Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92

February 28, 2011 (WAU) – At least 92 people are reported killed and 164 wounded in a renewed armed confrontation between forces belonging to the Sudan People’ Liberation Army (SPLA) and armed elements loyal to General George Athor Deng Dut on 27 February.

George Athor Deng (ST)
George Athor Deng (ST)
The clash occurred two days after the president of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS), General Salva Kiir Mayardit, issued orders instructing SPLA forces to protect unarmed civilians against attacks by the renegade groups. He made the remark while addressing senior military officers and men at the SPLA General headquarters in Bilpam, at the outskirts of Juba town, on Friday.

Athor was one of the senior SPLA zonal commanders operating between three states of Greater Upper Nile during the over two decades long of civil war between the North and South which came to end following the signing of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

The agreement allows the two parties to conduct census and hold elections during the interim period as a requirement to conduct referendum on self determination for the people of south Sudan at the end of the six year interim period.

Contesting gubernatorial race in the 2010 April General elections as an independent candidate, for Jonglei, following his failure to secure approval of his candidature by the SPLM Political Bureau, the highest political organ in the SPLM structure, armed individuals loyal to Athor at the SPLA base, close to his home county of Khorfulus in Doleib Hill, staged a protest resulting in the rebellion, after the National Elections Commission announced results in favour of the official nominee, incumbent Governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk. A move Athor initially denied when it occurred and described it as “an internal rebellion” within the south Sudan army.

Armed elements loyal to him have clashed several times with forces belonging to the SPLA since he rebelled, resulting in a number of deaths on both sides. However, South Sudan president General Salva Kiir Mayardit, in October issued a presidential order pardoning Athor and his forces. Additionally, the president issued another decree forming a high level committee compromising two bishops and armed generals to discuss ways forward, to end conflict in the area with General Athor.

The decree was meant to reconcile differences between officials in the SPLM led GoSS and other political leaders and factions, in order to pave the way for the successful conduct vote on self determination in January 2011. The decree also contained some reservations, demanding forces of General Athor to lay down their arms before joining SPLA – a demand Athor viewed would compromise the fate of the his armed elements and political allies and thus requested the President modify the amnesty, to give more protection to his armed elements and political supporters.

In January, GoSS signed a peace ceasefire with Athor as part of the recommendations made by the negotiating team. The pact recommends some places for forces of General Athor to use as transitory assembly points, while waiting for full integration into the SPLA. However, Dok James Puok, spokesman of General Athor on 9 and 10 February 2011 accused the SPLA of attacking their forces in different locations in the area. A charge, SPLA spokesman, Colonel Phillip Aguer was quick to deny and accused Athor of initiating the attack in which 211 people were killed in Fangak County on both sides.

The majority of the people killed were reportedly identified as innocent civilians and elderly people, prompting many senior officials in GoSS to advocate for military options as alternatives to ending rebellion.

On 25 February, President Salva Kiir Mayardit, in his address to the army in Juba called for protection of the civilians against attacks by the renegade groups. He accused Athor, Gatluak Gai and David Yauyau of turning down the amnesty he gave them and urged the SPLA to execute their mandate to protect civilians.

In Interview with Sudan Tribune on 28 February, Dok James Puok, Spokesman of the General Athor accused SPLA forces of having launched what he called a heavy attack on two of their bases in the area on 27 February.

“As I mentioned last time that SPLM/A has no capacity for running south Sudan affairs and instead of looking for peace and a full resolution of the conflict, SPLM declared war against our movement, deluding itself that we must be crushed within one month time, that is a big lie”, said Puok.

“We will remain challenging the SPLM/A, and teach them a lesson that they will never forget. SPLM/A should learn from their experience when it was in the bush, if guerrillas can be crushed than SPLM/A could have been crashed”, he said.

“I believe the only way to silence guns is through peace full settlement of the conflict, by addressing the root causes of the conflict and bridging the gap between the two conflicting groups. Because they are not committed and interested in bringing peace to our people, the SPLA forces on Sunday at 6.00am staged two attacks on our two bases in Alow and Patai, resulting in a number of their soldiers being killed”, said Puok.

