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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s NCP fresh call for dialogue rejected by opposition

February 17, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The call by the presidential adviser for security affairs Salah Gosh for a national dialogue between the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and opposition parties has received a cool reception amidst growing political tension in the country ahead of the South’s official breakup in July.

Salah Gosh, ex-chief of security now advisor to Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir (AFP)
Salah Gosh, ex-chief of security now advisor to Sudanese President Omer Hassan al-Bashir (AFP)
On Wednesday, Gosh proposed a national dialogue round table that starts next month and lasts until June for the purpose of agreeing on a political and legal environment for post-secession Sudan. This would be hosted by the National Security Consultancy headed by Gosh.

The Sudanese official said that the conference secretariat would be comprised of representatives from opposition parties, representatives from universities and think-tanks besides other independent national figures. The outcome of the forum would then be forwarded on to presidency for consideration in the restructuring of the state.

The agenda of the talks would include constitution, governance, federalism, presidential system, human rights, freedoms, economy, society, culture and external relations.

Abul Hassan Farah, communications director in the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), ruled out any participation in the dialogue saying that it amounts to nothing but “air exercise”. He revealed that his party submitted its own proposal to the NCP on national consensus but received no response.

Farah said that the proposed conference has no goals and lacks any mechanisms for implementation. He warned that any DUP member taking part in it will only represent himself and not the party.

The assistant for the secretary general of the Popular Congress Party (PCP) Ibrahim Al-Sanoosi said that they will not waste their time in initiatives that are not serious and will drag on.

“We are all for revolution and uprooting the regime. We will not carry out dialogue with anyone,” Al-Sanoosi added.

Yousif Sideeg, a leading figure in the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP), said that they have already conveyed their written decision on their refusal to join the dialogue.

“We will not conduct dialogue with the security,” Sideeg said.

Officials from the National Umma Party (NUP) could not be reached for comments.

Last month, Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir offered opposition to join the government ranks after the South breaks away. However, the proposal fell short of demands by Northern parties, which want the NCP to relinquish power and hold fair and free elections that would be held after crafting a new constitution that enjoys broad support.

Yesterday, Bashir toughened his stance saying that the new cabinet will be open only to those who accept the NCP agenda. He said if that is not acceptable to opposition if they try and mobilize people to take to the streets “if they have any supporters”.

The NCP is under pressure to relax its grip on power particularly after two successful revolts that brought down regimes in Egypt and Tunisia. Moreover, several small demonstrations took place last month by Sudanese youths across the country who coordinated through social networking websites such as Facebook.

However, Sudanese police dealt swiftly with the protests and detained dozens of protestors most of whom were only released yesterday.

Sudanese officials downplayed any potential for unrest in the country saying the people enjoy far more freedom than citizens in Egypt and Tunisia.

The NUP leader is currently in talks with the NCP that were initiated last month during a meeting between Bashir and Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi.

Opposition parties slammed Al-Mahdi saying that he has breached their joint position that rejects bilateral talks and insists that the NCP implements some steps including release of all political detainees such as PCP leader Hassan Al-Turabi who was arrested last month without charge.

Today, the PCP reiterated this position saying that the NUP has disrupted the cohesion of opposition parties and their bases that wants regime change similar to other countries in the region.


1 Comment

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Sudan’s NCP fresh call for dialogue rejected by opposition
    Mr Gosh, why dont you try Sam.Eto and Jalaby?

    Am sure they would be happy to join your talk shop, they’re both air heads with ample hate for African Sudanese like you.

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