Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says

By Manyang David Mayar

February 2, 2011 (BOR) – The governor of Jonglei state, Kuol Manyang Juuk, rejected claims of his government’s failure, pointing out peace in the state and the cleanliness of the town, as success of his leadership.

Governor Kuol’s statements came amidst complaints saying that the Jonglei government is up to itself without observing the rights of the citizens, human dignity and caring for the people it governs following the rampant violence in some parts of the state.

Other criticisms against Kuol’s government came following the massive layoff of employed university students in the state’s ministries in 2010 and allegations of land allotment and grabbing by some of the state executives, including the governor who is reported to have about ten plots of land in Bor Town.

“People including the intellectuals say that my leadership in the State is a failure, that is not true, there is peace, people sleep without fear at nights and the town is clean, there is development; schools are operating, hospitals and town roads, this is not a failure,” governor Kuol Manyang told a gathering in front of his office on Monday 31.

“People look at me bitterly to the extent that they want the ground to open and swallow me but the ground won’t open to swallow me. Some complain that I should be changed, such people should know that I am an elected governor and I can’t leave this office before my term ends,” he stated.

Governor Kuol Manyang was appointed to be governor of Jonglei State in 2007 when the latter traded federal Ministry of Roads and Transport to Philip Thon Leek, the first governor of Jonglei, during the CPA interim period. Kuol thereafter contested in the 2010 April election and retained his position as governor of the State.

“Don’t just gossip by the roadside about my failure. If you think my leadership is not fair simply contact the State legislative Assembly or file a court case against me and I will show up to respond to the charges or write to the SPLM my party about my failure,” Kuol pointed out.

“If only I knew that Kuol was to govern us this way I would have not cast my vote to him, comes the next elections, he will see,” a middle aged woman lamented as she walked away.

Kuol therefore advised his citizens not to sit idly and think that someone will provide them with something to eat. He emphasized, based on the recent referendum preliminary results, that South Sudan is becoming an independent state and it needs people to work hard, both for development and self-reliance.

“Sitting idly is a disease that makes you poorer and eventually lead to death. Stop waiting for somebody to work for you instead work for your own benefit,” he concluded.



  • Gatwech

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Kuol Manyang,

    Yes you are a failed governor. It is unfortunate that you measure and base your claimed success first in the collecting of garbage in Bor town alone.

    Jonglei state is the most backward in terms of road connectivity. Will you deny that important missing engine of development?

    Jonglei state is the most insecure state in the whole South? Will you deny it?

    Most hungry and poverty stricken people are found in Jonglei state. Will you deny it.

    And the list is long……

  • Makeethy

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    “…..and allegations of land allotment and grabbing by some of the State executives including the governor who is reported to be having about ten plots of land in Bor Town.”

    If the above statement is true, then Kuol Manyang is involved in corruption….a crime in which he punished so many during the war. Let Kuol knows that all eyes are on him. If he break any of the laws he protected so dearly, then we will have opportunity to ask whether the lives of those he killed were invain.

  • omoni Atari
    omoni Atari

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    “sitting idly is a disease that makes you poorer and eventually lead death.stop waiting for somebody to work for you instead work for your own benefits” Brave man said that.
    I like this governor.he said the truth. The bible says whoever doesn’t want to work is not suppose to eat.
    Very clear messaged from engineer and Lt Kuol Juuk .
    He is going to be our next president after Kiir mayardit.
    kuol manyang is a brave son of southern sudan,and he deserve to rule us.