“They suffered heavy casualties in terms of human and weapons. 86 died and 147 were wounded and 90 weapons were captured on the SPLA side, referring to the SPLA and 90 different types of weapons were captured. On our side we lost 6 and 17 sustained injuries.” he continued.

Mijak Chol Banguot, a local administrative officer, in an interview with Sudan Tribune from Khorfulus, confirmed the attack to have taken place and called for the immediate intervention of GoSS to end armed confrontation in the area.

“Fighting broke out in Alow and Patai yesterday. We do not know who initiated the attack. We only saw soldiers calling for people to help take away those wounded from the area”.

“We do not know how many were killed but I believe a lot of people may have been killed because the fighting took some time to stop”, said Banguot.

He said President Kiir needs to stop these armed confrontation. “I have always asked people who are close or those able to meet president Kiir to advise him to find ways to end this confrontation because I do not think armed confrontation can bring solution”.

“We were happy with the way he started the process because it is said in our Dinka language that Mac ace yor manyda – meaning fire cannot be distinguished with another fire. Therefore, there will never be a military solution only a peaceful negotiation will bring peace. We need the president to try this with interest and full commitments so that innocent people do not become part of the clashes”, appealed Banguot.

Colonel Phillip Aguer, spokesman of the SPLA, confirmed the clash and said he had not received full details of the clash from the chain of command on the ground. “Yes, there was a clash yesterday. I am told our forces clashed with forces of General Athor but I still do not have the full details. We are still waiting for more details. Maybe I will give you more details tomorrow”, said Colonel Aguer. The military officer said the two armed groups clashed during reconnaissance. “I am told they clashed with those who went for reconnaissance”, he said.



  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    No drama at all; this reporter must be supporting the move taken by Ather Deng.
    Dok must be wrong in saying that they need peace no way; why they didn’t recognise amnesty given by president Kiir last October. They are very liars in saying they have cuptures 90 weapons from SPLA.
    This massive killing will be counted into Athor alone for some reason; Athor have decided to defect from government for his own interests without clear objectives. His characteristics show that he is not a leader and he will not be a leader for good.
    Look he was given special pardon by his boss president Kiir in which we can all together look at our enemy Arab that brought us to this stage’ but the mind of killer wouldn’t understand that the life of human can’t be lost with visionless.
    So now he lost his dignity from south Sudan’s people. One again the voices of south Sudanese people will bring him on the table of death believes me; because the pardon given to him is beyond everything.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Tanganyang militia stage skimish to the Nuer militia of Athor Deng in revenge of Fangak genocide. Militia can not get a militia this must be in mind other this problem is going to diffuse. Thans

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Mr. Athor,

    You better quit this dirty game before your time expired. But You’re lucky enough because it has been other coward Generals who deal with you since you started this dead-ended game.

    If it was Lt. Gen. Bol Koang, Lt. Gen. Tiger Gatdet Yak or the fearless man, Gen. Gatwech Chan [Tanginye), you should have been caught alive or dead.

  • maumau

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    This is too much for South Sudan to bear just after more than 200 people were killed just two week ago, what a heck is up there! The SPLA should be informed how conflicts with another armed groups can be mitigated aka solved. They can not attack the rebels at the same time agitating for peacefull dialogue. Athor`s forces are turning to be another LRA of Uganda in our country. May the good Lord rests souls of innocent civilians in peace. MAUMAU

  • Lorolokin

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Peaceful solutions are always good with a sound minded rebeler who really has a Heart for his People not his pocket, But for hungry Athor, it is neccessary confront him militarily and i think he understand that otherwise this is bulshit to allow our people die in the peace time.


  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    General Kiir you are losing. Stop violence and return into your senses. You will not defeat revolutionists. Only mistreatment and killing innocent civilians will produce more violence and more death and more revenge. Call back your undisciplined army thugs from Athor areas. Remove all those tribalist Dinka army around Pibor areas and replace them with better SPLA soldiers, not Jonkoz Militants who behead people and kill based on tribal revenge intentions. If SPLA is cutting people’s throats in cold blood, are they becoming LRA and Bin-Ladins

    Wake up you fools or else the revolution will spread and you will risk losing your own air-conditioned mansions you have robbed from The People of South Sudan wealth. Powerful dictators were removed recently, you too can go in a minute if you don’t leave your arrogance before it is too late

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    This is a clear indication that a peaceful settlement of conflict with Athor can not work!!!

