Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

April 1, 2011 (KHARTOUM) — The leader of the largest Northern opposition party in Sudan issued a new ultimatum to the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) saying that the talks between the parties must be concluded within a week and warned that the regime could face a popular uprising similar to the ones sweeping the region.

Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, head of Sudan's opposition Umma Party and former prime minister (AFP)
Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, head of Sudan’s opposition Umma Party and former prime minister (AFP)
Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi speaking at the Friday prayers sermon at the White Nile state in central Sudan said there are “racist campaigns” in the North to prepare for a military confrontation with the South.

The former civil war enemies in north and south Sudan have traded bitter accusations since a January referendum on independence for the south, where the population voted almost unanimously to break away and form their own nation.

Last month, southern officials revealed documents they said detailed northern arms shipments to southern militias, after a wave of deadly clashes in the south. Khartoum has repeatedly rejected all such accusations, and dismissed the documents as fabricated.

“Those reckless racists will drag the nation to a north-south war, where the South will find substantial external support…..they are playing with Sudan’s national security and will not rest their minds until they carry out ethnic cleansing of southerners in the north and destroy the state of the south which is a wrong direction [to take] politically and morally, and will result in our destruction” Al-Mahdi said.

The former Prime Minister listed five issues he said that are facing the government which is the specter of war between north and south, the drop of oil revenues after the secession of the south, the crisis in the troubled region of Darfur and the arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court against President Omer Hassan al-Bashir and the perception of unilateralism to multilateralism cultural and religious in the Sudan.

“In addition to these five fronts, the winds of democratic change are coming from the Arab region, including the attachment to democracy and the enthusiasm of youth, will be blowing in Sudan,” he said.

He scoffed at remarks made by government officials that the situation in Sudan is different than Egypt and Tunisia where deeply entrenched regimes were toppled after people took the streets.

“The situation in Sudan is similar to the situation that led to the Arab revolutions and even superior in more than ten items most importantly corruption, rigging elections, the dominance of one party and the media lies,” Al-Mahdi said.

The opposition leader then addressed the ongoing dialogue with the NCP stressing that the aims at writing a new constitution that guarantees the right of equal citizenship, human rights, decentralization, federalism within the 6 states of the North and their representation in the presidency, ensuring the religious freedom for all and the conciliation between citizenship and Islamic law, stopping hostility towards the south, inking a brotherhood agreement between the North and South, resolving the Darfur crisis, securing public freedoms that is monitored by an independent commission, implementing a program for economic reform, establishing a hybrid court for Darfur crimes, establishing a broad based interim government that prepares for fair and free elections.

He said that he believed the outcome of the dialogue will lead to a “regime change using soft means that spare the country catastrophic outcomes”.

Al-Mahdi held a surprise meeting with the Sudanese president last January in which they agreed to seek an understanding in resolving the political deadlock between the NCP and opposition parties. He held talks again last week with Bashir.

Officials from the Umma Party have given conflicting remarks on the progress of the talks. The party’s SG Sideeg Ismail has said in press remarks that 85% of issues have been agreed on but others downplayed that.

Sources within the opposition party revealed deep resentment from the dialogue with the NCP and many directed criticism at Al-Mahdi for what they perceive as betrayal to the wishes of the base that want a move to confrontation with the regime.

They noted a previous ultimatum given by Al-Mahdi last year that he would either join the ranks of those calling for a regime change or announce his retirement from politics if the NCP does not make concessions.



  • Gatwech

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Bol Deng and the likes,

    I know you are a senior official working as a spokesman somewhere but now pretending to be a small boy preaching tribalism on this website.

    In 2005 when the CPA was signed you said John Garang was going to rule for 20 years as President of Sudan or South Sudan. But where is Garang now?

    My friend, it was the tribal foundation of SPLM/A in 1983 that put pigs in the top positions of the hierarchy while gave tigers and lions the lower positions.

    Do you know that Dr. Riek Machar was number seven (7) as A/Commander in the original hierarchy of SPLM/A during 1980s?

    Now he is number two (2). Then where are those other pigs that were meant to block his way? Now you claim that you will rule (not govern) for 50 years. May be you have only months.

    But the so-called hierarchy is coming to an end with Salva Kiir as the last one, then comes Dr. Riek next.

