Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North

March 13, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A senior official at the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) warned the Sudan people Liberation Movement (SPLM) that any attempts to carry out sabotage in the North carries the risk of a strong response.

Salah Gosh, chief negotiator of the north's National Congress Party (NCP) and special security adviser to the President (Reuters)
Salah Gosh, chief negotiator of the north’s National Congress Party (NCP) and special security adviser to the President (Reuters)
Salah Gosh, who is also a presidential adviser for security affairs, held a press conference in Khartoum that came at the heels of SPLM accusations that the NCP is trying to overthrow South Sudan’s government through arming and supporting militias in the South.

On Saturday heavy clashes broke out between south Sudanese troops and a rebel militia led by renegade General George Athor accused of links to Khartoum in the southern border town of Malakal, in oil-rich Upper Nile state, that left 42 people dead.

Athor was the deputy Chief of General Staff for Political Orientation in the South Sudan army, but rebelled in April of last year after losing gubernatorial elections to the incumbent governor of Jonglei state, Kuol Manyang Juuk. He accused the SPLM of allegedly rigging the election in favor of his rival, Juuk.

The SPLM said that Malakal’s violence was a result of the North’s directives.

“We in SPLM have details of a plan by the NCP to overthrow the government of south Sudan before July,” said the SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum to journalists yesterday.

“The NCP has been creating, training, supplying and arming militia groups in southern Sudan with the aim to destabilize and overthrow the government,” Amum said.

“This plan is being overseen by the President of the Republic … himself.” he added without giving details.

But Gosh said that SPLM’s accusations to Khartoum are based on intel that is a “fiasco”. He further revealed that regional and international players are trying to pressure the SPLM to reverse its decision taken yesterday to suspend post-referendum talks in retaliation to the events in Malakal.

The NCP official stressed that his party will not beg the SPLM to come back to the negotiation table.

Amum had said that the SPLM will boycott the talks “until it [Khartoum] stops its policy for obstructing stability in South Sudan, and until after the [UN] Security Council’s investigation is concluded,”.

Gosh alleged that unnamed senior SPLA are supporting General Athor and referred to rumors in Juba that the renegade general along with VP Riek Machar are planning a coup against South Sudan president Salva Kiir. He further claimed that the SPLA committed ‘genocide’ in the South.

Machar has been opposed to a military solution to Athor’s rebellion saying he preferred a peaceful dialogue saying it is the best way to avoid a tribal war that would engulf the whole of Jonglei state and spread to other states.

The NCP official warned that the North will not stand with its hand tied behind its back if the SPLM attempts to undermine the accomplishments of the North.

The South is set to officially become the world’s newest state next July after Southerners voted overwhelmingly to in favor of independence in January’s referendum.

The NCP recognized the outcome earning praise from the international community which feared that the North would seek to undermine the self- determination vote.

However, a series of deadly clashes in the South and border region of Abyei has raised fears that the new state would be marred with instability and tribal tensions.



  • sid balad
    sid balad

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    So whats the plan now Mr.Pagan? u have always been an obstacle to smooth relations between NCP and SPLM and as of late u seem to have lost it. Strong accusations like these wont do u any good except bring u more enemies which u obviously have enough of.
    Khartoums words are clear, Threats would be met with threats and actions with action leaving the ball in your court. U even played your biggest somewhat of a card to export oil thru other routes and it got a cool response.
    You are running out of time Sir. Look to the root cause of your problems and start from there. Thats a lesson the NCP learned the hard way.

  • Redbull Geo
    Redbull Geo

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    The NCP official warned that the North will not stand with its hand tied behind its back if the SPLM attempts to undermine the accomplishments of the North.

    With and Without the undermining of the accomplishments, their hands have never been calm not talking about tying their hands at the back. That full called Gosh, might be right to say Riek is behind the attack of Athor. BUT NCP an abbreviation meaning a ‘Natural Cursed Party’. Is just the reason for any instability in South Sudan and Darfur as well. Gosh advices the president with all wrong ideas and when the ICC needs him mr.Gosh hopes to take over.