    What else to do?

    This is the time to practice air crapt/marine operations.

  • mjrwtkthe2nd

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    By mjrWtkthe2nd

    Keep it up Athor, kill as much as you can and do not forget to bring the War that they (SPLA/M have choose over talks) onto close doors of SPLA/M soil territories. The smell of death should come at the hang nose of the SPLA/M body because they have not had sufficient of it in the last two decades. SPLA/M is collapsing, it becoming a system that kills it own leaders. All system globally are there to protect and defend their Leaders not to kill, whatsoever the Leader does. Also since when was SPLA/M not protecting it civilian? Kiir must answer this, because ever since SPLA/M exist, it was protecting it civilian. It was thier (SPLA/M) practical priority of duty to protect civilian. I wonder why ordering army to protect civilian when they were already doing it. Talks straight MR. Beard you are at War, Say I order you (SPLA/M) army to kill General Athor and not to protect the civilian, avoid covering up when boiling. Protecting of civilian is a long previous tasks of the SPLA/M. Honestly an increase in salaries of the army was Kiir’s first loyalty to the army ever since he was in the Jungle as an SPLA/M General. But his most motive behind this is of no nothing else than just to put pressure of War on Armies to fight tough on General Athor, so why being ironnical?

    Your tricks are known and are being tracks, watch it OOh, you have scratch your own origin.(ordering the death of your own brother) Dinka to Dinka kill on each other.

    Long live Athor
    long live AWEET RING

  • Tambura

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    SPLA should learn from its history that rebels can’t be crash by military action other wise they couldn’t survive. SPLM created this problem and civilian are paying for their mistake mean while they are sitting in their offices in Juba. Athor said he want the governor to resign what hell is that guy that important people have to lose their lives because of him? Mark my words, SPLAM is going to loose in next election because in democracy system nobody will like to vote for party which can’t work in interest of its people. Now they don’t know what to do, here is 3 tips for you SPLM/A how to tackle this kind of situation politically,1 move all SPLA back 2 remove the governor who is the root of problem from the state,3 let UN to have connection between SPLM and their group or rebel leader and hold new election in state if he insist he was a winner, tips number 4 is long as member of SPLM myself I will give that tips after implementation of the3. I am just trying to help you in your poor leadership. Lack of new ideas and leadership and greediness will bring that SPLM/A to its knee.

    Future president of South Sudan

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Dear All,

    Peace and peace and reconciliation had been advocated and petitioned for on several attempts, but this dumb president in Juba ignores and brushes them off the table. Who is to blame now for continuous deaths, Athor of the SPLA?

    Is this what you want Salva Kiir to pursue deaths with deaths militarily? SPLA damned forces losing in massive casualties, and lost their armored vehicles and ammunitions?

    Why put other Southerners in the SPLA in a harmful ways of deaths when indeed they do not want to fight Athor Deng? I would urge all the nine states to advise their sons in the SPLA forces to boycott deployment to frontlines to fight Athor as mean to pressure Salva Kiir to accept peace with Athor. What a dumb decision!!

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92

    Go ahead and kill more SPLA Forces and urge Gabriel Tanginyang to stay out of this mess because he himself is a wanted man by the SPLA and he could be killed in a murky conspiracy.

  • Moses Deng Malual
    Moses Deng Malual

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Dear brothers & sisters.
    I am writing to express my deep concern about the ongoing massacre of civilians by the George Athor Deng militia Forces. Over the past several days, 210 of Fangak civilians have been killed and hundreds injured. It is likely that violence will continue unless the GoSS & international community acts quickly.
    Just to advice you so called spokesman of General Athor Mr. Dok James, please keep distance from Athor affairs & as I know your capacity you are not capable to analyze Athor tactics & strategies, so you will end up as a victim because you will be held responsible by your people the Fangak community.

    Events in Fangak appear to meet the level of crimes against humanity. I request that the GoSS refer the situation in Fangak to the prosecutor of the international criminal court.

