Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor

March 6, 2011 (JUBA) – The vice president of South Sudan, Riek Machar Teny, advised against carrying out an all-out war against the forces loyal to the renegade General George Athor Deng, saying he preferred pursuit of peaceful dialogue with the rebel leader.

Riek Machar (L) stands next to Abraham Thon(R) a ranking representative of Gen. George Athor, who holds up a copy of the ceasefire agreement between the SPLA and Athor's delegation in Juba, on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011 (AP)
Riek Machar (L) stands next to Abraham Thon(R) a ranking representative of Gen. George Athor, who holds up a copy of the ceasefire agreement between the SPLA and Athor’s delegation in Juba, on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011 (AP)

Machar explained his position at a prayer gathering organized on Saturday in memory of hundreds of civilians killed in Jonglei’s Fangak County by forces of George Athor in January. The prayer was conducted at the residence of the minister of humanitarian affairs and disaster management and representative of Fangak County in the parliament, James Kok Ruei. Several senior government officials and members of parliament representing all the ten states of South Sudan attended the prayers.

The presidential advisor for legal affairs, Telar Deng Ring, while speaking at the occasion called on the government of South Sudan to launch a decisive military action against forces of George Athor. Telar said the offensive should be carried out before the rainy season and crush George Athor’s forces. There were also calls to withdraw the amnesty offered to the rebel leader by the President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit.

However, vice president Machar, during the same occasion, reiterated his opposition to such solution, and warned that the course of all-out war as an option would in the process turn into a tribal war that would engulf the whole of Jonglei state and spread to other states.

He said this was not because Athor’s forces can overwhelm the SPLA, but reading the situation, the matter would no longer confine itself to fighting Athor’s forces, saying it can turn into tribal confrontations and mass killing of innocent civilians.

“Today you may think it is the SPLA fighting George Athor’s forces, but tomorrow it can turn into tribal war which can spread and become difficult to contain,” he warned.

Lt. Gen. Athor was the deputy Chief of General Staff for Political Orientation in the South Sudan army, but rebelled in April last year after losing gubernatorial elections to the incumbent governor of Jonglei state, Kuol Manyang Juuk. He accused the ruling SPLM of allegedly rigging the election in favor of his rival, Juuk.

George Athor and his rival Kuol Manyang Juuk are both from the Dinka tribe, the largest community in South Sudan. They however come from different clans in the community.

There are two other armed groups including David Yauyau, from the Murle tribe based in Pibor County, and the heavily armed Gabriel Tanginya, the from Nuer tribe. Tanginya (AKA Tang) announced late last year that he had joined the SPLA but his forces clashed in Upper Nile February over a dispute on what would happen to the after the South’s independence.

George Athor is currently based in Fangak county. His forces have been accused of massacring over 100 people in clashes last month. All of these armed groups originate from Jonglei state.

Machar maintained that the best way, despite Athor’s intransigence, is to continue pursuing a peaceful solution with the renegade general and convince him to abandon rebellion and return to the government.

He said the amnesty was given to various armed groups with the aim to avoid the conflicts and achieve peace and stability in the region, especially at the critical period of transition to statehood.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Machar opposes to all-out war against forces of George Athor
    For the frist time ever Thank you mr show how leader work to overcame problem.
    But one question is where were you during 1991 whan your nassir commited genocide or you larn that mistake cannot be repead?
    Good on you Riek

  • sunny

    Machar opposes to all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Only a charismatic leader with a vision like you Dr. can pronosticate the danger behind the all-out war against Athor’s force. I gave the same warning earlier but the power distant made my analysis useless. Even if we fight him, we will still need a peaceful resolution one day.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Machar opposes to all-out war against forces of George Athor
    We know that Many Nuer militia are supporting Athor Deng but when his forces and SPLA exchange fire in Fangak county,the other militia of Tanganyang went to fight the Athor because some of his civilians died due to fire crossing in the County.

    Yes, I agree that when the militia of Tanganyang attempt to attack Athor Deng in his base then that will turn to tribal war.