    Who will block Dr. Riek this time? Will be the laws of the jungle or the respect of the hierarchy that will determine. And besides, he is already an elected Vice President as they used the American system of twin-candidates or running mate system. In the constitution also, the Vice President becomes the President if the post of the President falls vacant after the elections. He will not even need to consult with the so-called political bureau.

    You got that? And if you try to resist through your stupidity, we will destroy you while we are on the safe (law) side.

    My friend, the Nuer blame Riek Machar because he forgave you in 1991. We wanted him to follow you where you were hiding in Equatoria. But he called back his soldiers not to capture all the borders. By then Garang was hiding like a rat until he resurfaced when he knew that Riek was not for full scale war to capture him or his controlled areas.

    But this time, don’t reintroduce the past events, please. The Nuer can be better at assassinating your leaders, and aggressively protecting their own leaders, even if it means preemptive strikes against the suspects in their own villages. Don’t introduce a situation you will not be better in handling.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    You are over 75 years approaching 80’s , yet you are talking about retirement! Funny!You are going to retire only on your way to the grave!

    There is a fundumental difference betwwen between what happened in Egypt and Tunisia and here. The revolution was lead by the youth in these countries, while here the over 80’s who already suffer from senile dementia are trying to lead a revolution drived by thier chronic greed for power and their desire to make their childrens inherit the power, wealth and fame!

    Any young man in Khartoum being asked about change will say ” change…to what to bring Alsadig again or the political parties again , we have tried them several times and they failed miserably”. So if Alsadig is dreaming to bring” power toy” toy or a computer power game , he can do that; but Sudanese youth will not die or pay their blood for the sake of his daughters pleasure!

    What did you do to the South? Big nothing. NCP gave them complete self rule and the right to have their independent state. They sticked to their promise.

    Alsadig should understand that the youth wants “change” including NCP supporters. But they want a complete change of the old decayed political spectrum, meaning complete disappearance of him and his likes from the political scene!

    He should know that he had expired long time ago!

  • VETERAN-2000

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    We are going to change the methodology that SPLM have used those days which says that from A-Z leadership.

    Dr. Riek is a good leader and i will vote for him one day if he convince me about his eagerness to run for Presidency.

    But, beware that some of Nuer elements have destroyed the image of Riek. I will not go further because you know better than Iam what am talking about. You are also the one among these groups.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    ahah gatwech since we sluaghter gai tut like chicken do you really think that doom dog called riek will live?
    Either befor or after riek machar will be count as ???? Leave alone leader
    We will used tectick to talk to him if you can know what i am talking about.
    Just dance but make sure that the master is watching you very closely
    Death to him

  • Gatwech

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Fearless man,

    I know you were shivering as indicated by your typing style. You don’t mean what you say because my grandparents know your grandparents as house-boys. What is new now? You will go back to the basics (old orderly way). Ngundeng said, “cango ba jiok luali yiath pinyo, bi gurun a han, bia luny ni ke me wen.”

    You will come back to the original order of our grandparents, predicted Ngundeng.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Nuer and Dinka should avoid their meaningless talk on this where is your point of view if i ask you? I know you have chronic hatred among you their as a tribals conflict since God created Sudan.It’s becoming soundless to some of us who doesn’t know thing to do with tribal hatred.Please! give your time to pass through the article becuase the article said UMMA PARTY LEADER SAYS NCP HAS ONE WEEK TO FINALIZE DEAL BUT NOT NUER VISES DINKA am really very sorry for those who used to pretend that they are educated persons but with an empty mind.This hatred will never help this nation whether to be Riek the president or any Dinka leader apart from Kiir.But the unity of the people of this nation will realise the capable leader like mrs/mr.which is un identify but their capability will make them to be the president of this nation by democratic system.I hate myself to open this website because of Dinka and Nuer competition.And so these two tribes let them put in mind that South Sudan consist of more than 100 tribes not only Dinka or do you think you as a commenter on this website used to comments nonsense on the public website which does not belong to Dinka or Nuer?but remember none of your tribe will be as the president of this nation because of your absent minded to think twice as human being which God created in His own Image.Anyway i don’t blame God because He himself was having a special consideration for such people’s like you but you become out of His glory because of your tribe dissobedience to follow God direction of being the true Human being who could think and reason but because of that you are created half human being and half of the tribe who can not understand.


  • Gatwech

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Sadiq Al-Mahdi is just fooling himself.

