Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence

February 5, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan will soon begin to implement a huge project of building a modern new capital city for the newly independent state, saying the historical regional capital, Juba, does not meet what is required of a national capital in terms of infrastructure for public institutions, investment and the accommodation of diplomatic missions.

Aerial view of Juba (Wikipedia)
Aerial view of Juba (Wikipedia)

After a referendum in January, in which 99 percent of southern Sudanese voted to separate from the north, the southern region is expected to become independent in July.

Several groups of potential investors who had interest to invest in the capital for the last six years failed to do so because of lack of land for investment, the south says. The southern government also has not built permanent structures for its executive, legislative and judicial institutions as the status of the town had not been settled. In Juba, which hosts about a million people, thousands of citizens have failed to legally acquire plots of land to build on.

Dozens of countries are expected to recognize the new independent state and will need pieces of land on which to establish their respective embassies.

Juba, which was established almost a century ago, by British colonial administrators, as the headquarters of former Southern Sudan’s three regions of Greater Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile and Equatoria, is said to have been disorganized, particularly for the last six years during its fast growing expansion. Officials say this is because of endless wrangling over jurisdictions of its administration by different levels of government, coupled with lack of standardized housing and poor surveying.

The semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has used Juba as the seat of the government, in accordance with the region’s interim constitution of 2005. Juba is also state capital of Central Equatoria

The local Bari community of Juba has cautioned against expanding Juba to incorporate the surrounding villages without their permission, quoting the provision in the interim constitution which stipulates that land belongs to the people, making it difficult for both GoSS and state to expand.

The GoSS, which serves as the highest authority overseeing the ten states of the semi-autonomous region, has for the past five years requested the Central Equatoria state government to relocate its capital to any of its other towns or locations, but the request was rejected.

Two years ago, the GoSS also came up with an alternative proposal to leave Juba for Central Equatoria state and establish a new capital at Gondokora Island, north of Juba, so that the two capitals could co-exist as twin cities. The proposal was also rejected by members of Bari community elders and intellectuals, according to officials.

In the resolution passed on Friday in a Council of Ministers meeting chaired by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, the government reached a decision to relocate the capital to a “befitting” new location elsewhere in the South.

The minister of information and official spokesman of the government, Barnaba Marial Benjamin, told the press that the “new capital would befit the new state of South Sudan.” He said the decision was not against any community or authority, but in the interest of the new nation.

He said two competing locations have been proposed for study before the government could choose one as a federal territory in which it will build the new capital. One of the proposed locations is an area which straddles four states; the north-eastern part of Central Equatoria, north-western part of Eastern Equatoria, south western part of Jonglei and south eastern part of Lakes state.

Another proposed location for the capital is Ramciel, which officials say is the geographic center of South Sudan has been the choice of SPLM – the former rebels who now govern South Sudan – since 2003. It is located in north-eastern part of Lakes state, near the border with Unity state to the North and Jonglei state to the East.

Marial added that a ministerial committee will be constituted by the president to visit the two proposed locations, study their respective topographies and seek consent of the communities inhabiting the areas and report back the findings within three weeks.

Citizens who spoke to Sudan Tribune in Juba on Saturday backed the idea of a new capital. A Juba University student who wanted to be identified only as Achol said: “I am very happy to hear that we will have a new modern capital city. Juba is so congested and disorganized. And besides, the state authority is not giving land to people who want to build houses. Juba is also nearer to Uganda and far from the rest of states and counties such as those of Tonj West in Warrap and Renk in Upper Nile. We want a capital in the center of South Sudan.”

“Yes let them relocate [the capital]. Juba of today is not the way it used to be, it has been spoiled by land grabbers. Legally acquired plots of people have been robbed by land grabbers who are new comers to this town. It will be a good chance to recover such lands once the capital is relocated,” said another, Michael Peter.

“The government is right to decide on best way of doing things. The capital city can be put anywhere in Southern Sudan. It doesn’t matter where it would be located as long as it is suitable and communities or authorities of such locations accept to give that land to the government to be the capital,” said a government official who did not want to be named.

