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Sudan Tribune

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Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap

By Ngor Arol Garang

April 5, 2011 (WAU) – At least two people have been killed in an assassination attempt against a senior member of the South Sudan’s governing party, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), in the State of Warrap, local officials say. Several others are reported to have sustained injuries. The attack took place in Tonj North County, Warrap State on Monday 4 April.

Speaking to Sudan Tribune from the regional capital of Juba, former Warrap state governor, Luis Anei Kueidit, said Tuesday that Aleu Ayeny Aleu, chairperson of the Security Committee in the Juba-based South Sudan Legislative Assembly, narrowly escaped assassination attempt after falling into an ambush laid by unknown gunmen on Monday evening, at around 10:00pm in his constituency while traveling in a convoy of three vehicles between Lurchuk and Pagol.

“One of his bodyguards was shot in a pickup vehicle in which they were traveling and one of these unknown gunmen was subsequently shot dead by the same guard whom they [the attackers] shot”, explained Anei.

According to the official, the attackers opened the fire on the third vehicle after the vehicle carrying Aleu had passed. One his guards was injured and later died in Wau hospital. One of the attackers is believed to have been killed while the rest were able to flee.

Anei said: “I am told the dead body [of] one of these attackers is still lying out near a primary school in a village between Lurchuk and Pagol where the incident occurred.”

Warrap is one of the ten states in the oil-producing region of South Sudan whose population have several instances of inter clan and political violence mainly in rural areas, despite a 2005 peace deal ending conflict between southern rebels and the Sudanese army. There have also been tribal and cattle rustling clashes between communities from the neighboring states of Lakes and Unity.

Attempts made by Sudan Tribune to reach Aleu failed. However, his brother, Deng Ayeny Aleu confirmed the incident took place.

“It was indeed a surprising incident. I was not there but I am told he [his brother] narrowly escaped this attack because his vehicle was in the front. He is now in Juba ,” said Ayeny.

Ariec Mayar Ariec, a member of the Warrap State Legislative Assembly in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune from Kuacjok, capital of the State, also said the dead body one of the attackers remains lying out near the primary school of a village between Lurchuk and Pagol River. Both Lurchuk and Pagol are on the route to Thiet Payam, which had previously been the administrative headquarters of Tonj South County, during the over two decade long North-South conflict.

Ariec said attack on Aleu may have been coordinated and accused a member of the southern government of involvement.

“This may have been a coordinated attack. Honorable Aleu is one of the targeted officials in this state by one of the ministers in the government of South Sudan in Juba. I believe so because there has never been report of such incident in these places. Yes, there used to be tribal clashes over cattle but those clashes were purely about cattle and the target only cattle camps,” said Ariec.

He accused Awut Deng Acuil, Minister of Labor and Public Services in the government of South Sudan of being the person he claimed was working against Aleu, who he described as an outspoken official in Warrap state.

“Awut is tribalist. She does not like anybody to appear in Warrap without giving in to her politics. She is using her membership in the SPLM political Bureau for threatening people and bragging that she is the only person in Warrap the president of South Sudan, General Salva Kiir Mayardit, who is the son of this state, listens and takes her advice. She recently threatened to kill former governor of Warrap State, Luis Anei Kueidit. She is not good I am telling you,” said Ariec.

He further claimed that minister Awut threatened him in September 2010 when he visited her office in Juba

“Just like I hope you may have seen in most papers that she threatened former governor Luis Anei Kueidit recently in Juba, she did that to me before. In September 2010, I went to Juba and decided to visit her office because she and I come from the same state. I was simply going for greeting and maybe share some views on issues of common interest for our people of Warrap but she immediately started shouting and threatening at me the moment she realized it was me. She asked me why I decided to be an enemy of people she claimed supported me to be elected into the state assembly,” explained Ariec.

Deng Mayom, another member of Warrap State Assembly also claimed minister Awut has problem with almost everybody she sees capable at mobilizing community for particular activities beneficial to the state.

“Minister Awut has problem with almost [all] active members of the SPLM in the state, especially those she sees capable at mobilizing [the] community. She is supporting people whose activities are the subject of public concern in this state. The only person she appears to be in good term with is Governor Nyandeng Malek, because there is nothing (the governor) can do without seeking her approval. Indeed she is the governor in real sense because she believed to have been the person, who brought her to position of power through political bureau,” explained Mayom.

He named General Anthony Bol Madut, Luis Anei Kuedit both of whom were former governors of the state, were on a black list of those he claimed were being targeted by minister Awut. He also named Aleu Ayeny Aleu, himself, Akuocwel, Ariec Mayar Ariec among others to have been targeted by the minister.

Kueidit last week entered into a war of words with minister Awut and governor Nyadeng in Juba after visiting his office through the state minister of finance, Majok Bol Kur.

The ex-governor Anei Kuedit in a quarrel reportedly covered by The Citizen, an English language daily newspaper, last week, made, what governor Nyandeng and Minister Awut considered to be, disrespectful comments about them.