    So, please we want this matter to handle by SPLM/A without any other militia involved and everything will be fine.

  • Gäär

    Machar opposes to all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Rom wec Guur, Gat Machaar!!
    e jin ngac ngoako ka ken mieth diale ti. cuu dier ke daar kokien ti te ke internet ti. ba ko lielien toang raar! mi thiele ji, thiele South Sudan.

    Bi gat nyayiel te keel ke ji, kuaar!

  • Liberator

    Machar opposes to all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Dear readers:

    For the first time ever, a call coming from one of highest power figure of South Sudan Government, one with sanity and who once commanded troops which led to the wounding of the future president of Sudan(Omer Al bashir). Dr. Riek Machar understands fully well the danger of Military conflict especially one that involves your own. It can engulf the whole South very quickly if it’s contain through peaceful means.

    Thanks Mr. Vice-president

  • ayor

    Machar opposes to all-out war against forces of George Athor
    that’s such a brillinat idea; thank you for foreseeing that Dr Riek; keep the good job rolling

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Dr. Riek,

    You’re wrong, sir. Sometimes, it’s neccesary to use force when peace fail. Mr. Athor will never stop slaughtering people including South Sudan soldiers unless if Lt. Gen. Tiger Bol Koang, Lt. Gen. Tiger Gatdet Yak or the fearless Gen. Cobra Gatwech Chan (Tanginge) bring him to his knees.

  • Mabior Akol
    Mabior Akol

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    thank you Dr Riek it is good view and it will help our people please, follow that such that it will not be like 1991i thanks that if you are doing it in good heart.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Dr. Riek,

    You’re wrong, sir. Sometimes, it’s neccesary to use force when peace fail. Mr. Athor will never stop slaughtering people including South Sudan soldiers unless if Lt. Gen. Tiger Bol Koang, Lt. Gen. Tiger Gatdet Yak or the fearless Gen. Cobra Gatwech Chan (Tanginge) bring him to his knees.

    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    Mr. Cowboy, Slava Kiir wants force to be used to deal with Mr. Athor and his disciples, while Dr. Riek is for peace talks. Then, who is really in charge in the South?

  • Aleu

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Dear Southerners Sudanese at home and abroadly nations.

    Let us make sure that, the Southern Sudan’s government is stable first, but I want to be clear on Dr. Riak Machar Teny and others Southern Sudanese politicians who havd had been making a ruination in Southern Sudan for years. When I hear about 200 dead and another 90 people dies in the clashes between George Athor Deng and the SPLA personal, I do not blame too much on George Athor Deng, but the VP yes, he is the most person, we should be thinking about what he had done in the SPLA/SPLM Movement and still putting fire in Southern Sudan.

    No one can run away from the truth that, God is watching every single human being heart, Dr. Riak Machar Teny he had made a significantly damage in our Southern Sudanese societies particular, the Dinka and Nuers people. We should not be the people who have the main enemy on the other side of North Sudan and on the other hand also our really Son within Southern Sudan is causing a trouble to his people. I do not have anything like personal conflict to dislike VP Dr. Riak Machar Teny, but the housand people of Nuers and Dinkas which had dies because of his political issue during the SPLA/SPLM Movement something that, nothing would repair it in my mind for years.

    During the conflict between Taban Deng Gai and his wife, he spoke out against his own Party SPLM while, he was the most powerful guy in the Party instead, of telling his wife frankly speaking that, there are more chance later on for anyone to get the governorship if the Southern Sudan have absolutely obtaining the capability as a nation unfortunately, Dr, Teny went too far and alluding to his wife with his own interests so that whoever, being deny for whatever post should make rebellion against six years Old unborn young nation of Southern Sudan. We Southern Sudanese people special, the Dinka and Nuers people together we have had forgiven him as our Son of Southern Sudan national, but it look to me that, we are going to recall that forgiveness because he has some to blame for George Athor Deng and other general in Unity State.