    This is not a warning it is just a way to highlight what looks unclear and dull. Nobody in the south is a full as you thought. You can not bribe anyone with the name of Riek Machar. Look at his BIG mouth!! A big full, stupid

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    NCP Should know very well that their days are counted,whatever plan they have with those Lam Akol will not help them any more,Salah Gosh statement is not true he want to creat misunderstanding among the Top southerners official all what he has said are buyers.
    Pagan Amum,do not waste time for more talks with the NCP on Post referendum arrangement what for? NCP is already different country.All the fighting taking place in Upper Nile & Jonglei State is under their support,where will this poor southerners communities will gett those new bright gun from,if their parents if can not be in position of sending them to the School.
    Those southerners politicain still in Khartoum are all behind this attempt.Salva Kiir open your eyes wides.


  • Land-of-Cush

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North

    Dear readers
    Talking like a childish it makes it so useless on other politicians. Amum tried to make a very shallow accusation and warning to the north government without giving a clear evident; that wouldn’t make sense to the whole world. On his yesterday report he warns NCP to stopped oil not to be transport to Port Sudan if NCP is backing up the militias of soon to be independent in 9th July 2011.
    This man is not good in negotiation but good in accusation mark my word.
    Some writers on this website always pressing their attitude against Dr. Riek Machar as he is a supporter of renege Athor Deng which is today appear on this report accordance to the NCP presidential advisor Gosh; that is the conceptual of some of politicians with in SPLM party.
    Warning, carrying wrong propagandas against some of SPLM member who have offered himself to serves the interests GOSS or south Sudanese people like Dr Machar this will cause more chaos incoming time.
    What happening now will make no more different from what took place between Salva Kiir and Dr, Macher in 2008 when some of SPLM members influences Salva Kiir to replaced Dr. Machar position with Wani Igga.
    This round will make it worse than 2008, but people will regret later after things gone from bad to worse. Dr. Riek Machar is not against his SPLM party. He is not supporting rebel movement but need peaceful resolution because sweeping way rebel from south Sudan will lose more life from both side marks my world.

  • Luthern King
    Luthern King

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Salah had come up with manipulation word of which he need to confused southerner government. He is liar of saying stupid words against SPLA and Machar , he need to incite international community to south.
    Amum is person who forsee some thing may God Bless Him.

  • lang pan lang
    lang pan lang

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Stop accusing NCP and deal with your own affairs here in the south. I don’t mean that NCP is not supporting this revolution but we better get the possible solution rather then shouting at NCP, By the way how do you guys expect Ncp to do some thing good for the people of southern Sudan since they failed during the united Sudan? now that south is going to be a separate state, how exactly do you expect NCP to behave you guys?

  • Jalaby

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North

    It is very clear there is a serious conflict going on among SPLA leaders, if Machar defects from SPLM and announces the war against SPLA then the south will be a piece of hell and the war between Dinka/Nuer will destory the whole south, we all remember the ugly war between Dinka – Nuer when Machar defected during the nineties and we hope that history will not repeat itself!

    As northeners, we completely object any kind of war in the south because any instability in the south will cause instability in the north especially in the border areas where all the oil wells and infrastructure are available and any damage to these facilities will cause huge and massive losses to south and north that cannot be confined!

    Once again, SPLM/A should find away to solve this problem in the south before it goes out of control completely by looking into the real cause and roots of the problem and stop putting responsibility on north because that will not solve the problem.

    Liar Pagan Amom wants to drag our foot by force in this south-south conflict and put responsibility of SPLM/A failure and their ugly oppression against southerners on north but we know how to defend our land and valuable facilities if anyone tried to mess with them, we are so ugly in the war liar Pagan and it is better not to drag us in this south-south conflict but give southerners their right and freedom and stop terrorizing and oppressing the opposition in the south because that will generate ugly reaction from the other party and that’s exactly what is happening in the south now!!

    Jalaby (Abo Jalabia wa Emma)

  • Liberator

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Dear readers,

    The leaders of all the rebellious movement are well known within the government of South Sudan, there is no point of accusing Riek Machar. We are in a mid of politics and the government knows how to deal with the situation amicably.

    Reply to this message

    14 March 11:24, by Liberator

    Achiek Alier Jr
    So Achiek what’s your point? do you know have been accused? and are you pointing your finger on Dr. Riek Machar like all this nuts who hates him by throwing empty allegations around?

    Please if your are accusing Dr. Riek Machar and try to harm him. South Sudan Dooms day will there within seconds of this attempted plot or conspiracy.

    Cowards like Kuol Manyang, Gier Chuang, Majak Agot and Salva Kiir always quick to fight their own brothers, but shivering when NCP threatening them with fires.

