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Sudan Tribune

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Final results of South Sudan’s referendum celebrated in Unity state

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

February 8, 2011 (BENTIU) – Unity State citizens on Tuesday celebrated South Sudan’s vote for independence after the final referendum results were announced on Monday in the presence of Sudan’s Omar Hassan Al-Bashir and his first vice president Salva Kiir Mayardit, also South Sudan’s president on Monday.

Unity state governor Taban Deng waves the South Sudan flag recognizing the final results of the South's independent vote in Bentui. Feb 8, 2011 (ST)
Unity state governor Taban Deng waves the South Sudan flag recognizing the final results of the South’s independent vote in Bentui. Feb 8, 2011 (ST)
Sudan’s South is now due to become Africa’s 54th state in July after the result was declared in Sudan’s capital Khartoum. Unity state civilians celebrated in Bentui at midday on Tuesday, with traditional dancing.

Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai waved the South Sudan flag to those in the stadium saying “this is the final step toward of our independent south Sudan thought it’s declaration due to happen on July 9, 2011 as agree upon by the two parties”.

The South’s self determination vote was agreed as part of a 2005 peace deal between former rebels the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) and the North’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

Deng congratulated Unity state for the achievement of voting for independence, adding that they had voted in the largest numbers in favor of secession, with 99.8 percent voting for separation of the South.

He also thanked the African continent especially the High Panel of African Union for ensuring the referendum went ahead as scheduled in January.



  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    Final results of South Sudan’s referendum celebrated in Unity state

    We have just finished the S. Sudan lberation. Our next liberation will be on Murle. This liberation has to happen, otherwise, our fight against the Arab will be meaningless because a total freedom has not been achieved in Jonglei state and especially in our home counties. All we need is to gather our youth, where ever they maybe and then lead our next struggle against the murle. They are our next oppressors and we have to achieve your our freedom at all cost. They are doing what Arab was not even doing to us: Arab was concerned mainly with oil. Murle is killing our mothers and fathers and abducting and selling our children. They are taking away our wealth in forms of cattle. Is this the community we have to work for?
    We need all our youth from Bor including those that are driving tanks in Abyei right now, whose their children and parents are being slaughter and sold. This youth is from Bor first before they are from S. Sudan. This has to happen, otherwise life for our community will be meaningless on earth. Towns cannot accommodate all villagers. The murle needs to be defeated and faced seriously with destruction in order to stop this barabaric act that is not found anywhere in the world except in Jonglei.
    folks, don’t wait for this Salva’s gov’t to release you from JIU and your other units to give you a green light. We just have to mobilize ourselves and do what Lou Nuer did to Murle. This is the only medicine they need. All else will fail.
    To those who worry about the ICC. Does the ICC endorse killing and selling of other human beings? In their countries, what do they do to people who kill other people?
    War between us and the Murle must begin as soon as the Arabs are out of the south.
    What will prevent this war is when the Murle as a community sit down and stop all their people from raiding our elderly and children when our youth is busy in S. Sudan army.
    Quol Quot

  • actiongatkuoth

    Final results of South Sudan’s referendum celebrated in Unity state
    good jobs Unity State citizen .
    it’s your time to celebrate the independence of Southern Sudan,
    Bentiu oyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    citizen of oil field oyeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Final results of South Sudan’s referendum celebrated in Unity state
    Dear Southerners,

    SPLM/A has been struggling from the war within and outside for decades but our great party with strong leaders endure it other Arab North would have been dancing in the South by now.

    You can imagine what would have happened if SPLM/A response to those war within in a full scale and leave the NCP to the other side. Certainly, the North would have won the war because they would get one by one after we all had eliminate each other for the war of food and power. I am glad that SPLM/A had strong leaders who can not listened to within stuffs.

    I want to tell others who complain that SPLM has ruled the South without others. I condemned all of you because SPLM/A was fighting Arab North without and single pay,it was just a matter of freeing Southerners from Jallaba. This must be a warning to those wishes who think that SPLM leaders should step down. Something like that can not happened in this soil unless someone loss just be democratic election but not stepping down.

    Dear brothers watched some videos or listened to song sung by our SPLA during the war whether you will not wipe the tears for the suffering that our leaders and our SPLA endure the brutal hardship without food, shelter, water,and many other material lifes but just to liberate all weak heart who just think about food and no more.
    I am not a leader in SPLM but our heros deserved respect for their well-done job during the war. I wish they human has power i would have brought our fallen heros to witness these days and latter let them go but i can not do this.

    For those like Gatwech, we all know that you are just a child who know nothing about SPLM and its leaders and that is why you said that Salva Kiir should step down. If he step down whom do you think will be a leader and who will respect him? think twice my dear other you are among those who want our young nation to fall next to Somalia. This time, any aggression or power struggled will not survive in the South because you will seriously bear the consequences and you will not forget the day you were born.

    Dear Southerners let respect Salva Kiir in his leadership because he fought for it and he really know how his soldiers and the leaders on top or below on him died for this land.

    I always go with something respectful but want the disrespectful went out of control then i really response to the way someone needed.

    Warning! let stop power greedy and we will be fine other we will chose from good or bad. Thanks

  • Haak

    Final results of South Sudan’s referendum celebrated in Unity state
    congratulation!!!!!!!!! congratulation!!!!!!!! congratulation!!!!!! congratulation!!!! congratulation!!!!! my fellow state citizen of unity State mukruk-umurukat-lakum. my only diversify advise goes to all the stakesholders in all the departments of goverment, NGOs, civil society and alike in the state, we have reach the final stage as H.E Taban Deng the governor quote it rightly above, so we very much need final reconcialiation and forgiveness from Boma, Payam, county, State and possibly to the national level so as to get international credit of democracy and good governance in the south sudan. the next advise goes directly to dear Governor of unity state- please my i appleal to your esteem office to now take oath of looking critically into the issue of security-we are tire of bandits always, please strategise on how to calm down the bandit mentallity otherwise the live of state (poor citizens) lay in your hands.
    thanks you very much
    congratulations…………..shuran…asanti sana


  • unity state boy
    unity state boy

    Final results of South Sudan’s referendum celebrated in Unity state
    Bentiu Waayeee,Bentiu waayee ,Republic of Suoth Sudan waayee,Oil Bentiu waayee,
    I thank all the people of Bentiu who are celebrtated the finan result of refrendom in sudan ,God will bless our new born country,and God will bless us in our new land .

    Thank by Gatnyuong Theng Dol

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