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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur mediators deliver new proposals to Sudanese parties

February 23, 2011 (DOHA) — The mediators for peace in Darfur handed Tuesday to the Sudanese parties new proposals on six disputed issues they failed to agree upon it. They further plan to submit a final agreement by the end of the month.

Djibril Bassole (L) and Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud (R) stand together during a mediation visit to Zalingi town in west Darfur December 1, 2010 (Reuters)
Djibril Bassole (L) and Qatari State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud (R) stand together during a mediation visit to Zalingi town in west Darfur December 1, 2010 (Reuters)

Last December Sudanese government rejected a set of compromise proposals crafted by the mediation. Khartoum termed “unconstitutional” two propositions included in the proposed power sharing protocol.

The propositions aim to appoint a Darfurian as vice-president of the republic who at the same time chairs a regional authority coordinating the action of the three states and representing them at the national level.

Qatar’s state minister for foreign affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud, and the Joint Chief Mediator Djibril Bassole urged the parties to “engage seriously with these proposed texts as a framework for peace, and conduct direct consultations and talks amongst themselves with a view to achieving a consensus on the final document by the end of this month.”

The six new proposal tackle the issues of Power Sharing; Wealth Sharing; Compensation and Return of IDPs and Refugees; Justice and Reconciliation; Permanent Ceasefire and Security Arrangements; and Human Rights.

Besides the Sudanese government delegation currently in Doha, the new set of compromises was handed to the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM).

LJM top negotiator, Tadjadine Bechir Niam, told Sudan Tribune that the new proposals separated between the positions of Vice-President of the republic and the Chairman of Darfur Regional Authority.

He further added that they are studying the new compromise and will submit their position to the mediation within two days. He emphasized that they would be guided in their decision by the interests and demands of Darfur people.

He however did not rule out the possibility of emitting reservations over some points adding “why not, Khartoum did it last December”.

The competences of the regional authority in the new text focus on the implementation of the peace agreement and the conduct of the referendum on the special status of Darfur.

The adoption of these proposals will be followed by the signature of the peace document by the Sudanese stakeholders.

The mediation stressed that it will continue to help the Parties to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the conflict, through the Doha peace process.

JEM rebels are expected to demand more discussions on submitted proposals, while the government and rebels from the Sudan Liberation Movement factions led by Abdle wahid Al-Nur and Minni Minnawi clashed recently in North Darfur with the Sudanese government.

The mediation with the support of the international community is supposed to undertake new efforts to bring the other rebel groups to the negotiating table in order to finalize a comprehensive peace agreement with the rebel groups.

Khartoum said it wants to implement an internal process based on the return of IDPs to their villages, development projects and internal dialogue among Darfur social and political forces.


1 Comment


    Darfur mediators deliver new proposals to Sudanese parties
    The unplatable fact is that the mediators lost their compass to Darfur; therefore eveytime they have new good for nothing proposals. I am sure the parties now negociating have no nay objection on this agreement; however they know well that the agreement they will sign is not applicable on the ground in Darfur. So I belive the money paid for negociation if they the mediators started building the distroyed villages or at least given a clue that they are not supporting the genocide governemnt because they belong to the same race; I am very sure the situations would have been different. But anyway the fools money no body care for it.

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