Monday, February 3, 2025

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead

February 9, 2011 (JUBA) — A senior minister in the government of South Sudan has been shot dead in his office, just two days after the final results indicated that the population in the semi-autonomous region overwhelmingly voted for separation in the self-determination referendum.

Civilians carry the body of a slain police officer to an ambulance after the killing of South Sudan's Minister for Rural Development and Cooperatives Jimmy Lemi at the ministry compound in Juba February 9, 2011.  (Reuters)
Civilians carry the body of a slain police officer to an ambulance after the killing of South Sudan’s Minister for Rural Development and Cooperatives Jimmy Lemi at the ministry compound in Juba February 9, 2011. (Reuters)

The late Jimmy Lemi Milla was reportedly shot five times by Emmanuel David Luga, a brother-in-law to the minister, who previously served as his driver. Also killed in the melee was the minister’s body guard whose identity could not readily be established.

The incident, which occurred at about 10:30am, according to multiple sources, could have been triggered off by “personal grievances” over unpaid salary arrears.

The minister of internal affairs Gier Chuang Aluong told reporters that the incident “was not politically-motivated but an isolated criminal incident”. “Both the late Minister and Emmanuel are members of Pajulu ethnic group,” he further added.

An estimated 500 onlookers thronged the ministry and wept as the ministers body was being placed in an ambulance that arrived nearly an hour after the incident.

One lady collapsed upon hearing news that the minister had been killed and was immediately rushed to Juba’s main referral teaching hospital.

A broken window is seen on the official vehicle of South Sudan's Minister for Rural Development and Cooperatives Jimmy Lemi after his murder on February 9, 2011. (ST)
A broken window is seen on the official vehicle of South Sudan’s Minister for Rural Development and Cooperatives Jimmy Lemi after his murder on February 9, 2011. (ST)

Multiple sources say the assailant, who previously worked as the minister’s driver reportedly developed grievances with the latter after he lost his job and was demanding unpaid salary arrears over a two-month period.

“This man (killer) always vowed to teach the minister a lesson one day over his unpaid salaries. Maybe today was the day he has always planned,” a source within the ministry said.

Narrating the movie-like incident, an eyewitness told Sudan Tribune that the killer, first rushed to the deceased minister’s car, smashed the front window and grabbed a gun belonging to the body guard.

“With the gun in his hand, the man entered the building and rushed upstairs and kept telling people he has no problem with anybody apart from the minister. He then shot the minister’s bodyguard, who was seated outside the office, before proceeding to kill Jimmy”, said the visibly-shocked eyewitness.

Thomas Wani Kundo, a Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) legislator in the National Assembly described the late Milla as a “very cooperative, simple and straight forward man.”

Shocked onlookers who jammed the ministry's premises after news of the morning shooting, Feb. 09, 2011 (ST)
Shocked onlookers who jammed the ministry’s premises after news of the morning shooting, Feb. 09, 2011 (ST)

“The late minister’s death, coming at this crucial time is certainly a big blow to not only the people of Lainya county, but the entire South Sudan region. It will also impact negatively on the image of the GoSS [Government of South Sudan] leadership,” he told journalists Wednesday.

Kundo, also the SPLM caucus leader in the Khartoum-based assembly appealed to the southern population not to get derailed by the impromptu incident, but reconcile and move the country forward.

Believed to have been in his late 60s, Milla, who hails from Lainya county in Central Equatoria state, previously served its deputy governor. He also served as minister for Parliamentary Affairs in the Government of National Unity (GoNU).

In August last year, he was appointed minister for Cooperatives and Rural Development when then minister, Anne Itto Leonardo was transferred to Agriculture and Forestry ministry following the untimely death of Samson Lukare Kwaje.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Dear readers,

    It is insane, inhumane, satanic and foolish for somebody to kill a public figure as a way of expression of anger or disappointment. That is cowardice act to say the least!

