Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur referendum means to undermine the Doha peace process – rebels say

March 3, 2011 (DOHA) — Two rebel groups participating in the peace talks rejected today the organization of a referendum to determine Darfur status saying it means to undermine the Doha peace forum.

Upon his return from Doha on Wednesday, Sudanese presidential adviser in charge of Darfur file Ghazi Salah Al-Deen said his government based on Abuja peace deal will hold a referendum on the administrative status of the restive region within three months.

Recent proposals handed by the mediation to the government and the rebel Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) failed to break the deadlock on the issues of Darfur status and the vice-president.

“We reject this step, which impedes the progress of peace negotiations in Doha, and transgresses clearly what has been agreed in the framework agreements and good intentions,” said a joint statement released by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and LJM on Thursday from Doha.

The rebels further said that the question of the region represents one of the most fundamental issues in the conflict which cannot be resolved by one-sided measures.

Speaking the Sudan Tribune, Tadjadine Beshir Niam, LJM chief negotiator urged the mediation to intervene to stop such violations of the signed agreements. He also urged the international community to put pressures on the government to halt the ongoing attempts by the Sudanese government to topple the Doha process.

“This is not the first time the government try to sabotage the process,” he added.

Ghazi said yesterday that the Doha process is one of different initiatives to end the eight year conflict. He was alluding to the Darfur Political Process (DPP) that the government intends to undertake in the troubled region with the participation of social forces and elected institutions.

Delegations from the government and the JEM agreed this week to start talks on a certain number of issues they determined including the disputed issue of power sharing.

The US envoy for Darfur Dane Smith arrived yesterday to Doha for talks with the parties on the peace process. Also the EU special envoy for Sudan Rosalind Marsden was there to tackle on the needed progress in the talks.



  • Aleu

    Darfur referendum means to undermine the Doha peace process – rebels say

    This is the good time for oppositions in all over the Arab world and Africa nations to change the Old ruler regime government. Arab in North Sudan thinks they are smart to rules us for 50 years, but this century will isolated them one by one until Khartoum is remain itself for them.

  • Sam.Eto

    Darfur referendum means to undermine the Doha peace process – rebels say
    You have no business in the matters of the North. Sort out your own affairs first before sticking your noses in the Norths affairs. You had your referendum and soon your indepenance – fairwell and good luck.

  • john a
    john a

    Darfur referendum means to undermine the Doha peace process – rebels say
    what the Darfur needs is referendum for totel separations region from the NCP arabs republic in the north Sudan. Total referendum is only ways to safeguard freedom and rights of Darfuri,forget the fake referendum advocated for by NCP is a big folse alarm. otherwise arab have plans to dominate darfur. Take my word darfuri

  • john a
    john a

    Darfur referendum means to undermine the Doha peace process – rebels say
    Darfuri rebels with leaders never say no body is told you about this for you to demand your own referendum. if you fail to demand own referendum you regret you decision later in life when is too late and arabs have dominated your people and region of proud African darfur. you have beens warned. dont say no body is warned you before if things go wrong in future.

  • john a
    john a

    Darfur referendum means to undermine the Doha peace process – rebels say
    do not say no body is warned you if things go wrong and arabs is dominate your region in the future. you have been warned now. ask for your self determination now.

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