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Sudan Tribune

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Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir

March 06, 2011 (JUBA) – Southern Sudanese communities living in Ethiopia are demanding the immediate removal of the country’s head of mission, citing his alleged misuse of funds allocated by the Southern Sudan Referendum Taskforce.

A South Sudanese lady celebrates during the preliminary declaration of referendum results in Juba, South Sudan. Jan 30, 2011 (ST)
A South Sudanese lady celebrates during the preliminary declaration of referendum results in Juba, South Sudan. Jan 30, 2011 (ST)
The taskforce was created to prepare the region and Southern Sudanese in the Diaspora for the plebiscite, which saw the South vote overwhelmingly for secession.

In a strongly-worded letter addressed to South Sudan president, Salva Kiir, the communities urged him to immediately recall Arop Deng Kuol, whom they accused of failing to serve the interests of southerners living in neighboring Ethiopia.

Around 16,000 South Sudanese currently live in Ethiopia according the country’s regional cooperation ministry. The majority of South Sudanese living in Ethiopia fled there during the two-decade long civil war between North and South Sudan.

“We the Southern Sudanese communities in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Pinydu Refugee camp and Sharakolo camp appeal to the President of GOSS [Government of Southern Sudan] to recall back Major Arop Deng Kuol as GOSS Head of Mission to Ethiopia. We don’t think Major Arop Deng Kuol’s activities in Ethiopia are servicing the national interest of South Sudan,” the letter reads.

Also copied into the letter were South Sudan’s vice president, the African Union and the South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission.

Chuol Wan Luot, the coordinator for Diaspora and international stakeholders within the referendum taskforce told Sudan Tribune Sunday that $200,000 was allocated to each of the eight designated countries that coordinated referendum voting. These included Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Egypt, Australia, Canada, US and UK.

However, out of the funds allocated, the letter alleges that the Ethiopia head of mission, allegedly took the money “as a personal gift”, with the Ethiopian foreign ministry, Sudan embassy, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), liaison office staffs and the Sudanese People Liberation Army (SPLA) special branch named among beneficiaries.

“We, the Southern Sudanese communities in Ethiopia have worked so hard to mobilize our communities throughout the Ethiopia and communities unanimously voted 100% [for South Sudan’s secession]. But our contribution has been denied by Mr. Arop Deng Kuol who was supposed to support referendum activities for the fact that the people he represents the GOSS in Ethiopia,” the letter says.

The accusations, multiple sources have told Sudan Tribune, could negatively impact on bilateral relations between officials at South Sudan’s liaison office and their counterparts at the Ethiopian foreign ministry.

Last month, South Sudanese Students’ Union (SSSU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia petitioned South Sudan’s vice president, Riek Machar demanding a probe into alleged mismanagement of funds meant for their education. Money released for South Sudan students who study abroad is released annually released by the education ministry and is usually channeled through the liaison office.

The head of mission in Ethiopia or any official from the office could not be reached for comment on the matter.

South Sudan will become independent in July and the offices of the regional Government of South Sudan are expected to become the new embassies of the Republic of South Sudan.

Ambassadors from South Sudan representing Sudan are in the process of being recalled to Khartoum ahead of the South’s secession.



  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    Deng Alor will recommend to Salva Kiir remaval of his brother.

  • Liberator

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    Deng Alor Kuol & your brother: Arop Deng Kuol( GOSS mission in Ethiopia)

    Please Dinka-Arabs don’t called on all South Sudanese to stand with you when you & your brother have disrespected South Sudanese community in Ethiopia

    Dear readers: please read this article below:
    Southern Sudanese Communities Leaders calls for Dismissal of Mr. Arop Deng Kuol, GOSS Head of Mission in Ethiopia

    MAR. 4/2011, SSN; The entire Southern Sudanese Communities in Ethiopia are calling for Mr. Arop Deng Kuol’s dismissal as GOSS Head of Mission in Addis Ababa over misuse of Diaspora money which was given by the South Sudan Referendum Taskforce