Both Governor Malek and minister Awut instantly hit back in remarks widely believed to describe Kueidit as confused and frustrated man. “All they have told you about me not are correct. They are just fabrications of hatred and nonsense from confused groups. I don’t buy them,” said minister Awut in a brief interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

Awut also denied having problem without anybody in the state.

“I do not have problem with anybody in the state and I have never threatened anybody too,” said minister Awut.

“May be the people who claimed that I have problem with people are the people who have problem with many problem including local authorities and the public. They are the ones confusing local people and are the same people spreading all these lies about me,” she said.

Kuot Deng Kuot, a member of South Sudan Legislative Assembly in Juba described what is happening in his state of Warrap as a political competition over who is closest to the region’s president Kirr. Kiir will become the head of an independent nation in July after a January referendum that saw a massive vote in favour of independence.

“What is happening in Warrap is nothing but political competition over who should be closed to president? There is also political wrangling over gubernatorial seat. It is all about power,” said Kuot.

“I repeat that the case here is a political one to determine who will go close to the president. What is going on here is purely politics of power wrangling,” he said.



  • Omoni jr
    Omoni jr

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    Dear southerners,
    stop killing your own people in primitive way,which is relating cattle rustling issues or hatred against SPLM party, that is unacceptable, and must be stop by all means.

  • Liberator

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    Dear all readers: Harry, Kolnyang Youth, Hero.

    Now, where is Harry, Kolnyang Youth, Hero and a likes?

    Please! come out of your hiding and explained to me and the General public where I went wrong four or five days ago, when I was condemning Mrs Awut threats against what she terms her opponents.

    Where are you I want to hear from you? I would like to tell me who is really behind this barbaric acts if not the two ladies in that state?

  • Tribe

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    Awut has been Salva Kiir stooge since the formation of this administration.She was and still the one whom Dr.Kiir sent to fire someone if he fall out with he/she.

    If not that,he used her has a tool that conspired again his opponents to create some bogus allegations that would make your easy exit.

    Given that she is a women , people ignore her and move on with their life regardless of what the situation was. They tended to not hold any grudges again her and this is where she get immerse leverage to do thing with impunity.

    However, it is now catching up with her because she has stepped on the tails of the inner brothers that knew her best and her filthy dealing.It was okay when those shellings were falling afar, but they have now hit home and one has to protect himself.
    I think the wall of this behind the curtain kitchn-cabinet of Warrap which had corrupted our government for this long is now cracking. I don’t know if it is for the good or bad……and ask not why rebellion is so high?

  • Peter Nhiany
    Peter Nhiany

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    My dear brothers and sisters of Warrap State,

    I just want to say sorry for the incident that took place which left one of the attacker dead. This is pathetic, dirty politics, greed of powers. Why killing someone to take a position? This is wrong and those who engage in such behavior should not be left unpunished.

    I do not want to rush into conclusion that Minister Awut is behind this assassination attempt, but something is suspicious about her based on her confrontation in Ayeny’s office with the almost killed governor.

    The Ministry of intelligent and internal affairs should look into this matter careful and bring this evil thinker to justice. Warrap is not for Salvar is becoming close to Salvar is the cause of all these hatred, and the matter must be addressed appropriately.

    And thank you.

    Peter Nhiany.

  • Madingthith

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    Dear Warrap Politician

    What a big greedy to killed your own people and cover up your wrongdoers with the name of Awut Deng Acuil. Awut has done nothing on that it is only you Tonj People who ends up by killing each other.

    I really believed with Kuot who said that it is only political wranggling nothing being done by Awut shame on you.

    Warrap is a failed state which will never be compare with the other states in the South Sudan, study why I said so.

    When I see the heading of the article I was very shock and when I open it and went through it , it was just a conflict of interest that is killing our people in Warrap.
    As the fact is concern, Ngor Arol must have not have an access to interview such MP like Ariec Mayar Ariec who have nothing to contribute to the incident which had happened between Lurchuk and Pagol and thus he (Ariec Mayar )expressed some points which are even irrelevants with what Ngor is trying to find out from him.Ariec has just went on to excused and challenged Awut which is not even facts. Imagine how can Mp have something to be discussed with Minister of Labor at GoSS level if Ariec has really sober.

    Ariec is totally illeterate and should not have capacity to comments on public view if the word being said by individuals like him are not edited by editor then the readers of Sudantribune have today abandoned to read this article which Ariec has commented on. What you should do Ariec instead of going loggerhead with politician go back to studies instead of flogging a dead horse in Legislative Assembly of Warrap State, shame on you.
    Ariec, Akucwel and some other bad guys in warrap must brought to book by me if my term to be a GOVERNOR in Warrap comes.

