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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei: One girl killed, another seriously injured in dispute with family over bridegroom choice

By John Actually

March 1, 2011 (BOR) – An 18 year old girl from Kolnyang payam (district) in the south of Bor county, is reported dead and another girl aged 19 has serious injuries. They were subjected to brutal torture for choosing a bridegroom against their parents’ will, on 28 February.

Agot Ngong Okha, showing her wounds after she was beaten, Bor private clinic, 1 March 2011 (ST)
Agot Ngong Okha, showing her wounds after she was beaten, Bor private clinic, 1 March 2011 (ST)
The murdered girl, Akoey Madol Alier Barach, is said to have chosen and escaped with a man who her parents did not approve of because he has no cows or biological parents.

Bride price in Dinka communities ranges from 30 to 300 heads of cattle, depending on the economic situation of the groom and the region. Recently this has become commercialised by some parents who ask their son-in-law to pay the bride price in money, with one cow generally represented by SDG1,000 (US$320).

In traditional Dinka culture, marrying a poor man whose parents are dead or divorced and are not involved in their son’s life is rare.

Agot Ngong Okha, who survived the torture with serious injuries, told Sudan Tribune that they were ordered to lay down, naked, by brothers and cousins, before receiving strokes with a traditional cow hide triple twisted lash. Both of them were beaten by two people at once between 10.00pm and 12 midnight. Akoey Barach passed away the following morning.

According to Total, an eye witness in Malual Agorbaar, ten miles away from Bor town, on the Juba-Bor road, where the incident happened, the late Akoey Barach escaped with her husband to be, on 19 February. She was accompanied by her sister, Agot Ngong, and spent a week in hiding, before they were traced on 25 February. Although warned against it, Akoey Barach returned to the man she wanted to marry. The marriage was rejected and she was brought home on 27 February by a group of young men, including her brother who now claims that the two partners are related.

Father to the dead girl, Madol Alier Barach, beat his daughter for violating his orders and ordered his sons and his cousins to continue punishing her.

Agot Ngong Okha narrated the event to Sudan Tribune at a private clinic in Bor where she received her medical help, “I got a call when I was about to eat. They forced me to move where Akoey was and ordered us to remove all clothes and lay us flat on the ground with face down. Four people, two with each of us, came with ropes, one on each side and begin to beat us. After about 30 minutes, blood was flowing all over the body but no one cared. I tried my best to escape but they caught me after some minutes. They continued beating us till we were unconscious. I recovered and Akoey died the following morning, yesterday”.

“After beating us, they told us to sit naked on cow dung ashes on the floor, for investigations, but no way could sit because the maimed buttocks were bleeding continuously and to them, that was another way of violating their orders”, Agot Ngong continued.

The body was brought to Bor Civil Hospital on Monday, 28 February for autopsies by a human rights group and forensic pathologist, Dr. Abdel Omer Odiel, who found that death was caused by neck fractures.

The father to the girl who survived with injuries told Sudan Tribune that his
daughter was cruelly beaten against his will, saying the people responsible must be arrested to face justice.

The state police, backed up by a human rights group arrested the father of the dead girl and his son on the 1 March.

Many murder cases over marriage disputes have been reported in South Sudan in states like Lakes state and Warrap state in recent times.

( ST)


  • maumau

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    This is another bad news and i hope it does not happen in Equatoria where we respect human values and dignity. A Dinka Bor girl who used to work with me said she was ready to marry me after a staged a firece engagement with her. I told her that i am an Equatorian and have no cow, ok we had cows but all were finished by SPLA and diseases during the war. I decided to avoid the marriage for fear of her being killed like that. Sorry brothers, respect the choice of your daughters and sisters, we want to marry many of the in Equatoria but your babaric acts prevent us from doing so. MAUMAU

  • Majak

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    This news is a challenge to Bor MPs.

    The Mowulnas; Micheal Makuei, Deng-til Ayuen and Dr. Malek Alier, from Kolnyang where this killing happened need to respond now. Help this community. The people don’t know what they are doing.

  • Mading

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    Jonglei is another confused state after lakes state which has the highest number of such cases. Kuol Manyang must watch out at such cases.

    There is nothing as valuable as human being. I appreciate the initiative of the police to arresting the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

  • Tambura

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    I am just speechless I really don’t what to say very sad:( the only thing I can say I will fight for women right, what the deferent between slavery and this?

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    Mading you’re brainless bastard
    Who told you that lake state is useless state in southern Sudan? Citizens of lake state are very cleans people’s in all ten states of southern Sudan. Since beginning of south –North conflict in 1950s up to date, they never joined ARABS to fight against their own brothers in the south, next time don’t abuse well respected community of lake state, okay

  • monyluakkur

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    What is that riddiculous of beating up the girl at her back, because of forcing her to marry a man she doen’t want?

    In fact, that is not all about Dinka’s marraige at large, but there are some of its tribes whose their martial status could not reflect on the really cultural of Dinka’s fair deal of bride prices bargained on a peaceful agreement by both sides that are involved in the marraige nogetiations.This has been overrepeated in the Lakes State(Rumbek)it in’t good at all to compare this with the rest of others Dinka’s marriages by the way.There4, we Dinka, don’t even have the same subcultural based on martial status of bride price dictation,if I’m not wrong here to tell the truth of what has happened. And the matter is being reflected on the intertribes of Dinka’s internal diversity about its marriage capacties reliable on where we come as in general.Anyway, I don’t like the way it happened by beating the bridal girl that she should have to like the man, she doesn’t want to marry her. While she doesn’t want him at all.Yet, she has no way to go;however, there some important conditioning to be mandated first of all instead of just denying her rights.Well, the martial status in Jonglei State and Lakes State need to be put into a lower bride prices despite the fact that of what has already taken place hideously, because it isn’t good to kill one’s life who doesn’t agree with the things forced on her.What about about the values of importance, when you are on nogetiaton for something legitimate instead of bring up uncompromised situations at first then? It’s unacceptable to bear with these barriers. No matter what;however, it would be too ugliest to agree on it uncomfortable if there are abuses as for the settlement to be managed to end up the disagreements, as it’s underestimated by results on some death unexpectedly instead of allowing a peaceful nogetiations to override the turbulent escalation matters on martial status camly and agreeably

  • Odingo

    JONGLEI: One girl killed, another tortured for bridegroom against their family
    Killing Of Girls about cows is the competition between Dinka bor and Dinka of Rumbeck of Lake state.

    Since the Dinka Bor heard that the killing of girls has been starting by Dinka of Lake state, then they begin killing their girls. This is radiculus of making competition of killing human through torture.

    It seem that every thing Dinka Rumbeck do, the Dinka Bor can do it too. Then, they blame other people for their own crime they did by themselves.

    For example, if this beatiful girl survivor did not run to the public hospital, Dinka Bor would have blame Murles are the one who did this terrible crime.

    I believe this murderer must be brought to book and charge for firts degree which will give him life in prison. This girl would have not died if Dinka Bor are not too greedy about the cows. I wish I was in Bortown I would have marriage that survivor beatifull girl.

    Folks, since the CPA was signed in 2005, there is no good news in Dinka communities. For example, last three years ago, the Dinka of Lake state burned one of their Paramount chief in the house. Then, this year when the Referendum result were announced for South to be Independent State, the Dinka bor started shooting one another is nose with gun for excitement. All these incident took place in Dinka community. Dinka it is time to stop killing yourselves and act like other communities.

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