Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan prepares for July’s declaration of independence

February 6, 2011 (JUBA) – The semi-autonomous regional government in South Sudan has started making preparations to declare its independence, following the overwhelming vote in favor of secession in last month’s referendum.

The people of Southern Sudan, in accordance with the 2005 north-south peace deal, voted in January to secede from the north in the one-week exercise which resulted to 99% vote for independence.

The final result, which is a confirmation of the preliminary results announced early this week, is scheduled to be announced on Monday.

The president of the Government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, who also serves as First Vice President of Sudan, has issued a presidential decree forming a high level committee chaired by the Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, to prepare the nation for the declaration and celebrations of independence due on July 9.

Machar’s committee will choose the venue for the declaration, prepare the budget for the event and send out invitations to dignitaries around the world, among others.



  • Nyachebe

    South Sudan prepares for July’s declaration of independence
    LL Reuben Nhomlawda and Landlord

    It appears like you don’t know the very long history of South Sudan army struggle. It’s a matter of an eye blink for the mighty Nuer, Equatoria and Murle if decided to uproot you from South Sudan regardless of all the intense military trainings of helicopters piloting, artilleries and tanks you have sent your people to since 2005.

    Be balance and right in your own conscience for the Lord God has created and endowed you in order to properly using it. Nuer went to North for very good reason after John Garang hijacked their movement at Bilpam in 1983. Instead; of John Garang making an inclusive movement he added more fuel by ordered the killings of many Nuer from Bilpam for example the killing of late Commander Kiir Tang and Captain Duach Tay Tai at Itang on January, 20th, 1984 was the very day for devil coupled with Garang to destroy South Sudanese unity, but not only that also created voided gaps in many hearts. In those same years, Eastern Nuer civilians were massacred, houses torched on fires and properties such as herds, and girls were looted for a reason only known to Garang and angel Luthefer. Garang beat his chest and arrogantly said as if immortal; “The first bullet will be fired at separatists”.

    Think about it, they had established Bilpam and for someone like Dr. Garang breaking into the house with blood in the hand and demanding the killing, would you not go to where a bit safer for refugee? Problem with Dinka is such they don’t correlate the facts to define why some Nuer went to join the Khartoum government. It was not Nuer intention and wishes to join the Khartoum regime but forced to do so because late dictator Garang aimed at a no Nuer Movement coupled by allying himself with former Ethiopian president Mengistu whom at the time didn’t believe in ‘Separation theory’. Garang informed Mengistu that Nuer are the separatist and should not be supported militarily since Eritrea people in Ethiopia were also looking for separation. So, for Mengistu to support the separatists in South Sudan would be like a “Shoot in his own leg hence this will have negative repercussion to Ethiopia theme of unifying the country since this will be used against the Mengistu and his government by the Eritrea rebels”; Garang Lobbied.

    Few of you will not get it since you are born on falsification, facts twisting and modification, greedy and power addiction. However, history proved it that is not in its first kind for Dinka to lobby for power. It happened after Addis Ababa peace agreement in 1972 when Abel Allier who was by then sleeping in Khartoum during Anyanya-one bush’s struggle emerged from hibernation and was offered South Sudan regional leadership taken from Joseph Lagu BY president Jafer Nmeri.

    But for Nuer to survive the innocent killings by Garang and balance the equation some decided to went to Khartoum yet in the SPLM/A was remained their huge present, recognition and potentiality to librated many towns along with other Southern Sudanese. This is a lively testimony and part of the assurance to some of the dwarfed knowledgeable Dinka in this forum who have been barking on Nuer name that Nuer are Nyageteen. Nuer is a well blessed tribe and has always been there and will be there. They fought British colony for seven years but Dinka were conquered in one week. If recalled on all the battalions during the SPLM-Movement were equivalently composed of the same number of Dinka and Nuer in what could be a mathematical ratio of 1:1:3:2, onto which no account, I had never heard or witnessed a single town that was captured by Dinka alone.

    To give some tip or answer why some militia have been still lingering with the Khartoum government until this time is because of the same nature of Dinka hegemony that they feel South Sudan army is 60% controls by Nuer so are afraid that bringing or incorporating more Nuer soldiers will make Nuer soldiers in the SPLA nearly reached 70%. In this very same logical argument one could find many militias who had joint SPLA together with Paulino Matip are not fully confirmed and integrated. These soldiers have been living under poverty for the past 6 years while their counter parts runs with thousands of Sudanese pounds in their banks. SPLM used 40% of South Sudan budget for its army and security and don’t tell me there was no enough money to feed the soldiers. It was just a conspiracy political motive. But for the interest of achieving the Right to self determination these sidelined officers have been blessed by the sense of patriotism and survived the hardship.

    Given all the above complexity situations and configurations one would concluded that Nuer are the majority in South Sudan. Nuer have managed to thrive through both governments and imagined when all of them are in one government of South Sudan under one umbrella of brotherhood, my uncles Dinka will smell the odd.