    In fact, am not challenge them but matter of truth as Ariec ran away from Canadian College in Khartoum because the faculty is too high for him and he is inflated with this dirty politics in Warrap, when he came and decided to contest he was by then denied by his intellected uncles like Wol Jac, the Ambassador to Uk and some other icons in the GoNU and GoSS as well, Ariec has still resistence to go back to studies in Khartoum hoping that he will bring a basic services to his people in the constitutency No.14 yet he got no seat in the ministerial levels and even head of committees within the SLA Warrap and now he tries to talk against Awut Deng who has good education and some experiences which she is now managing the affairs of GoSS well in her ministry compare to other men who just sit and embezzle public funds.

    Aleu Anyieny also is a great liar by saying that he was survived from being assassinated. How did he knew that the attackers are from Awut Deng Achuil? and when his body guards killed one of the attackers, did they recognized him while dead? The term being used to worded the article is not correct according to my own understanding. This is not assassination kind of things I thought the attackers are from cattle raiders or some people who wanted to revenge their flood feud, these are the common things in Tonj not assassination Ngor. You better think twice before you could write the wording.

    Warrap is a failed state
    Look the rubbish

    My advices to Ngor Arol Garang
    1. Don,t rush to put the heading of the article before you study it thoroughly
    2. Don,t interview any person you find in any given place like Ariec otherwise you may be disreputate your professionalism by interviewing a person and give you some information which is not even related the question you posted.
    Personal conflict with one and other should not be referred to the situation whereby you have any access to the media, otherwise media censorship must be intoduced by Government leave alone this freedom of expression.

    A wise man and woman may continue my comments……………………………………………….

  • Timsah

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap

    I’m convinced and contended that uterus rules the world.Unequivecally,Awut is the ‘blue eyed boy’of Mr.Salva.This woman wanted to Keep the Tonjis politically weak and powerless at all costs.This is her duplicity guys.


  • Michael Anyong
    Michael Anyong

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    You people are joking and how come to be Minister and your organizes attackers to kill Innocent people in vain no it is impossible it seem these people they don’t have vehicle to transport them to their destination when the stop you, you refused that’s why the started shooting you. anyway i don’t know what is behind there don’t mistaken me guys.first of all you could have detain that dead body up to the day you would identify him/her from which origin section.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    The securirty figures need to be well train in the area of detecting those who plan crimes, because they are very smart and the former gurrilas cannot deal with them perfectly, please send our highly intelligent guys in both mathimatics and physics to study in the area of crimes and security so that they can protect our leaders and citizens from the blood thirst personal in the region. and please pointing fingures on government officials to accuse them of plotting assassination against their fellow colleagues is evil, don’t try it any longer. for it causes distrust among government officials and thus lead to the failure in performing their duties. And also I want to say that those who accused other government officials without enough evidence should be question, because their false accusations put their colleaugues in danger of distrust from the people and also mislead the people.

    God bless our nation.

  • harry

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    Dear Liberator,

    Check Below:(this is my response to you when you requested explanation on April 3rd. And please check your comments for responses, don’t just post comments without checking their responses.It look like you did not read this one)

    “I appreciate your contribution in this forum. I also appreciate your suggestion of having a day without tribalism remarks in this website. I truly thank you for that.

    It would be beautiful if you join hands with me and others to preach peace, unity, love, and mutual understanding in this unique social setting. Obviously, you did not do anything wrong, but when topic with unrelated materials was outlined, you do not need to comment with something can be classified as irrelevant or inapplicable in relative to article or topic being argued.

    Mr. Liberator, what I noticed here in this website. Is that when you and others like Hero for example, started arguing about tribalism, everybody would follow you two, because you two started it.

    I think you have the capacity to turn things around in this forum. Please inform your buddies to take your suggestion seriously so that we can have a day without tribalism but peace and tranquility in this website. We have to set example for others, especially new comers. Many have been turn away by tribalism negativity in this web. We need to correct that perceptions.

    So work with me and others in this forum to turn things around even for one day as you’ve suggested. Regarding the issue of the women, we have to respect women of South Sudan because they are unique in this planet. A mistake of one can’t be generalized to all of them. In short, WOMAN is the MOTHER of CREATION. So respect women brothers. Thanks for asking.” I wrote the above response on the April 3rd….


    PS. Liberator, is premature to suggest that those ladies carried out the assassination. Let’s wait and see the details first when investigations finalized. Thanks


  • sharpshooter

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap
    i didnt know that even ministers gossip,wait for the investigation to take place and report released before anyone accused awut for anything.Both politicians in warrap state are making it unbearable for the civilians to live well since it encourage conflict and no development with conflict.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    Two killed in assassination attempt against senior SPLM official in Warrap

    Dear readers

    1-Gogrial kitchens cabinets are killing themselves over the power and accused awut deng acuil because she is a most qualified lady at the state level. Better to leave your own problems and defense kiir powers. A lots of Challenges are a head of us
    The witer is a freedom fighter who has been ignored by the former foe of the SPLA within gogrial kitchens cabinets .

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