While officials say it is important to consult host communities and seek their consent, they also explained that the provision of the CPA [Comprehensive Peace Agreement) and the interim constitution, which stipulates that land belongs to the people or community, has been misinterpreted or misunderstood by the communities. They further argued that the same provision further explained that the land will be managed by the government on behalf of the people, which they said acknowledges the government as the authority to decide and supervise on usage of land.

Marial said the ambitious project will not compromise other competing priorities in the service delivery and development of South Sudan in the coming period. If a new location is confirmed, the new independent country will contract companies or firms to do a feasibility study, as well as come up with the cost of building the new modern capital and attract investors who can finance the city project.

Officials say it could take at least five years to complete building the city.



  • Abionmur!

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence

    It is a shame that Nuer put all their future and hope in Ngundeng prophesies.
    What is important is making your own decision but not rely wholy on the idol prophesies.
    Well we shall be making histories and your duty would be to just relate them to Ngundeng.
    The name of the New capital is “Ramciel”, a Dinka word meaning the animals called “ciel” fighting “field”.
    “Ram” in Dinka mean fighting and Ciel are animals called ciel in Dinka.All together when added up mean “Ramciel”.
    Remember it was Dr John Garang who came up with this idea of new capital and the new name.
    Who cares if Ngundeng could predict Dinka’s dominant and history as long as it is attributed to Dinka.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    It is good to relocate capital city to Ramciel or somewhere as proposed.
    Juba residents are sick in mind, you can not enjoy land if it is not turned into something productive. They had been in Juba for 100s of years and did not get anything out of it till GOSS came.
    We can now honor our heroes, heroines, and significant liberation events freely by naming streets, estates, buildings, and public installations after them.

    We can develop the best city in Africa without jump in the future and with ultra modern facilities.
    Let Bari and their supporters eat their Juba and its land.
    They will lose must of the population in Juba and their counties will be reduced to two only if they are lucky.
    Complaints after complaints is not good. Let them do what they want to do with Juba now. Juba will not benefit from new government allocations till all state capitals are brought to the same level or higher. This will be a punishment to their poor thinkings.
    All regional assets in Juba will be auctioned to the general public and current ministries turned to a university.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    I agree that Juba has been considered by Bari people as their own land while not knowing the great human sacrifices that SPLM/A enforced on Juba during the war.

    I would be glad to accepted the relocation of our capital if those who think Juba is there own land want this in a respectful way. But if they want Juba by themselves by force,the Juba is going to remain the capital.

    Ramciel has been proposed longtime ago by Dr John Garang de Mabior but this proposal was put in rest because we thought that Juba is our city which some kind of development.

    The central equatoria need to be asked whether they want the rest of Southerners to live Juba because they thought the Juba land belong to them. If that the case then who has liberate those EQ states? this is more than creating chaos!

  • oshay

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    I suppose the new Capital would be called Dinka-ville to represent the dinka dominated government. It’s a shame that they can’t develop Juba so they just go somewhere else and in typical dinka fashion, land grab someone else’s home.

  • Janafil

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    I agree Ramceil should be a new capital city of the new Country.
    I think Biomur and Oshay are crazy, look here the meaning of Ramceil if needed to be explain very well in dinka language the word ram mean, meet, and ceil mean the middle, and in combining them Ramceil mean meet in the middle and so Ramceil bring Equatoria ,Uper Nile, Jongle, Bhar el Gazal together and there is no body here to claim the land like what Equatorian are doing in Juba and if you people are selfish to use this name as a name given to a new Capital city of the new Country as proposed by the late Dr. John because it is dinka language , then that is the things to be negotaited at the GOSS assembly.Many dinkas dies in Juba during the war time and few equatorian dies and most of Equatorians who dies are those who were inside Juba when they were with Arab and non of equatorian dies in Dinka area during the war. And 100% you can believe me without the strungle from dinka to offer thier lifes this peace and the independent of the South would have not been posible.
    So you need to stop talking about dinka enough is enough! I know Equatorian during the war time were almost to leave Sudan including Eqatoria land to be the Citizen of Uganda how comes now they said Juba land is thiers alon so let them remain with thier Juba they are selfish and the capital be shifted to the land that don’t have problem.and let me tell you guys one time dinka will get annoyed and discharge you out of your land if you keep insulting dinkas with these bad habit of yours dinka, dinkas are warriors and you know it youself so please lets stay peacefully as brothers, avoicd insulting ourselves and let build our new Country and for those of Oshay who are Southerners leave us alon.