  • Tribe

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    I discern Gov. Koul seems to emulate JFK of the U.S. “Ask not what your country can do for you- ask what you can do for your country.”
    Jonglians, we need to tone down on our critics. Koul does not have any set aside budget to employ every one other then what the GOSS’s provide. Assuming governor to mouth-feed us all or provide it all is a far-fetch ambition. There is security now so, people can desperse from the city and go to thier couties or villages to earn living. Being a farmer, a cattle-keeper, or fisherman extra extra is living too.Converging in our relatives compounds with no purpose but to beg them all the time is ridiculous. we are pulling each others down. How would it feel if we are all at the bottom of a poverty? how would it feel if you can not borrow from or lend no one? a disgust feeling, right.
    And by the way, thanks you Governor for cutting the wages of those students who are attending fake colleges in both Uganda and Kenya. I call it the ” Academic’s production line.” they are bieng produce in less then three years in college to come and fill up the workforce vacants in South Sudan. They are now your stance critics cause you have unplugged that feeding-tube out of their mouths. They can not rob the government in a broad daylight. Getting a grant scholarships and receiving wages which they did not put time into from the government is callous.

    However, i am not a big fan of Koul , but he is the best we got. let appreciate the cleanliness he has brought to our city which other states have emulate so far, and the security which is coming along.

  • Moluddit Demalou
    Moluddit Demalou

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Dear readers.
    Governor Kuol is a failure governor amongst the ten governors in the south Sudan.
    The allegation saying that he made the government for himself is true in fact because how come the leader terminate his future workers and used the money for his own benefit. the peace he is saying that he had made in the state is false from his state inwhich he can not expressed himself of being success of his leadership where there are erupt killing of innocents civillian daily in Twic East,Wuror,Akobo,Pochala and Bor counties by Murle.
    The land grabbing is more common from him because he 17 plots at the moment does it mean that he was the one who fought the war alone without those who loose their lives in which their wives and son were neglected by him.
    When Phillip Thon was a governor the entire state were given their yearly bonus from the government but when he took over the budget disappear, where that budget as the yearly bonus to the staffs.
    And examplesa:Now the lay off staffs is available but no other staffs employed since the lay off .
    Where is the budet if he is not corropted and fail governor of Jonglei was selected blindly by the citizens.

  • Mr. Long John
    Mr. Long John

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Mr. Governor,

    Did I hear you saying ‘People sleep without fear?’Where is that?
    You may be right as you think because you don’t travel all over the whole State of Jonglei. You always stays in Bor Town and sometimes to your village and whenever you wanna do some shopping in Juba. I disagree with you on that. Am not a governor of Jonglei nor any big leader but I am a mere citizen of your state who knows much of the challenges which the state is facing. If you visit Twic East County, you may need ten of thousands to guard you at night from the Murle. This extent upto the Upper Nile region. in Twic E. County,a week can’t go without child abduction, adult’s killing, cattle raiding………There is a great fear there.I don’t understand when you talk of peace in the state when there are such.It may be clear that you are ruling one part of the state and that is Bor South Counties.I may be right if I say the last time you visited Twic East County through to the far South of the state was during the election time. Many more have been said and put in writing by my colleagues.e.g.failed development. You may not be a failed Governor in the far south of the state but a terribly failed governor in other parts of the state.I would urgue you to judge yourself fairly by bring into yourself what you have done to the places that are far apart with Bor Town.

    You are an elected Governor but that shouldn’t be misused unless if you are not a far sighted leader. We voted you in, in the last April’s election not because of your very self but for the sake of the party’s vission and to allow space for the completion of the CPA lopeholes. Now that we are done with the CPA, we gonna be electing in leaders not because of their party’s aspiration, but for what services the leaders would deliver to the citizen. Go to world records and no where you can find cleanness of the town as a development aspect. It is a pre-requisite i know but should not override the core development initiatives. Think again of what you ought doing but don’t tain your good past records. You are well know as a brave, courageous and non tolerant(to fishy things)leader. You are almost putting a reverse gear to your………! I would urgue you to visit all the counties within Jonglei State and talk to the chiefs to educate you of all their challenges. You may not ask the Southern part of the state because that is where you heel and maybe a waste of time. Moreover, they are secure and that is why they sleeps with no fear. I would hope for your next comments after meeting the chiefs and that is when you would be correct to put any kind of judgement to yourself Mr. Governor.

    All in the while, we love you and respect you but all we yarn for is well distributed developement,fair leadership,top security just to mention but a few across the state.