    Bashir is the best leader to the people of South Sudan because he has lived up to his promise in 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) when he promised Dr. Riek Machar that he would allow the exercise of the right of self-determination if all the factions (including Garang’s faction) joined the peace process.

    Now he has done it and even went further to recognize South Sudan’s independence.

    When did Sadiq become somebody who wants South Sudan to become independent? I know that he fooled John Garang in their unholly Asmara marriage in the so-called National Democratic Alliannce (NDA). They refused Riek’s faction to join them because Riek wanted self-determination.

    I suspect that there are some daydreaming unionists in the South who fool him that they can make regime changes by taking over governments in the North and South and reunite the country, first through confederation, then to full reunion.

    That is rubbish!!!

  • Gatwech

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Obol Sam Gabriel,

    You could be a voiceless chicken somewhere or a Dinka in disguise. Whatever your real identity.

    But if you cannot be concerned to write about a plot to assassinate a Vice President of your nation, then I don’t know what your brain can grasp to be of concern on this website.

    You could not even condemn the plot. What a guy you are.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    aha gatwech wether you are abodygard of riek machar or not. You will fail like him
    Riek machar life is in Dinka hand so he can be kill like chicken anytime leave alone his leadership.

    Gatwech there is no south budget in the north any more for riek to run and eat and hid
    gatwech you should ask yourself a quaestion. Were is those who disobey the SPLA/M?
    Where is gai tut?
    Where is nassir gangster?
    Where is wurryanyang and ngundeng that deceive nuer people?
    Who is the leader now?
    Answer those question will make realize that riek carer & life in in sombody hand.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    Stop your propaganda nonsense, Bashir only gave peace a chance 13 years after declaring he would crush the southern rebellion within months after overthrowing a democratically elected government of only 2/3 years. How could you even know what Saidiq Al Mahdi could have done in regards to the war? And judging by his grandfather’s alliances with the Western tribes and a few Southern tribes during the Mahidiyya era, the Darfur issue may not have existed.

    Do you want a medal for Bashir’s relentless onslaught on southern civilians and the oppression of the real Sudanese (African Sudanese) which continues until this day, simply because he was forced to sign a peace agreement??

    If you ask most youth in North Sudan’s main street, most will tell you “we’re fed up with the Kezan” Al Mahdi may not be the best option to lead North Sudan but its a ridiculous notion to suggest the status quo is acceptable to most Northern Sudanese.

    You’re an avid NCP supporter because, either you benefit from that mafia gang or an indoctrinated fool! Sudan is very similar in every way and even worse than Tunisia, Libya or Egypt when it comes to healthcare and education.

  • Fearless man
    Fearless man

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    ahah gatwech we all know bashir is the best leader becaused he give refuge to riek machar.
    But was so called kpc signe by how many foregn officail and southernes? Or you talking about that peace which was made in the hous arrest when riek was under the house arrest by khartou?

    If you lie to yourself that CPA was brought by somebody who defect becaused of leadership then why was he came back to SPLA THEN THE spla go to him?
    Well gatwech riek is like chicken that we can slaughter him like goat anytime,

    But mr start crying because somebody after him
    Death to him
    Riek will never be a leader in south sudan and he event know that.
    He can be a nyagat but he cannot persident
    Death to him,

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    Are you serious? Bashir is the best leader Sudan ever had? Bashir is a fascist and a brutal dictator despite his notable achievement of relative peace in the south after much brutality and rivers of blood. Bashir is at best a strategically good captain (for CPA) to have at the helm but far from the best leader as you put it.

    The sad thing is that you seem to be an educated man but extremely biased and sometimes sound as stupid as your Dinka counterparts who sing all day about their superiority over others. And your blind loyalty to Dr Riek is ridiculous. Its doubtful he would be president by force as you seem to imply because even he himself may not push for that, his current role would be the measure which is used by the voters to bring him to office. So try to be more constructive and neutral in your promotion of Dr Machar, I think he would appreciate that more. Criticizing leaders is not a weakness but a strength that could propel them to greatness, but don’t do it out of blind loyalty to their enemies.

    Your hatred for Dr Garang is a mirror image of those who spout hatred towards Dr Machar.

