Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Vision 2040: South Sudan builds on good governance as it pursues vision for future

March 21, 2011 (JUBA) – The semi-autonomous region, which shall become the independent Republic of South Sudan by 9 July 2011, has stressed the importance of improving on good governance in laying a solid foundation for the new emerging nation.

South Sudan flag (Sudan Tribune)
South Sudan flag (Sudan Tribune)
Following the overwhelming vote for secession from the rest of Sudan by the people of South Sudan in an internationally-monitored referendum in January 2011, the region is in the process of founding of the would-be Republic of South Sudan.

The priorities included proposing a name for the state, its flag, national anthem and coat-of-arms, among many others. In the first phase of the long processes which shall be finalised in parliament, the name ‘Republic of South Sudan’ has been accepted by the executive organ of the government while the current flag of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which the semi-autonomous government has already borrowed for the last six years, will be given to the independent state.

Discussions on the proposed national anthem and coat-of-arms have not yet been finalised at the executive body level. All the proposed selections shall need final approval from the current interim Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly.

The government taskforce under the chairmanship of the vice president, Riek Machar, has been strategising how to achieve a smooth transition to statehood. The overall roadmap to manage the transition is under discussions. This also requires the amendment of the interim constitution of South Sudan to suit the coming period.

The government has also been developing a vision for the next 40 years, known as the Vision 2040; a wide strategic vision encompassing medium and long term plans that the region wants to achieve by 2040.

Currently, over 60 objectives have been identified by the taskforce that need immediate attention in the emerging independent state. They range from security, international relations, good governance and service delivery.

While issues on rule of law have been addressed by the taskforce, putting in place clear institutional framework for government functions at national, state and local government levels beyond July 2011 is one of the requirements highlighted in achieving good governance.



  • Historical Boy!
    Historical Boy!

    Vision 2040: South Sudan builds on good governance as it pursues vision for future
    Thanks visionary leaders.

  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    Vision 2040: South Sudan builds on good governance as it pursues vision for future
    Good governance,

    I am glad that the name of our South Sudan was adapted by South Sudanese as the name for our new nation in July. Not only that but the flag of our mother and father SPLM/A to be the flag of our new nation. I fill relief because we have achieved very importance things before the declaration of our independent.

    The coat of arm should be Eagle because this bird has been admire for their beautiful colors of black and while. And this colors are very importance people of South Sudan.” our color/black and peace/white. Also, we name one of our strong battalion during the war and this battalion sung very encouraging songs about our struggle during the war.
    In general, we need to amend the laws and regulations that should govern our new country and this laws must be put into practice.

    We need security laws, leadership laws/terms, and we need overall development strategies that would facilitates business, educations, manufacturing, infratsructure, and many other like agriculture.

    Our visions of CPA, election, and referendum are done so let go with facilitates development. Thanks

  • Thomas Andrew Hissen
    Thomas Andrew Hissen

    Vision 2040: South Sudan builds on good governance as it pursues vision for future

    To the peoples of the Republic of south sudan, its true that the government is focusing a distance on the development of this nations, But they have stop so call corruption rigging of election then governemnet will achieve this strategies plan,
    If they continues tribemen and corruption rigging of election this government will soon calpse peoples of south will contines fighting against the tribe, SPECIAL DINKA, AND NUER, SHULLIK TRIBE they are the maleria to the south Sudan
    if these tribe are seedling need to be destroy or burn out because bringing alot of problem in this nation

  • Thomas Andrew Hissen
    Thomas Andrew Hissen

    Vision 2040: South Sudan builds on good governance as it pursues vision for future
    To the peoples of the Republic of south sudan, its true that the government is focusing a distance on the development of this nations, But they have stop so call corruption rigging of election then governemnet will achieve this strategies plan,
    If they continues tribemen and corruption rigging of election this government will soon calpse peoples of south will contines fighting against the tribe, SPECIAL DINKA, AND NUER, SHULLIK TRIBE they are the maleria to the south Sudan
    if these tribe are seedling need to be destroy or burn out because bringing alot of problem in this nation

  • Gaddfa

    Vision 2040: South Sudan builds on good governance as it pursues vision for future
    2040 vision is little quite long for us,why not subtract 20 out this long long time. i think rest of current leaders will just wait for 2040 to start working.

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