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Governor Kuol is partly right by saying that “idleness” is a major cause of poverty.
    Majority of our people have lived all their lives as refugees depending on aid provided by UN agencies and they believe that such a thing can happen when they are no longer refugees, but citizens of their country. Self-reliance is the way out of poverty and insecurity people complain about in the South and expecting out leaders or governors would provide all our needs. People think when the government distributes money to them, they government is good. This is totally a wrong perception. Government only provides services and the citizens work for their incomes.
    If you have roads, schools, health facilities, etc, these are what expected from the government. If we don’t work, South Sudan will not develop despite huge wealth we have. We will be poorer and poverty will dominates us, leading to instability. We have to work hard!
    Governor Kuol, cleanliness of Bor Town is not an achievement to boast of to the media. See the big picture of your whole state and let the citizens judge and not you. You cannot take credit as a leader for what you did. In other way round, you are panicking for the failure pointed out by your citizens.
    I wish you the best to improve the situation in your state.


  • kuarkun

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    kUOL, you are relly brave person in SPLA/Southern Sudan.
    No southern Sudanese can say didn’t know you(by name) of your partipation in the movement of Southern Sudan, but now Kuol you are not like the time that you were in SPLA. Now you involve in tribulism which you don’t have before. Now you are relly failed Governor as mentioned by Gatwech above.

  • Michael

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Yes, you surely are failed to govern this state. Your credits during the liberation are great, but you have failed Jonglei state for now. You have been corrupt in your governing of Jonglei State. We can not sitting back letting you grab state resources because of being a hero during the struggle. We were struggling for the liberation because of those widows, orphans and the disables but do you know them now in your state?

    Thank you


    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Kuol!, People needs to hear from governors as you said it, therefore, country had alot of gonvernors who had experiences governorship which couldn’t be able to fustrated on their position.
    If they don’t respects your word, then don’t blame your strength, because in 1985, they refused you to go to Bar-gezal since, keep stand on truth of identity as SPLM.
    People don’t thank others, leadship should be blame but Kiir has resisted with patientace,
    people should give to our Heaven Father, LIVING GOD ALMIGHTY who blessed our heart and hands that agreed on seperation of identity for us who had been margenalised.
    Keep love and peace of our LORD JESUS CHRIST strong.

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says

    Kuol Manyang is a cancerous governor and has failed this state miserably and he will pays this back: Below are the reasons;

    1. Kuol Manyang has made Dukeen and Twic East vulnerable to the terrorism of tribal militias and these civilians continue to live in fear up to now.

    2. Kuol Manyang has allowed some clans of Dacuek of twic east to kill the clan of ayual twic and made all the innocent ayual civilians to suffer brutally under his security forces.

    3. Kuol fails to protect Lou Nuer from the usual raids from Murle gun men and abduction of Nuer/Bor South kids.

    4. Kuol has not provided adequate security to the civilians of Bor South from constant raids from Murle and Mundari tribe men.

    5. Kuol fails to protect innocent Murle civilians from being massacred by Buor and Lou Nuer.

    6. Kuol fails to reconcile the Mundari and Bor South.

    7. Kuol fails to provide humanitarian services to the Padang civil populations after the SPLA Forces committed the criminal atrocities such as raping, brutality and killings of the civilians in Khorflus, Baliet and Pigi.

    8. Kuol fails to denounce and condemn the inhuman acts of the SPLA Forces.

    9. Kuol fails to provide transportation network connectivity to all the far end counties such as Fangak, Pigi, Akobo, Uror and Pochalla.

    10. All in all, Kuol has breached the constitution of the South Sudan by retaining the gubernatorial seat after he failed the state general election to Lt. General Athor Deng . Athor won the election by 75% margin.

    11. Finally, Kuol Manyang and Gier Chuang are responsible for the state of affairs that have engulfed South Sudan in the military tension between Gen Athor Deng and the SPLA, and therefore Kuol Manyang and Gier Chuang deserve to be fired in order to relieve South Sudan from plunging into civil war. Gen Athor Deng must replace Kuol Manyang.