    Dinka oyeeeeeeeeeee
    Warriors Oyeeeeeee
    Liberators Oyee

  • Gat-khir

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Relocating the Capital of southern sudan is highly welcomes.John Garang was not the one who proposed Ramchiel in the first place but he was following the foot-steps of those who proposed it long ago. ask anyone who was there in Anya anya one and he will not fail to tell you what was said about Ramciel should the southern sudan become an independent state.

  • Aleu

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Dear GOSS/New Sudan.

    Relocated of Capital from Juba to different place is the good Idea and I think there is no argument on that. First of all. Juba area is the earthquatkes zone if anyone would really remembering what happened in 1998, when the earthquake was shaken badly that caused many people to death in Juba. I am not real familiar with Ramiciel area, but if it is safe then, there is no problem.

    I think the best area that, I know very well is the Yriol district which it will combining or in another word, the center of Southern Sudan. Yriol is the best area in my mind, because it is also too close to Nile River which is a good thing for Capital city and as well as the environment is so beautiful. I am suggesting even though I did not see the Ramiciel but I knew the whole Equatoria up to Bahr al Ghazal regions and I belief the Ramiciel is very much too close to Juba if I am not wrong to mention this however, it is also okay as long as the late Dr. John Garang had already suggesting before he die then, we should leave it like that.

  • Gatwech

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence

    Thank you for your brilliant understanding of Ngundeng’s prophesies.

    Our cousins are just jealous about their destiny being foretold by a Nuer prophet, not because they don’t believe in them. Actually the jealousy is being brought about by their fear of unknown future.

    But that is a baseless fear because Ngundeng is for all of us. When he predicted an independent South, he didn’t mean it for Nuer alone.

    Yes as you said, Ngundeng predicted that his flag will not be mixed with the flag of the North (Jallaba). Some of these guys did not believe it and wasted time pursuing a useless vision of united sudan.

    Oh, yes, in July 9, when the Northern flag is lowered down and sent to the North and the new flag of Ngundeng is rolled up in the skies alone, then that is when such doubting Thomases will begin to think twice!!!

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Dear readers, all that matters is for our new nation to have new capital city and that is that whether it means what in Nuer and the other in Dinka. You people like to argue sometimes on baseless matters. Have peace brothers and stop talking always about tribal issues.

  • Kwaja

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Dear all Southerners,

    It is a pleasure for my first time to post a comment on this website, kindly allow me to experience my points of concern as follows:

    1. Relocation of Capital city: This does not matter of where it goes at the moment, what matters is the stability of the newly established or born country. Indeed will not be fit or qualifies to the capital city of South Sudan, but a trading city, because:

    1. Geographical position.
    2. Limitation of land accessibility.
    3. Highly politically polluted environment.

    2. Tribalism: Here I can she bomdshells from dinkas to nuer and vise versa, if we don’t stop these vices of tribalism we will not co-exist as Southerners.

    3. Nyundeng prophecy: This depends on individual believe, culture, faith, norms and other factors, so whether Nyundeng is a Prophet or not this is not an issue to waste time on, think of what is needed from each an individual of us as the future eying generation, we should not follow the foot steps of this out going generations.

    4. Dominance: If we still follow the history of South Regional governance from Laggu time to Alier and during CCSS from Gatluak Gai to Riek Gai (vise-versa), issues will not move and for your consumption refer back and see what are the differences and what are the expected results of all those regimes in comparison and relation to the current event we are in.

    So with due respect and honor these are few of my comments and observations.

