Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese opposition determined to stage protest on Wednesday

March 7, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese opposition groups affirmed their intention to demonstrate on Wednesday despite a warning from police that they will be conducting an unlawful act that will be dealt with in that manner.

krtm_demo.jpgThe purpose of the planned demonstration according to the opposition is to protest “massacres” against the Libyan people by the government there and also voice support to recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia that toppled its regimes that were in power for decades.

The so-called Jasmine Revolution started in Tunisia in January when the rural poor took to the streets to protest against high unemployment, rising prices and corrupt rule. It swept the Arab world into North Africa over a matter of weeks.

The legal affairs official in the opposition alliance Kamal Omer, from the Popular Congress Party (PCP), said that they only notified the authorities about their intentions stressing that they need no permission to practice their right under the constitution.

The protest will take place at 1 p.m. at Abu-Janzeer square in the Sudanese capital and is scheduled to be addressed by leader of the Umma Party Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi.

The police chief in Khartoum State, General Mohammad Hafiz Hassan Attiya, said at a press conference that he does not recognize the opposition’s reasoning adding that the law requires permission and not notification in order to organize a protest.

Attiya said that the opposition appears to be seeking “to take law into their own hands” describing this as unacceptable.

He further said that demonstrating without permission, would infringe on the freedom of citizens and will pose threats to their lives and belongings through blocking roads allowing people with “special agendas” to infiltrate and cause damage.

Hundreds of opposition supporters convened today at the headquarters of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) chanting anti-government slogans calling for toppling the regime as police cars and anti-riot police surrounded the area.

The head of the opposition alliance forces Farouk Abu Essa addressing the crowd said that dialogue with the National Congress Party (NCP) has reached a “dead end” describing the ruling party as “blind, deaf and dumb” saying the only route left is removing the regime led by president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir since 1989.

Abu Essa called for resolving the Darfur crisis and bringing perpetrators of crimes there to justice. He warned the government against harming opposition leaders saying that “whoever throws water at us we will throw blood at them”.

Numerous groups created on social networking sites such as Facebook by Sudanese youths have been seeking to mobilize and coordinate for staging demonstrations demanding change in a manner similar to that of Tunisia and Egypt.

An attempt was made on January 30th failed to garner enough support and its participants were quickly rounded up and detained.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Sudanese opposition determined to stage protest on Wednesday
    “The purpose of the planned demonstration according to opposition is to protest “massacres” against the Libyan people by the government there and also voice support to recent uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia that toppled its regimes that were in power for decades.”

    I don,t thing so. You are very much coward who can not express themselves. Are you sure you are demanding protest because of the above quote? Wow!

  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudanese opposition determined to stage protest on Wednesday
    I think not every one will support that move. because when it gonna happen, to be come more worses; like what happened in other countries eg eygpt, tunisia and libyei; that would affect south sudan too politically and it services.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudanese opposition determined to stage protest on Wednesday
    What is more dangerous is that Arman is trying to mobilize Southerners living in Khartoum to take part in these demonstrations, who are working and living peacfully here.Many of them understand the purpose of Arman and his quest for power and fame.Unfortuntely and participation of southerners may have unwellcomed and may be unacceptable consequencies.He wants to play with fire, not with his own blood, but with the blood of innocent and poor people!

    Wise and prudent people from the SPLA and from the south should warn him from such detremental step, afterall he is not going to achieve anything.Copying the Egyptian and Tunisian ‘youth” experience is not going to happen under the leadership of senile and demented people , who are above 75 years old, like Alsadig and Abu Essa!

    Moreover Alsadig is mediating between Gadafi and the revolutionaries and his daughters are sending messages of support to their old time friend Ayesha AlGadafi “see her web site” His sons are also part of the system , one rejoined the armed forces recently and the other is an officer in the national security. What a hypocricy!

  • Jalaby

    Sudanese opposition determined to stage protest on Wednesday
    Jonobean in Khartoum,

    Never ever participate on this demonstration, we warn you because you are no longer Sudanese and have no right to demonstrate in our city, go and demonstrate in Juba against Dinka dominant, corruption, injustice and discrimination.

    We know jonobean in Khartoum and north are not willing and have no intention to go back to their failed state in the south, ironically, they want to be continued second class citizen in the north and that the reason why they chose secession.. WOW what a joke and liars people!!!!!

    Jonobean in Khartoum, if you participate on this demonstration or make any mess in Khartoum we will immediately beat you and put you in jail and expel you out of our country even before the end of temporary perion in July .. it is up to you to make your choice!

    Jalaby (Abo Tagia)

  • Tariel

    Sudanese opposition determined to stage protest on Wednesday
    Dear readers,

    The idea of granting Darfur two more districts can be interpreted by those with small memory as a political tactic by the NCP to divide the Darfur people. Well, the Darfur people are not united and their disunity is portrayed by their established good for nothing rebel movements. The cause of war always relate to people’s grievances and I think adoption of the two states of Bare el Arab(political manipulated name) and Jebel Mara is a step to solve Darfur conflict and answer the demands of the people there.

    Back to South Sudan, Jonglei state is very huge in fact three times the size of warrap state, so it will be a test of new republic of ROSS if its legislators table the motion in the parliament on possibilities of establishing a new state out from Jonglei.

    Since Jonglei state has thirteen counties, their should be creation of more seven counties to put the number to twenty so that the new state shall go with ten with mother jonglei remaining with ten. The proclamation of new counties and a state in Jonglei shall also provides security the rich diversity of the two to be states.

    Here is the modality composition of the two to be states in Jonglei state; Bor county shall be divided into two as Athoch and Gok counties. Twic East with Maar together with payam of wanglei group together as county(name to be greed upon). Kongor payam shall form a Alith county with Wernyol payam payam. Akobo, Uror, Yirol, waat and Ayod shall also have new counties emerging from them. Pibor is also very large county suitable of producing another county.Duk and Fangak plus boma are satisfied with their current state of being.

    The new state out of Jongelei shalll then be proclaimed basing on geographical privilege. The creation of new state in Jongeli will not only end marginalization of some counties but will also serves as the realization of SPLM project of “Taking towns to people”. It shall particularly amount to creations of jobs as services shall be closer to the people.This shall minimize cattle rustling as youth shall get engaged in construction as a result of their acquired jobs.

    I know, Some morons outside there will blindly jump on this website and brand my comment something else, well, my comment is for interest of peace and development in our new country, it has nothing to do with what you are thinking!!

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