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Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia: Press freedom ‘worsening’ – Reporter Without Borders

March 22, 2011 (ADDIS ABABA) – Press freedom monitoring and campaign group, Reporters Without Borders, on Tuesday expressed concern over the deteriorating working climate for journalists in Ethiopia.

The group accused the Ethiopian government of steadily shrinking press freedom and putting pressure against the country’s small number of independent newspapers.

‘By taking legal action against news media that criticize its policies or simply dare to ask awkward questions, the government is trying to suffocate them’, Reporters Without Borders said.

‘As they are unable to pay exorbitant legal costs, newspapers risk bankruptcy when they are sued or prosecuted.’

The press freedom organization added:

‘Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his government have been tightening their grip on news and information in the last months. Ethiopia has joined the list of sub-Saharan countries that are keeping a close eye on the media and are trying to control or influence editorial policies. Due to their increasing intolerance, the authorities are doing everything they can to stifle the critical impulses of journalists and to make life difficult for the private media.’

The France-based international non-governmental organization, urged the Ethiopian government to stop creating climate of fear against media professionals.

‘Reporters Without Borders strongly urges the Ethiopian government to do everything it can to allow the private press to do its job without fear of intimidation, financially damaging law suits and self-censorship.’

‘We would also like to take this opportunity to remind the government of Ethiopia of a number of pledges it made to protect the constitutionally guaranteed right of the press. We remain hopeful to see these pledges translated into action immediately.’

Since elections last year Ethiopia has blocked a number of pro-opposition websites. Reporters Without Borders has also urged the Ethiopian authorities to stop jamming websites.

‘Reporters Without Borders is also puzzled by certain cases of websites being blocked and suspects they are being deliberately censored’, it said

The group also mentioned newspapers and journalists it said are under threat.


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