    We the Southern Sudanese Communities in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Pinydu Refugee camp and Sharakolo camp appeal to the President of GOSS to recall back Major Arop Deng Kuol as GOSS Head of Mission to Ethiopia. We don’t think that Major Arop Deng Kuol activities in Ethiopia are not servicing the national interest of South Sudan base on the following:

    1. Mr. Arop Deng Kuol wrote a letter to the communities that they are not allowed to visit the GOSS Liaison office. Yes, we accept that and we instructed our members not to visit GOSS Liaison office in Addis Ababa, until Mr. Arop leave Ethiopia or GOSS office.

    2. The Referendum Task Force had given us 200,000 USD for referendum preparation and mobilization, instead Mr. Arop Deng Kuol took the money as a personal gift from his brother Deng Alor kuol, Minister of Regional Cooperation and also divided the money to these following institutions, which did not even ask for the money;

    ? Ethiopian Foreign Ministry, 20,000 USD for diplomatic recognition

    ? Embassy of Sudan in Ethiopia, 10,000 USD

    ? Economic Commission for Africa /ECA/ 10,000 USD

    ? GOSS Liaison office staffs 20,000 USD as referendum gifts

    ? SPLA special branch 5,000 USD

    ? Arop Deng Kuol a Head of Mission, 30,000 USD

    ? All Southern Sudanese communities who have voted 100% received none

    We, the Southern Sudanese Communities in Ethiopia have worked so hard to mobilize our communities throughout the Ethiopia and communities unanimously voted 100%. But our contribution has been denied by Mr. Arop Deng Kuol who was supposed to support referendum activities for the fact that the people he represents the GOSS in Ethiopia.

    For the last 6 years, Mr. Arop Deng Kuol has succeeded to convince the GOSS and the Office of the of the President of GOSS that these communities are Nuer Ethiopian and denying the existence of Southern Sudanese. However, the referendum has shown that these people are Sudanese and have voted 100% for separation and it is a shame for Mr. Arop and his tribesmen in the Ministry of Regional Cooperation.

    We have been patient enough to let Mr. Arop play this game for a long time. It is time for our community to act on this matter as soon as possible, if the GOSS doesn’t take any actions.

    Mr. Arop Deng Kuol as GOSS Head of Mission did not help our communities during the referendum registration and voting period. When we asked the Liaison Office to assist the communities, the answer we got from him is that, write a letter to Dr. Riek Machar in Juba to send your money.

    Mr. Arop Deng’s activities as a GOSS diplomatic representative are doing a lot of damage for our bilateral relations with Ethiopia. His activities has been known by many Ethiopian officials in the ministry of Foreign Affairs as a trader in Ethiopia and his relationships with the communities he is supposed to represent is not good as a diplomat.

    We call up on the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to request the GOSS to recall back Mr. Arop as soon as possible because his activities are damaging our present and future bilateral relations. Therefore, your immediate action will be highly appreciated by our communities.

    We are also appealing to the leadership of 2011Referundum Task Force to send delegations to Addis Ababa as soon as possible to resolve the issue of money with the GOSS Liaison office.

    Finally we call upon on H. E the President of GoSS Salva Kiir Mayardit to show a statesmanship to our people and to the world that he is able to lead the New Republic. These corrupt individuals like Mr. Arop Deng Kuol are not serving your government’s interest and this will create more enemies to your leadership.


    1. Paulino Gatluak Biel South Sudan Student Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    2. John Tibang Lual SPLM Chapter Secretary for Political Affairs, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    3. Nhial Abol Nhial, Referendum Representative

    4. Juac Bol Bichok, Pinydu Referendum Camp Representative

    5. Obong Othiw, Sharakol Refugee Camp Representative

    CC: Office of the President of GOSS,

    CC: Office of the Vice-President, GOSS

    CC: Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs

    CC: Minister of Information, GOSS

    CC: African Union, Addis Ababa

    CC: Economic Commission for African ( ECA)Head of Commission

    CC: Sudanese Ambassador to Ethiopia.

