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Sudan Tribune

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Darfur rebels say Khartoum has to show seriousness in Doha

March 27, 2011 (DOHA) — The rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) called upon the Sudanese government to resume seriously talks to end the eight year conflict in Darfur instead of launching unfounded accusations.

The head of government delegation to the Doha peace process, Amin Hassan Omer condemned the recent coordination agreement signed by JEM rebels with the Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) saying it means to hamper efforts to reach a peace agreement with the latter.

Amin further casted doubt on JEM seriousness saying by its presence in Doha the rebel group intends to give the impression they want to reach peaceful settlement to the conflict while their real intention is to wait the outcome of the ongoing revolution in Libya.

Speaking from Doha, JEM spokesperson Gibreel Adam Bilal deplored Khartoum’s criticism to the rapprochement operated between the two rebel groups participating in the Doha peace process.

“Khartoum in the past blamed the disunity of the armed movements saying divisions among the rebels obstruct efforts to reach peace. And now when we engaged dialogue towards unity and decided to work together for peace they cry once again and accuse us of hampering peace,” said Gibreal.

The rebel spokesperson said that the government top negotiator will be more accurate if he stops playing on contradictions and returns to Doha to negotiate with them instead of a delegation composed mainly of security officers to discuss matters related to human rights and freedoms.

In a letter handed on 13 March to the Sudanese government, JEM and LJM, the mediators proposed the adoption of four chapters related to the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Justice and Reconciliation, Compensation and Return of IDPs and Refugees and Wealth Sharing. They aslo urged them to give their response before 20 March.

The four chapters are initially negotiated by the government and LJM who already approved the proposal. JEM however endorsed three chapters and still preparing its response on the protocol related to the wealth sharing with a team of experts provided by the mediation.

The rebel spokesperson accused the government of blackmailing the mediation by speaking regularly about their new strategy to end the conflict through political dialogue with tribal and civil society groups.

With regard to the political situation in Libya, the rebel official said JEM delegation is present in Doha before the start of the Libyan revolution. He further added that the accusations of the Sudanese minister are totally misplaced. He argued that Khartoum is involved in the Libyan situation by opening the Sudanese airspace to be used against Gaddafi’s troops.

He also said that Khartoum is hostile to the unity of the rebels because they believe that the united armed movements in Darfur will take the side of the Sudanese street when it starts its uprising against the regime in Khartoum.

The mediators in Doha are struggling to break the impasse in the talks on the power sharing file between the government and the rebels groups particularly on the administrative status of Darfur region and the appointment of a vice-president from the restive region.

All Darfur stakeholders are convened to meet on 18 April to discuss the progress achieved in the process. Also the mediators are to organize further talks between the parties on the pending issues.


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