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    Dear All,

    Both Kuol Manyang and Gier Chuang, are responsible for the political conspiracy that led to declaration of military assault against Lt. General Athor Deeng Dut , which has led to state of war between the SPLA Forces and Gen. Athoor forces.

    Both Kuol should be held accountable for the losses of innocent lives of the SPLA forces and that of Gen.Athor.

    The question is, why would South Sudan presidency allow these two selfish and egocentric leaders( Kuol and Gier), to exploit the lives of the SPLA Forces against fellow freedom fighter, Gen Athor Forces , when the GOSS President should have halted this conspiracy long ago?

    Does this mean Kiir Mayardit is undercover political accomplice in this mess of Kuol/Gier conspiracy versus Gen Athor? This is a failure in the making and it could engulf everyone in the mess.

    I pray this conflict is resolved once and for all for the sake of establishing a new stable and peaceful flegling nation of Republic of South Sudan.
    This failure is attributable to Kiir/Gier/Kuol.

    Eventually, Kuol claims that he has swept the town is not the development we the citizens of Jonglei were longing and expecting at all.

    Practising public sanitation is a major priority, but main priorities for accelerating developments should have been focused and leveraged on provisions of health centers, schools, clean drinking waters, networking roads, and electrification of all the state counties as well as maximizing the agricultural productions along the river to provide adequate food supplies for public consumption.

    Development of economic growths and financial prosperity would autonomatically pop up when the core of the state societies are fundamentally provided with these basic amenities and infrastructures.

    Summarily, Kuol has failed so bad in term of state security. I believe Lt. Gen Athor Deng would have been more better in term of security provision.

    The current stability in the state is attributed to Lt. General Athor Deng, because he has put all the state militias under his control and mute them from terrorizing the communities anymore until tranquility is reached.

  • Atem Tuor
    Atem Tuor

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    I think there are numerous and documented grievances not only in Jonglei State, but also in Southern Sudan as a whole. H.E Governor Kuol is currently doing the best possible when it comes to: infrastructure, education, security, medical facilities, and human services. However, the public discontention in Jonglei is basing on land issues,not forgetting the current closure and/or termination of private banks in Bor Town.

    Frankly speaking, it has been alleged that Governor Kuol had privately licensed and authorized the Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), as well as Western Union to operate in Jonglei on certain commissions. But Jonglei’s citizens are uncertain whether the two mentioned financial institutions would directly or indirectly pay some percentage to the State of Jonglei,or to Kuol’s family. H.E Kuol Manyang should makes this particular issue crystal clear to our people,because the vast majority of our people don’t know how to read and write. And this may largely contributes to miscomprehension of commerciality.

    Mr. Kuol is an industrious and corruption-free-man, who doesn’t tolerate cowardness during the liberation struggle. It’s just a matter of time and all things will be fine with him in Jonglei.

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says

    You are being fair and just in your comment, and that is the professional approach we need as professional intellectuals.

    However, I do disagree with you that Kuol Manyang has not provided adequate security nor has he delivered those services to all the counties.

    Eventually, there is a contentious issue Kuol Manyang has failed to recognized and lived to honor it; and that is, he has robbed Lt. General Athor Deng of his won gubernatorial seat, and this remain another reason why the Jonglei is rejecting Kuol because they didn’t needed him previously and did voted against him for Lt. Gen Athor Deng. Athor deserves to be credited with the improving security in Jonglei and not Kuol. This is underlying fact intelligently.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    O yes you are. The insecurity in Bor Town had increased during your rule. Crimes against humanity are taking place now in Pibor Town under your command. Go to hell

  • never

    JONGLEI: “I am not a failed governor,” Kuol says
    wet ke bore kene nyier ke bore, let the guy finish his term.
    mr. kuol manyang, i got some words for you brother, talk like a leader don’t talk like a employer who is claiming his jobs. beaware that you are not bor community employee, you are for goss.
    stop getting into bor community issues all the time boy.
    seem like your political is end according to the way you sound. getout from the politice and let Shaw k and Juok shaw take the leadership over.
    my opinion as a bor resident.

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