  • lieulieu aru
    lieulieu aru

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Dear Southern Sudanese, were the rebellion initiated to montivates only interests of Mr Kuol Manyany Juk?
    Why do southerners always died defending and fighting for Kuol Manyang ideas and yet he aiming at downfall of southern sudan relovution?
    In the pass and currently, Kuol Manyang had and he is doing unacceptable things that are not relate to our objectives and aims to achieve, therefore :-Kuol

    1- killed those suppose to be eye and cadets of southern like Thon Ayei and thousands of Bhar el Ghazel members in during 1987-88 when across back to Bhar el Ghazel
    2-conspire aganist and intimediate William Nyuon in 1993 and ask him to join Dr Riak rebellion and when william asked Dr garang to punishment Kuol manyang,he refuse to addressed the issue and then half millions dead in they battles
    3-declared clan war between twic Bor North and Bor South Bor)and threating Nuer and murle communities
    4- He rig state election and atigiate Kiir positive approach of negotiation
    5- lien on tribe always and uses spla forces local issues that are relate to Bor community
    6-He was recruiting children in Bor in 1986-7, he use to force parents of they children to bring children to join war and if parents refuse or child escape he punish parents by firing executed parent to death.

    on these process,what kind of human do you think is Kuol Manyang Juk in Southern Sudan?
    according to my view at those moment since the movement start,Kuol Manyang has committed crimes. He is criminal with records which are enough for any juridation to summoned him face law or be send to ICC because increasement deathinocent now happening in the state is one responsibily.

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Moses Deng Malual,

    You are quick and too stupid to run your filthy mouth against Athor when indeed he is being attacked by the SPLA forces. It was on Friday when Salva Kiir gave an order to attack him. So why blame him when his spokesman reiterates they need peaceful settlement. Even UN did asked for peaceful approach but Kiir brushed the UN aside and declared the war. so let them fight and don’t turn around blame him u son of bitcches. we have been asking for peace but now every southern son in uniform is dying in the name of damn Kuol Manyang Gier Chuang and Kiir war.

    when athor ask for peace, you advocate for his capture and killing but when he accepts war like in this case, you simply turn around and cry fouls and blaming every military casualties as civilian deaths. what a cowardice hypocrisy are you?

    Fangak atrocity was committed by both the SPLA and Athor forces. So be realistic and fair in this case bastard!!!

    even if you go to ICC you would still fail in vain because it is evidenced that the SPLA did staged and launched an offensive attack from Fangak town. Another evidence is that the deputy lieutenant general for division 8 was killed in Fangak, a signal that there was a military presence in Fangak town. The fangak civilians died in crossfire while some drowned as they were fleeing by jumping into the river.

    lying and making up false allegation won’t help you.

  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Athor is complete fool and absent minded . He is doing what he don,t know because he was leadership wrangle otherwise he was not gone to bush. however,the people he is killing are same people he was contesting for?
    finally bro you are being use as tool to kill your people whom you are talking about. To me remained as “food for thought ” and do not know about other.

  • mass

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    It is sad news to hear that many lives have been lost in clash between Souther Sudan Army and George Athor’s forces I do not know how long this hostility is going to last and my condelences go to everyone who has lost their relatives in the incident.
    The fact that George Athor is literate person and former army general in SPLA/M is big challenge to the government of southern Sudan in a sense that he knows SPLA/M from all angles and as well have intellectual advatange over the areas he controls and as such he will continue to recruit, train, and arm illiterate local communities in the areas under his dominion to try to sustain his rebellion against the government of south Sudan. The is truth is George Athor made some logical demands against the government of southern Sudan and also has been pardoned by the leadership of southern Sudan, a pardon which was extended to other mutineers of southern Sudan was only honored by few wise reneges and followed by the recent truce between him and SPLA in Fangak which he again dishonored. This makes any rational person to scratch one’s head and start wondering that there is a possibility that George Athor maybe over thinking or aspiring for something else possibly higher than the ones he tabled for the government in Juba. So for the sake of lasting peace and freedom in the southern Sudan, there are various ways for solving a problem with a person similar to George Athor such as to reconsider some of his demands but not how he wanted it to be done but in reconciliatory or compromised manner. For example George Athor wants president Salva kiir to dissolve the current government in particular to remove Jonglei State Governor Kuol Manyang whom presumably he has a problem with. Honestly many people know Kuol Manyang was elected as Jonglei State governor and don’t understand how he was elected just like how other public aministrators in southern Sudan were elected and so George Athor is one of these many people who knows the election of Kuol Manyang but do not comprehend how he was elected So the point is if Kuol Manyang values peace and security in the state he governs as well as in southern Sudan in general he should public announces his departure as governor of Jonglei state just for the sake of peace, security and freedom not only in Jonglei stae but in southern Sudan even thoungh it is not the public whom elected him that require him to resign. Only officials with heart of madman will assume that Athor’s demands should only be fulfill by presidential order in spite some of the demands apply to them and hence require logical response. So the problem will be solved if Kuol Manyang resigns and clearly spell out to the public his rationale for departure and George Athor accept it and returns to the great family of southern Sudan and interim governor will be appointed to preside over Jonglei state. But if George Athor rejected the compromise then the ultimate solution will be southern Sudan leadership to take necessary measures or if possible cruel messenger must be send to end this rebellion so that peace,security and freedom can prevail in Jonglei state as result southern Sudan will delightfully experience reduction in insecurity.