    South Sudanese, you are given freedom of expression to peacefully air out what may have disappointed some of you either through newspapers and other media outlets such as this website (Sudan Tribune).

    You can criticize politicians, call for their removal through elections or through parliament or presidential decrees like the removal of those two corrupt ministers of finance in the past.

    You are free to senselessly criticize some of them and even insult them, but not to the extent of killing them. Please, please, NEVER and NEVER resort to killing our officials as a way of expression of anger or disappointment!!! This is not healthy! Tomorrow you may become a public figure and face the same threat!

    NEVER do that!

    It is very stupid, foolish and insane way of building a nation and making positive changes.

    Don’t introduce terrorism in South Sudan!

    South Sudanese are culturally known for fighting open battles in the field and that is where they cause harm, but not through lynching and cold blood murders. Then where did this stupid culture of assassinations come from?

    I don’t know what is wrong with this community called Pojulu of Central Equatoria state. Last time they wanted to assassinate late Samson Kwaje and actually shot him on the road.

    The same community’s member is now the one who assassinated their own son, late Jimmy Lemi Milla. What is wrong with you people?

    Stop it! It is insane, barbaric, terroristic and cowardice!

    Don’t you understand that the authorities can use this stupid action of assassination as a wakeup call or excuse to take away some of your freedoms? Disgusting!

    If that stupid assailant opted to expose whatever disappointed him through newspapers or this website, may be the late minister would have responded positively and resolve whatever differences they might have had. But now that he has killed him, what will he gain? Instead he will also die like him.

    I recommend that this foolish assailant be hang on a tree in a main street in Juba for people to see for the whole day with a tag on his body which reads “A Terrorist from Pojulu Community.”

    His body should not be buried either, but thrown into the Nile for crocodiles to eat that stupid flesh.

    Disgusting behavior!

  • LongTweng

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    This is so sad for the minister family and the new nation.

  • actiongatkuoth

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    shame on you brother -in-law of miniter.
    iam so sorry for the death of miniter.
    may God rest his soul to heaven.

  • Mr. godfather master of reality
    Mr. godfather master of reality

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    they should have just killed Dinka minister will be more acceptable
    to the people of southern Sudan
    they are more corrupt than other tribes

  • Padiet Deng Alony
    Padiet Deng Alony

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Killing human being is a crime in any community intentionally.
    what i want to tell the ministers of all Southern Sudan is that when you employ person and want to terminate him/her need to pay him immediately otherwise some people live in less then a dollar in Southern Sudan and that less money seen by the ministers small is there life and be given soon before they think in santanic way.

    I think Emmanuel asked minister several time to pay him his 2 months arrears before he resort to that crime if i am not mistaken. what happen is bad but will be a great lesson to other ministers not to despise thier subordinate.

    Is bad to read that minister was killed because of arrears which may not even reach 3 or 4 thousand SDG why not paying his in law if that was the right information about the case.

    “Eat and let others eat too so that they will not watch you eating while they are starving”

  • Miamangawai

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    May the soul of that Minister rest in peace.
    He dedicated services to his people and died really for his people killed by his people.
    I appeal to his relatives not to take law upon their own hand but follow the path of justice.
    The death of this minister never jeoparadize the independence of South Sudan. Soon another person will resume the ministerial post to replace him. Leaders come, Leaders go. That was the way how the end of his life was supposed to be written by God against his name.

  • Peter Elia Kuzee
    Peter Elia Kuzee

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead

    Emmanuel David Luga,
    Thi is an examples to those elected leader who misused their drivers, or people under their control.That driver had work, but his payment can not be given to him by GOSS minister,hell to that minister.
    Let others think well, tomorrow more will take plase.Eating same one payment is killing the person.

    please pajuls, dont behave like dinkas,you kill Somsan matayo, and jimmy lemi who will your leaders. you join athor in jongle state,world for killing only.

  • Aleu

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    godfather Master of Idiocy.