  • Dinkanuer

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Hello Bari! It will be shameful to hear that you are threatening GoSS in Juba land. First of all, I would like to let you know that thousands of people died there in Juba including my three brothers from the same mother. You need to understand this! It’s not a joke! And thousands of people were not belong to Bari or Ecuadorian a lone. You must understand and think twice before refusing to talk with the government; you have right to divided the land such as the following. Certain place for local people, one for state, and other part for federal government. Dr. Garang himself told people that if he died, he will be buried in Juba. The same Dr. Garang was the one who proposed Ramciel to be a Capital of South Sudan.
    Guys! If he like to be buried in Juba and Ramciel to be Capital! What that mean to you? Garang was tried to give us two example things, one was New York as well as Juba for commercial purposes and Washington D.C to Ramciel as for politics. It’s not a bad idea to relocated capital in Ramciel or wherever they decided. There are many complains about lives in Juba since the transition of Anya fighters into GoSS six years ago from today that Equatorian are murdering and killing people with their magic which also call dawa or Waal ke duor? Why don’t you use those magic’s power to kill our enemies which were Arabs. Arabs Military were fucking all Equatorian men together with their women before the SPLM/A fighters came into Juba and you did nothing to Arabs. Now you turn those magician ideas against your brothers and sisters. Shame on you Bari!

    For those who are still using Ngundeng ideologically, please be inform! Ngundeng had shameful things to be said about him. First,
    He was not a Prophet but a profit to his royalist in Nuer.
    He had many names according to his activities in many parts of South Sudan.
    He was a Cannibal animal according to Nuer man who doesn’t need to be mentioned
    His first name was Ngundeng-meaning that he was send by God.
    After he gone wild and ran away.
    His name changed to be Gatluakmanguel in Nuer dialect.
    He ate many Nuer men and women in Nuer Land
    Dinka. His name was Manyang e Juet.
    He ate many children, animal claviers and cows’s bulls in Dinka Land.
    Equatoria with different languages including English and Arabic
    His name was Tiger

    The Nuer man who refused to be target by Ngundeng’s salves pointed out that. Ngundeng had no father or mother but the Devil who came out in the River Nile in a form of fish, when the Nuer boys want for fishing. They fish for so many hours and they caught nothing, when the boys get tied and ready to go back home. One of them told other guys that there was a fish ate his hook lastly, the boy convinced other friends to tried one more time! Shortly after he putted on snail body on the hook, he had thrown it into Nile River. Immediately, Ngundeng was caught. The boy was attempting to pull the Fish Ngundeng out in the river but it was difficult for him to do so, then he called his associates to pull Ngundeng on the shore. They brought it out and they were smile some of them were told to go and collect firewood in order for the young men to roast their fish.
    Unfortunately! The Fish Ngundeng changed into big snake! And the boys ran away from it, the boys thought that they were dreaming and they came back for the second times. The Snake Ngundeng light it body and become bright as well as electricity light. They ran home and they spread the news to the community, when the Nuer elders came to the place where Ngundeng was pulled. It was still there as snake with it light. People gather together around it and started asking question how did this happen? The Snake Ngundeng changed into human being and told people not to run away. All of them were shocking and scary to death except Human Ngundeng who perform such witchcraft. things “Come down, come down now!” The Human Ngundeng said. Who are you? The Nuer elders asked him. I am Nyajok_ which mean woman devil! The Human Ngundeng answer! She knew her own physical appearance as she is a hermaphrodite. (A person with both the organs of a man and a woman) Wow! Brothers and sisters of Nuer I am sorry for your Profit. Nyajok Ngundeng was not a Prohet? It was your profit to cheat people for his power but It was not a Prophet? It was a Satan?

  • Peter Mading
    Peter Mading

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    You guys;
    Note that am not happy with the way you approach national issues. I advise you not take national issues for individuals or tribes. Am disturbed by your exchange of your abusive words. Such distinguishing element will isolate all you from South Sudan and erase your knowledge. Do not assume that this website was meant for nonsenses. World is out their to laugh on you. That is a mind of kid.

    For the website like this, you are require to provide your opinion which reflect the opinion of the public. This is where consensus are built. The establishment of the New Capital City is the theme and the Government is publicizing it so that opinions are search.