    CC: South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission

    CC. Addis English Daily Reports

    Deng Alor Kuol & your brother: Arop Deng Kuol( GOSS mission in Ethiopia)

    Please Dinka-Arabs don’t called on all South Sudanese to stand with you in Abyei when you & your brother have disrespected South Sudanese community in Ethiopia. Arop Deng Kuol( A first year University drop out) should resign or sacked!!!!!!

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    Dear readers,

    This prose is modifying the article that i had read somewhere in the Sudantribune. Where are the names who signed this article? why do you remove them and begin to try to adjust the article. All was writtern by food seekers. They always complain about leaders execept Ngundeng. Thanks

  • Aleu

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    To: Southern Sudanese in Ethiopia.

    please this small amount are not going to cover everything as you guys are thousands living in Ethiopia. Why not coming to Southern Sudan to find something and forget about your nonesense complaining outside of Southern Sudan.

    It does not sound good when the referendum already pass and still you guys complaining for $20,000 doallrs this is more than a shame on you Southern Sudanese in Ethiopia. You guys need to know everyone was struggle to make sure the referendum is passing without even hoping for $1 dollar and my question to you all is that, were you guys were working very hard merely just to get money from Arop Kuol or your main focusing was the lasting freedom.?

    Shame on you, shame on you all.

  • Alex

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    This idea of removal of mr arop deng kuol is absolutely absurd and unrealistic because it’s a mere propaganda created by people who want to reap were they didn’t sow.

  • Malith Rual
    Malith Rual

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    If i would however ask the following simple questions to the people concerned of this so called removable of head of mission;
    1- Who among young community leaders has the copy of that amount sent from Juba to Ethiopia?
    2-What was the purpose of the money? was it mobilization, facilitation of referendum process, or to be distributed to the communities as you are demanding?
    3- Who was there when this money was distributed to the staffs and other sectors as you said?
    4- Did you consults other communities leaving in different countries apart from Ethiopia whether this amount is given to them for the same purpose?
    It would be better if people should however, make proper research before posting nonsense article without some good evidences.
    To assure those who are not aware of this issue, it is nothing non other than political motive that is all about and will never end what ever the case although, GOSS withdraw Arop from Ethiopia unless the Head of Mission should be from Nuer tribe that is the only solution. I don’t see any reason which make people to write idiot article.

  • Murle Intellectual
    Murle Intellectual

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    All GoSS officials are corrupt, beginning with Salva Kiir all through out down to the last police recruit.
    When one tribe or two dominate all the GoSS jobs and grab lands every where you go in South Sudan, is there more corruption than that?

    Students abroad and heads of missions are all from those tribes except in very few and rare cases. In fact only one exception to that rule. Sudan is not yet independent since tribalism still prevails. South Sudan is still doomed to more wars. The only hope is when Salva Kiir repents of his support for tribalism and protection of corrupt officials. Kuol Manyang and Simon Kun are two dangerous tribalist officials in GoSS who are so defended by Kiir. Kuol Manyang Supplies guns and ammunition to Jie communities urging them to attack and displace Murle. That is the biggest form of corruption practiced by Kiir and his dogs

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    Remove Ethiopia head of mission, South Sudanese tell Kiir
    The appeal must also include the GoSS Head of Mission in Egypt. The most corrupt Head of Missions is Dr. Parmena Makuet Mangar who heads the Liaison Office in Egypt. Southerners here in Egypt had information about the amount of $200,000 but it vanished in the corridors of his “Dinka Club” as the GoSS office is refered to here.
    The office is not serving the interests of Southern Sudanese here, but kins. We are demanding his removal and prosecution. We are at the final stage preparing a case of corruption and abuse of authority at all levels against him. The issue will be presented to GoSS Presidency and Anti-Corruption Commission at the close of the outgoing month.
    Mack Awer

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