    You hated or love it Dinka, they are the one who let this independence happen. If you don’t appreciate Dinkas then, you are not Southerner Sudanese otherwise, you must not throw such a word that, have no room.

    What is the connection with Dinka if you are stupid enough, this is about brother in law who kill the husband of his sister just because of money he hadn’t been paid. Some tribes in Southern Sudan are fearful in 21 years civil war, but when now they are able to fights for money a sahmeful to those people who hiding themselves in the Mountains and now the war of money is what they can do.

    GOSS must pay mor attention to Central Equatoria as the GOSS mininster was been ambushed on his way to county from the same State and the GOSS also have to pay more attention to Jonglei State as well as the Upper Nile. Athor Deng must go out if he was not happy about what he was been fighting for, in 21 years. Judges in GOSS must fully written a strong constitutional that, will deal with criminals people and plus those who ignore the GOSS’s rules.

  • Dinkanuer

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Dr. Riek Machar Teny is behind the closed door for assassination of our brother Jimmy Lemi
    May God rest his soul in peace!

    Nasir Declaration: Why Garang must go now? , August 28, 1991 (The Naath Movement) Where Bor Massacre occured with the lost of 100,000 lives in Bor’s Dr. John Garang home. Now changed into Kiir Must Go Now (KMGN)? The South Sudan Defence Force (SSDF) and South Sudan Independence Movement (SSM Leader Dr. Riek Machar is not sleeping guys! He has an gence in different states of South Sudan, if you don’t pay attention we must go back to War. Believed it or not?

    Dr. Riek Machar Teny’s loyal General Gabriel Tanyinka is an ally who work for him to carry his mission in Upper Nile State
    Dr. Riek Machar Teny’s loyal General George Athor is an allly who work for him to carry his mision in Jonglei States

    Dr. Riek Machar Teny’s loyal General David Yauyau is an ally who work for him to carry his mission i Warap State

    Dr. Riek Machar Teny’s loyal General Gatluak Gai is an ally who work for him to carry his mission in Unity State. Where he was tried to replace Governor Taban Deng Gai with his wife Angelina Jany Teny. He was tried to make Unity state to be his base. Those four states are main target

    For those who are still using Ngundeng ideologically, please be inform! Ngundeng had shameful things to be said about him. First,
    He was not a Prophet but a profit to his royalist in Nuer.
    He had many names according to his activities in many parts of South Sudan.
    He was a Cannibal animal according to Nuer man who doesn’t need to be mentioned
    His first name was Ngundeng-meaning that he was send by God.
    After he gone wild and ran away.
    His name changed to be Gatluakmanguel in Nuer dialect.
    He ate many Nuer men and women in Nuer Land
    Dinka. His name was Manyang e Juet.
    He ate many children, animal claviers and cows’s bulls in Dinka Land.
    Equatoria with different languages including English and Arabic
    His name was Tiger

    The Nuer man who refused to be target by Ngundeng’s salves pointed out that. Ngundeng had no father or mother but the Devil who came out in the River Nile in a form of fish, when the Nuer boys want for fishing. They fish for so many hours and they caught nothing, when the boys get tied and ready to go back home. One of them told other guys that there was a fish ate his hook lastly, the boy convinced other friends to tried one more time! Shortly after he putted on snail body on the hook, he had thrown it into Nile River. Immediately, Ngundeng was caught. The boy was attempting to pull the Fish Ngundeng out in the river but it was difficult for him to do so, then he called his associates to pull Ngundeng on the shore. They brought it out and they were smile some of them were told to go and collect firewood in order for the young men to roast their fish.
    Unfortunately! The Fish Ngundeng changed into big snake! And the boys ran away from it, the boys thought that they were dreaming and they came back for the second times. The Snake Ngundeng light it body and become bright as well as electricity light. They ran home and they spread the news to the community, when the Nuer elders came to the place where Ngundeng was pulled. It was still there as snake with it light. People gather together around it and started asking question how did this happen? The Snake Ngundeng changed into human being and told people not to run away. All of them were shocking and scary to death except Human Ngundeng who perform such witchcraft. things “Come down, come down now!” The Human Ngundeng said. Who are you? The Nuer elders asked him. I am Nyajok_ which mean woman devil! The Human Ngundeng answer! She knew her own physical appearance as she is a hermaphrodite. (A person with both the organs of a man and a woman) Wow! Brothers and sisters of Nuer I am sorry for your Profit. Nyajok Ngundeng was not a Prohet? It was your profit to cheat people for his power but It was not a Prophet? It was a Satan?