    One from Nuer which he did not want to be name said, he felt sorry to Dr, Riak Machar Teny when he hard what he was telling people secretly and he said, Dr, Teny did not know that, there are many Nuers families that are not happy to see their Sons was been wounded during the root caused of the SPLM Nasir as Dr. Riak was the founder of SPLM Nasir. The question I would like to ask is that, he was been forgiven the big mess he made but why our Son Dr, Riak Machar Teny still had an insipid.? I am looking forwarding to see him render his resignation letter to Southern Sudanese people, because he has lacking of excitement in the political platform and I would like to see Southern Sudanese elected new leader to lead them.

    Finally, The Dinka people and Nuer people must work together for nation and for the common good, but they need to reject someone seem to causes them more problems because that is how others nation did their things. We must not be shy to tell the truth, because this Southern Sudan is going to be nation why should this our Son Dr, Riak Machar Teny have his feet with those against government and at the same time he claim to lead people Southern Sudanese people. He kept quite all these times and he was the VP and now he is saying nonesense while, he was been associate with all these groups from the beginning does Riak Machar think we don’t know his business.?

  • Mading

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Bravo Mr. Machar for your concern about the new born State. I think you are doing that because you want your people to be in peace. Therefore, you should not look at those who speak words of division but rather be focused at helping southerners to realize peace. Those who say Athor should be crushed militarily, do know what they are doing.

  • Madingthith

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Dear Readers,

    Thank so much for your comments regarding Machar opposing all-out war against forces loyal to George Athor who rebells against Jonglei State last April elections.
    Dear readers understanding is vary from one person to another and you should not put blame on someone why he /she thinks so.

    In my own personal point of view, I really believe that George Athor should be crash militarily rather than mediating the peace accord with him , for what reason?
    Imagine the peace talks which his deputy signed the ceased fire between SPLA and forces loyal to Athor, did that peace last and do you know who dishoured the agreement?
    Now in this point I don,t see the reason why a person who kills innocent peoples like children, women, old people and number of returnees who back to their homeland recently as a sign of peace and tranquility in the region yet Athor still prolonged his rebellion.

    Do you know the reason why Mr Riak Machar opposed the people who said so, is because riak was the first killer that is why he fear him to be captured using military forces and brought his corpse to Bilpam Hqrs confirmed his dead.To those who support the mediating between Athor and the SPLA/ GoSS I think you like the death toll of innocent people to be non stop as Athor do not want to make peace with GoSS if the April elections dissolved from grassroots level to GoSS level. If Machar find it simple to dissolve the April elections than there is no need to negotiate with him about peace. Telar Deng is a very rightful man he doesn,t want to bit around the bush but to penetrate with the truth of crashing Athor militarily.

    I am telling you this facts to you all guys that you cannot one day one time see George Athor signing the peace you people said between his movement and the GoSS, believe me or not start countingdown today and later mark me right or wrong.

    I convey my heartfelt condolence message to the families that Athor killed his sons and daughters innocently. May Almighty God rest their souls in Peace.
    If George Athor strong enough why he kills innocent peoples and leave his challenger Kuol Manyang in nearby State Jonglei. What is the reason of killing other peoples rather than Kuol Manyag his rivalry.
    Other people are joking human life but hell to earth.
    Dear readers, if you followed April elections rules and laws strictly you all see very big lopeholes being created by Riak Machar as such: GoSS SPLM Secretary General Mr Pagan Amum release his statment that there is no room for Independent Candidates in South Sudan April elections and by then the Riak Machar release his favouring statement because his wife Angelina Teny was an independent candidate challenger to Mzee Taban Deng Gai that all independent candidates are allows to contest in different levels, the same attitudes of last April are still prevailing from Riak.
    He still refueling the condition to be much worsen than dealing with Athor militarily. Athor Movement is conflict of interests I term it like that.

    Young man studying roots of tribalism,nepotism & corruption
    in Afrika Countries- Madingthith


  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Machar is right to said so, sir you may take lead on that to solve it micable and friendly manner.
    NOT you a lone but all Southern Sudan people,in case not to kill other innocent people.

  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    May God bless Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon!

    Thank God for this great leader who is gifted with vision to see unfolding danger and embrace peaceful means to avoid the danger.