    For you LL Reuben, Nhomlawda and Landlord who happened to live in the north Sudan and Egypt during the war ask some SPLM/A loyal Dinka who will tell you the truth back ground of the struggle. Or you can read a book entitled: ‘Why John Garang hijacked and killed Nuer during the SPLM-Movement inception’? Authored by professor Nyachebe:

    My peers; what is ringing the bell at this stage of development is that South Sudan has become an independent state no question about it, and as a result, we have to stop making nonsense justifications and let the truth prevails. Truth tends to walk slowly but finally reaches its destiny, but lies obscured in nowhere.

    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Professor Nyachebe

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan prepares for July’s declaration of independence
    Our SPLM/A leaders always said SPLM will win,and there we go!
    We have achieved this because of our strength and commitment.

    We defeated both the within militia and the real enemy,and there we go.

    We deformed the North because of the lives that we offer,and there we go.

    Our civilians died in the hands of those who always look for bribe,and there we go.

    We liberate the South from suppression,and there we go. We fought SSIM, SSDF, Arabs, and majahdeens,and there we go.

    We will have our own South Sudan fighting Jallaba without surrendering to Khartoum like others brothers,and there we go.

    South Sudan is going to be a developed nation because of best strategies that we always do instead of siding with real enemy, and there we go.

    The flag of SPLM( South Sudan) has arrived because of our strength,and there we go. SPLM/A oyee,

  • oshay

    South Sudan prepares for July’s declaration of independence
    I worry for my future under these land grabbing dinka who will loot and kill us.

  • Dinkanuer

    South Sudan prepares for July’s declaration of independence
    Hi guys!
    Do you know who is Nyachebe, Gatwech, ?

    It’s Dr. Riek Machar Teny who pretending to be Nyachebe!

    Dr. Riek Machar murdered the family of Commender Peter Panom Genyping and his relatives when he refused to join the Naath Movement.

    Peter Panom said we are not fighting against our own people, we are fight with Arabs to free them. Then Peter Panom himself, his families, relatives, and his staff members were thrown into Well. My cousin was one of his staffing members with the number of 473 people were thrown into Well!

    He fell shame for himsef because he had been stubbing the movemnet at the back. Riek is preching hatred among the Southerners.

    Riek signed 1987 Peace with NCP which including Oil digging, where the Arabs used it to buy weapons to kill Southerners

    The NCP and Chinese killed civilians in the oil field in Nuer Land because of Dr. Riek his agreement with the Regime in Khartoum.

    Riek Machare Changed the day of the Movement which is May16, 1983 to be Ngundeng’s Day!

    Naath Movement or Nuer Massacre in 1991, which is also Arabs word mean people(Naath) It was Dr. Riek Machar who killed 100,000 of people in Bor in 1991 and termed to be Naath Movement. The people of South Sudan and specially the people of Bor forgiven him but Riek is working hard to cause problems to the people of South Sudan. And many more!

    He is still looking forward to be a president instead of him to be a vice. Mark my word! It’s going to be the end of your life.

    We are watching and God is watching you closely!

    For those who are still using Ngundeng ideologically, please be inform! Ngundeng had shameful things to be said about him. First,

    He was not a Prophet but a profit to his royalist in Nuer.
    He had many names according to his activities in many parts of South Sudan.
    He was a Cannibal animal according to Nuer man who doesn’t need to be mentioned
    His first name was Ngundeng-meaning that he was send by God.
    After he gone wild and ran away.
    His name changed to be Gatluakmanguel in Nuer dialect.
    He ate many Nuer men and women in Nuer Land
    Dinka. His name was Manyang e Juet.
    He ate many children, animal claviers and cows’s bulls in Dinka Land.
    Equatoria with different languages including English and Arabic
    His name was Tiger

    The Nuer man who refused to be target by Ngundeng’s salves pointed out that. Ngundeng had no father or mother but the Devil who came out in the River Nile in a form of fish, when the Nuer boys want for fishing. They fish for so many hours and they caught nothing, when the boys get tied and ready to go back home. One of them told other guys that there was a fish ate his hook lastly, the boy convinced other friends to tried one more time! Shortly after he putted on snail body on the hook, he had thrown it into Nile River. Immediately, Ngundeng was caught. The boy was attempting to pull the Fish Ngundeng out in the river but it was difficult for him to do so, then he called his associates to pull Ngundeng on the shore. They brought it out and they were smile some of them were told to go and collect firewood in order for the young men to roast their fish.
    Unfortunately! The Fish Ngundeng changed into big snake! And the boys ran away from it, the boys thought that they were dreaming and they came back for the second times. The Snake Ngundeng light it body and become bright as well as electricity light. They ran home and they spread the news to the community, when the Nuer elders came to the place where Ngundeng was pulled. It was still there as snake with it light. People gather together around it and started asking question how did this happen? The Snake Ngundeng changed into human being and told people not to run away. All of them were shocking and scary to death except Human Ngundeng who perform such witchcraft. things “Come down, come down now!” The Human Ngundeng said. Who are you? The Nuer elders asked him. I am Nyajok_ which mean woman devil! The Human Ngundeng answer! She knew her own physical appearance as she is a hermaphrodite. (A person with both the organs of a man and a woman) Wow! Brothers and sisters of Nuer I am sorry for your Profit. Nyajok Ngundeng was not a Prohet? It was your profit to cheat people for his power but It was not a Prophet? It was a Satan?

    By Dinkanuer

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