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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM says willing to cooperate with other political parties

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 25, 2011 (WAU)– The ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) said Friday it is willing to cooperate with other political parties to work together to ensure the prevailing peace and stability is maintained.

This comes weeks after nine southern political parties walked out of the constitutional review committee to prepare the region for secession, accusing SPLM of imposing unrealistic ideas based on simple majority.

Ann Ito, the SPLM’s Deputy Secretary General, said in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Friday, that the general elections were over and that what remained now was to strengthen co-operation among political parties in fostering development and enabling people enjoy peace and stability.

“Elections are over and it was good conducting referendum with unified voices as seen in the overwhelming majority vote for secession. This spirit needs to be maintained. And as SPLM, we are very much willing to co-operate with other parties to enable our country become model and symbol of peace and stability in rest of Africa countries,” said Ito.

She said South Sudanese have earned credit for being determined and peace loving people, a factor that has enabled the region, despite all odds, conduct a peaceful and orderly referendum.

“There is no going back. We are accelerating in our efforts to deal with the problems we are facing,” said Ito before adding South Sudanese need to remain united.
“We should not go back. We need to go a head. We must remain united as block and act together as one and the same people the same we did it in referendum. We should not see ourselves as parties and tribes. We need to see ourselves as block,” she said.

The senior member of the SPLM who holds the additional assignment as minister of agriculture and forestry in the government of South Sudan further added that problems were part of life and that what were needed were collective efforts in dealing with them.

“There is no way human being can avoid getting differences. They are part and parcel of human life we only need to resolve and move ahead, said minister Ito, before adding that the SPLM is ready to form inclusive government.”

“Next month the technical committee reviewing the interim constitution of south will give a final report to the president of the government of South Sudan and the Assembly on the envisaged constitutional reforms. This was not in the SPLM manifesto but the opposition demanded for it and the government has heeded their call.”

“That is a clear manifestation of collaboration,” she said. She assured the public that the government was searching for a lasting solution to problems facing the region including seeking how to end hostilities with political opponents.

South Sudan now has four rebel groups fighting sporadically against the government. The rebellions largely began as local disputes, many following the 2010 election, but the rebellion of General George Athor in Jongeli seems to have incorporated those of Gatluk Gai in Unity state and David Yauyau in Jonglei.

Last week a former adviser to the president of South Sudan was accused of starting his own rebellion by the southern army.

Political and military stability are major concerns as the South approaches independence from the north. The South has repeatedly accused Khartoum of supporting the militants. Sudan’s ruling party has always stringly denied the allegations.



  • Bol Deng
    Bol Deng

    SPLM says willing to cooperate with other political parties
    Opposition Parties in the South must know that there is no consideration for those who demand something through violence. If you want something through by force then no one will listen to you guys.

    Ann Ito,the SPLM’s deputy secretary is right that SPLM has been willing and has included the others in the GOSS.While they were familiar to us during the War.

  • Dinkanuer

    SPLM says willing to cooperate with other political parties
    To all the parties’ men who are going to attend lasting solution, take this peace of mind with you: There will be imprisonment for these who have been accused for linking themselves with NCP for long period of times.
    I’m pretty sure you will face justice for your ignorant to the will of Southerners. I thank God for this occasion because our backyard enemies are almost in our hands. Please Nhial Deng! We are waiting for good news.

    For those who are still using Ngundeng ideologies, please be inform! Ngundeng had shameful things to be said about him. First,

    He was not a Prophet but a profit to his royalist in Nuer.
    He had many names according to his activities in many parts of South Sudan.
    He was a Cannibal animal according to Nuer man who doesn’t need to be mentioned
    His first name was Ngundeng-meaning that he was send by God.
    After he gone wild and ran away.
    His name changed to be Gatluakmanguel in Nuer dialect.
    He ate many Nuer men and women in Nuer Land
    Dinka. His name was Manyang e Juet.
    He ate many children, animal claviers and cows’s bulls in Dinka Land.
    Equatoria with different languages including English and Arabic
    His name was Tiger

    The Nuer man who refused to be target by Ngundeng’s salves pointed out that. Ngundeng had no father or mother but the Devil who came out in the River Nile in a form of fish, when the Nuer boys want for fishing. They fish for so many hours and they caught nothing, when the boys get tied and ready to go back home. One of them told other guys that there was a fish ate his hook lastly, the boy convinced other friends to tried one more time! Shortly after he putted on snail body on the hook, he had thrown it into Nile River. Immediately, Ngundeng was caught. The boy was attempting to pull the Fish Ngundeng out in the river but it was difficult for him to do so, then he called his associates to pull Ngundeng on the shore. They brought it out and they were smile some of them were told to go and collect firewood in order for the young men to roast their fish.

    Unfortunately! The Fish Ngundeng changed into big snake! And the boys ran away from it, the boys thought that they were dreaming and they came back for the second times. The Snake Ngundeng light it body and become bright as well as electricity light. They ran home and they spread the news to the community, when the Nuer elders came to the place where Ngundeng was pulled. It was still there as snake with it light. People gather together around it and started asking question how did this happen? The Snake Ngundeng changed into human being and told people not to run away. All of them were shocking and scary to death except Human Ngundeng who perform such witchcraft. things “Come down, come down now!” The Human Ngundeng said. Who are you? The Nuer elders asked him. I am Nyajok_ which mean woman devil! The Human Ngundeng answer! She knew her own physical appearance as she is a hermaphrodite. (A person with both the organs of a man and a woman) Wow! Brothers and sisters of Nuer I am sorry for your Profit. Nyajok Ngundeng was not a Prohet? It was your profit to cheat people for his power but It was not a Prophet? It was a Satan?

    Cie liel du dem e mac!

    By Dinkanuer!

  • AdierCien

    SPLM says willing to cooperate with other political parties
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen.

    Thank you honorable Ann Ito for your effective participation in nation building,remember all we needs to bring this country into an active and productive nation is unity,equal rights and above all respect to one another.
    I wish south Sudanese people a well behaved society and economic adoption people.
    We needs young people to focus on economic issues rather than the whole society is after politic which doesn’t help. Politic with wrap education can not do you any credit at all that’s why you find very many rebels failing to achieve their objectives for example Laurent Nkunda of DR Congo,Joseph Konyi of Uganda and many others across Africa. Im not at this point trying to lure you away from valuable career,but just an information whether to take it or not it is upto your choice.
    God bless South Sudan.

    AdierCien, Moscow.

  • Son of Greater Equatoria
    Son of Greater Equatoria

    SPLM says willing to cooperate with other political parties
    where is freedom of speech and expression? Seem like we still been rule by the arabs.

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