    Human beings are by nature beasts with a brain and some degree of goodness in them, Just as Dr Garang was perceived by some as a dictator, you have to accept that there are people out there who dislike Dr Machar for various reasons, you constantly credit Dr Machar for self determination but as far as most are aware, he broke away with Dr Lam, and both disagreed with Garang’s leadership as well as advocated (not founded) the self determination idea, as there were many before them who called for an independent south Sudan, yet I dont recall you crediting Dr Lam with the same? which makes your praise selective, biased and tribal with a propagandist hidden agenda. Fighting fire with fire doesn’t always work and could make you look more stupid than you really are.

    As for the rest of you Tribalist fools (Dinka, Nuer, Bari or whatever), times are very sensitive these days and be very careful what you wish for, because it might mean the millions of lives lost during the struggle would have been in vein, because you’re laying foundation to a situation in Juba similar to Khartoum of Injustice, Tribalism, and systematic oppression. Most of you sound very angry and misguided by hate for everything you deem against your self interest but I hope the silent majority of the ordinary southern citizen will crush your doomed perception and constant lust for blood and suffering.

    As many of you seem to be residing outside Sudan I would have thought reasoning based on logic would dominate your discussion rather the tribal bulls**t you’ve learnt growing up in your perspective environments.

  • DeltaBravo

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    None of this leaders didnot do anything good to Southerners for example Sadig El Mahidi killed alot of Villages Chiefs in the South back in 1969 when he was in power. in 1988 our people where starving to death in Bhar al Ghazal ,because of his Racism, where did he learn about racist meanwhile he was the one. Coming to Bashire he was singing back in 90s to Crush SPLA inorder to bring Southerners down on their knees. That didnot happened at all. I hate to go back those worst day where our people were suffering under any Government of Sudan. God is willing Bashire will go soon. nobody needs Sadig to comes back to power. There is going to be new fresh face to be President in the NorthSudan.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal


    The illogical jalabbi in southerners shoes!

    The jalabbi in disguise!

    Reveal your true skin. It seems you are just following your family opinion in their self requested Asylum, after they ran away from Sudan and lost all the power and wealth anjoing the money looted in the past.It is not your mistake and I feel sorry for you!

    Alsadig is paart of the problem of Sudan.He ahd the chance to rule Sudan when he was 30 years old with “divine” right to rule! He overthrow , with the support of his family heritage , one of the most intelligent politicians in Sudan, Mohammed Ahmed Mahgoub!Now he wants his daughters and cusion to inherit the govenment of Sudan!First which he did after he came after Numeiri , he claimed that 100 ( $ 25 million) million sudanese pound should be compensated for his family for a land confiscated by Numeri!This was his first “reward” to the Sudanese people who revolted against Numeiri!

    Alsadig started arming the so called Arab tribes in Darfur, while Almarghini armed the so called non-Arab tribes! He was one of the leaders who layed the foundation of the war in Darfur. I did not talk about his Grand-Grand-Father , and I don’t dare. He was a totally different type of leaders.At least he united all the tribes of Sudan!

    I said most of the young and old people want change, including the NCP supporters.They differ in the type of change and the way of change.One thing you unite them : they donnot want Alsadig and his likes , particulary those living outside Sudan with their family depending upon money embezzled during the time of Alsadig and his party rule!If Alsadig and his like from those whom you support disappear from the political sceen I can assure you that change will come and very swiftly.

    So what if I am NCP supporter, it is my opinion and every one should be entitled to his opinion! When Alsadig ruled Sudan the per capita gdp was $ 200 now it is almost $ 2500.The economy has grown more than ten folds!The GDP is rising at an average rate of 10%, while during Alsadig it was – 2%.This why most people say the devil you know is better than the devil you donnot know!

    If your family raised you with the money they emezzled from past governments, that doesn’t I am doing the same.Let them back home and suffer from the hot weather and “katah” of SUDAN, we love it!

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    You are partly right that all should be concerned in regard to the alleged plot to assassinate the nation’s Vice President along with other senior military figures. Yes, nobody wants anybody to be assassinated in the South because that would not serve the interests of the South. Nobody would benefit out of it. There is no such a plot even to be concerned about because we know where this lie originates. This is to confuse Southerners and unless low minded people like yours would simply buy into this schism and believe it. Till now the source of this information has not been revealed so that it could be investigated. This is the work of the enemy we all know which divides and exploits.

    Secondly, the way you put your views also contradicts to what you desperately wish Dr. Riek to be. You want him rule Southerners, but still you prejudice Dinkas. In such a murky political vision, do you think your calibers have capabilities to rule?

