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Sudan Tribune

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Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president

February 16, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The Russian special envoy to Sudan Mikhail Margelov said on Wednesday that his government does not see any use of insisting on prosecuting president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges of war crimes and genocide he allegedly orchestrated in Darfur.

Russian special envoy to Sudan
Russian special envoy to Sudan
Margelov made the remarks to Itar-Tass news agency following a meeting he held with ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo in the Hague today.

He further said that the South Sudan referendum that took place last month demonstrated the willingness of Bashir to reach compromises for the sake of normalizing the situation in the country and make it conform with international standards of democracy.

Nearly 99% of Southern Sudanese voters opted for the creation of their own state separate from the North. The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) head by Bashir announced its recognition of the outcome, a step which earned the Sudanese leader praise by the international community despite the outstanding warrant for him.

The Russian senator also said that mechanisms for executing the arrest warrant for Bashir remain unclear. However, he fell short of calling for a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution deferring the indictment as demanded by Sudan and the African Union (AU).

Margelov was quoted by the news agency as saying that he agreed with Ocampo on coordinating their steps on the matter of the warrant.

This month Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations called on the UNSC to reward Bashir by dropping the charges against him.

Russia has voted in favor of UNSC resolution 1593 in March 2005 referring the situation in Darfur to the ICC even though the veto wielding member is not a signatory to the court.

The Russian envoy will travel to Sudan this week to take part in the meetings of P-5 special envoys along with the European Union for talks on Darfur hosted by UNAMID.

U.N. officials where U.N. officials estimate that as many as 300,000 people have died since 2003 but Khartoum puts the death toll at 10,000.



  • Oceti gang pemeru
    Oceti gang pemeru

    Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president
    who will tell this Rusian guy that referendum was not one of the charges against Bashir? Can’t he see Darfur the paper that charge Bashir is still being a fire field. I harte this Rusian attitude of ignoring humanity because of business reason and call themselves soviet Uninion. I wish Rusian and Chainese should not step their foot on our soil in south sudan

  • Aleu

    Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president
    Russian behave this way for many years, they against what the majority vote at the U.N.Meeting. Russian nation is one of those powerful nation in the world, but they have lacking understanding humanity and human rights. There are still more and more problems need to be done in North Sudan including Darfur case.

    Are you not a shame for supporting indictment.?


    Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president
    Mr. Mikhail Margelov you are right; if Bashir is indicted, you and your people will die from hunger because you will lose the market of your weapons, Kilashkov, Margelov ditriov, used by Bashir to kill the innocnet civilians in Darfur and other areasin in margins.

  • Tambura

    Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president
    Mr. Mikhail you should know Omar Bashir would not behave himself if ICC was not behind him. He started looking for peace in Darfur after he was charged by ICC, and he agreed that he killed ten thousands in Darfur.If you are willing to deal or do kind of business with Omar, you better look for something more easier than that one. Bashir killed many people in Darfur more than that ten thousands he said he killed. He killed more in n south Sudan which he never accounted for, I lost 9 of family member at hand of jihadis in south I have be praying for that day he will book for all crimes he committed in name of Isalm in south. If you don’t know who is speaking, my name is Tambura the next president of South Sudan.

  • Monyekuron

    Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president
    Mr.Mikhail Margelov needs to be reminded that Bashir was indicted for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed in Darfur. Until the Darfur crisis is settled to the satisfaction of the Darfurians, whatever political sympathy Russia might have for Bashir will not help him. Bashir needs to confront the internal situation squarely. He should not be “rewarded” for the successful conduct of the referendum in the South either. His administration has been trying to gain concessions (removal from list of countries sponsoring terrorism, debt relief, and other sanctions)from the Americans in return for recognition of the outcome of the referendum as if the South was ceding to the Americans. If Bashir had his way, he would have rigged the referendum in favour of unity – his notion of making unity attractive!! The only honourable thing for northern Sudan is for Bashir to prove his innocence in the Hague instead of politicking around.

  • Bravo Nuer
    Bravo Nuer

    Russian envoy questions the worthiness of prosecuting Sudanese president
    to: Russian Envoy Mikhail

    we are quite sure that you Russia and china as permanent members of UNSC who always swim against the wind for destructive interests binding to the genocide,enthnic cleansing and all forms of human rights abuses breach of Article 5 on UDHR.
    Russia currently is supporting southern Militas like George Athor who gets his military equipments from you Russia via Bashir is this false?.
    your pilots were caught redhanded with Athor officers during their transit in Paloch oilfield on their way to Khartoum from George Athor hideouts best known to both Mikhail and Bashir all alike, is this lie or true? true!!!!
    Dear Ocampo as your professionalism and laws require it, you should not allow any excuse because the Hague will be regaredd as a hornless legal court and your children even grandchildren will be mocked at by the world.
    take care of that man called Mikhail, he carries with black cash wallet meant to bribe you so that your lips are tongue tied.
    let USA, UK and French who are the best and faithful members of UNSC remove these corrupted,destructive, exploitative and rotten members out of this assembly.
    Bashir has to go to Hague comes rain and high waters though he implements the least not even the less of the CPA to the letter this is quite different from the counts. he is an international criminal who has committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against the mankind not about the CPA.
    let him goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

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