    According to my understanding it is a good idea to relocate the City from Juba with regards to many issues contained in this article. As a matter of facts, the fights between the National Government (GOSS) and the States Government in collaboration with the Juba Community has limited the Development. Community talked about that their lands has been Grasped by the Dinka and Nuer Government as if they are not part of the Government.

    Indeed i personally really acknowledge and support the proposal of relocating Juba to a newly place that is free from any community claim.

    I am very sure some idiots may still demand ransome for their small portion of land leased by the Government or foreign investors.

    My dear Compatriots, Let’s acknowledge that as it is expressed in the article it is a big project that required huge resources to construct and develop a new City. It will be a second war to achieve. The projects will coincide with the creation f the State new currency which is also another project that require resources and many other ongoing activities and therefore, South Sudan has still a long way to go and join the rest of the world.

    It is good to the support the Government in its proposal by putting in our views on the proposals and see which place is fit to be the New Capital for the Republic of South Sudan.

    Garang vision was very strategic that “New Capital for South Sudan would be Ramciel”. A place between Lakes, Central Equatoria and the Nile. Its lies at the heart of South Sudan and should accommodate all the Southerners and Foreign emmbassies and investors.

    Why are you guys talked about old theories? If anyone of you has a suggestion on the place where new Capital should put then say it but know that the Government has formed the Committee already to make feasibility studies on the three proposed Sites or Locations and produce a reports and recommendations.

    If you are all affliated to tribes then you are all useless.

    If you think that foreigners will develop our Country then you are inviting whites to re-colonize you because they will come with their security men and that will be a sign of colonization.

    Let us put to an end the mentioning of tribes in national issues.

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai in-Bentiu.

    Well done my government.
    Juba has become too congested that may led into breake out of some dangerous diseases.
    However Juba as southern sudan historical town,may remain as twins cities togather with that morden capital.
    The contruction may continou going from both twins cities.

    I supported that proposal.

  • Jada Lotole
    Jada Lotole

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    This forum has become a den of the most useless,Childish and egoistic Southern Sudanese of the Centuary ! Every word that proceeds out of wise man’s mouth is often sweet ! but that which proceeds out of the contributors of this forum particularly to the subject in question,is bitter and doesnt refelect Wisdom at all ! But EGOISIM,TRIBALISM,IGNORANCE , LACK OF BEING APPRECIATIVE TO ONE ANOTHER…… & FANTASY”

    I urge the wise NOT to join these “TWO” rivaling Clusters of hooligans ! The Wise always speak the last and they speak the BEST !

  • Chanson

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Mr.President and all the leaders who might have come together and figureout the idea of relocating the South,s capital,to be placed in the center of the South.that is really fantastically sound good.

    I think all of us in the Southerners,ld welcome that Idea because capital city is not suppose to be at the border.That is going to be big yes by all of us!!!!!!

    Dear folks.

    let our comments be mature comments than imature comment always.do you guys know how many countries are using this website? they are so many people using it(users).Anyway it,s not bad to make debate but some time our debate on this website is really not good debate at
    all.It,s really mor than a shit.

    As so many people put it”RAMCIEL” simply meant meeting in the center.which is not bad.

    Dear Oshay. I think you can name Juba as “Dinka ville “after relocation brother.

    Good luck guys.


  • Akuak JNR
    Akuak JNR

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Hello Guys,
    I think people are sick with your triblistic ideas and debates that will mislead young and peace loving southerners and intervention is required before it become epidemic. Thinks and comment like intellectuals of positive ideas that may bring peace rather than hatred among people. Whether you are from dinka, nuer, equatoria or any other tribe in south sudan, I appeal to you to foster peace and avoid abusive languages. Remember, there is time for everything; wars Vs peace, hatred Vs love, maturity Vs immaturity, slavery Vs freedom etc. It’s time for us to forgive, forget and enjoy peace after all these years of struggle. Also remember one wise man has said ‘you don’t have to be behind bars to in prison. individuals are prisioners of their own thoughts through hatred however physically they are free’.
    I might have hurt you but for the sake of peace, I have to. Who knows, you may be the next leader of south sudan in waiting list. Learn to unite people rather than divide them for you and your tribe a lone will be nothing without others in south sudan.