    Thirdly, unless you want to re-write history; otherwise you cannot say Dinkas and Garang were spared by Riek, or possibly by Nuers in 1991. Riek himself said that he lost control over his militias who took the matter into their own hands and invaded to massacre Dinka Bor people. How come then now according to your history that a leader who lost control over the belligerent community could have ordered them not to capture all the areas which were under the control of the mainstream movement?
    If your community was strong enough during that time as you portray it, why did they surrender to Arabs and collaborate together with the intention to destroy the movement?

    Brother, I don’t think that in South Sudan there is anybody would object to the aspiration of any qualified son or daughter who is above tribal helm to rule. But by force or intimidation, as you demonstrate at all levels, your likes shan’t be allowed by all mains regardless how powerful or brave they are. We were hoping that Education would positively change your mindset, but everything that all the concerned sources had offered for you to attain that is vain-less; otherwise a PhD holder couldn’t have listened, armed and ordered illiterate and ignorant civilians to massacre their neighbors in cold blood. Even to the surprise of the whole world, without any remorse, still his angels of doom praise his move and and above this, they want him to rule over the same people he ordered to be annihilated.

    Returning to your point, let me tell you the truth; Dr. Riek Machar will never be a president of South Sudan, whether he is in the SPLM, or outside it. Mark my words brother. If you are going to act madly to install him by force, I still assure you that the end result would be the same like that of 1991.

    Stayed blessed.


  • Gatwech

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Mack Wawer,

    How do you explain the president’s advisor himself saying he got the report about the plot from our intelligent officials? This is not about Khartoum, it is about President’s advisor.

    Look, Salva Kiir cannot launch investigation into his advisor’s revelation because he fears the advisor would tell the details of the plot that may implicate other senior officials in the government.

  • mack waweru
    mack waweru

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    Did the advisor disclose that the president has knowledge about the plotters? If the advisor knew that any investigation would implicate top government figures, why did he made the revelation then in the first place? This is a very serious matter of national interest that has to be investigated by either by a committee appointed by the president, or by parliament. The nation wants to know the truth about the whole affair and the advisor with those who provided him with this information should not just stop short by the revelation but the source which planned it and the reasons.


  • VETERAN-2000

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    Leave Gatwec,

    He is sick of brain problem. At the same time he is not faithful nor related to Dr. Riek as i heard from a good source. Gatwec, let me tell you brother, Riek is a good leader let me repeat my self. We went as a team to Yirol three years back for official thing where youths of greater Yirol most challenge him.

    Do you know what he replied to them? The guy is very smart Gatwec. He convinced people by facts, and i was at that time relieving some bad feelings from my heart. Dinka love Dr, Riek more than you do, but he has been blackmail by your greedy militias.

    We give some more five years for him to change than we will vote him in as a president otherwise trying to plot or toppling the GOSS is a (DDV) death dream vision.

  • Nyachebe

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    Al-Mahdi in his briefing talked as if dreamt by prophet Ngundeng last night. He exactly described the alarming situation the same way Ngundeng predicted it.

    Here is what Al-Mahdi said; “Those reckless racists will drag the nation to a north-south war, where the South will find substantial external support…..they are playing with Sudan’s national security and will not rest their minds until they carry out ethnic cleansing of southerners in the north and destroy the state of the south which is a wrong direction [to take] politically and morally, and will result in our destruction” Al-Mahdi said.

    On prophet Ngundeng’s part:

    This is when he said, “I am tired of getting afraid, people of my father, I have been trying to avoid war for very long time; the previous war will be different, I am ceasing to get afraid…I will fight one fight that I will not avoid, the God for which I built my bases. God has declared bring me my shield, my dang (rode) has made a thundering sound…Jalaba I will kill you that the dead will not be counted…’ In a sign of military defeat finally he said, “Rol maac bi duac leer ba lik de theeng, lik gaan deang ba theeng; (Jallaba I will beat you as I chase you and the thundering sounds shall be heard, the thundering sounds of God’s children shall be heard.”

    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Redbull Geo
    Redbull Geo

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Either Nuer or Dinka has the same mentality.
    The blood you lost during the stupid and illetrate culture of removing the teach and cutting of faith has led and will continue to mislead you forever.
    You will never reason anything good besides cow reasoning capacity you people can afford.