    It is not a secret that the war with George Athor could have turned tribal already if Dr. Machar himself did not successfully convince Gabriel Tanginya not to revenge the massacre of his people in Fangak including some of his children and wife.

    If Gabriel Tanginya, who is well armed with artilleries mounted on vehicles, went to attack Khorfulus or Atar, those who are arguing against Dr. Machar’s position would have been talking of some else.

    Again, whenever there is war of such large scale as called for by the president’s advisor, it is always difficult to avoid civilians mass casualties. Even professional war fought by American in Iraq and Afghanistan did not spare civilians.

    But in the South, the SPLA would loot civilians during the war with George Athor, rape, kill them and drag the civilians into the war. This would then turn its shape to tribal wars even within the SPLA soldiers who would end up shooting at themselves.

    Nhomlawda, it is clear that your retarded brain cannot properly analyse issues even when they unfold in front of your very own eyes. How come you now deny the coming tribal wars through this war mentality of your?

    You also forget about danger like a six-year old baby.

    The day before yesterday you were crying over the killing of Dinka Bor sub-clan fighting each other in Wanglei (Twic East) county. Why did they fight if a tribal war can never happen?

    If one clan can divide itself into sub-clans and egin to bmassacre themselves like rats in Bor North (Twic East) county, then what can you deny about tribes that are not close to each other?

    My friend, if Gabriel Tanginya sought revenge and attacked George Athor’s bases, I think that is when you would have understood what Dr. Machar was trying to avoid.

    And again, read the article about the fighting in Twic East County, the SPLA were said to have burned down the village of those poor Dinka Bor who were fighting. Why did the SPLA do it?

    Brother, history has proven that whenever you deploy SPLA forces to carry out violent operations, they leave nothing unturned. They always target civilians.

    Late John Garang deployed his deputy late Kerubino Kwanyin Bol in 1985 and fought Gaajaak-Nuer civilians to death simply because late Samuel Gai Tut used to pass through their area.

    In 1991, the call for self-determination turned violent when it was resisted by late Garang who wrongly told the Dinkas that Dr. Riek Machar was trying to overthrow the Dinka leadership. The message had negative impact as the Dinka loyalists like those of Kuol Manyang Juuk began to kill in cold blood Nuer military officers in Equatoria region. The news of these killings angered the Lou-Nuer armed civilians who were assisted by some indisciplined army officers from Nasir faction and attacked Bor in 1992.

    Do you see how things can easily turn around in this South Sudan even when you didn’t intend it that way?

    There are those who are good at giving wrong messages to incite violence and hide behind the violence to avoid addressing the real cause of the move.

    You see I suspect that there are some officials in South Sudan government who do not want peaceful solution with George Athor. Also, the ceasefire with George was violated by both parties. I heard from many sources that George Athor was told to assembly, but food was not provided to his forces in the new location as in the agreement. Also the SPLA made scary movement by sending a convoy of soldiers towards the location given to George Athor as assembly area. Hungry and angryy the with the suspicious moves by the SPLA, they (Athor’s forces) then decided to attack Fangak, the nearby town.

    I believe George Athor was serious to make peace but I suspect that some in the government have been playing a monkey business against his return to government.

    But try to launch a full scale war and you will see how Jonglei state will innocently burn down to ashes even those who are now advocating for war will be among the first to cry out to stop it.

    The best you can do is to tie down the SPLA to barracks and limit their activities to defense of civilian settlements, because when you let them loose on offensive, they can go out and harm the innocent civilians instead.

    SPLA has never been a national army since 1983. It is just an army based on different tribal ideologies and loyalties. They can fight a common enemy today and resort to tribal wars any time.

    Dr. Riek Machar’s analysis of the situation is very correct. Try all-out wars with these armed groups and you will see smoke every where in the South. The victims will mostly include innocent civilians.

  • Liberator

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Dear readers:

    Debts, oil sharing are non-negotiable to begin with. but is see SPLM trying hard to avod the unvoidable, and that’s the looming war with the North over border or Abyei or any other unforeseeable event(s). either way you can’t avoid by negotiating your way out of it full stop.

