pre-examine the interim constitution and put forward changes that suit on the SPLM party understanding and philosophy before meeting the other parties’ members in July.

    Similarly, other political parties could have also appointed their panel members to pre-examine the interim constitution and make any change before July when everything would compiled together. All these reviewing works could have been done separately by individual parties’ members to safe the nation some good time and making everything stay on the project baseline. After such a process completed, then would come the time for H.E President Salva Kiir to decree some members whom were part of their panels across each and every political forces, faith organizations and independent neutral law experts into being part of the ‘Constitutional Review Commission’ to thoroughly go through all the drafts and make a one good final recommendation report.

    It is after everything has been wrapped up where by the assigned Constitutional Review Commission can forward its final report to the South Sudan Legislature Assembly (SSLA) for a final approval into law.

    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Dear you out there!

    I like when those people out there cry aloud against Dinka.

    I love it because they will not take the heavy weight society out in the South unless by our compromise.

  • Southern_Stocker

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Until when shall we be thinking in a bush way istead of urban way…….Give us a break and leave away the bush thoughts bring your minds hom. As long as our minds are in the jungle we will take killing as the best option to settle problems….Nonsense and baseless ….Until when shall we develop into better human

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Militia leader accuses South Sudan army of killings in Pibor
    Here is the real picture on the ground. There are blood thirsty Dinka among the SPLA, specially the Bor Dinka. They constantly seek to murder Murle people wherever they get that chance, making no difference even if they happened to be their in-laws or SPLA soldiers. They usually look for any false charges and allegations. These murdered Yawyaw group were trapped into a ‘peace negotiations’ and then they were brutally murdered. Shamelessly those SPLA were using the notorious LRA style of behading their vitims. That was how it all happened. Now my question is: What will those who are still in the bush do next, those of George Athor and Yawyaw etc, do you think they will believe you any more?
    A real gentleman should not use peace meetings to murder people in cold blood. Only cowards do that dogy act

    There are also some foolish Murle SPLA members who so blindly carry out these extra judiciary executions against their own innocent Murle civilians in Pibor and Juba bridge. Pleasing their Dinka masters who will kill them in the end.

    Yawyaw’s cause is the wrong one. The real cause that will let Murle youth take arms to fight Jonkoz’s side of SPLA is the extra judiciary executions against any Murle person without any differentiation between criminal and innocent, fighter or patient on bed in Bor hospital. They have looted Murle cows, raped their women, stole their children. They have accused Murle of infertility, robbery etc. Murle are very fertile. ‘Just lend me your wife for one hour and see what will happen to her’ …ha ha, only joking. The truth about Bor Dinka is that they are the ones who take their young children and little babes and sell them to some ignorant Murle villagers. After that they come to their police in Bor to accuse all Murle of stealing their children.

    A very high ranking SPLA from Bor are known beyond shadow of doubt that they have been providing guns and ammunition to Jie so that they can use against the Murle people.

    If Salva wants to add to his past crimes against Murle people when he was ordered by late Garang to wipe Murle out, grinding women and children under SPLA tanks, Salva Kiir and Akot Maze were the hit men. This is now their perfect time to finish their war crimes against the innocent Murle. Salva was acting in a positive way recently, and went to the point of defending the Murle when the plot to wipe out Murle which was planned by Athor and others at that time and passed by all the SPLA/M leaders except Salva who had objected to that evil plot. Why do you change n ow Salva Kiir?. The world is watching you Salva Kiir our President of South Sudan Republic. Take care. Stop murdering Murle or else….

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