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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women

By John Actually

March 9, 2011 (BOR) – While celebrating International Women’s Day on March 9, a day late due to logistical problems, Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang Juuk strongly condemned the abuse and mistreatment of women in his state.

Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang speaking at Freedom Square in Bor to celebrate international women’s day. March 9, 2011 (ST)
Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang speaking at Freedom Square in Bor to celebrate international women’s day. March 9, 2011 (ST)
The governor said that incidents, such as the killing of a girl killed by parents for eloping with a man against the will of her family, must be stopped.

Following an agreement in Copenhagen in 1911, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 each year. The theme of the days 100th anniversary was ‘Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women’.

The celebrations in Bor were attended by government ministers, members of parliament, women’s associations, and women from the South Sudan army and police, as well as civilians.

Addressing the gathering in Bor’s Freedom Square, Manyang acknowledged that women are the most marginalized group in Sudan but have enormous responsibilities in the household and beyond.

“Women have been marginalized by men ever since. They have heavy duties to accomplish at home from morning till late night. If you count the step taken by women while working at home, they could go for more than 50km a day”, he said.

The governor said that as women are seen as the weaker sex by some men they are taken advantage of and denied their rights.

“Being weak physically, men have taken that advantage to beat their women. We should treat them as human beings. They have now proven to serve like men even during the struggle for South Sudan and some of them died in the war”, he added.

Governor Manyang noted that since the South Sudan government was formed in 2005, following a peace deal with Khartoum, 25 percent of government posts have been put aside for women.

This act of positive discrimination was incorporated into the Interim Constitution of South Sudan (ICSS) and the constitutions of Southern state like Jonglei have adopted the quota into their constitutions. Kuol pledged to increase the number of women in key positions in his government.

“We have appointed one woman as minister of public service, one as director general in the ministry of Animal Resource and Fisheries and one as advisor on gender. And we will do more when we obtain full independence”, said Manyang.

Women in South Sudan’s organised forces marching in celebration of international women's day in Bor, Jonglei state. March 9, 2011 (ST)
Women in South Sudan’s organised forces marching in celebration of international women’s day in Bor, Jonglei state. March 9, 2011 (ST)
As part of the 2005 peace deal the South was granted the right to secede from North Sudan. In January this year the South voted overwhelmingly to separate from Khartoum, and will achieve official independence in July when the peace deal concludes.

Ahead of the celebrations Lise Grande, the UN Deputy Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for South said that more emphasis is need on girls education to counteract traditional beliefs related to early marriages.

“We need to abolish the practice of paying dowries during marriage. If too much attachment is placed in bride prices, then little focus will be on the importance of education,” Grande said. On March 7 while closing a gender-based violence workshop held in South Sudan’s capital Juba. However, the UN official said that the abolition of dowry payments will depend on what communities want and would not necessarily occur through the intervention of development partners.

Nearly 60 percent of Southern Sudanese are women according to the results of the 2008 Sudan Housing and Population Census. However, the majority of the 90 percent of illiterate people in South Sudan are believed to be women.

The Jonglei governor said he was furious that the practice of early and forced marriages continues in the state. Girls in South Sudan are sometimes killed by their families if they refuse to marry.

Governor Manyang promised to build more boarding schools for both boys and girls to combat early and forced marriages.

“We will open schools next year for girls and boys that will change our culture. If a girl can study up to high school at the age of 18, she may support her family. Why do we give them burden?” he said. Manyang urged the public to stop forced marriages that are arranged in order for the family to gain financially through dowries.

He urged women to pursue their rights through the state’s court, saying women’s rights were enshrined in the state constitution. He also noted that citizens had the right to appeal once against the judgements of the state court.

Manyang also called upon United Nations agencies to provide women advocates and lawyers to protect the rights of women and help in cases involving women in the courts.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women
    Thank to Dr John Garang for freedom of women in sudan.
    Thank Kiir mayardit for women freedom in south sudan.

    Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their opressors,
    God bless south sudan and their people.

  • Odingo

    Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women
    Great Speech Mr. Governor Kuol.
    The abusive and mistreatment of women in South Sudan must be stopped emediately and give our women and girls the freedom they deserved like anywoman and girl in the world.

    I don’t think Dr. John Garang And Dr. Kiir Mayardit interpreted the word freedom of women and girls accurately in their community.

    The other communities in South Sudan gave their women and girls their freedom, accept Dinka bor and Dinka of Bhar El Ghazel whom the killing of girls and women still existing in their community.

    I understand that Dinkas are alway good in killing their daughters, but for anything else, they are not.

    Since the result of Referendum annoucement for South to be Independent State,Dinka begin nonstop killing themselves, while the other communities begin nonstop celebration of Independent . Dinka you are not a human being, but an animals.


  • maumau

    Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women
    Damn, good speech but no action on perpetrators. Arrest and jail those who kill their daughters because they look at them as property. Mainly in Dinka community, we do not have this shit in Equatoria and please make your marriage aka customary law flexible so that we get many of them in Equatoria. MAUMAU

  • Odingo

    Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women
    To Genuine Leader
    I Was just disappointed of hearing the same incident of killing girls like animals from Dinka Rumbeck and your people Dinka Bor.

    I did insulted you. I was trying to tell you that stop killing your girls becuase of cows. They are human being like you Dinka men.

    Of course, not all Dinka are murderers, but this nonstop of killing girls in Dinka Communities, make all of you as suspicous killers.

    We are all liberators and Leaders, but that Liberators and leaders of you Dinka, it doesn’t mean that you have to kill your girls as part of liberation.

    I know that Dinka is the big community ,but it means doesn’t means that you have to kill your women and your daughters beyond your imagination.
    I know that in Dinka culture , they don’t like their girls to be marriage by irresponsible person,but if the girls like that irresponsible man, it is better to let her go with him than to kill her as long as that irresponsible man is from Dinka tribe.

    If you don’t like your irresponsibl men, where do you think they will get women from?

    Only God knows when Dinka will act like human being and adopt civilization.

  • Gäär

    Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women
    When did this Thug/Nyagat AKA Kuol Maliel know about women’s right. wasn’t he the same man who raped and tortured Gaajaak-Nuer women in 1987? to who are you preaching this senseless speeches? don’t you know that South Sudanese have documents of your atrocities? dar mi liel lual. gat ciek e tharale! Jonglei will be a like a district in Somalia with you in power gatjiok e dual duale!

  • Madingthith

    Jonglei governor denounces human rights abuses against women

    In reality did Kuol Manayang feel good when he address the rally and innocent people are now dying for his name?
    I don,t see the reason to denounces the abuses against women while people of Jonglei are always kills by Athor and it,s beacause of him. If he addresses the Women and their children are being kill by Athor and he takes no measures against Athor rebellion against his governship and entire state of Jonglei. As a person I am not happy with him even if he do what good to the extend in Jonglei State and thousands and thousands of lives were lose for his names.

    Jonglei Governor is a failed Governor like Warrap state Governor Nyandeng Malek she did no single change during her reign as a govenor.They will brought to book by GoSS by their misdoing and mishandling of states, assets.

    Madigntith….. A man who will promote justices, transparencies and accountability.

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