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Sudan Tribune

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UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan

By Ngor Arol Garang

February 22, 2011 (ABYEI) — Weeks after renewed armed clashes in the southern state of Jonglei between armed elements loyal to renegade General George Athor Deng and forces belonging to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in Fangak County, the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) presented a proposal seeking to end the rebellion against the regional government.

SPLA Brig. Gen. Michael Majur, left, shakes hands with Abraham Thon, right, representative of rebel leader Lt. Gen. George Athor, after signing a ceasefire agreement in Juba, Jan. 5, 2011. (AP)
SPLA Brig. Gen. Michael Majur, left, shakes hands with Abraham Thon, right, representative of rebel leader Lt. Gen. George Athor, after signing a ceasefire agreement in Juba, Jan. 5, 2011. (AP)

Athor, who was one of the senior SPLA generals and one of the zonal commanders close to the late SPLM/A leader John Garang, operating between three states of Greater Upper Nile States, during more than two decades of civil war, against the north, became a rebel commander operating against the Juba based government, after a losing a gubernatorial seat for Jonglei during the April 2010 general elections.

He was one of the senior SPLM members who contested the race independently, after failing to secure approval of their candidatures and disowned by political the bureau months prior to the elections.

Launching rebellion against the government of south Sudan after the results were announced in favour of the official nominee, incumbent Jonglei state Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk, Athor’s forces clashed several times with SPLA forces, resulting in a number of soldiers being killed and others sustaining serious injuries on both sides.

In October, just three months prior to the conduct of the January vote on self determination for the people of South Sudan, President Kiir issued an executive order pardoning Athor and his forces. The presidential order also covered other militia leaders including Gabriel Tanyinyang whose forces clashes several times in Malakal town, capital of the Upper Nile state, resulting into scores being killed and several others sustaining injuries.

The order which received remarkable welcome from the general public was meant to reconcile political differences among political leaders and factions, in order to forge a way forward to achieving peace and stability in the region. However, the decree included some reservations demanding armed elements loyal to Athor to lay down their arms before joining the SPLA – a demand Athor viewed as not protecting the fate of his forces. Athor requested that the president amend the decree in order cover the fate of his forces and some of his political supporters.

Additionally, the president formed a high level delegation committee compromising of two bishops and generals to discuss with him ways to end violence in the area. On 5 January 2011, the government signed the ceasefire with the SPLA allowing forces to withdraw from areas previously controlled by either side and recommended some of the sites as transitory assembly points.

However, on 9 February 2011 spokesman of the renegade group, Dok James Puok, in an interview with Sudan Tribune from Juba accused the SPLA of having staged an attack on three different locations controlled by forces loyal to them. A charge SPLA spokesman, Colonel Phillip Aguer, in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune was quick to deny and accused Athor to having initiated the attack that resulted in the killing of 211 and wounding of several others on both sides.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune on Monday night, Dok James Puok, who did not want to give his whereabouts, said they have been contacted by UNMIS with a proposal to mediate peace between them and the Government of South Sudan (GoSS).

“The United Nations Mission in Sudan has contacted us with a proposal to mediate peace and we accepted. We are open to peace. We have never rejected any peaceful dialogue because this is what our people want”, said Puok.

Attempts made by Sudan Tribune on Monday to contact official spokesman of the GoSS, Marial Benjamin Bil, minister of information and broadcasting failed.



  • Jeti

    UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan
    Gen. George Athor.

    South Sudanese still have love of you. Please leave the bush and come to the city for dialogue. The South Sudan you fought for 21 years is now flowing with honey and milk while you are lingering in the jungles of Jonglei.
    Those who are enjoying your sweat are militias and food lovers who defected and fought against you during the 21 years struggle.

    One day you will govern Jonglei State, hopefully.

  • Stephen kuach
    Stephen kuach

    UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan
    That should be a great thinking for you mr.Athor to make a peace deal with the southern sudan government and stop the violent against those innocent civilians,those civilians are becomes targeted without any help or defend from the government,remember when you was fighting with the northern government,you was fighting them because of their right and freedom.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan
    Dear Southerners,

    SPLM/A respect general Athor Deng but he destroyed his reputation for just governorship.

    Athor has been approached not contest with Kuol Manyang and he was pushed by Nuer lou thugs and anti-SPLM/A to run against general Kuol Manyang.

    These spoilers of lou Nuer especially the fangak county generals, uror county, nyirol county,and the rest of have been with Jallaba as militia for so long astray Athor Deng to fight SPLA.

    Now, the fangak people keep supporting Athor and finally they had face the music like what had happened in Gajaak when the house the militia of Gai tut and Akuot Atem in their areas.

    The Goss of South Sudan should be careful on dealing with Athor because if the militia of Tanganyang provoke him,then he will be creating problem in the South because this man has been traumatized during the war.

    Athor Deng had dealed with Militia of Riek Machar and Sudan army for long and this is why he felt like overlooked by the SPLM in which he was dedicated for it since the beginning.

  • Akumada

    UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan
    BOL…you are rite bro.

    And at Historical Boy………..

    Athor deserve to die in the bush because he had been fooled by(Nuer)who always goes opposite with government of our country South Sudan since the struggle started,but this time it will not work out because we are done with Bashir,the next are you guys.shame on Athor of joining bush against his colleagues who were fighting with him during the complicated wars against whole Sudan,eg North,West,East and our own black Luos Nuer,Shiluk and fools Dor(Nyamnyams who you were been fighting for long.please my advise….if you come back then don’t try at home to do something against government,that the day you will cast why you wen to the bush…see you you in Juba.

  • Jada Lotole
    Jada Lotole

    UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan
    As an Individual, I think the UN’s proposal to mediate between GoSS and Athor is not bad . Brothers often fight and do horrible things to one another due to either justified anger or unjustified anger . I humbly call upon brother Athor and GoSS to face the reality that we can’t remain forever hunting and killing ourselves and yet we can stop this killing spree ! As for brother Athor, I say please stop being adamant and for GoSS I say , let us give brother Athor another chance who nkows he (Athor) may change for the better like “Saul in the Bible who murdered alot of Christians for no good reason but later repented and became to be called Paul the preahcer of Peace, Unity , Justice, tranquility …

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    UN offers mediation between renegade General Athor and South Sudan
    Without an enemy to fight, is it not shameful to turn against each other?

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