    All of you are cows, why do you keep disturbing us everytime with the shear nonsense of tribal talks.

  • Addit Tera
    Addit Tera

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Gatwech, you are right
    by disqualified Bol Deng and the Likes.
    Dinka Bor and Bhar El galazal is the most slaves indeed, look here they lead south Sudan and yet assassination is key word to them, during 1991 war between Dinka and Nuer, they cried a lot for peace when Nuer defeated and burned them at Panyigor and everywhere.
    Now, South Sudan became Nation that will be declared on 9/July/2011 and immediately Nuer must come to power and all slave mentioned above will return to their origin [Slavery] with Arabs North.
    For the above cats any one of you, who claim war against Nuer, can go to Bhar ELgazal instead of internet war- Maj Gen.Peter Gatdet is going to capture Bhar Elgazal very soon and SPLA soldiers who are not from Bor & BG will be excluded at this war.
    Dinka Bor who donot understand I tell you that Nuer kills at war if no war no kills because there are Dinka SPLA officers who live with Nuer in Bentiu but no single officer is poisoned or killed.
    You Bor & BG leave preaching a tribal conflict and then we reconcile very soon
    Remember! What happened to you at Bor Town? Don’t say war again.


    Addit Tera.

  • AAMA

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Dear brother Mohamed,

    Al Sadig (and all the cronic leaders you hinted at) maybe not the best options for Sudan due to many reasons. But, with all due respect, they don’t compare with the NCP. Maybe they didn’t achieve much in their short spells in office, but at least nobody ever questioned their patriotism (even if they asked for their own stolen money, at the end of the day, its their money and they have the right to ask for it to be returned back). Believe me Mohamed, today the overwhelming majority of the Sudanese people will take the devil instead of the NCP to rule them. People are just too oppressed and fearful to publicly express that but this is the truth and this situation is not sustainable for the NCP, people will eventually revolt. Ya Mohamed, the NCP has let down every Sudanese who has ever hoped on them someday and the damage that they did to Sudan and to their credibility is overwhelming and irreversible. Ya Mohamed, how can a neutral person support the NCP when they spent all the 6 years of the CPA fighting with the SPLM after they gave them self determination and knowing that this will lead to inevitable break up of our country. How can I support or feel connected to a government that would rather lose around 30% of its land just to have full power over the remaining part. And even if we said that the south would separate anyways, at least we want to be on the good and fair side of history, not like now where the south is separating for all those sentimental reasons and the blame is squared on the NCP by everybody in and out of Sudan. Ya Mohamed, no sane person can come up and say the NCP did a good job, and no sane person today can say they would rather have them than Al Sadig or any other cronic leader suffering from dementia as you say. And the growth that you talked about is generated by oil that was produced after 10 years of agony and suffering, can you compare that to Al Sadig time (3 years only)? and not to mention that this wealth is not felt enough by the majority of the people. And, on top of that, we are going to lose it after July and our economy would shrink drastically. At least on Al Sadig days, the very tiny GDP was sustainable ya Mohamed.

    The smartest thing the NCP can do now is to negotiate a safe way out of office. This can start by sitting together with all political forces and amending the constitution in a sustainable way for a future Sudan with only one goal, developing the Sudanese human wherever he is found. In the same time, they can trade that with their situation and sort out the remaining issue (ICC, Darfur …….) in a way that they can leave power and safely return as normal citizens. Otherwise, tensions will rise and our country will become like Libya, because ya Mohamed, it’s almost impossible that the NCP can rule Sudan again in peace after what they did to it. If they are smart, they should seek a way out now before things get out of their control.


  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Ya Gatwech, Liberator, Superior Junibi, Akook and the likes,

    Thanks for your freedom of expression but remember what the Umma Party leader is trying to see how Khartoum will be destroyed with all its militia Generals supported by the current National Criminal Party.

    Khartoum wants to see the destruction of South Sudan’s hard-won independence before its scheduled date July 9, 2011. It’s just a wishful thinking. Khartoum will never be happy to witness any imagined destruction of South Sudan through the renegade southern militia Generals. For Messeriya, everything, as stated previously by an SPLA officer, will end up in Muglad, Southern Kordofan.