    God Bless peace,secruity and freedom in Southern Sudan for its people value peaceful co-existence among themselves and neighbours.

  • 1-1

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Gen Athor is yet thinking of his long time operations that he can afford to defeat Arabs and the SPLA is now fit to find out where you are, and the reasons that you have been pardon is because to get independent, not to kills civilians, and also not to have the same mind of thinking short.

  • sharpshooter

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    I am are mourning the death of our beloved soldiers trapped between two hate inspired power possessed leaders,i sometimes wonder if they do sleep and reflect on their actions,giving orders which are blindly followed by the loyal soldiers.I am deeply worried by the fact that GOSS is adding salt to injury,instead,it should continue with its reconciliatory process with its small armed elements.Peace breed stability and economic growth,but armed struggle breed misery.Peace should be uphold by all means even if it mean, Kuol stepping down,i think that will be the greatest sacrifice for his beloved citizens that he wish to govern.

  • d.tanga

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    this foolish goss does not learn lesson untill rwanda come to the country. attack just two weeks ago and no lessons learned. why no strategy no plans put in place since then to kill this dinka coward athor. poor action from the goss and spla allowing civilians killed by this dinka arab militia goerge athor giving his asshole to arab.

  • Achol John
    Achol John

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    Wow yaah Jenubiin,

    You are now polarizing it on ethnic line while indeed we should all unite and boycott the war based on regional and state levels.

    Urge our citizens to take to the streets and denounce war and lobby our respective sons in the SPLA uniforms to protest this war by refusing to be deployed or choose to desert the army when deploy to the frontline.

    Doing so would pressure the elites in Juba and Jonglei to come down to accept peaceful settlement.

    You those who curse and lament Athor name are the problems why Athor is always victorious and got upper hand in this conflict.

    You can’t expect a military man who is armed to teeth to be captured and killed without massive consequences.

    it is funny and laughable to see you all cursing, crying, lamenting and bewitching the mighty military strategist.

    Athor is good for the national strength as the best military strategist and expert of all.

    Yet this dumb and foolish elites in Juba had pissed him off beyond repair and compromise.

    UN was there last week to consult Kiir Mayardit on peaceful solution but the UN was embarrassed and snubbed off and instead orders were issued to fight Athor relentlessly.

    Now that is it that you want to see as a result and so do not mourn folks or blame your rogue president.