  • Akuak JNR
    Akuak JNR

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Hello Guys,
    I think people are sick with your triblistic ideas and debates that will mislead young and peace loving southerners and intervention is required before it become epidemic. Thinks and comment like intellectuals of positive ideas that may bring peace rather than hatred among people. Whether you are from dinka, nuer, equatoria or any other tribe in south sudan, I appeal to you to foster peace and avoid abusive languages. Remember, there is time for everything; wars Vs peace, hatred Vs love, maturity Vs immaturity, slavery Vs freedom etc. It’s time for us to forgive, forget and enjoy peace after all these years of struggle. Also remember one wise man has said “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE BEHIND BARS TO BE IN PRISION. INDIVIDUALS ARE PRISIONERS OF THIER OWN THOUGHTS THROUGH HATRED, HOWEVER PHYSICALLY THEY ARE FREE”.
    I might have hurt you but for the sake of peace, I have to. Who knows, you may be the next leader of south sudan in waiting list. Learn to unite people rather than divide them for you and your tribe a lone will be nothing without others in south sudan.

  • Tambura

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    I was in Juba for two months I did research to see if Juba fit to be capital of south Sudan. As I am planing to be future president of south Sudan, Juba is historical city of south Sudan Yes, it does not meet requirement of national Capital for new South Sudan for many reasons I said it many times. If our government will implement projects of a modern Capital as they said they have to start it with massive housing projects. They have to start it with what we call it government houses which they will give it to citizens whom own plots then government can have more land for projects if getting land was problem. As I said under my leadership I will change the face of south to something is not any anywhere in the world just in south Sudan. I will build house and give it to families, free hearth care law to protect women right child supports, with our oil money I build houses for homeless, I will put food on table for poor. I will build best person in Africa far away from city for corrupted government officers. I will fight HIV malaria and other sickness, most impotent I will unite all southern citizens nobody will mention name of tribe in government offices, south Sudan will have one Tribe call southerns Sudanese. Vote for me in next election

    The next president of south Sudan

  • Julia Anok
    Julia Anok

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Gatwech, be thoughtful when commenting on such a sensitive issue who told you that those of Yirol speak mixed languages ? Let me make it clear here as i have seen that you are running under a shadow of Atuot tribe whom claim to be much more related to Nuer more than the Dinka and refer to Dinka as different people that is correct given their own dialect. Yirol as a district is inhabited by two ethnics group of Dinka speaker of Aliap/Ciec and Atuot/Apaak speaker.
    The mentioned area in the article call Ramciel is situated in Dinka territory where it has taken a large portion of land. There is nothing will this name relate to bla bla Atuot dialect hope you got it. They two Dinka guys are making an urgenment of same word with alot of meaning in Dinka dialect which i think they all got it right.

  • Tambura

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    I have an Idea of creating new name for our new Capital.
    We can create it by using these seven letters.

    B, for Blue Nile stat
    E. for three Equatorials
    J. for Jongle State
    N. for Northern Bahr ElGazal
    L. for lakes State
    w. westren Bahr El Gazal
    U. for Uppar Nile

    By using this seven letters we can create name of our new capital for all southern Sudanese nobody will complain. Just an Idea

    The next president of South Sudan

  • kaci-banno

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    HAAAAAAAAAAAaa, leaders of SPLM Confused! let me tell you where to relocate capital. The precious land with it’s blessing and harmony life of it’s people is mabaan county and the capital of south sudan is deserve such a land. Instead of hearing Dinka and Nuer abnormal thinking, Mabaan people are ready to offer you Land free for the establishment of the capital.

    Psychological problems of Nuer and Dinka never end until leadership of SPLM taken out from them than they will think something good.
    By: Kac-Ma-banno

  • ayor

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Dear readers’

    it’s well thought strategic plan by the(Goss) although its going to be costly and hard in term of budget to finance it then its better to take a risk in order to avoid all those land-grabbing complains being exercised by the local inhabitants, the (Bari community).