    You are only baselessly convinced by wishful thinking that SPLM/SPLA will be eliminated. No. No way. Never try to believe me now. OK? Do you see how veteran Northern politicians are coming to their own senses? I keep saying that Khartoum will be out of political arena for good over the next few months should it continue demonstrating that negative political behavior towards SPLM/SPLA. I know you don’t believe that. Seeing is, of course, believing. Wait and see with your own eyes.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Ya Gatwech, Liberator, Superior Junibi, Akook and the likes,

    Thanks for your freedom of expression but remember what the Umma Party leader is trying to see how Khartoum will be destroyed with all its militia Generals supported by the current National Criminal Party.

    Khartoum wants to see the destruction of South Sudan’s hard-won independence before its scheduled date July 9, 2011. It’s just a wishful thinking. Khartoum will never be happy to witness any imagined destruction of South Sudan through the renegade southern militia Generals. For Messeriya, everything, as stated previously by an SPLA officer, will end up in Muglad, Southern Kordofan.

    You are only baselessly convinced by wishful thinking that SPLM/SPLA will be eliminated. No. No way. Never try to believe me now. OK? Do you see how veteran Northern politicians are coming to their own senses? I keep saying that Khartoum will be out of political arena for good over the next few months should it continue demonstrating that negative political behavior towards SPLM/SPLA. I know you don’t believe that. Seeing is, of course, believing. Wait and see with your own eyes.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum, Sudan

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    Allow me to agree with you and disagree with you at the same time.

    We need change that is true and I do support that vey strongly.Life is unsustainable without change. This why god created day and night; summer and winter.

    But, I disagree with you on the cost and direction of the change.If I am going to pay for change with my blood to get to the worset then I don’t want that change and I am sure you don’t either.

    I am sorry , I donnot see this political forces you are talking about.This the tragedy there is no political forces to sit with or to be trusted by the Sudanese people.They are clinging to power each within his own hemisphere.They cannot do that within their parties and deny that for the government!

    I am not questioning the patriotism of anyone and I donnot or need their patriotism and I donnot think you should questioning the patriotism of the present rulers.Who is more patriotic ruler than Numeiri and history proved that he died as a poor man in his fathers house. Personally I know the person whom he call when he wants to purchase a ticket when he wants to fly from on place to another and it was the same person who delver to him the help from one of the Big Sheikhs of UAE with message if he needs more help. He always decline and never requested and he died like any poor man.But was he a good ruler? The answer will different here!

    Why you say they were fighting with SPLA , why not the SPLA fighting with them!Actually the SPLA will fight with any government in the North. They fought with the intifada government when they were called to be part of the demogratic system and as you mentioned they will seperate anyway.Even Dr.Fransis Deng in his latest article mentioned that Garang was never a unionist.Even Nivasha was designed to give the maximum to them, rule themselves alone , share in the central government, we donnot share anything in the south, they can contest any political position in the north will we can contest for an office boy in the north; what could be offered more..I don’t see any. Then it’s their choice and they have to achieve their inspiration.The war was not started by the NCP , it started in 1955 , one year before independence! To say that they seperated Sudan to rule the rest of the country , is unfair. They faught to keep the country united while all the others were fighting with Garang, the same Garang with whom they were fighting when they were on power.Yet you are talking to me about patriotism!

    We did not made these borders nor did the southerners.If you tell me that Nivasha should go stright for referundum without an intrim period I would agree. If you tell me retrospectively that should have happened in 1956 or at least they were given the self rule as they were promised by the same “politcal forces” , I would have also agreed!The self rule was a parlimentary resolution which was passed by an elected parliment which was not implemented by these same “political forces’!.Simply to blame this government is unfair.We cannot and donnot want to fight for another 50 years or even 5 months!

    The rehetoric about secession is as you mentioned is sentemental in or as Mansour Khalid mentioned is a romantic issue , unfortunately it is still used as a cause for political wrangling. I can assure you that the vast majority of Sudanese are very happy with that and it will turn to be the best thing to happen in the history of Sudan.Arman is calling for cnfederation and I am sure he wouldn’t dare to mention that wit being given “a kick start” from Juba! Southerners had chosen their destiny and that will be fully respected!

    I totally disagree with you about the substitute of the NCP, contrary to what you say people are saying : if the change will bring Alsadig then we donnot want any change.It is also quite unfair to say the NCP did nothing in the country. Even Alsadig admits that there is considerable development.Joney Carson the responsible man of the African Desk in the ministry of foregin affairs was talking about the “boom in Khartoum” To say the potential is bigger, our ambitions are higher,our expectations are much more,there is corruption, there is unjustices, we deserrve change, we want more open space for every opinion, we want vision for the long term…..we want change and not people to sit on the helm from the president downward forever all is acceptable and demanded.