    Note: Seeing Hamas( a terror organization) political leader holding hands in the Khartoum reinforces my above comment. our oil money is being use by this NCP Gov’t to fund ’Terror’ organization in middle east and Somalia. so how do you feel if you are an average south Sudanese who is surviving daily on less than dollar a day or nothing at all, but your gov’t is trying to make a deal to divide a debt which was accumulated by successive Northern regimes to acquired weaponry from their many western countries that were during the civil war to killed Southerners.

    SPLM ruling party is eager to fight their own brothers in the South(i.e Armed groups like Athor, Gatluak Gai, David Yayau). while negotiating our resources and Surrendering Security to NCP(allies with terror organizations like Hamas).

    Cowardly Shameful!

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    Riek Machar does not want SPLA to deal with Athor Deng forces militarily because the same fate will be extended to his family militia in Unity State under command of Gatluak Gai. Riek Machar does not want his family militia dismantled because he will use it later on to kill innocent Nuer civilians in Unity State should he be fired from being VP of GOSS/ROSS.
    What a hypocrite! Enjoying GOSS luxurious privileges and at the same time fighting the source of his luxury lifestyle. Your days are numbered as vice president of GOSS/ROSS. You are overdue to be in Ngundeng luak for a fellowship with him since you believe in him as your prophet and deity. Your friend Wurnyang and you should meet at Ngundeng luak to review what you had done to Nuer community as a result of Bor civilians’ massacre in 1991. Nuer is now officially designated as traitors’ community in South Sudan because of your act.
    Hell with you stupid traitor who had spoiled Naath reputation in South Sudan in particular and in the world at large.

  • the Voices of a losts
    the Voices of a losts

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor
    not bad, fews good comment for peacefull dialogue but others are like if you play with dogs you act like one.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor

    Good job Uncle Riek for Identifying the danger coming.
    I think you have learn from old mistake.

    It would be the waste of men to fight their own brothers.
    Athor have have rejected from having governor position, while people are running after him. Gier, Kiir and Kuol Mayang just wanted to killed him as their usually murders of Ngok commanders.

    I these Times Athor will not be killed like the people that have been murders before. Alual can fight God,this is Alual fighting damned God Goss. This is time of revolt,who ever intimadate people will get bullet.

    Kiir should be a field Commander in Korpulus,Kuol,Gier command in battle troops; if their ass going return to juba.

    or who ever want Athor should go by themselves to fight Athor there.

    Tone of liberators


  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Machar opposed to an all-out war against forces of George Athor

    SPLA has just announced that it launched all out-war against forces of George Athor Deng Dut (the Dinka renegade General).

    I watched on TV on Monday evening the semi-illiterate spokesman of SPLA, Philip Aguer, who looked as if he did not know how to read what he called a press statement.

    Aguer on South Sudan TV said the SPLA launched the attacks to many bases of George Athor including his headquarters on Monday, 7th March 2011. He lied that an intelligence report indicated that George Athor was going to attack Pigi on Tuesday, today, 8th March 2011. What a lie!

    The fact is that the indisciplined SPLA command in Bilpam was simply driven by emotions and reacted to the statement of the Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar who said he was opposed to all-out war against George Athor because of its widespread destructive consequences which are not good in the transition to statehood in July.

    But now it is clear that the SPLA command which said they were ordered by the President and Commander-in-Chief were driven by emotions which only aimed to show that they could disobey the peaceful approach suggested by their Vice President.

    What a shame. That decision based on emotions has no quality at all.

    What a government run on emotions.

    Well, the Vice President’s position has already been known by the world. If any destruction of Jonglei state this time or across the South, then those who are after it emotionally will be responsible.

    If I were Dr. Riek Machar I would just keep queit and leave these warriors at their comfort in Bilpam to see how their war mentality will take them to. Let Jonglei state burn like hell.

    The world will now know they are responsible for dragging South Sudan on fire at this critical period.

    May God save South Sudan and provide good leadership sooner than later.


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