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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan welcomes triumph of Egyptian revolution

February 11, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan has finally broken its silence over the events in Egypt, where 18 days of public protests forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign on Friday after nearly 30 years in power, paying tribute to the “Egyptian revolution in order to shore up democracy.”

Egyptian anti-government protesters celebrate at Cairo's Tahrir Square after president Hosni Mubarak stepped down on February 11, 2011 (Getty Images)
Egyptian anti-government protesters celebrate at Cairo’s Tahrir Square after president Hosni Mubarak stepped down on February 11, 2011 (Getty Images)
The announcement of Mubarak’s resignation by Vice-President Omar Suleiman on Friday evening sparked an outburst of joy by hundreds of thousands of Egyptians who have been protesting for three weeks in Al-Tahrir (Freedom) square in Cairo and throughout the country demanding an end to his authoritarian rule.

“In the name of God the merciful, the compassionate, citizens, during these very difficult circumstances Egypt is going through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down from the office of president of the republic and has charged the high council of the armed forces to administer the affairs of the country,” Suliman said in a televised statement.

Mubarak’s departure spawned similar feelings of happiness across the Middle East and in Sudan whose youth attempted last month to stage similar protests, which were squashed by the police who used tear gas and batons, and arrested dozens of demonstrators.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) on Friday quoted the secretary of external relations at the ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP), Mustafa Osman Isma’il, as saying the government “welcomes the popular Egyptian uprising in order to shore up the pillars of democracy, rule of the people and the establishment of a powerful state.”

Isma’il further said that his party hopes that the new Egyptian revolution would “meet the aspirations of the Egyptian people as well as those of the Islamic and Arabic nation.”

He said that the NCP had been maintaining communication with all Egyptian political forces during the demonstration.

The presidency of the republic issued another statement in which it congratulated the Egyptian people on “realizing their wishes, and on the triumph of their revolution.”

“The presidency affirms its unqualified support and stands firmly by the Egyptian people in realizing their aspirations and enhancing Egypt’s position and recovering its role as a pioneering Arab, African and Islamic country,” added the statement which was also reported by SUNA.

Sudan’s relations with Egypt have seen ups and downs during the last 21 years, reaching its nadir in 1995 when a group of Islamists allegedly back by Sudan attempted to assassinate Mubarak in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. But relations between the two neighbors gradually improved after the 1999’s ousting of Islamist leader Hassan Al-Turabi, whom Egypt accuses of planning the failed attempt.

Mubarak has backed Al-Bashir in the face of charges laid against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the background of the Darfur conflict in western Sudan which has killed more than 300,000 and displaced millions since it erupted in 2003, according to UN figures.

The NCP is originally an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which was banned by Mubarak. The party has ruled Sudan since 1989 when it seized power in a military coup that toppled the government of former Prime Minister Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, marking an epoch of political repression and curtailment of public freedom.

However, the party unclenched its fist following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement with South Sudan in 2005, allowing a small margin of freedom for political organizations and later signing a peace agreement with the opposition in Cairo.

The NCP won a landslide victory in last year’s general elections which were mired in reports of mass fraud.

In the run-up to South Sudan’s referendum on independence, which ended last month with a mass vote in favor of secession from the North, the NCP invited the opposition to join the government. But the opposition rejected the offer, demanding that the party dissolves the current government and organizes fresh elections.

In Khartoum, Egyptians celebrated the results at Gad an Egyptian restaurant on Airport road. Around 60 people waved flags and chanted as cars driving passed honked their horns in solidarity.



  • oshay

    Sudan welcomes triumph of Egyptian revolution
    Bashir must go!!!!!, after that the Dinka dominated SPLM must also be overthrown and end years of murder, looting and rape from the forces of Kiir and Garang who massacred thousands of Mundari, Nuer and Shilluk.

  • original sudanese
    original sudanese

    Sudan welcomes triumph of Egyptian revolution
    The movement started from north Africa going south. Bashir next followed by Salva Kirr

  • australian

    Sudan welcomes triumph of Egyptian revolution
    Of course the NCP are happy. They expect the Muslim Brotherhood to capitalize on the Egyptian people’s desire for “freedom” which means more Islam and less Western influence. I think we should let them have their freedom forthwith – that is, complete cut-off from any Western money. We should follow that up with repatriation of all Egyptians living in the West, and indeed all Muslims from anywhere, who want sharia law. Let them go away and enjoy it in their own country. They can blow up the pyramids and use the rubble to stone each other. Better than using our money to attack Israel.

