Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese army attack rebel positions in Darfur Jebel Marra

March 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan’s army on Wednesday said it attacked rebels from the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) led by Abdel Wahid Al-Nur and took control of their positions, but the rebels denied the statement.

The Khartoum controlled Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) has intensified attacks on Darfur’s rebel groups, while the government is intending to implement a new plan to achieve peace in the region through dialogue among the tribal leaderships, civil society groups and the elected regional governments.

SAF spokesperson Khaled Al-Sawarmi told the pro-government SMC website that the army clashed with SLM fighters after attempts by the rebels to ambush the government forces. He further said that the government troops, which managed to infiltrate Rokero area in North Darfur, killed 15 rebels and destroyed five vehicles.

Al-Sawarmi added that two soldiers were killed during the fighting.

The Sudanese army says that since last February it has been determined to retake control of positions held by the rebel groups to provide security for civilians and open roads in the troubled region.

Reached by Sudan Tribune, the SLA-AW spokesperson Nimer Abdel-Rahman confirmed the attack, adding it started at 8:00am local time. He also denied that SAF took control of the area, stressing they repelled the assailing troops.

“We killed over hundred soldiers, captured 15 others as prisoners, seized five vehicles and destroyed other seven,” he said; adding “We totally control the Rockero, (in North Darfur) and we expect them to resume the attack on Thursday”.

Nimer also said civilians fled the areas of the clashes but added that they were not affected by the clashes which took place far from their habitations. He also said warplanes participated in the fighting.

Last week, the joint African Union / United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) reported that three bombs were dropped on 3 March on the mountains near Samra and Bersi villages, three kilometers northeast of Sortony in North Darfur.



  • Aleu

    Sudanese army attack rebel positions in Darfur Jebel Marra
    I hope the people of Darfur will have a choice to make now and July9 2011, because this killing will stop unless the people agree at one thing and united to end Arab mistreatment in Sudan. I do think the bad thing the Darfurian should avoid is by choosing North Sudan government to united with them because it would be a nightmare for Darfurian people to live with them.

    The Southern Sudan will be out from North Sudan’s sharing nation by July9,2011, and I am very worry for those Black African tribes who will be fool to join the North Sudan government because they are going to be minority from Arab in North Sudan. Everyone knows that, Southern Sudanese use to played role in Sudan national as Omar al Bashir said, many times that anything related to Southern Sudan will be remove and that thing will affect Black African tribes in North Sudan’s government. After Southern Sudan gone, those people who will choose to stay with North Sudanese will have no other choices and there will be no more people in the world’s listening to them, because there will be some questions to them such as what make you to choose North Sudan government if you think you were being mistreated just because you are an African.?

  • Kuet Teny
    Kuet Teny

    Sudanese army attack rebel positions in Darfur Jebel Marra
    ITS up to Darfurian to thier destiny for the problem of Sudan is known to all marginalised people. Fur are not exceptional.

  • lang pan lang
    lang pan lang

    Sudanese army attack rebel positions in Darfur Jebel Marra
    Am very sick of this issue of Dafu, is there not any other alternative in dealing with Dafu case?

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