    Warning to these Mentioned Thugs: Rwanda, Somalia, will be like a kindergarden playground compare to what awaits South Sudan if you attempt to harm this Man(Dr. Riek Machar).!!!!!!!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Salah Gosh is telling you that the problem is within your “own goverment”.It is a power struggle which is not very far away from your senior executives and high ranks.A fact which Pagan Amum knowes very well and he shies away from it pretending as if he doesn’t know anything about.

    Few months back Salva Kiir in an interview with Al Sudani newspaper , accused Machar of trying to build his own strong holds within the GOSS.Later he denied that, but the nwespaper produced the records of the interview with the voice of Salva loud and clear!

    The issue is very clear! There is POWER STRUGLE within the high ranks of the SPLA and the GOSS. Even if Pagans accusation are truer and the NCP is supporting one side, the way out of this “crises” is to face the problem and name things with it’s proper name!Then let the jalabba, Arabs, mundocorrow, NCP or whatever , go to hell.

    The situation could be disastorous and dtremental! Any conflict between Salva and Machar , in otherwords between Dinka and Neuer , is the doomsday.Avoiding this to happen needs courage, honesty and vision.

    The big fat cats will run away for safty.The poor innocent and marginalized southerners will simply die for no good reason whatsoever!

    Honest southern intellectuals on this web site should refrain from stupid, foolish and silly tribal accusations. The same people your calling for their freedom will perish in thousands if you contionue this stupidity, while you are thousands of mile away enjoying the fruits of non-tribal communities!

    Call for peace , preach reconcillation and solving problems peacfully , amicably and friendly.Your people need that very badly. They are longing for peace , nothing more nothing less and they deserve it!They are not asking very much in life and their demands are very simple.

    Nobody in the north wants turmoil in the south. You want to say that is because of oil….Yes, and what is wrong of having a mutual economic benifit! Nothing wrong with that.And please tell Pagan to stop parking, he had already looted enough money in the name of the marginalized people!

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Those who can read arabic – read these shocking secrets :


  • ebonyebony

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Please Sudan Tribune, Be honest enough to reflect facts!
    Why are you quoting only part of what Gosh said? Why don’t you quote all those who spoke in this conference press? The answer is clear you do not want Pagan to be exposed as a lair! I,m not saying Gosh is telling the truth but you and Pagan are not telling the truth! Do you think by doing this you will make people blind from seeing how many civilians were killed in the Sotuh in the last few days! I tell you soon Malakal will become calm and people will discover the fact of how these sad events were triggered off by the bad behaviour of some individuals..and please tell Pagan that the money he gives to Darfur movements and the North secotr of SPLM should at least be used to transfer those who are still suffering in Kosti because no body wants to tranfer them to the South! Tell Pagan instead of financing the demonstrations of the Nothern opposition this money should be paid to those who eat tree leaves in the South..it wa shameful when 24 france showed poeple in the South depending on tree leaves for their food..where is the big money you paid for the Northern sector in the elelctions..a month ago one of the senior officers in this secotr Waleed Hamid was caught with $193 000 in his coat poackets in Khartoum airport..it was reported that was what remained from the fifancial support of the Aramn campaign to the presidetial elections..this money should be spent in the South because this money is for the South people..I tell Pagan: You can fool some people some time but you can’t fool all the people all the time!

  • Gaddfa

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    well well well the snail is final bring it head out of it shell. so please who is so-called senior official of ncp or whatever the called you. would you please do us a favour of cutting off your useless threat or warning because the are only trace to us, we don’t care less about it at all. who the hell do ncp think they’re?

  • Namaa

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Why is this murdering thug speaking on behalf of Sudan??

    Sorry my mistake, the whole party at the seat of government is made up of murdering thugs !!!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Sudan’s NCP warns SPLM against threatening the North
    Garang’s disciples,

    If Dr. Riek has been behind those militias attacks as you have been shamelessly claiming about, so what?

    Who gets gut to tell Dr. Riek to zip up his mouth let alone kicking him out from GoSS/SPLM?

    Dr. Riek Machar forced your King, Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang to accept self-determination for south Sudan as a result of Nasir Declaration in 1991.


    Don’t be pacnic yet, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon knows how and when he will declare in very broad daylight to take the leadership of RoSS from Mr. Cowboy, Slava Kiir.

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