  • Mohammad100

    Sudan welcomes triumph of Egyptian revolution
    Just for History:
    Here is a warning we the young citizens of Oromia received last week after from an elderly citizen.
    Enjoy the message:
    “This is just to remind the young generation who are not well conversant with some of our past tragedies of history, especially vis-à-vis SPLA; to some who suffer from amnesia of history, and some who knowingly and/or unknowingly overlook the facts of history, or misconstrue our painful national encounters with some neighbouring communities, that the history of SPLA has been detrimental to the cause of our nation from its inception as vividly seen and evidenced by the aftermath of its wanton perpetration of wholesale massacre on our then glorious avant guard front’s armed wing -the OLA. Furthermore,the SPLA committed rapes and abduction of children in our western Oromia region. The SPLA under the late Lt Col John Garang (Ph.D in Agricultural Economics) started working as the PMAC’s (Darg) security agents since 1979 and ended up in the commission of wholesale massacre of our defenceless civilian population in 1980,1983, 1985, 1989 after it was granted the whole district (woreda) of Itang in Gambella. When in 1980, the late Gen. Mihiretab Tedla (a Tigrayan born and raised in eastern Oromia, brother of a pro Oromo journalist, the late Ato Berehe Tedla (committed sucide in Alembekagne 1979)) was released from Fourth Division Head Quarters and was assigned as the trainer and de facto field commander of SPLA by the order of the PMAC (Darg) its first military engagement as a field training was with the OLF. In the two day military engagement that it conducted being supported by the First Division Command Sector (Andenya IZ Gibre Hail Mamriya) of the PMAC (Darg) infantry division, the SPLA mercilessly committed untold crimes against our civilian population in our western territory. The wholesale massacre was followed by the incarceration of 450 Oromo civilians that included: university and high school students, farmers, business men and women (including teenage and expectants) judges and other civil servatss working and residing in Finfinnee (Shaggar). In December 1981 the Lt Col. John Garang was called to the palace where he was appreciated by the then minister of security, now in prison, Lt. Col. Tesfaye Wolde-Sellassie who for the first time in Ethiopian history mentioned the OLF by name (Please see Addis Zemen, December 1981, and Selaminna Dahininet, December 1981, Vol. 3. No. 18 by the ministry of public safety) as Col Garang was praised for his actions against the OLF and the subsequent “success” by the Ministry of Interior to be able to destroy the “structure” of the OLF in Finfinnee stating, “Oneg Yete baalewun Ye Tebaab Behertonyochin Budin Gammawun Yizen Asgebbitenaal (Selaminaa Dahininet, Vol. 3. No.18).
    The successor generation of the Garang leafdership is too remorseless. Most of its current leadership is the accomplices of the same old guards that perpetrated untold crimes against our defenceless civilian population. Even in its current policy that highly depends on foreign handouts as a proxy war monger with no future and unknown destination, still dreams of perpetrating the same crimes its predecessor leadership committed against our people and others especially the people of Gambella whose land was taken away and given to SPLA that acted as a full-fledged Darg security agents).

    Having known these unforgettable acts of genocide committed by this group against our people, we should be aware of the fact that the SPLA generation is indebted to us by blood. Therefore, we should refrain from sympathizing with this heinous criminal gangster group that wages a proxy war on the side of the hegemonic Christian power and the quassai Islamic world with the Arabized Sudan as its agent.
    (Even if we look at the causes of the problem, we are sure that both sides are coolies of foreign loads and have their own share of crimes against humanity in the region by being agents of external forces for control of resources.)
    REMEMBER the DEAD, the HUMILIATED, and the VIOLATED parts of our nation of Oromia while considering the issues surrounding the Southern Sudan and their so-called Leaders SPLA.

  • Mohammad100

    Sudan welcomes triumph of Egyptian revolution
    I am just reminding the world and specially the young Oromoo children, the accounts of the History.

    First of all, I am not interested in tabulating how much percent of the entire 40 million Oromo citizens are Muslins, and how many are Evangelical Christians or Orthodox Christians, but suffice to say the number of Christians in Oromia is double the numbers of Christians in the Southern Sudan.

    Secondly, I do not consider the Southern Sudanese people as the enemies of the people of Oromia. As far as SPLA is concerned, it would take a long diplomacy to bypass what this group did to the Oromo Nation, including our neighbors and brothers, the Annuak people.

    Yes, one day we may sit on round tables and forgive each other of the past. But till then, I have the responsibilities to remind my young generations, and the youngest Country on African continent, who did what to whom.
    Glory and honor for heroines and heroes of OLA,
    Oromia shall be free.

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