    No that was true , the GDP was not sustainable, it was dec declining, it was negative!

    To negotiate with whom? The old party system? Trust if they come to power all Sudanese will go to the street on the same day!They were bargaining for billions to be given to them to participitate in the last elections, they were given. They were saying one day they will participate the second day they say the opposite.They did not know what to do.

    You like it or not we donnot have political parties. Every Sudanese will tell you “deel akhir minahom alawaleeg deel” or ” we have tried them many times.

    I have no problem with Alsadig as a person , he is a very well educated, very elquent, good orater, and a very good person in himself! But he was never and will never be an executive, he is not willnot be a decision-maker.Take his position now, one day he is in 85% agreement with NCP meeting with Albasheer, second day with the opposition , giving ultimatum to uproot the regime, his sons with the SAF and the security service and daughters with opposition.

    Four attempts to stage demonestrations had faild , one of them was supposed to be addressed by Alsadig, Nugud wrote on a piece of cartoon with a piece of charcool “hadarna wa lum nagidakum” we came but we didn’t find you.

    I think what the NCP had offered is reasonable: new constition, early elections and broad or national unity whatever you name it government is the best way out. Ruling the NCP out is unfair, unwise and unsafe.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal

    You seem to be a bit fensive about your Uncle as you are his Office Helper and Receptionist.

    You usually reports his falsify presentation about his power ambition. Your Uncle Machar is Power hungery and thirst for leadership even if He is holding very position as Vice President, He want to be a President of ROSS.

    What a shameful leadern is he, if Mayardit fail Southerners, then Both of them including Igga and pagan does it. We shall discredit them with poor leadership.

    Please Feed us with useful informtion.

    Advise him to keep himself out of South Politic.

  • AAMA

    Umma party leader says NCP has one week to finalize deal
    Ya Mohamed,

    Lets say southerners want to separate irrespectively of the government and Garang is just a liar about unity which might be true BTW, why shall we make it look as if we pushed them out, why shall we allow them any excuse to separate and blame us in front of the world ?

    Coming to Al Sadig and co, basically, most of the people in the cities including me are not enthusiastic about them, and you know that, but we are also are getting worried about our country ya Mohamed. NCP will do anything to stay in power, they sold the south to please America, and they will sell Darfur too and we are at risk of losing our country slowly and gradually, that’s what the people say at least, and they also say that non of these useless leaders (as you portray them) would do such treason to the country. People are not asking for those old guys and neither expect anything from them, but talking about the NCP as a better option is not true too simply because they jeopardize the very existence of Sudan as a country and as a home to us, all of us.

    Regarding the popularity of those people and the failure of the demonstrations, I can safely tell you that those traditional political leaders lost a lot of ground with the younger educated people living in the cities (including me and you) but, they have the loyalty of masses of people in rural areas, so they have a heavy political weight and they cannot be sidelined in things like elections and constitution. Plus, those demonstrations were not a good idea and weren’t prepared properly, they actually help the NCP in a way or another despite the shameful human rights violations that happened after that from the security crackdowns on the unarmed activists.

    Also, regarding the offer of the NCP that you mentioned, which sounds reasonable to me too but, you know what is the problem ya Mohamed, the problem is that the NCP lost all of its credibility and people no longer believed the promises of the leaders because simply, they lied too much before and failed to deliver. So, unless it’s directly put to practice and drastic measures are taken to restore the government’s credibility with its people, then it would just be considered talking.

    Ya Mohamed, many people can live without the luxury of public freedom of speech and many also can resist chronic economical problems but what worries everybody is the existence of our country as we know it, and, in the same time, they feel that the government will go to any length to keep their seats, even if they are only left with Khartoum to rule, this is what the people say and I bet you heard those words before. This is the issue ya Mohamed, we are neutral Sudanese with absolutely no political affiliations and we are only concerned with the well being of our country which is not in a good shape at the moment due to the selfish NCP policies of divide and rule to weaken everybody who is not happy for any reason what so ever. Ya mohamed, their is no accountability for the leaders in Sudan and without accountability, even the best of people can be altered (mn amn al 3iqab asa al adab) ya Mohamed.


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