    Cie liel du dem e mac!

    By Dinkanuer!


    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    What a miserable event is this by the way! This is a ridiculous act to both the minister and his employee personal. First of all, if the minister didn’t raise pay to his employee whom he has hired to do the services for his job, then the blame has to be rounded to each of every one of them especially the minister himself. Both have to be blamed, but I do put my blame on the deceased minister who didn’t forwarded the incentives to his employee.

    I know that know one supported death, but by putting game on someone life can result in the missing of one life.
    After all, may the Lord Amighty God put his soul in an eternal life.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Both Diew Tap
    Both Diew Tap

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Dear Reader,

    I would like to thanks God for his love for Mr.Minister….Oh Lord of South Sudan,we have been waiting you to get us to the promised land you have promised for us…..We do learnt from what you did to Israel when they disobeyed you, you had beaten them to death only few got/ reached the promised land….please Southerner forget nonsense tribal conflict, discrimination, Killing and other things we are told not to do ( God …Otherwise we will never reach the promised land.

    The day of passing away of someone’s life is more better than when he was born! God rest his soul in peace.

    God bless South Sudan..

    Both James

  • Stephen Gatloth K
    Stephen Gatloth K

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Only to the article,Gatloth Gai-Bentiu.

    Killing of GOSS minister is a very shocking news,but a great lesson to GOSS`ministers becuase it is relate to fund issue that I believe be right of the killer,but he has no right to kill rather than legal action.

    It is this time a matter to discusse in assembly or otherwise the killing of GOSS ministers will spread like wild fire to the states,becuase this people are fond of possessing other people money.That case from those whose feeling may controled by short termper may led to that incident which is not good at all.

    May rise his souls in enternal peace.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Liberator Emmanuel David

    Emmanuel brought a good lesson to those big billy Ministers: They think they own people by just fire people without pay.
    They alway walk away with good cash in their hands. They do not care about others people.

    Now the Law will be implemented by this case of Emmanuel David. Ministers does respect others people right.

    So emmanuel is right and he has a family of his own to support and there he need pay too. Even some where he can be transfer to other department to works there. Not just firing like he own the whole world of Sudan; that what many ministers are doing by cheating the Nation.

    these carried will bring good Law.

    tone of liberators


  • Duom

    South Sudan minister, body guard shot dead
    Insane Driver, why do you kill your own boss because of unpaid salary? Just because of food…

    Similar cases are happening now in various GOSS’s Ministries but a faithful Christian does plunk blood. Why do you normally assassinate your own (our) intellectuals like Brave and peace loving Man Dr. Samson Kwaje and now followed by Jimy Lemi. Why can’t you kill yourselves there in Lanya County and let us the Icons. I hate the death of Kwaje and if you people don’t stop that act, the tears of people who are waiting to celebrate the launching of Independent Day coming on 9th , July 2011 will curse Lanya.

    But what do we learn from that killing as southerners, shall we resort to such brutal killing or forgive ourselves. The future is so bright for you, if not your children. The best revenge is God’s revenge. Everybody here in Southern Sudan will get rich but remember, the richness (millions) you get within a month disappear within a night.

    Finally, south Sudan will not and shall be a failed state.
    Read: Isaiah

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