  • maroof

    Gen Athor Deng Cannot Win
    Gen Athor Deng Cannot Win
    News outlet bear witness to the mayhem caused by Gen Athor Deng irrational fight against South Sudan. In the past, many individuals from Southern Sudan were involved in internecine carnage, and indeed got away with it. However, this may not be the case this time around. Therefore, Gen Athor must accept previous amnesty issued by president Kiir to save himself, his poor followers, and above all the country because he cannot win: The National Congress Party cannot be a permanent friend, the north can no longer influence South Sudan, and Athor’s case is not justifiable.
    History indicates that the National Congress Party, NCP, cannot be trusted. In 2002, the late Dr. John Garang said “…NCP has not changed, will not change, and cannot change.” NCP has dishonored many agreements, e.g., the Khartoum agreement, CPA by supporting militias in Abyei and renegades such as Gen Athor Deng, and Cairo and Nigeria accords with the DUP and Minnawi respectively. The NCP did not hesitate to disown its former allies such as Gen Paulino and others when they were no longer delivering. The government of the Islamists in Khartoum put its own ideologue leader, Dr. Hassan Al-Turabi, in prison when power of the elites was at stake. Now, the important question is: What makes Gen Athor seems so sure that he would not experience all of the above? He is either not a good history student or made his mine to commit suicide in the end because he cannot win by all accounts.
    GOS is in a better position now than in 2005. GOS has the power, incentive, and southerners backing to crush Gen Athor. GOS is more powerful than at any time because it is now an independent entity given that today is not July 9, 2011, the expected date of independence. Dr Hasan Makki, NCP senior member, in an interview on sudanile before the referendum, declared that South Sudan is independent and the evidence is that NCP government cannot get its helicopters back after the SPLA captured them carrying Athor’s men. We all read through the media about the tanks and helicopters that GOS has purchased. The fact that people of South Sudan expect more from GOS in terms of security especially after the referendum is a huge incentive for GOS to use force against anyone destabilizing the situation in the south. Also, GOS must be sensitive to the people because it is dictated by the new realities, and people will not tolerate death caused by Gen Athor’s quest for governorship. In addition, southerners had a negative opinion of Gen Athor the same way as Dr. Lam when he was the minister of foreign affairs because of advocating the policies of the government of national unity perceived to be NCP’s. Gen Athor ought to be aware that southerners may not forgive him when, not if, NCP disowns him.
    The case against Gen Athor is hard to defend. Gen Athor is purported to be fighting GOS because of losing to Governor Kuol Manyang and rampant corruption within the movement. Even if that is true, it is not worth the killing of innocent people because whom is Gen Athor going to rule if these people are all dead? On the other hand, it is interesting for Gen Athor to discover corruption within GOS when it is allegedly exercised against him. Also, the people of Jongulei did not take the governorship from Gen Athor, it is GOS according to him; therefore, it does not make sense for Gen Athor to subject the people of Fangak to the current hardship. Finally, Gen Athor should understand that the movement, SPLA/M, was popular because it was fighting for the freedom of southerners and not political positions. If that was the case, no one including Gen Athor would have joined the movement. Therefore, the chances for Gen Athor to be popular are slim to none.
    Finally, the media reflects the anarchy resulting from the undue war against southerners waged by former SPLA Gen Athor Deng. Previously some of our brothers committed crimes against innocent civilians in the south with impunity. Nevertheless, nobody can kill southerners without facing justice in free South Sudan. Thus, Gen Athor should take advantage of the official pardon granted by the commander in chief of the SPLA, Gen Kiir in order to survive, give his followers a chance to live with dignity, and allow the country to prosper in peace since he cannot come out from this swinging: The NCP only pays attention to its interest, South Sudan is independent, and Athor’s war has no moral or legal bases. Clearly, it is time for Gen Athor Deng to protect his past patriotic record, renounce violence and join his former colleagues to launch South Sudan into the 21st Century.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    South Sudan army clashes with renegade General Athor kills 92
    What the waste of human being in south Sudan!
    I am very disturb of those who trying to presuse Athor while he is in his Village.

    He means that Gier, Kuol and Kiir have an intention to killed Athor as it said in NgunDeng song. This time Kiir and his group will not be given a second to Rule the south again.

    They are increasing the risk in our south Sudan community. And People are losing of out of patient now due to this cause of violence against ourselves. If they need peace in our society, they should not have plot against individual in our southern community.
    Some Southern Sudan never knew what call Alual in Jieng. They are people that can confront even God; which the Rain or whoever pretends to be God can fight with Alual “Reem”.

    This is Alual Army (Reem) fighting against God now. It is in old Dinka tales. And this is exactly what happens. Alual Reem has never turn theirs back to any humiliation. Hunting Alual Reem will cause more than life than you expected; to whoever send southern soldiers.

    Tone of liberators

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