    Whatever site chosen to meet the southerners interests would be alright if the goverment is going to be capable in convincing the local inhabitants of that particular new site to give up their land for the new southern capital.

    About Ramciel’s defination as in (Dinka) it means meeting centre. Ram = meeting and ciel or cielic = centre. And referring to the question which was being asked by Gatwech regarding the name rhino in Dinka, its call (chil) as in in singular and (ciel) as in plural. Actually, the word (Ram) or (Rom) has two meaning as in Dinka, fighting and meeting.

    So, when putting it in use in creating a sentense, Ramciel would be meeting centre or fighting Rhinoes.

    By Ayor Sodit.

  • Peter Elia Kuzee
    Peter Elia Kuzee

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence


  • San Manyuon
    San Manyuon

    South Sudan to establish a new capital city and relocate from Juba after independence
    Hello Brothers,

    Wow!, you guys are really who you’re in the inside. People back home are hoping everyone of you is someone significant to their family, and Southern Sudan as a whole. Why’re you so furious to one another, we had bad history, but many of us though we just all casted the same vote for the same reason and we’re all excited that each of us’s vote has materialized as expected. All you’re saying here in the reaction to relocation of the capital has created so much that is very irrelevant to the topic. You know again that people are counting on you; Your family, your leaders(particularly Dr. Garang in his grave), world, and maybe the children you all have. We had fought for this new Southern Sudan, and many life has been lost and it’s a fact that many were lost in the hand of our own brothers. A lot of things happened during the decades of war, most damages were caused by our own and if we forgive each other, it wouldn’t be like we forgave the enemies, we’re forgiving ourselves. So, if you know that you voted or wished that we have our own country, then please stop teaching us the bad part of our history, or maybe teach us how we should reconstruct ourselves going forward.
    If you’re in a foreign country, enjoy being here or there, but know that non of your parent or grand parent had a foot or finger print in the construction of those countries. The forefathers in the countries that you settled helped built their countries for all who will come from far and those that will be born there, all to enjoy equally. Same, let us help our country so all generations to come will enjoy the future equally and not be able to blame you.
    My brothers from Equatoria, your elders and brothers back home may have not really look further to the future. The area was originally for the Equatorian people, but you can not really reject the seat of the government to be build in your backyard. You should be the one advantaging more if you weight the merits. I know, it has caused something you guys don’t like, but I am sure you ‘re the most beneficial here in the long run. Economically, we will not have the same nomadic kind of life we currently have, and later if we forgone that life, you will know that you had missed the opportunities. People are really furious, and maybe you have something you’re upset about too, but we’re forgiving each other and let think different now, let work as one.
    Let me say this and I don’t favor it. Many people including you have said much that SPLA/M and GoSS leadership had been overwhelmingly topped by the Dinkas and Nuer, and that they may always hold the leadership of this new country because of their majority. If that is the case, they will build more of their original places of birth and other areas will not benefit much. I am not talking only about Equatoria but many places that would have minority representation, they will not benefit if we keep the old structure of our tribal in this New Country. Maybe a Nuer Governor in Yei would try to build that city because he governs there and if that happen, people in that area would benefit and the whole Southern Sudan would, this is the only way to spread the wealth in all areas. Keeping the government in this area and many businesses will flourish here, other nations will invest and many people especially the locals will harvest more.
    And to all, I am not smart, and I don’t want to think that way, but I am encouraging you that looks at yourself before saying anything that irritate others and cause differences.
    As for the Ramciel, brothers read the context of the sentence. We know in other languages including our owns that several words have same spellings but mean different things. How do you know when the correct meaning is being use, it’s by understanding what topic is in question. Ramciel may mean all that you have said such as Rhinos and fight, but we’re talking here about a place. Ram(not as in English) mean meets and Ciel is a center. When you put them together, it mean ” meeting center”. We may luck some of our own letters in English to write Ramciel as it refers to the originality, but that is what it mean.
    Our leader had predicted a place that will be accessible to many if you think that’s really the center of Southern Sudan and I think that was his “if”. He may have studied us during the movement.

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